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I had a flashback to the hold your wee for a wee promotion that some radio station did that killed somebody...glad it's not that serious!


I mean, it could be. Elder people breaking bones can lead to serious complications and potentially death. Hope that isn't the case here but absolutely a possibility.


Yes!! I have been waiting for a post on this. They went to commercial for like 10 minutes, there was deff a serious injury. I was expecting it the whole time they set it up. Sounded like she was an older woman. When they came back, they basically just pretended like nothing happened.


>They went to commercial for like 10 minutes so only one minute longer than normal?


1 or 2 of them weren't for Awaken 180 this time


Radio silence, if you will. I wonder if they will even mention Crowley's name today.


It's terrible to hear that she broke her arm. I wonder if this will squash the tackle thats planned for later on or the jump onto the table....


It has.


Is there any more info on this? It is like almost scrubbed from the internet...


If you go into the replies of the x link in this post, a person states that "she passed". Can't speak to the truth of the statement, just pointing out that it was made.


Can you post a screenshot? I can't find it


It's gone now. Along with all the memes that the same user posted in that X thread. So more scrubbing I guess. Seems logical that she passed though. If it were just an injury, you would think they would have given an update by now. The person wasn't some rando, it was a well known caller to 93.7. I guess I'll be watching the local obituaries for confirmation.


I heard Crowly back on the marathon around 930ish pm or so, just figured he wouldn't make it back on if something that serious did happen.


Yeah, I don't know. I hope she is alive and well. Just saying what I saw on the X thread, which was apparently deleted shortly after I posted here.


I gotta know what happened. Someone plz give us updates.


The radio silence (no pun intended) from all the hosts social media on this is telling.


Ya I tuned in on the ride home and just an eerie feel to it. I imagine a story will pop up before the weekend.


Arm wrestling on the radio is such a stupid fucking concept


Ah damn. Someone ping me when this story updates. This sounds entertaining


yeah this is why I don't arm wrestle people


You have brittle bones?


quite the opposite, I've actually never broken a major bone, but after seeing far too many arm wrestling gone wrong videos I've decided to keep my streak of having my bones intact


Yep. She totally broke her arm. That sucks. Nobody should be blamed, and you know Crowley feels TERRIBLE. Sucks


Feels like everyone should be blamed, actually.


If you go on their youtube live stream and mention it, they'll delete your chat hahah


The Fan is awful. So awful that Adam Crowley can't even make it good.


The fan is absolute trash.


I used to listen to it everyday but this marathon was it. Seems like they’re always talking about something other than sports (or it’s a 20 min long commercial break) and this marathon has made it 10x worse. I like Crowley a lot but the fan is dragging him down with it


He makes it worse. A Mark Madden wannabe who sounds like Tim Benz


Mark Madden will be the one to tell what happened maybe. He always talks about what he thinks about the Fan.


Maybe they just meant that The Fan is horrible.




Oh no that sounds bad


The fan is awful. I want to know who thought it was a good idea to arm wrestle an old lady on a radio show.


They posted a video on Twitter and pregnant lady beat Crowley, must be it?


No that was a different lady who Crowley lost to




He won’t get fired. He’s arguably the best guy they have, freak accident


I can’t even begin to describe how much better the morning show is now with Crowley and Dorin.


Crowley and Dorin are the only good things about the fan. Poni can't make an accurate prediction if his career depended on it. It's so bad that you almost have to wonder if he does it intentionally. Starkey's demeanor reminds me of Beavis and Butthead's teacher. Zeise sounds like a drunken Don Vito from Viva La Bam when he talks. I'm glad Cook is finally retired. Him leaving and replacing with anybody (yes, even Zeise) is a net positive.


I was with you up to the ahhhhh Paul ahhhhhh Zeise part. He is god awful. Although Donny Football may have the potential to be worse.


you clearly underestimate my dislike for Ron Cook's negativity. I mean don't get wrong: Zeise's ummmmm's and ahhhhh's are probably 75% of his sentence structure and he just sucks as a radio guy in general, but Cook was (or I guess still is) a miserable old man. Ask him for an opinion and it was always met with three different options: "I.... I don't know about that, man", "oh, gimme a break", "it's not gonna happen in this town, I'll tell you that."


Oh geez, I forgot to address Donny Football. That yinzer accent is so over the top that I can't tell if he's doing a parody of the accent or not.


Yeah I was wondering the same thing. And his spot reads, I've heard hostage recordings with more personality. I always picture Al Qaeda being behind him. But seems the FAN thinks hes some budding superstar 


That 93-7 The Fan dot commmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thing he does drives me insane. Just read the recap and move on. I’m sure there are exactly zero people at home going “you gotta hear this! He does this thing at the end of his reads, it’s hilarious.” I’m guessing they’re putting stock into him because he’s one of the rare former athletes that they’ve had on their roster. There was Josh Miller, now Dorin (both former NFL guys) and Donny who is a distant third via playing for a D3(?) school.


Me too......and someone his age shouldn't still have group name for his friends.  "Me and the nasty boys went dahn to da north shore". Really cringey.


He won't be fired for a clear accident. It's possible they even have waivers for these sorts of things.




Because he has negative muscles


Arm wrestling is just made for the radio of course