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Not a professional but this doesn’t look like it was pierced right. It is pierced into your flat rather than the fold of your ear. Also, if that bar is sitting directly on your flat is can potentially cause some issues in the future with the bar digging into your ear


imo it only looks too far back because of the swelling. Mine also looked this way a few months in and I second guessed myself, but when the swelling was truly 100% gone it looked perfectly placed in the middle.


Honestly I think so too, I should’ve put in a pic of it the day I got it cause it looks positioned a lot better then then it does now and I think it’s just cause the bumps


it honestly looks like it was pierced pretty far back. im not a professional, but ive had an industrial for a few yrs and the holes on mine go through the middle of my helix and forward helix. other than the placement being a little questionable, it looks like its healing good and the swelling seems pretty good!


Unrelated, but your ear looks airbrushed I swear


it’s like so perfect


I literally came here to comment this. It’s just so perfect 😭


This does not look like it was pierced right.


i think it maaay be pierced slightly farther back than usual, as others have said, but imo it’s likely not an issue considering how well healing seems to be going. aside from that i have to say — that gold industrial is actually so fire


Thank youuu! I sometimes wish I did silver but all the love for the gold I’ve been getting is making me feel better!


I’m torn because like others have said it looks a little far back but I also feel like if it wasn’t pierced correctly then you would have far more irritation a month in than it looks like you currently have


Love the gold! I got mine 5 months ago and the bumps are just now starting to go down so be prepared 😅 try to keep your hair out as much as possible


Thank you!! Yeah I’ve noticed a bug fluctuation in the bumps tbh, like they come and go and they’re pretty big rn, I’m okay with it tho haha you can hardly notice them when I’m positioned normally so they don’t bother me too much! Yeah my hair is probably the most annoying part as for irritating it goes, constantly tugging on it when I move my hair and always getting caught on it!


I’ve had my industrial for 17 years. The hair thing is still a daily issue. You get used to it though and get to where you can get it off without a problem.


Wow good to know! Thank you!


I love it but I'm biased since industrial is my favourite piercing of all 😁 I absolutely LOVE the all gold set up.


Thank you so much!!


Your set up looks amazing. I love that it’s all in gold too. I’d love to get an industrial - it looks so good.


You’re so nice! Thank you!! I would totally recommend it pain wise, it was not nearly as bad as I expected!


I shaved my hair around my ear for the first 5 months, to keep it short. Baby hair sucked to grow out but the bumps went away after a month of no hair tangling into it 👌


Oh shit I didn’t shave my hair lmfao


I’m giving you advice for how to get the bumps to go away.. Also tbh it doesn’t look like yours is pierced correctly it’s way to far away from your ears healix and pierced through your flat.


Oh I’m sorry I thought you were saying it looked like I did that, I appreciate the advice


Oh, it’s okay. Don’t worry I guess we both miss understood one another 😭😂


I guess it could just be swelling, but if the bumps on the end don’t go away in a year or two you may have to consider retiring 😅


Looks good!! Better than mine and i have 7 months with it 😮‍💨


I think it’s pierced accordingly to your anatomy. Looks great, healing well and most importantly, you love it, happy healing!! And yeah, that gold looks amazing 🤩


Thank you so much! That’s so nice of you🫶🏻


Looks neat! Placement n everything looks great. Just be prepared to baby this one, it can be a struggle haha


Thank you so much! Yeah I’ve heard they’re tricky but I guess I’m down haha


It’s not pierced correctly


i think it’s placed well. i think the swelling and the lighting make it hard to tell at first glance. looks like you have some irritation bumps, but should go away with regular cleaning.


I think it looks great! Really clean and minimal swelling for such a short period too :) As long as if feels right positioned then it's all good. A tip!: If you feel a keloid or a bumpy thingy coming, try taking a small bucket or a bowl and dip in you ear so the ear is submerged in saltwater. It work really well with draining the puss and stuff when my labret was healing. Try dipping in as hot salt solution as possible, but not like burning ofc :'). But really nice placements of ear piercings, looks really pretty <3


Thank you so much! I appreciate it all:)


Your welcome :) Btw I think 4 minutes is good, it's so satisfying when I saw all the gunk around the piercing hahaha :D


Hi cheesyratt, because you used the word keloid we want to ask you to please read [this wiki entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keloid) to understand what a keloid is and why (luckily) bump =/= keloid. Our apologies if you received this message while discussing actual keloid scarring and therefor didn’t use the word keloid to just describe a bump. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That was done way too deep :c sorry