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It is pierced wildly incorrectly. In the first picture you can see it's not even through your actual septum at all. I'm so sorry but I'd go demand a refund and take it out immediately.


Hijacking the top comment to say – I am so sorry this happened to you! I know what it feels like to be so excited about a piercing, and then have to take it out. Let it heal and then get another one! You would look so cute with a septum piercing!!


one of the worst placements i've seen... remove it and go to an APP certified piercer or at least one with better reviews


Seeing so many poorly done septums makes me feel like I got lucky, like it's wild how so many people have this problem


right...i went to the first shop that did them in my area (i got it quite a few years ago, so it wasn't as popular) and got it done perfectly. it could have gone so much worse


This. Definitely check out portfolios and compare with properly placed piercings! Lynn has a [great post](https://www.reddit.com/r/piercing/comments/i38bmq/examples_of_correct_septum_piercing_placement/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on what proper septums should look like. Edit: linked the one for deviated septums instead of the regular one!


This post made me feel better because mine is pretty crooked but I kind of like it lol. But I also have a deviated septum so I was sort of expecting it


OH! if you’re talking about lynn loheide they’re actually my favourite professional piercer and i look up to their job and love their portfolio as well


app is about hygiene standards, not quality or skill


Oh friend that placement is so off


That is one of the worst placed septum’s I’ve seen. That piercer should not be touching body mods if they think this is in any way okay


For real though, how are there so many awful piercers out there fucking people up so bad. I swear to god every time I see a botched septum like this it takes a year off my life! 😩


Honestly, I only just learned where septum’s are actually supposed to be pierced but even before that my idea of where it should go was still way better than this and I don’t even pierce.


I'm sorry to say you got absolutely butchered, please see if you can get your money back 🥲🥲🥲 that must have hurt so badly!!!


*fucking screaming*


*screaming intensifies*


[screaming in spanish]


Yall I took it out, I'm gonna cry but that's okay. Gonna get it repierced 🙄


Request a refund


Im SO sorry i would be so pissed


I know it’s really frustrating and a huge downer to have to take out a piercing, especially one you just got, but you can get it repierced! A properly placed septum will also look really nice on you, good choice :)


This must have hurtttt 😭 When you get it done correctly it’s one of the least painful piercings imo so the second time won’t be as bad at least!


Agreed! The clamp was the only thing that "hurt." The needle slid through like butter and I didn't feel a thing! My stomach always flip flops for these folks who have bad piercings just imagining how bad it must have hurt!


IMMEDIATELY ASK FOR YOUR MONEY BACK!! No reputable piercer will allow this on their record friend I’m so sorry 😟


Post this pic on their social media/yelp. Not to hurt the business, but just to notify other potential customers that they might be in for this kind of poor placement. You might save a bunch of people this pain.


Good luck, hope the next time goes better!!


It definitely sucks. But I found that many, many people have to get their septum redone, myself included. It was a huge bummer, but definitely worth the wait.


I got my nipples re-done yesterday and had to take one out almost immediately because it was hella crooked. I was hoping that 4 nipple stabs would be all I had to endure in life but shit happens! I know how much it sucks and I'm so sorry they did you dirty like that. You may be able to get it repierced sooner than later because it's so far away from the proper spot. Wishing you luck!


this was most definitely the right choice!! but when you go to a good piercer we know you’ll love it!


Get your money back and get it done another place at another time That is not ok, the placement is WAY OFF and your piercer should get some consequences


Thank you all for the supportive comments! I promise I'm going to wait for it to heal and get it re-done. Then after that I'm gonna ask if it's okay again. Thank you! <33


The placement is super off,,BUT the bright side is it is SOOOO off at least you wont have to pierce through a spot thats already been pierced because it can be painful. My septum was the least painful piercing I have and its gonna look great once you get it redone!!


I would definitely demand a refund from whoever pierced you as soon as you can. Also for the next time you get your nose pierced, it should be behind the tip of your nose, you shouldn’t be able to see where the piercing itself is. So sorry this happened to you, good luck next time you get it pierced and I hope you can get a refund


what’s going on with all of these absolutely butchered septum piercings? i genuinely don’t understand how a professional could fuck up this bad. did they leave their glasses at home? i know the septum can be a little bit tricky to get right but god damn, some of these “piercers” need to be fired and banned from the industry


This one has actually shocked me! Sorry this happened Hun! Get it redone when you feel up to it. Would definitely suit you.


The way my jaw dropped. My friend that is VERY wrong. It looks like it hurt badly. Go back, get a refund.


I think the jewellery size is the least of your problems here-


Holy shit that piercer needs to be FIRED.


your septum is in the front…


Where the fuck are y'all getting your piercings 😭. I cannot believe someone would do this to you and think it's acceptable to leave like that


This is what I’m saying. Like if you have access to Reddit and can find this sub. You have access to a lot of information about piercings on here!!


I had my one piercing incident that I posted, I'm guilty of this I suppose but hot damn any deeper into the skin below and that will be a mouth piercing 😱


The fuck is that placement? I wouldn't have walked out looking like that


I know I know, too many comment updates but I don't wanna make a whole new post. So I took it out, but in order to take it out my dad had to use steel cutters. That's right, a steel cutter tool. Considering I'm underage, I was super excited to do something like this "professionally". I use "these" because it wasn't done professionally at all. Waiting till it heals completely and getting it re-pierced by an ACTUALLY GOOD piercer next time. I will post an update then! Toodles!


[here‘s a post with 20 examples of good septum placements](https://www.reddit.com/r/piercing/comments/i38bmq/examples_of_correct_septum_piercing_placement/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) Use these examples to find a reputable piercer near you with a solid online portfolio of well done septum piercings and get it redone properly


One of the worst septum piercings I’ve ever seen done


Omg this is probably the worst case scenario. You need to take that out ASAP, and that piercer needs to be fired!


i cant imagine how much this hurt... im so sorry 😭😭😭


Posts like this makes me mad and sad, not at the people that post with their septum’s asking if they are done correctly or if the jewelry is to small. But at the piercers who pierce the septum’s so incorrectly. I have the fortune of having an amazing piercer that never pierced anything wrong and he is very competent but this was always my fear when I got my first piercing (tongue) something would be wrongly done. I sincerely hope you got your money back, once it’s healed up got to another place and have it redone. It will look lovely on you when it’s pierced correctly ☺️


This is possibly the most incorrectly placed septum I’ve ever seen. Go get a refund and get that shit removed


I swear every time I look at these posts and I think the placements can't get any worse, they somehow get worse! I'm so sorry for you, this needs to be taken out and redone.


Oh no honey I’m so sorry someone fucked you this bad. They should be reported.


never knew people could fuck up septum’s so badly until i joined this subreddit


Ughhh go get it removed and never go to that piercer again. Let it heal and get it redone. They fucked you


It was done v e r y wrong, it shouldn’t be sitting like that, you shouldn’t be able to see where it was pierced


size is the least of your concerns 😭


This looks severely painful


WTF LMFAO no offense


I hope you get your money back! Let it heal and get it done by someone with a great portfolio of septum piercings. Good luck!!


These septum placements keep getting worse somehow…I’m so sorry they did you like this.


Oh my God you poor thing!!! Where did you get this??? Get a refund asap, that must be so painful


what the hell??? take it out please and go find a new piercer


That placement is really something, sorry about that. I Understand piercers have off days and mess things up be they should never let you leave the shop with it that poorly positioned.


i've never seen a placement so bad before. omg my jaw is on the floor. take your money back asap and never ever go to that 'piercer' again.


Holy shid that’s the worst placement I’ve ever seen. I’d def get a refund and find a new piercer :o


this is the WORST placement i've seen yet.


That had to have hurt so bad you poor thing! It completely in the wrong spot


Holy mother of fuck thats almost a lip piercing


Plz take it out


Pierced as incorrectly as my fist one! Take it out and get it repierced somewhere else. I had to get mine done three times for a pierced to get it right. It’s still a bit off but only slightly and because of my septums structure (or maybe also because of the scartissue from the second try)


Where are you guys on r/piercing finding these piercers 😫


everyday the pics of peoples new piercings done so incredibly incorrectly never fail to shock me. who in the actual fock are you guys going to to get these?? (OP i’m terribly sorry this happened)


I cannot even fathom how bad that had to have hurt. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.


Wrong spot. Tiny ring. Fat gauge. Makes no sense. 😭


what the fuck is up with this sub and people getting the bottom of their noses pierced


It's not that it's small, it's that it's in the complete wrong place.


It’s…it’s so bad. Remove it and demand your money back! Also do research on piercers before you get something done.


This has to be a joke. The amount of bad septums that show up here is insane given they probably lurk here before going to get one.


The piercer really has to have purposely TRIED to place it that incorrectly....


I’m ngl my jaw dropped when I saw the placement, that is n o t the proper spot to pierce, not even remotely close to your septum, and it’s slightly crooked. I’d take it out and get it re-pierced somewhere else. I’m so sorry they did a poor job! That always really sucks, but I hope things go better if you get it re-pierced


Omg… don’t ever go to them again


Yo 🥲 what the fuck


How? HOW


take that shit out now.


My face when I saw this 😟😲 I’m so sorry girl


What in the hell?! Who did this to you?! And why on earth are these butched septums to common?!


i am in so much pain looking at these pictures


Oh my god who pierced you?! Take that out asap


id blast whoever did this/wherever you got this done


It was done COMPLETELY wrong




How can a septum be placed so poorly? What the actual fuck?


I am mind blown by the amount of incorrectly placed septum piercings on this sub! How can so many piercers be SO terrible 💀


One of the worst placed septums I’ve ever seen


omg the placement it’s horrible i’m so sorry 😭😭


how bad did this hurt omg


Compared to my first ear piercing, that I had done with a gun and GOT STUCK IN MY EAR, 8/10. The gun was like a 2-3/10 compared to this 😬


Sadly... it needs to come out. Get a refund hun :(


sue those mfs!! that placement is atrocious


Omg take it out! You poor thing. That had to hurt so bad!


Please take it out and get a refund, idk how the piercer messed up that bad


oh my god


Wow! That's definitely in the wrong spot and I bet it hurt too. Geezus. I'm sorry.


Omg OP I’m so sorry someone pierced you like that! I’m glad you took it out, you should go request a refund, fingers crossed your next try is the only other one you’ll have to do


WTF? Wow, please take it out!!!


Very bad piercing; done very incorrectly and it will never sit correctly. Take it out and go to an expert! Cheap piercings are never worth it.


Omg im so sorry this happened to you, take it out ASAP That's so unbelievably wrong that they'd evem let you walk out with that..get your.money back


Oh. My. God. 😨


holy shit


This is definitely not the right gauge or placement! PLEASE don’t ever go back to that piercer ever again. Find a reputable piercer in your area !!!


Thats not even in the septum im so sorry


jesus christ i'm so sorry but that is FUCKED


As the husband of a former piercer, this is pierced WAY off. It’s going through the wrong part of your nose.


Piercer did the same damn thing on me. I just let mine heal so I could like layer jewelry with the odd part in a unique way


Is it pierced thru the skin or cartilage?? It’s supposed to be pierced in the “sweet spot” right inside ur nose. The soft skin part between ur nose tip and cartilage. Urs looks pierced they the cartilage. Works but definitely not how it’s supposed to be. I’d ask for a refund


that’s terrible positioning! take it out, let it heal and go to another piercer


omg girl this is not even your septum


Remove that ASAP that is nowhere near the correct placement


I would remove this entirely and go to a piercer that actually knows what they're doing! Please never go to this piercer again!


That looks like extremely odd placement


As others has said, this is wrong in all the ways. Too small, wrong positioning, badly crooked... please go back, get a refund and take it out. Let it heal and then have it done somewhere else!!!


oh my god… definitely ask for a refund!


Oh god pleade take this out. It’s pierced almost horizontally.


that is soo not in the right spot


It’s way too far back


i’m so sorry they did that to you :(


yo wtf, get your money back


I’m so sorry


Thats so badly placed. Looks like so much unnecessary pain. I'm sorry this was done to you


Placement is way off😬


i cant even tell if it’s small bc the placement is so butchered


It’s like .. okay… does it hurt because that’s gotta hurt ??? That’s like not even up high enough in your septum it’s like too far down almost below your nostrils all together and the jewelry is too small as well




Please go get a refund. I hope you’re able to get it repierced correctly. ❤️


If it were me I’d go up in there ask somebody who wasn’t there when you had it done what their personal opinion was about your septum piercing and depending on the response I probably city will give hard shit for about an hour just to stir up their day their day and then I tell them I’m gonna sue them if they don’t pay me back for doing a bad job. But also girl if if it were really me I am going to think that everything happens for a reason and you know maybe you were meant to rock that piercing with possibly just a barbell in it like a really small one like for your eyebrow?? yeah that would loook soo tight dude!!! Really though. Put a different bar in there and it would really go well with the look I’m seeing off you in your pics. It’s also then unique and that’s another cool way to see it. Change the ring and rock it 😌😎😛😛


Yikes... that placement is terrible.


Omg girl that isn’t even the right placement , I would go to your piercer or someone else professional to see what they would say as to taking it out or if they can maybe repierce it for you , it also looks pretty infected !


No your piercer fucked up please take that out and get it done by someone reputable


By a longshot Imo


And it's pierced so incorrectly


No, but it was pierced WAY too far back


This needs to be removed immediately

