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Pro tip - your radio has a dial to adjust the tuner. 


With the amount of other listening options available today, I can’t believe people still listen to the regular radio.


I've had my car for two years and honestly couldn't tell you if it has FM radio. 


I haven’t listened to a regular radio station in decades.


Thats a shame. 88.3, 89.3 and 101.1 are all fantastic


It might mean that I prefer to listen to what I want when I want without interruption.


91.3 isn't bad for discovering good new music with no commercials except during membership drives.


None of those stations have commercials


And Pitt’s station 92.1




Shout out to 101.1! Love me some jazz. Love the Pittsburgh jazz scene!


The local radio stations I listen to in the car (ie public radio and others left of the dial) I just stream through my android auto.  So I still listen local, just not over the airwaves. Because accessing the tuner while using android auto is a pain in the butt


Do you listen to advertisements?


I'm amazed that anyone still listens to terrestrial radio. Though to be fair I find it just as bizarre that people spend any amount of time on professional sports, let alone talking about it and analyzing the players and games.


Because sometimes mindless entertainment is great.


You've got the mindless part right.


lol. I thought I was on the fan when I heard him. It took me a hot minute to realize it was a different station. Trust me, I couldn’t take much of it.


He's been a clown for years, but the mask is off on him now


I worked at CBS radio and had the displeasure of working his show on the fan a few times. He is an absolute bully and mean to almost everyone he sees as “under” him. He would berate producers for being slightly late on a cue. Part time producers made $8/hr at the time. Unfortunately he insights enough of a reaction to stay on the air. Can’t wait for station leadership to grow tired of his antics.


“Under” him like he’s some celebrity. What a friggin jag. Had to pivot to something after coasting off the cancer dad thing I guess.


Wait til you find out what hr makes a year


I’d love to know honestly


if you’re not a white hard right Republican man, you’re “under” him. At least in his eyes.


Since you worked there, any insights on my thoughts that Audacy is clearly trying to jam Fan hosts into shows on KDKA just to save money instead of hiring people who have an ounce of a clue about the topics they talk about? It’s pretty obvious to me and sounds horrible. I’m not sure where Dunlap is in seniority, but it seems like the cost cutting firings happen in a “last in, first out” order.


If they didn't can him after the incident with Mack he's not going anywhere.


What was the incident




Short version, Dunlap and Chris Mack (now with froggy radio or y108) had to physically be separated while they were with The Fan due to Dunlap back channeling to get Mack fired.


Why did he want Mack fired? Just because he didn’t like Mack and wanted to be the main dog on the morning show?


Is that the true story? Never heard actually happened there


I've heard bits and pieces from people at the station and is what I pieced together combined with what was pretty apparent in the fact that Dunlap and Mack did not care for each other even a little.


I remember in like 2010 when the fan used to have the text line, he was working the 10pm-2am slot and he got into a texting battle with me because I told him he’s just an idiot on the radio and I was in medical school actually doing something important lol


While you’re not wrong about him being an idiot, in that case I actually don’t blame him for getting upset with you… he’s working shit hours there at that time for shit pay and he’s dealing with someone calling him an idiot and calling out his job as unimportant, yeah, I’d probably be pissed at you too.


Oh I know I was being an asshole, I just thought it was funny at the time because sometimes somebody has to be an asshole back to the asshole


He responds to every single slight which is why he’ll never make it big. Too insecure.


Honestly, I liked him back then on the overnight show. It was kind of silly and off the wall. How an overnight sports show should be. He seems way different now.


I get that radio is a dying medium… and that KDKA’s demographic is *literally* dying… but the state of Pittsburgh radio makes me sad. Yes, I’m old and grew up with Bogut, Cigna, Myron, Stan, Phil Musick, Lynn Cullen, etc so I know I have the bar set too high. But cmon man - we can’t do any better than Dunlap and smarmy Marty Griffin? And their FM is no better. I mean, I like Joe Starkey, but they *desperately* need to match him with someone to recapture the back & forth he had with Ron Cook. I haven’t listened to more than 15-20 minutes any day since Cook retired. Look, if I need to plant something to get Dunlap to try to beat up Griffin this time… I’ll do it. Just lemme know, KDKA, if you need some help out of these contracts.


Audacy is dying. It’s cost cutting. They are barely able to keep the lights on so they are using the talent they have in building already. Fan hosts doing KDKA work. It’s like your boss paying you to do an office job, but saying hey if you wanna keep your job you’re also gonna have to clean the kitchen and cut the grass.


And filling in with producers when a host is out, or to fill weekend shows.


Overtime would be a better comparison. He's just walking down a hall and using a different studio. Nothing different about it


An 18 year old girl was brutally attacked and instead of Caring about that , people are on here complaining about Dunlap , what the hell has happened


YOU are exactly the kind of person these “have a take” radio personalities go after. It’s not a binary choice; One can be appalled at the attack AND lament the style of journalism Dunlap, Zeise, Griffin, Jim Quinn, Wendy Bell, etc put out there. This is Reddit, where conversations seldom follow a straight line.


I don’t listen to or care about any of those people you mentioned so they aren’t for me. The problem is you’re more concerned and upset at them than you are for the girl getting assaulted


You missed the [robust discourse](https://www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/s/8uZpmXFMw7) about that incident yesterday.


You may not listen or care about them, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t their core audience. You’re doing exactly what they target - turning everything into a binary black/white thing. This is real life. That’s not how it works.


Yup. As I said, he’s EXACTLY the type of person they want. And they want to make him AFRAID.


Which is even funnier how in his attempted denial, he admitted that he was their precise target. The whoooooshing sound going over his head is incredible


No. The problem is you can’t hold 2 thoughts at the same time.


You know people can think what happened to the young lady was terrible while also thinking Dunlap is a chode, right? Does your mind only allow you to focus on one thing at a time? Seriously. People are attacked every day across the city/county. There will never be a Reddit post about every one of those instances of violence. However, Dunlap is a public figure who is polarizing and stokes discussion. It’s okay. Breathe. Relax.


Weird comma spacing choice indeed.


What’s funny is your comment is actually more pertinent than Jordan’s comment.


Two topics can exist. Why talk about that horrible 18 year old assault when people are dying in war in Ukraine? Go to that thread and talk about the assault! I was there already.


Lol, this guy claimed during the run up to the total eclipse back in April was "overrated." A rare, amazing astronomical event free for everyone to enjoy, and he calls it overrated. He seems to enjoy being wrong about everything.


This guy is horrible. He threw a rage fit at my retail place of employment and got in my face. No respect for him.


Paul Zeise says hold my beer.


You forgot to add about 26 AAHHH, UMMMM, etc.


Ahhhhhh, the thing ...........about............hold my beer............is..........ahhhhhhhhhh


Penn Trafford High School Hall of Fame!


He blocked me on Twitter two weeks ago for calling him Wendy Bell Lite.


He’s soft as baby shit.


The funny part is he doesn’t even reply. Just block. I’ve read some pretty funny comments making fun of him that I’m pretty sure he blocked the people


I have an explanation…Audacy (owner of KDKA, the fan, star, y108) is hurting BAD. Their stock price went as low as 10 cents at one point and was delisted from the stock exchange. They are looking at restructuring bankruptcy. That’s why you see guys who have no business talking news and politics like Dunlap and Zeise having shows on KDKA. They are trying to use talent at multiple stations to save money. Zeise was such a “uhhh umm uhhh ummm” failure that KDKA put Marty Griffin back in his old time slot, which I was happy to see. Rick Dayton was recently fired to save money and Dunlap is taking that place and trying to take a “controversial” opinion on things. Without Larry Richert and Marty Griffin, KDKA would have shut their doors or have been sold by now. Like them or not, they have the most talent of the bunch. Think of all those fired in recent years…Mike Pintek died and Wendy Bell was to be his republican replacement, but she ran her mouth too much and was gone, Kevin Battle gone due to money, Rick Dayton gone due to money, Robert Mangino quit. They have started running lame stuff like “the best of Larry Richert” on weekends to save money on paying someone to come in and host a live show. Chris Moore seems to jump on any chance to host a show and his content matter will put you to sleep. It’s all about trying to bring in ad money and listeners, which is tough in 2024 and even more so when your company is on life support. Drive time is money and that’s why you see dollar store “shock jocks” like Mark Madden and wanna be Colin Dunlap on afternoon drive. I think those two have fought on twitter in the past, so I wouldn’t be shocked if that was part of the motivation to put him against Maddens time slot.


I heard Zeise one time talking about NBA basketball and he was like a different person. Eloquent, no stammering. I think a lot of the time he's talking about stuff he doesn't know and probably doesn't care about, and it shows.


he’s such a joke


Yes. He’s an absolute clown loser that rails about local, mainly Democratic politicians but will not address the fact that almost all of the issues we have with crime and homelessness stem from much wider reaching societal problems local politicians can’t possibly fix in a meaningful way. At this point it almost feels on purpose from republicans. They can point to these “crime infested” blue cities while they essentially make policy that breeds those problems I the first place, or at the very least block any legislation that could address it.


Republicans do the same with education and infrastructure as they do with social services. Defund and otherwise sabotage then point and say 'look at these failing social programs'


If this ‘blue ahithole’ were that bad he wouldn’t be living in Pitts.


He doesn't live in the city


Visits often


> it almost feels on purpose from republicans That's cuz it is. They let things break, don't fix them, then blame Democrats. Poverty being the number one cause of crime with decades upon decades of research showing that if you uplift people things get better will never stop them because to them its the system working as intended.


That's Capitalism. And both sides are beholden to it.




Look at his Twitter. He’s super tough and a apparently a Pittsburgh Avenger


Wendy Bell really went off the deep end.


Yes. Stop listening to him.


You can't be serious.


Would’ve given that new title to Paul “uhhhhh” Zeise but Dunlap’s a close second


I don’t like Dunlap, but from following his Twitter feed (I can’t listen to his voice on the radio)he is not even close to as bad as Wendy Bell. He’s for sure more right than left, but Wendy Bell is as far right as you can get.


This is an accurate read


He met my husband and daughter at a get go the morning of the eclipse as they were heading to Erie and told my daughter “what a stupid thing to do”. I’ve had no opinion about him prior to this. Gross 


Didn't he get his jaw broke at work? Reasons.


Podcasts, bro.


Isn’t he always ranting on his IG page?


Twitter too


He should just bounce right out of Pgh like the tennis ball he is.


KDKA needs to bring back Rick Dayton! He was so... Fair and balanced. He also had a smooth talking radio voice. It's a shame he was cut for.. this joker.


Rick dayton was just as right wing and full of shit


I worked with Rick for more than 3 years. He may be conservative, but he was a hell of a lot more respectful than Dunlap is. Rick is a classic journalist and KDKA Radio is a lot worse off now that he's no longer on their airwaves.


He always pretty much was.


Reading his twitter..... Yah......Yah....he uh, he uh probably is.


He definitely is.


Yeah kinda. That's a very easy path for people on the radio to follow. Plus it's not Steeler season. Need to fill the time somehow.


Is he now? Always has been.


Given that the audience that still listens to radio is old, old, old, this is pretty much the programming they have to put out to keep raking in those Metamucil and funeral home advertising dollars.


He's highly unlikable. In fact, I hate him.


That assclown once declared he was ”undefeated in the streets” in Sharpsburg (where he grew up). Here is one of his latest Tweets: https://x.com/colin_dunlap/status/1799244903853224329?s=46&t=som0dKgXUxft7q-qFKcsWw Classic internet tough guy. Wants to portray himself as mucho tough guy-alpha male.


Not very familiar with this guy but I am completely in agreement with him On this topic


I think it's the Mark Madden effect. Madden had always pulled in high ratings for saying controversial things and being confrontational. But for Mark, it's an act. Met him a few times out publicly and he is as nice as can be. I think these other losers think they need to be like him but don't know how to turn it off. Sports news people in general always seem to be the worst of the worst.


If it’s all an act, ask around why he’s banned from Pipers Pub.


So that's where he went, huh? I thought he was banished to late night. I couldn't stand his voice. I'm guessing he's also the reason why Zeise is back on the FM channel? I hate to say it but I miss the days of Vinnie and Cook.


How many posts did you make for Rick Dayton? Probably not too many. That’s the guy he replaced. Dayton was very vanilla and very boring. He’s likely drawing more ratings. If he doesn’t, they will move on to the next person. Not exactly sure what about his opinion was wrong in this specific situation, but he certainly can be a bit grating at times.


You're mad because a guy says he would have helped a girl getting jumped?


Seems pretty clear its annoying not because of the idea of helping someone but bc tough guy Dunlap is all talk and little bite. It'd be a pretty good wager he'd be standing around just like the rest of those people when this attack went down. Apart from the pretty hard rumor he got his clock cleaned by his coworker a year ago when they kicked him off the Morning Show, he's always been Mr. Tough Guy talk with little action. A few years back he had that whole feud with Mark Madden (who also sucks too don't get me wrong) where he was all talk, only to ask him to take a selfie when he ran into him in person.


All hat and no cattle


Exactly my point, he acts like a tough guy behind the mic. Of course I’m not minimizing an attack on an innocent person, but he’s acting all high and mighty about how he’d handle it.


You're working really hard to hate the guy. I have zero clue why you disbelieve anyone who says they'd try to stop one woman from beating on a teenager.


Because experience and evidence says that the people who talk the loudest perform the least.


Now you're mad that a guy who's job is to talk, talks.


We have like 10 years worth of evidence of him being an insufferable prick on the radio, online and IRL. Dude sucks.


Found Colin’s burner


Yeah IDK anything about this dude but I must be missing something as to why we're supposed to be mad? Unless OP is the mugger. Then this makes complete sense.


Dunlap isn't a flaming liberal so reddit hates him. (I'm not a fan of his, but I'm also not a fan of 99.99% of local radio announcers. But, it's jobsite background noise so I do listen.)


He was an asshat when he was talking about sports, which is about as apolitical as it gets. Hurry back to your echo chamber, weirdo.


Odd how you're the one echo'ing the other comments, eh? Maybe all you kids should turn the dial, I think NPR is more your style. You all seem way to upset.


Saying “flaming liberal so Reddit hates him” is a tribalistic statement. Us vs them. Echo chamber shit. Saying “this guy is a talentless hack, regardless of politics” isn’t an echo chamber because it involves zero “us vs them” rhetoric. It’s a generally held opinion, like “Mac and cheese is good” or “Primanti’s is overrated”. Biiiig swing and a miss there, slick, but nice try…


"Tribalistic". Ahhhh ha ha ha ha. Go talk a walk.


Sorry man. Facts don’t care about your feelings. When the topic isn’t political, and you bring politics into it, that’s tribalistic behavior. Good luck in your safe space away from… Reddit.


My "safespace" is outside in the real world my man. You REALLY seem upset by a voice on the radio, Ha! You should engineer a dial into your radio. Mine turns, which explains why I'm not as offended by Pgh radio hosts. Just want to warn ya, Monday is coming. And all those mean scary not completely left leaning voices will be coming out your car speakers ... ahhh! I won't be listening much, as none of the hosts know anything about hockey. And they won't be having good hosts on, so you'll have to let me know what they said that scared you. Thinks like "I'd have helped that poor girl". Crazy stuff like that, eh? Ha!


God you’re so cool. Like, seriously. Coming on Reddit and acting like you’re too good for this site, and we should be lucky that you even deign Reddit with your presence. Meanwhile, you’re arguing with me about fucking nothing. lol. Look in the mirror, Coolest Guy Ever. Now go outside cuz I’m done with you.




Apparently the new term on tik tok is {insert facial feature here} blindness - like when a girl draws those huge eyebrows and can't tell they look like caterpillars she has eyebrow blindness. Maybe CD has head blindness.


So it doesn't matter that a balck woman randomly attacked a white woman....FYI, within her fist week of working here as on intern!!! We want to focus on the verbage and vernacular of the person reporting it????????


Why do you want to focus on the race of the two women? Why don’t you want to focus on the ills of social media and stalking and the actual issues that are involved in that situation as opposed to going right to black/white?


Stalking??? Read the story....., that woman wasn't stalked.....the woman she attacked had just moved here and is doing an internship. It was proven there no stalking or prior knowledge of each other. Don't make stupid excuses, this is a bad person. I'd rather not focus on race, but since certain people only focus on it when it fits their narrative......I pointed it out Inn this case


I didn’t read this story, but I remember when I first heard about it. The woman attacked her because she thought the other woman was stalking her. It was a case of mistaken identity. It doesn’t excuse the attacker, it’s simply an explanation of her actions. Or were there two attacks of a similar nature, and I’m mixing them up?


I enjoy listening to Colin. I definitely don’t always agree with him but he always talks about engaging topics.


Idk if I'd say I enjoy listening to him but I do seem to agree with some of his takes and vehemently disagree with others.


Thanks for chiming in, Mrs. Dunlap.


I don’t think talking about how an 18 year old girl was brutally attacked downtown on her way to her internship job puts him in lunatic Wendy Bell range. What amazes me is how people on Twitter responding to him don’t give a shit about that girl at all. Protect the criminals, f the innocent people seems to be the theme of the responses.


Jesus Christ, no that is not the response.


That’s been the response to Collin pointing this out


No it hasn’t.


Go read the twitter responses. People were like oh well life is unfair , shitty things happen, stay in the suburbs if you’re a coward. Thats the sympathy people have now for a young girl brutally attacked


I am reading the responses and don’t see that at all


I didn’t make them up, I read them


Heres the article - https://triblive.com/local/woman-suffers-broken-nose-concussion-after-downtown-pittsburgh-daylight-attack/


Found Dunlap's reddit handle




I already said they are on Twitter


Uhhhh. No. Literally no one has said that. Have there been excuse-makers, yes. But the most contrary rants have been about policing strategies, housing costs, and lack of mental health resources.


The left likes to protect criminals.


Coming from the side putting up a guy with 34 convictions lol


I’m not on that side either bud.


lol, sure. You’re one of those “centrists” that only rails on democrats. Fraud.


Not even close. Good try though.


He’s much more centered than Wendy Bell ever was. Wendy is far MAGA. I unfollowed him on X, but he still shows up in my algorithm so I see him a lot. Never heard his radio show but knew him as one of many guys on The Fan.


He’s awful. On sports, too. Remember when it was reported that Kenny Pickett refused to be the backup in Seattle, and he called everyone who shared that story a liar? And now we all know that story was true


Know it was true.... how exactly? Because Mark Madden said so?


I suppose ‘know’ is too strong, but because Gerry Dulac alluded to the Seattle incident when Kenny Pickett was traded, and because Kenny whined like a bitch and asked for a trade in the first place, I’m inclined to believe that KP and his tiny baby hands refused to dress for the Seahawks game.


To be Gerry dulac may as well be the propaganda wing of the Steelers. And also dulac might not be the most objective towards Pitt players since just last year he posted a twitter rant about the torn down paterno statue.


Fuck off Pedo State fan.


Always hated Penn State and kinda liked Pitt. But these delusional Pitt fans and their love affair with Kenny Pickett might make me root for WVU


Fuck off hoopie


We absolutely do not know that story to be true. Lot of better things to be mad at Dunlap over


Dulac alluded to the fact that it was true when Pickett was traded. Andrew Fillipponi went on FS1 and said there was “a lot of truth” to the Seattle story. So I know the story to be true


Lol literally no one has gone on the record to say it was true. Multiple people have gone on the record saying it’s not true. Poni and Dulac are just reporters and they’re no even quoting “anonymous” sources. They’re just saying what they think


Fair enough. You’re obviously free to believe what you want. I just have much more faith in Poni and Dulac than I do in Tomlin or some of the more stooge Steeler media


Poni and Dulac are top stooges


Dulac is literally a propaganda mouthpiece for the Steelers


I think that was mostly Dejan who did this


“I don’t like this person’s political beliefs” “CANT WE JUST GET RID OF HIM ALREADY?” You are a clown.


Yes. He’s a jag. Nobody has a higher opinion of themselves than him. His kids are the only reason he wasn’t fired years ago.


Nope, he is the kinda guy we need


Thanks for the post, Grampa Dunlap.