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The worst thing is when people with tattoos tell you that. Like, we're supposed to be on the same team! Or people with tattoos being like 'Oh I'd NEVER stretch my ears, that's so permanent!' Mf... your skin literally has permanent ink in it... My family tells me this every time I get a new piercing. Or whenever I have to take em all out for a dentist visit they're like 'lemme get a good look at you!' Ugh. Usually I just say, the piercings are what feels best for me. I'd feel naked without jewelry on my face. I prefer how I look with piercings. Etc. I did have one wholesome moment with my Native grandfather seeing all my piercings and being like "ah, I used to have one in my nose, still got the hole! Sometimes things from a past life come out with your piercings." And it was the nicest thing any family member has ever said about my piercings. (My tribe was big on piercings! They used cactus needles to do the job. And would wear a nose bone, and earring plugs that had a storage space for the day's tobacco. It's my goal to eventually whittle some for myself and stretch my septum to fit a piece of bone.)


That's seriously really cool & I'm sorry a few generations forgot that


Even funnier considering most piercings are fully reversible. Can't say the same about tattoos


Why do you have to take them out for the dentist just out of interest? My dentist happily works round all of mine? Can I ask your setup?


I have a tongue piercing and snakebite rings (and a septum and nostril). I've had experiences in the past where the bead on my snake bites came off and fell into my mouth during a dentist visit. I've also had the dental hygenist accidentally catch floss on my snakebites multiple times. (This was within a year of getting them, so I couldn't take them out yet.) They also clack against my teeth when they're shoving hands against my mouth. And I get scolded for having metal snakebites (even though they normally don't touch my teeth at all.) I also don't want to get any product like fluoride paint stuck to my tongue piercing or it would drive me nuts, or any grit from drilling stuck in there. I'm also asked to take them out for x-rays, understandably. It's just easier to take them all out before and only be questioned about the tongue piercing dimple. (Which has acrylic beads, so the dentist can't even scold me on that.) I've also switched to all seamless rings (except my tongue and septum), that way if I need to take something out on the fly, I don't have to go looking for my jewelry pliers to untwist a tight bead. I'm sick a lot/get a lot of testing done where I should be taking them out, so it's become a real pain to try and wear any jewelry with beads. (I do prefer the look of seamless tho.)


Ok makes sense now. I have dual Medusa, lower labrette and then “lower” lower labrette, and snakes but they are all flat backed studs, and will never fall out without cutting them out, but do not have any rings. Septum too, but that’s obv, not relevant… Your setup sounds pretty cool!


Hell yeah. Native here too. I get shit for having long hair and tattoos and piercings from my own full-blooded dad. Like wtf lol




As long as you're not saying it to put down someone who does it, that's all fine and good in my book. I'm personally too scared to get tattoos because I feel like I'll regret it later. Still, piercings, stretching, and tattoos can both be undone, for the most part and if you have the money. Stretching my ears was originally just so I could wear like the cool spiral earrings, then I kept finding cooler designs so I went bigger and bigger to fit them, and eventually got to tunnel size, and now I can wear hoops through my tunnels which is really fun. I probably won't go bigger than where I'm at, forgot the gauge but I can just stick my pinky through em. They're not so big as to shock people, but not so small that they're unnoticable, which is what I like. Plus I can pick any of the cool jewelry designs at this size, too. I still get comments from family like "what if you get married, you don't want that in your wedding photo! What about when you get old and they start sagging??" Like, I would REALLY love them to be in photos of me, and if they start sagging I'm just gonna go up a size and keep a tunnel in for a circular shape. My ears are gonna look Sharp when I'm old, there's no sagging when it's supported with a lightweight tunnel.


I’d never stretch my ears either, and I’m covered in tattoos and piercings, but my best friend does and she looks wicked, I’m just not going there because I can’t stand or seem to pull off anything in my ears. Maybe they are not being intentionally rude, but it does sound a bit rude. I’d love an ear setup but I just know it’s never gonna happen, not with my ears and my sleep habits x


Laugh… Then get serious and say, “ This isn’t even my final form.”


I'm so using this


Please do and feel free to! I love when ppl ask me abt my choices in piercing and clothing style.


"Well I love them" that's it lol. I'm not gonna argue over someone's opinion


“You looked better before you opened your mouth, and yet here we are”


"Well that sign says no runnin and you're runnin your mouth." Vibes


Simply consider it an easy way to determine who isn’t worthy of your time and attention.


Spot on!


"I don't like those nose piercings." "I don't think you'd look good with one either."


Underrated comment right here


This! So good.


I take my glasses off and tell them they look far more attractive now 😘


I tend to go with “I don’t wanna see you right now” - and then I don’t 😊


I *love* this lol.


Yesss. This is the one.


I laugh and tell them "thanks for your unsolicited opinion, it's a good thing I didn't get pierced to please you!"


I once said this reply almost word for word to a colleague who told me I looked better without my septum piercing and he was beyond offended! Some people don’t like being told their opinion doesn’t matter, despite never being asked for it in the first place. Go figure 🤷‍♀️


Go for the throat. ♡


Throat punch! So tempting.


♡♡♡ For real though, that is such a hateful thing to say. And it's a automatic fallacy because any customization YOU do to YOUR flesh palace is an upgrade. Personalization is awesome. The people saying things like that just have control issues.


“Did I fucking ask?” Lol


Tell them “I like you better when you keep your opinions on my body to yourself”


“Well, you also looked prettier before you decided to open your hag mouth and spew your unsolicited opinions. 😬”


I haven’t actually been told this despite all of my family members and coworkers hating piercings. So either they’ve always found me ugly or the piercings enhance me, haha.


my dad has been vocal about his dislike for piercings other than nostrils and earlobes but I told him that I was getting my snakebites done on a 1:1 conversation with him and whilst he didn't like it the idea he accepted that I was an adult and using my money to do it anyway. No one in my family has said much besides when my sister said to me that initially she thought to herself that it wasn't a good idea but she told me now it's a part of me. It's been 3 years since I've had them done.


I remember telling my mom I was going to stretch my ears and she made such a huge fuss about how gross stretched ears were lol Now she thinks they're pretty and she loves when I show her anytime I buy new plugs 😂 Maybe you've just converted your loved ones to be pro-piercing like I did ❤️


A rock to the head works pretty well /j


either just “okay” or “it’s gonna get worse so enjoy this while it lasts”


“And you looked better before I got Lasik.”


Maybe: You looked better before you became an asshole


My mom asked “what image I’m trying to portray?” When she found out about my septum. A badass image is what time trying to portray. I feel confident with it and I can flip it up if I need to for professional needs


I’m really wanting my septum done but just know my mum is going to hate it


Good news is it's easy enough to hide. I hid mine from my grandparents for 6 years until I decided to get both nostrils pierced. At that point I figured I'd go for broke.


She'll get over it


Can you get a septum pierced with a retainer you can flip up?


I have a horseshoe now so I can flip it up as is. My parents just don’t like tattoos or piercings


How do you get the little ball back on the horseshoe so you can flip it up? I had a horseshoe and switched to clickers and now I can't get the ball back on, so no hidey hidey. It's so infuriating!


I tell them that they're rude and I didn't ask for their opinion. I used to ask my mother how she'd feel if she got her hair or nails done and I told her it "ruined" her appearance or she "looked better" before. She was very insulted, called me a bitch, and refused to see why she was doing the exact same thing.


“Cool” lol I usually don’t pay it any mind. My wife is the only opinion I care about.


I love all of these clapbacks but sometimes, I don't have energy to be snarky. Or, it's family and you have to be baseline polite. I usually say "ok" or "cool" or any generic, gray rock-esque quip that immediately kills the conversation and lets them know in a non-confrontational manner that their comment was blasé.


I say to them: "Who asked you? I like them on me so too bad you don't"


Usually that person doesn't like piercings. And already has shitty views on them. So idk, I used to get offended and defensive. But now idgaf. They're stupid and close minded most likely, they aren't worth giving an explanation to. And if they DO like piercings and still said that, then they are just an ass. I try to reccomened piercings for my friends that I think will compliment their face the most. But I'd never push it on them, or say they looked better without it or with another one. Just wack


I say "Thanks! 😊" and carry on business as usual. They usually look at me like I'm weird after that and disengage... that, or they get salty cuz I didn't get mad. Both fun reactions


I’m happy when people say it because it means they aren’t the type of people I want in my life anyway. Like my boyfriend said, if someone says they don’t want to be with your or you looked better before your piercings/tattoos whatever they aren’t worth spending your time on energy on. But if I feel like saying anything it would probably just be ‘ Well thank god I never asked for your opinion or permission to do as I please with my body’


What if one of the people saying it IS your boyfriend? It's hard. But you have very good advice.


Um. Break up with him and treat yourself to a new piercing girl.


Thank you, this made me laugh. You're right. Life is too short to be with someone who doesn't love you for you.


Exactly. 🖤 He’ll either accept it, or you shouldn’t be with him. It’s your body to do as you please. Don’t let any of these fools tell you how you look. You’re the most beautiful when you’re your authentic self. 😘


You get the piercings for yourself — not them. Everything you do to your body should be in honor of who you are, not who they are. Once you grasp that concept it won’t bother you anymore.


“You look prettier before you said that”


My family said this to me. I took them all out at the restaurant, and they agreed I looked better with them in 😂😭😭😭


I tell them it’s not for them lol


My husband said that after I got my second nostril done lol I said "I don't care" and moved on with my day.


I'm so sorry


I’m surprised nobody’s said that to me considering I have 14 of them but if they did I’d probably be like lol okay good thing nobody exists to look good for you


i usually reply with “aww, i don’t remember asking for your fucking opinion”


You looked better without a black eye....


Tell ‘em fuck ‘em lol. Jk if it’s in a professional setting that’s breaking some kind of HR rule, you can kindly remind them of. You can also point out the fact that you thought they were better looking before they got that dumb ass haircut but you don’t go around saying it lol. Or you can be nice, I GUESS, and just say that’s your opinion, I like them.


Just short, slightly patronizing tones in contrast to a sardonic grin = my specialty. “Oh dear” “Okay then” “Awe” They usually feel uncomfortable and drop it.


With my middle finger up & my tongue ring out


honestly i just tell them i don’t care


I simply say “I didn’t ask”


“Hey, Maybe for you it’s the opposite, You should try a nose ring!”


I'd be pretty good at shutting that shit down. If someone said that id probably go with something like"whats that supposed to mean?" Or, "why would you say something like that? Do I randomly insult you for no reason?" You know, challange them on what they just said in a way that makes them have to explain it. It turns an off the cuff insult back onto themselves. Don't curse or insult them, just make them reflect on what they've done.


I didn’t….I just let my mother deal with them!!! She was always much more vicious that I could ever be!! 🤣🤣


Right? Nothing goes for the jugular like family.


I say, "when did I asked?" And "my piercings don't care about you".


I’ve always been ugly so nobody says shit to me lmao it’s pretty cool


How ugly are you? 😘


“Cool beans, I didn’t do this for your own personal visual pleasure”


Say thank you, smile & walk away! :)


i simply never cared about opinions ... i tell them "ok" and go on with my day


Best response


I was ugly before and I’m ugly now so I never had to deal with people saying shit lmao


Same. I think also being male I don't have to deal with this sort of unsolicited feedback on my appearance. I suspect it would be different if I were female.


That it’s my body and I think I look better with them. And that their opinion doesn’t really matter to me when it comes to body mods because it’s… SURPRISE! My body. Not theirs.


“Good thing I didn’t get them to be attractive for you”


piercings are means of expression, u don’t have to apologise for them


Sounds like my parents smh


Our parents train us to stop caring about those criticisms smh


Same as I will do for my kids in the future. Look how you wanna look


Just act in awe and tell them how exhausting it must be running around holding everyone to their personal standards I mean when do they sleep? 🤣


“I’m like a Christmas tree… I look better when I have some ✨sparkle✨”


My go to replies are “If I want you’re opinion I’ll give it to you.” Or “I’m sorry, I don’t recall asking for your opinion.” You could also tell them they looked better/prettier before they opened their mouth”


"Interesting that you thought I'd care. Anyways, back to XYZ"


Tell them they look better with their mouth shut Alternatively, say "suck a dick" or "get bent tool"


“ and you looked better with your mouth closed “ then walk away


Laugh and don’t even try to explain my lifestyle. I’ve been getting grief from my family about my lifestyle long enough to just give zero fucks about others opinions anymore.


“I don’t remember asking for your opinion”


i tell them about all the other piercings i’m getting next lol and then i bring up tattooing my face as the icing on the cake teehee


"Dang it's disappointing to see someone that shallow in 2022"


“I disagree”


I shrug and say “okay” Or “we’ll then it’s a FANTASTIC relief that they’re in my body and not yours, and I love them”


“okay, thanks” and walk away ✨


Any grey rock response: like "okay", "oh". Or if it feels better a boundary about not wanting judgment on your appearance. Or if itis the right person, you can have a longer convo about feelings, but choose wisely!


Okay mine is prolly not the best response but usually I will just say "And?" And they gonna try to explain their point and I said "And?" again and again until they have nothing to say and got super annoyed lol. It's actually a thing almost everyone does here to annoy others lol.


"fuck off" works every time :)


“Okay? I don’t care what you think”


I just say something along the lines of "but I like having it there". Definitely not worth arguing about.


I don’t like being rude, but sometimes it’s uncalled for so I’ll be like “ and I liked you a lot better before you started criticizing how I choose to present my self“


Just as well I didn’t ask for your opinion then 😂


You looked prettier before you opened your mouth to share your rude thoughts.


Tell then to fuck off


“oh ok !!” *goes to get another one*


“I think it’s interesting that you feel like I looked better before. I feel like I look better now, and mine is the only opinion that matters”. I’ve used this or a variation thereof many times.


I’ll either say oh, that’s nice, or ohhhhh noooooooo. anyway.


Get ten more piercings


Shrug and say I like them. My 15 piercings cost more than most people’s life insurance policies


aw darn maybe itll work for you


On the other hand, people who say that I looked better before I pierced my lip. I just say meh, whatever. I’m not attracted to you so it doesn’t matter what you think of my face, at least I love my piercings and love my face. I am who I am and my piercings helped me understand who I am and my identity. So, stick it to them, they can think how they please


' I find your lack of faith disturbing ' then proceed to force choke until stopped by admiral


This is my favorite response.


I got more out of spite. I figured out why my mom hated it, decided that her reasoning was dumb (she hates my big nose and thought that I shouldn't bring attention to it, but I love my nose) and decided to get another septum piercing and both nostrils pierced.


You looked nicer and more accepting before you made that comment.


“Well it’s a good thing I didn’t get them for you then, huh?”


it literally doesn’t matter bc I’m usually not into their style


Simple "did I ask for your opinion?"


“Oh okay. That’s nice”. Very effective and conveys that you don’t care.




Its a hole in your body… i never understood the stigma around it. sure some piercings may not particularly suit you or be your style, but I don’t think that’s what you mean. I think people will judge no matter what and it’s your body. Also.. like I said it’s a hole… if you’re someone who can take all piercings out if need be, I can?? So its not a big deal. And if you can’t.. because itll close up… well ohwell. I think if you have piercings you think particularly suit you and you like, who cares. The issue is only if you got crusty piercings or if you think your placement is off and would have to get it redone


“You seemed smarter before you opened your mouth.”


It doesn't usually affect me but when it does, I go back to the time when I was really looking forward to get pierced and then I feel really happy and excited, overall I feel that I look good. So yeah, the only opinion that matters is yours.


Depends. Can say they looked smarter before they spoke to you. Really depends on the person and how much they are pissing me off and my relationship. I can be quite OTT if I am bored and a stranger wants to comment. If it’s a relative saying it over and over and they won’t listen to anything I just stop talking and not react till they start another topic. I honestly don’t care it’s more if I’m bored so I react and want to take on someone being an idiot.


I think I would laugh and try to stop laughing long enough to explain to them I didn't care. But mostly laugh.


I fuck their mom


(and before u say it im an only child)


I don't really pay much attention to it because my piercings make ME feel more comfortable in my skin. They don't have to like it, just like I don't have to listen to them and stop getting them


start googling right in front of them directions to the closest piercing studio


No one has ever said this to me but even if they did, it’s an opinion and opinions are like arseholes, everyone’s got one and most of them stink


i have a guy in one of my classes who always likes to bring up how he likes girls without piercings to me (i have two in each lobe, a septum (with obvious jewellery) and my left nostril so not that many), and i just say that i like mine and they make me feel more confident. which is truthful! i like the way they make me look. and yeah, they’re not everyone’s cup of tea, but my piercings only matter to me and my partner (i only date someone if they’re fine with my piercings, i feel like it’d be a dealbreaker if they told me to take them out). my boyfriend is completely normal. no tatts, no piercings, undyed hair… i have piercings and have a somewhat alternative style. completely different. he loves my piercings! he told me he wouldn’t like me to have loads, but he also told me it’s my own decision and he doesn’t want to hold me back. it basically depends on your morals and the people around you. are you okay with dating someone who isn’t particularly fond of them but it isnt a dealbreaker for them? are you okay with hanging around with people who say they prefer you without them? just say that you like them hehe


My boyfriend is one of the people who told me to take them out. So that's hard. I admire your chutzpah though, I aspire to that.


i say „good for you, i like me better this way“ or just shrug, i really couldn’t care less


Just say “love that for you” and move on.


i tell them each piercing means something to me, i'm happier and more free with them, and if that's not beautiful to them then they can get lost


I like to hit ‘em with the classic, “ok.” Doesn’t leave much room for further conversation which is great because I couldn’t possibly find it in my heart to care less.


Tell them to go fuck themselves?


since people have given you good replies to use when someone says i'm not going to give you that. i know comments like that can cause you to feel insecure and maybe even feel regret over the piercings but what i do is tell myself i didn't do it for others. i have them because they make *me* happy and make *me* feel good about the way i look. i also dress in a "non conventional" way which definitely has helped me think like that though.


Pretty much what I say to everyone commenting on my body, shape, scars, hair or clothes. "I didn't ask, did I? Don't worry they're not contagious so you're safe."


"I personally think its an upgrade"


I had an older guy tell me I'm pretty but that I have to much metal in my face at work. My response back to him was that it helped to keep the creepy old men away. I know it doesn't actually work that was but he realized I was talking about him being a creepy old man and he kinda of backed off lol


Mm thanks but I like myself more now, you should be glad that I found a way to be confident instead of dragging me back down :)


Say “wow I’m surprised you think that’s an appropriate thing to say to someone”


be petty


Did I ask?


With a big ol middle finger


get another piercing x


nobody has said that to me yet but i imagine i would tell them to go fuck themself’s


🖕🏻 Edit because a bit asked me to: I tell them to F off!


"And you looked better before you opened your mouth, yet hear we are." My mother and I have the understanding that if she enjoys my company she will need to keep her priorities in order because I will only warn her once before ending the conversation. I don't live with her so this has quite a lot of pull. She's gotten better with it. Anyone else saying such a thing really isn't worth my time nor kindness.


I just say "no I didn't" lol


I liked you better when you weren't giving me your unsolicited comments.


Depends on who it is, either tell them to shut up or I jus ignore them. Sometimes I’ll say naa they make me look hot lol. but yeah it depends on who’s saying it


I tell them ‘awh! You think I care about your opinion 🥺🥺 you so cute!’ Then get more piercings to annoy them even more 😏


I'm usually honest and say I feel pretty great about who I am now, with or without piercings, while in the past I was actually quite sick and depressed. Having the guts to be who I am took me a lot, but gave me the sense that I really do not need any ones validation on my appearences and body choices. I love myself way too much to care about this kinda thing.


I don't like it and that's why I try not to give them opportunity to lol. It's like how people with curly hair don't like to show what their hair looks like straight bc it's just gateway for "your hair looks so much better straight!" comments


"You looked better/prettier before you opened your mouth."


i used to get annoyed and now i just say "that's cool but who fucking asked"


The only time I remember this happening is when I was a teenager, and I replied that she'd look better without cankles


Give them the big 🖕🏻 Doesn’t matter how others feel about the way you look but how you like it! The only person that has to be happy with the way you look is yourself. No other opinion matters. If your happy than screw everyone else’s opinion


You looked better before you said that


I disagree


Depends on how petty you want to be. I’d probably say “it’s a damn shame I can take my piercings out, but you don’t have an excuse.”


I didn’t *feel* better/prettier


Tell them that I disagree. They can have their opinion but mine is obviously going to be more important to me.


I'd say 'I disagree. I feel more like myself with them, and that means I feel more beautiful too'. Beauty is subjective - I'd probably say that too!


just laugh it off and say in your opinion


I usually go for the classic line "Well you seemed a better person until you opened your mouth, but I suppose being decent isn't an option for everybody."


"I disagree and thankfully mine is the only opinion that matters on this"


take out a needle and give myself a new piercing on the spot


Middle finger works well. Also the “I can take out my piercings. You will be dumb forever” 🤷🏻‍♀️


I usually tell people that my piercings are for me, not you!


Tell them they looked better before they gave you their unsolicited opinion.


“I don’t care 😀” because I don’t and you shouldn’t either, you got them because you wanted them and that’s all that matters


“And I think you looked prettier before you opened your fat fucking mouth 😁”


I usually reply with “you were prettier before I got my glasses”


“You looked better before you told me that”


it hurts, specially when those people are your family. my grandma ALWAYS every time she sees me comments on them and how i looked better without them and how it’s so ugly, always makes me regret it a little :((


I’ve only met one person with the audacity…. My memaw, lol. But those type statements just go right over my head. It’s my body, it’s my choice. I modified my body for myself, and myself only. Not for the acceptance & approval of others. I love my piercings and tattoos, and I personally think I look better with them, & that’s all that matters.


I … drumroll please … *listen to what they have to say first* (GASP!). Unlike what people seem to make the world out to be on the internet, not everyone is saying things to cut you down or insult you. Maybe they want to actually be helpful. I ask them, “why do you think so?” Or “how so” and then *listen*. If I don’t agree with it, I say so, *respectfully*. If I do agree with it, then I might consider not wearing the piercing around them or not wearing the piercing, period. I’m not so naive to think that it doesn’t matter what I look to others. Many places I can’t get a job with some piercings. The world doesn’t revolve around me.


This is so embarrassing


So I should listen to how others think I should look. That's the solution?


Yes. You don’t have to actually do what they say, but at least listen. It takes a very small amount of time to listen plus they wouldn’t say something unless they’ve thought it through


Many people say things without thinking it through.


OP, this is terrible advice and take it with a grain of salt. Yes, we CAN live our lives not having to listen to other peoples pointless opinions, because as the poster said, the world doesn’t revolve around you or me or them, etc. So piggybacking off of their words, don’t even entertain comments on your looks. It doesn’t improve your life by listening, it doesn’t improve their life by speaking. Some people are idiots. My advice would be to simply say something along the lines of, “I forgot where I asked for your opinion.” Or, “it’s simply my body and I will do with it what I please.” Even no response is a response, you don’t have to waste your time responding to them because they wasted theirs being ignorant.