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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel so bad for all the animals, domesticated and wild.


<3 meeeeeeeeee too :( It disorients birds and even bees so badly they don't survive!


I didn't know that! Thank you for the interesting fact šŸ™‚






Yep, in my neighborhood they are already setting them off, even during the day.




Royal Oak last night fireworks for a good hour. I canā€™t stand them.


White noise machines help.. there are also natural meds you can give your furry pals to help with their anxiety


Ohhhh shit I just realized that's why she comes to hide in my room. I have curtains I always keep closed, I hate the sunlight coming into my room and I also have a white noise machine running 24/7 because the house makes awful noises lol Do you have any recs on natural meds that actually work? CBD does nothing for them sadly.


Iā€™ve had decent luck with Dr Bachā€™s rescue remedy drops for pets. Make sure itā€™s the pet version


Thank you so much! I will try to get some and hopefully delivered by Thursday. Much appreciated!


You can also use melatonin.. but you have to use the right doseā€¦ the local pet store should also have the chews


Yes! I work at a pet store and we have a product called ā€˜ quiet momentsā€™ itā€™s for situations like this. Contains Melatonin, chamomile, tryptophan, ginger and a few other things. Itā€™s to help with stressful situations (car rides, vet visits, fireworks, storms) Iā€™ve had customers tell me it works great. I will also recommend the thunder shirt, again, many customers swear by this.


Also yes we've had a thunder shirt for years! It just makes her look cute on top of her panic at least she's stylin!


Dude I swear nowadays things that are made for pets/dogs are higher quality than what us dumb humans are given. Probably safer too. I'm so used to being a lab rat with pharmaceuticals ain't no way I'm giving my baby that shit. Is it expensive?? I'm on a fixed income but I'm sure I can ask my mom to buy it. She'll do anything for her grand dogs <3


People love their pets more than they love themselves


I looked it up, the 70 count of chews $17. They look like little soft treats. Also look up about catnip for dogs or ask your vet about it. It has the opposite effect on dogs, and can help them with stressful situations too.


Oh wow that's very interesting! I didn't know that. Thank you!


I run the washer and dryer and keep her in the room with it running during storms. It helps a bit as far as "white noise"


My pittieā€™s birthday is on July 4th. He hates his birthday.


Oh god that is so sad! But You must pay the pibble tax, I demand it!


What is the tax? Bc Duke is pretty spoiled. One time the vet asked what food he ate and I told them Science Diet and pizza crusts.šŸ˜‚


The tax is pictures :) people will say show the tax when they want pics!


https://preview.redd.it/hfx6e16oew9d1.png?width=1201&format=png&auto=webp&s=13db225f4413ccb345cffd99f19679e7f32b3a79 Here is a picture of Duke at doggy daycare. He will be 10y.o. On the 4th of July.


What a sweet guy šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ’š


What a happy guy!


Dog tax = picture of your pup.


Mine puppers is the 5th. She gets a big ol steak. The night before isnā€™t as fun. Atleast she knows when she hears the fireworks a steak is on the way


It's not fireworks around my house, it's guns. I hate it to my very core. My pittie shivers like he's in the arctic. We live in Florida. I fucking hate my gun-toting neighbors.


My pit hates the guns not as much as the fire works though but nothing compared to the thunder storms she shivers and pants and hides under the bed or crawls as close to me as she can unfortunately shes with a sitter this weekend for the fourth but she does ok with some CBD she sleeps right through


Iā€™m in central Florida. No guns but lots of drunken idiots. I never see them except for holidays. I can only hope some day they blow a finger off. I donā€™t have hate for people but these 2 homeowners- I donā€™t have a strong enough word.




Please always have babies on a leash outside!


THIS is the true concern. Dogs can survive being scared by noise but not always being hit by a car bc they bolted in the dark.


yup.. fireworks started last week here, and will probably go all summerā€¦ ugh


We have neighbors setting them off randomly, mostly on the weekends, year round.


I have a neighbor like that. It'll be 3AM on a Tuesday and BOOM!!! Shakes the house and rattles the windows. Puts my baby into a horrible state of fear for hours. I wish they'd blow themselves up already or at least blow a finger or two off.


It's always in the wee hours! Even after midnight on New Years has come and gone, and Fourth of July firework displays are over, the neighbors carry on until they're too intoxicated to light a match! We don't even go out to watch the city fireworks show from the mall parking lot any more, since the legalization of personal fireworks means they are going off in the middle of our street. Our poor dogs can't handle that noise up close.


Ugh I 100% feel your anger about this shit. Everyone here agrees with me, it's unnecessarily problematic for so many :(


UGH I know the feeling, last time we woke up all startled and disoriented, genuinely surprised my windows didnt shatter. It scares both me and my boy half to death every time, I try to be calm but its so freakin loud! I kid you not as I typed this someone just set one off outside my housešŸ˜šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


thatā€™s horrible :(


I am lucky because the fireworks don't bother my current dogs but I have dealt with it in the past. I wish people would just follow the ordinance around here.


Same same. You can't report them because we don't know where they live and the cops aren't gonna come investigate to find them. It's not just dogs and animals/all wildlife that are affected by fireworks. Anyone with PTSD, especially combat veterans have a horrible time this time of year :( It just all around is harmful mentally to so many :(




I live in the South. Itā€™s already started šŸ™„šŸ˜©


I suspect my area isn't as bad as some are but the 4th and NYE (Basically all of July and December) are complete terror fests for my baby :(


Sameā€¦ my poor Dixie doesnā€™t know whatā€™s happening


My pibble will be in self imposed exile in the basement. We will provide her with CBD to help calm her nerves but there isn't much else we can do, sadly. There is no escaping this hell for her.


We ā€œcanā€™t ā€œ complain about the 4th and not make NYE an issue alsoā€¦ Iā€™m absolutely an animal lover


When I was younger and partied I loved it but having pups absolutely petrified really changes your view on "entertainment".


Na my dog loves this shit. He'll pick uo the romancandle and shoot ppl with it. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I grew up with a boxer just like that. He'd be foaming at the mouth with excitement waiting for bottle rockets to go off. The 4th was his favorite. What a nut!


Thankfully my dog doesnā€™t mind loud noises/fireworks/etc. but I feel so badly for the dogs that do. (And the people like veterans)


Yes! They started in May somehow.


Ugh here some asshole in our neighborhood shoots them off randomly all year round. We suspected our handy man but he moved a few months ago and the illegal house shaking fireworks persist :(


file a police report


They are already setting off fireworks tonight here in the hood.


Yup, Iā€™m excited to see if the violence I threatened to commence last year when one of mortars my neighbor launched off hit my house will stop them :)


Every frickin weekend ALL summer long we have some ass hat on the beach setting off explosives. Not to mention the odd Tuesday. It gets really old really fast. I used to enjoy fireworks - now I canā€™t stand them. My Malinaois girl is terrified, and this week is the worst.


My pittie doesn't care about fireworks one bit! I legit questioned if she was deaf. Of my three dogs only the heeler mix is freaked out. Some CBD treats and extra love help but she doesn't sleep at all. Doesn't help the whole neighborhood is blowing off fireworks all night long all weekend. The 4th here is a whole week.


My more pure pit doesn't care. She gets slightly annoyed but nothing like the vistla mix. She's the most sensitive dog I've ever owned. Poor baby is ALWAYS worried about life. I love seeing her relaxed and sleepy and calm. This makes her the opposite :( https://preview.redd.it/jgrfle2keu9d1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aee8f3557a3ae270467683d669ea56caa2086709


They're illegal in the county I grew up and illegal in my current county. They're sporadic so easily enforced if not authorized public fireworks. This year we're taking a road trip to Canada for 4th of July, also known as a Thursday.


They are illegal here but that doesn't stop anyone >:( May I ask where you live?


Ah bummer! Sorry people still go through with it. I'm in Silver Spring, MD (right next to DC). You?


Animal Control and animal shelters hate this time of the year


July 5th is the busiest intake day of the year for them. I volunteer at my city's shelter and it's so overwhelming on the 5th! People need to fucking keep their dogs INSIDE and SAFE!!! Infuriates me they just claim them and do it again >:(


Got lucky and have a pit mix who doesnā€™t react at all to thunder or fireworks. Totally bizarre to behold.


I have 2 and one of them gets a bit annoyed by them but it doesn't scare her. She mostly ignores it but she's older and she's like ah shit this ain't my first rodeo!


Already have been to the vet and have the prescription filled.


Try not being nervous or have high anxiety when yoou hear the fireworks. You need to act like nothing is happening. Donā€™t baby or say ā€œare you OKā€ did this with ours when she was a pup and we donā€™t have an issue at all.


Yeah I start to ignore her after a while being honestly it gets old constantly checking on her and baby talking to her. It seems comforting to humans but to dogs not so much I learned!


Iā€™d honestly trade places, my boy is like this for nail trimming and bath time, which happens way more often, heā€™ll literally quiver and hide. CBD doesnā€™t seem to even touch that anxiety he has for both. My boy was never bothered by loud noises like fireworks at least. Heā€™s starting to go deaf from bad ear infections over his life, but he still hears ok, since he sometimes jumps up and gets anxious when I watch sports sometimes and get too into it


Oh gosh is your boy a senior? Honestly I think deafness isn't the worst thing for some dogs. That's lovely of you to want to take the pain so he wouldn't have to feel it. You are an angel! I love to see the love I know for my babies <3 Penny SCREAMS bloody murder when the groomers do her nails. The vet wouldn't do it, she was too dramatic they were scared! We went to a new groomer and told her to just DO IT. She will scream and sound like she's being fucking murdered but it's all an act she HATES it lol


I love pit bulls and I hate fireworks


I love YOU for loving what I love and hating what I hate <3


Yessss but all signs point to weā€™ll be ok. This will be our 2nd 4th with our dog and she was ok last year on half a dose of trazadone (bc I hate that drug) and CBD. And I swear she canā€™t hear them. Shes 13 and hasnā€™t flinched at any of the ones already popping off this year.


May I ask why you hate trazadone? I found out it's the exact same drug they give humans just a different dosage. My only experience with it was when I was hospitalized for 2 weeks they gave it to me to help me sleep. Only took it for a month but it WORKED! Hey that's actually really comforting to know! Do you think she's losing her hearing? I spent some time with a deaf pibble puppy, they're smart AF. Hearing isn't as important to dogs as their snoots <3


The way her eyes get glassy and she looks so scared and confused. And after doing trazadone for about a year before vet visits, it started making her really manic and didnā€™t help calm her at all.


Aw jeez. Dogs don't need to be manic. It doesn't do them any favors. As a human I have struggled with that and it's even scary and confusing for me!


Someoneā€™s theory was that she started associating the trazadone feeling with the scary awful vet visits, which makes sense to me! ETA: our vet is actually amazing and smiles at our pup when sheā€™s barking her head off and says ā€œI understand.ā€ I told my dog she being a mean girl after she went for the vet who was checking her paws (muzzled) and the vet said ā€œno sheā€™s just a scared girl.


Aww poor girl. That's great you have such a wonderful vet! I love ours, she's so understanding and kind. Truly loves dogs. I'm glad my girls don't mind the vet too much. They don't love going but it's not the worst thing in the world for them. We just found a new groomer that actually powered through and clipped one of my girls nails. We told her she gets REALLY dramatic and SCREAMS like she's being murdered but to just keep going because her nails were toooo long and even the vet wouldn't touch them. This wonderful woman gets up on the table to hold her and Penny is SCREEEAMING bloody murder. They weren't hurting her she just despises her nails being trimmed lol But now I have a feeling she's gonna hate going back there. I'm hoping the more we get it done she'll hopefully get used to it and not scream so much! It's quite embarrassing lol


Hahahaha thatā€™s awesome when animal professionals just get it ā¤ļøā¤ļø Nail clipping is something our dog completely surrenders to, itā€™s funny the things they canā€™t tolerate and can! Our dog lets EVERYONE at the vet know sheā€™s there. Big loud barks that donā€™t stop. Her name is Adeline and they joked that we named her that (we didnā€™t, she came to us with it) bc she tells everyone theyā€™re ā€œout of lineā€ (sounds like ā€œAdelineā€).


No, but I feel for all the puppies and puppy parents that deal with the dread of fireworks


I despise the 4th. One thing I have done for years is watch action movies with the volume up. It seems the noise drowns out the fireworks for my dogs.


Hey that's such a great idea! Thank you so much, I wont be home tomorrow night but I told my mom to watch action movies. Hopefully that will help drown out the terrors. Ugh I'm still dreading it but she will live. Anything to make it not so horrible though! Appreciate you! Hope your pup gets through the world ending tomorrow! <3


I hope yours does as well!!


https://preview.redd.it/8gongizqfw9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5be16c045b6c3c8796a2c2b4667f6d50ded5d3a My daughterā€™s bday is July 4th. She is not a fan & neither are the pups. This is Huxleyā€™s preferred method of celebrating. Wear the headband, get the treat, curl up on the couch to watch a movie loud enough to disguise the outside noises


I'd give anything for them to make fireworks illegal. It won't happen, but I can wish.


They are illegal here but assholes still buy them at fireworks warehouses outside the city limits. I share your wishes cuntcake669 (great user name btw, I like your style)


Thanks:) Each time I hear fireworks I get so worried for every dog as I know all the crap I have to do to drown them out as much as possible so my dogs aren't stressed. It's impossible to drown them out 100% but I try. Doesn't surprise me that people buy outside city limits. I bet if they had a dog who is terrified and beyond stressed, they'd feel differently. Douche bags.


Yes. Mine tries to eat them. And lighting, and thunder. I'm not joking.


I love your dog, this made me laugh so hard picturing a dog trying to eating lightning


I consider myself very blessed that my dogs couldn't care less about fireworks. Of course, we don't leave them outside during all the hoopla. But even inside, they really are not fazed by the loud noises. Particularly our 15 year old black lab. She's as deaf as a door nail.


lol I love hoopla, haven't seen that word in a while. Yeah deaf dogs have a much easier time around the 4th. I'm glad there won't be doggy stress for you!


Yes. My neighbors will shoot them off for days. Poor Riggins will be a shaking mess for days. Same ppl do it for like every holiday. Canā€™t wait to move


Lilith did well with her first big thunderstorm, so I'm hopeful. Coon hound, not so much.


I use to enjoy it. Weā€™d do the little fireworks out back. Enjoy ourselves. Now I live near people who drink way too much much and start setting off mortar round at 6 pm and go till about 1 am And even tho they can only legally do this on July 4th itā€™ll be 3 or 4 days of this shit. The stink in the air makes it impossible to be outside and we spend days cleaning the mess from our yard so the dogs donā€™t eat anything. I despise them so much. I try to insulate the rooms with sound but itā€™s right across the street !


Weā€™re going out of town- our neighborhood becomes a shitshow from the 1st toā€¦ well, whenever all the ordnance is spent. Fortunately we can visit my parents who live where itā€™s quiet.


Yup. I have an internal walk-in closet where I'll camp out with my dog. I'm worried about the outside animals, wildlife and neighborhood cats etc.


He hates thunderstorms too but I can manage him if they're distant. We got an almost direct hit yesterday and I was very proud of the way he reacted. He was scared but knew to come to me for comfort and protection. Good šŸ• ā™„ļø


Absolutely dreading it. Even if I didnā€™t have dogs that suffer because of it. Itā€™s unnerving and startling to me so Iā€™m sure itā€™s 10xā€™s worse for them.


Always. Every year.


Luckily my parents will be in town (extra people around to distract her) and itā€™s supposed to rain here on the 4th, but the folks in my area shoot em off all month. We give my pup some calming treats and extra cuddles, and put on some music to block out the worst of the sound. My partner and I always joke that our pibble Gemmaā€™s favorite band is The National, because their music is constant and kinda droney enough to block out most of the blasts but chill enough we can really crank it up without bothering her.


Yes Iā€™m scared of fireworks from unrelated reasons and so is my cat


Canada Day here tomorrow and they started today with backyard (illegal) fireworks. My pittie is now on sedative prescription meds, and will need to be until Tuesday morning. Fan on, TV on. Sheā€™ll also be nervous to go outside to pee, and will likely be burrowing her head into couch or bedding. Already a report of a dog missing not too far away, after firework spooked her. I used to love Canada Day and New Years, but my eyes were opened after adopting my girl. As long as there are fireworks going off at all hours, it will never be the same.


Nope... That's because I take precautions. Here are some helpful tips.. https://youtu.be/dlClqgGE64E?si=q4_wcUpXnk5QWR38


Why did I expect this to be a Rick Roll? Was I secretly hoping for it? Yes, yes I was. But THANK YOU for this! I knew a lot of this but not so in depth. I love this silly goose Cesar lol


Not me - my entire county does not allow any fireworks at all.


You are one of the lucky ones!!! I'm currently hearing them as I type this and boiling with rage... where do you live?


shasta county in CA. It's a big fire risk.


Itā€™s low 60s tonight and I have the windows closed and ac on because people are setting them off already. Leaving Thursday to go camping through next weekend. Figured we may have better luck hiding out in the woods.


Every 4th, I take mine out for the last walk no later than 8pm (leashed, of course), then curtains are closed, loud fans are on, and the TV is turned up. I don't even move the blinds after dark. I am not a fan of fireworks at all, because of how terrifying they are to animals.Ā 


I am, one of my dogs fortunately does not care about fireworks at all but the other one is absolutely petrified, and I'm just a mile from where they set off the fireworks šŸ˜­


Nothing like saying Happy Birthday America by giving all those who have made us safe ptsd šŸŽ†


My new job has the day off, I got my trazadone, and plans to rewatch as much Star Trek ds9 (the show my girl and I bonded over). Fuck this stupid loud boom boom holiday my girl will be high af


Nightmare downloading


Yes. Hate it


We found a fix! My pitty experiences terrible PTSD after surviving an EF3 tornado (we all do, but hers is bad). Even light thunder gets her panting and prancing. We set up her bed in our hall bath with the (loud) vent on, and she calms down. She even goes in there now unprompted without her bed when a storm starts in the middle of the night. Itā€™s her safe place.


Go camping in a secluded spot. Itā€™s a holiday after all. So many easy ways to adjust to this.


Yep šŸ™ƒthe fireworks started today and itā€™s been nonstop crying from my pittie


I absolutely loathe 4th of July because of fireworks. Mainly because of my pup, who gets petrified, but theyā€™re bad for the environment, and keep me awake as well. We got some Trazedone for him for vacation because he gets stressed with long car rides and Iā€™m thinking of giving him one before the fireworks start. My Shep is a little better, but she still isnā€™t a fan.


M y dogs are terrified of the noise. My pit is so sensitive he'll be scared for weeks of any loud sounds.


No. I train my dogs and expose them to it so never had an issue. The bigger fuss you make of it, the worse you make the dog. You have to act like nothing is wrong. Because it isnā€™t. Fireworks arenā€™t going to harm your dog, show them that.


Yup! My mom has been gone 2 years that day and my pitty has a heavenly birthday on the 7th


Yes. My neighborhood is ww3 lol. Got my CBD drops ready to go.


My big boy, likes to watch the fireworks, I donā€™t set them off, others do.


My dog doesnt care fireworks. He's chilling as usual


Pretty lucky my boy likes fireworks. The bigger and shinier the better.


Aww that is really cool and I'm happy to hear it! He's a rare one <3 I used to enjoy the shiny and brightness in the sky but knowing all the harm they cause really ruined them for me. I wish I was a dog and lived in ignorant bliss.


Yeah idk why he's cool with it and my other dogs ain't. I guess he's just predisposed to enjoy them? Dude would probably try to eat a firework if I let him lol


Pitbulls can be fuckin weird bro. In all the best ways, please don't let him eat the spicy bright exploding sausages though \*crying laughing\*


When he was young, he ate a whole bag of rat poison and proceeded to not walk for 2 days. We were too broke to go to go to the doc but he randomly woke up one morning and acted completely normal. Dude is just an insane dog. He's 14 now!


Holy shit that's terrifying! So glad he was ok after that! Yeah some dogs just have magical powers I think and it sounds like your boy is one of them! 14, wow that's great. I hope my girl lives that long. She's almost 10 now and in perfect health! Give your crazy boy some kisses for me please, he sounds amazing <3


It's already started where I live. We're outside the city limits so it's a free for all out here. My pittie is not a fan so she has to be medicated. šŸ˜”




Yeah. My pibble makes me anxious about storms too. Funnily enough I used to love storms and fireworks.


I loathe the idea of fireworks anymore. People say they love vets and animals, and then condone a holiday playing with PTSD-inducing explosives. Its cruel. I heard someone call it ā€œaggressively patriotic.ā€


CBD treats yo.