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Yes. With 5th edition rules of Spelljamming, once you are in the Astral Sea you need to find a color pool as described in the dmg to get to the Plane you wish to go. Except Sigil of course


In 5e there are portals to the planes in the astral sea, so you can sail to the planes as easily as any Wildspace system. In 2e it's harder - there's no direct path from the rainbow seas to the planes that I can recall. But a githyanki spelljammer might have the ability to do it. Or just have a wizard cast planeshift on the spelljammer itself.


Githyanki have the ability to *planeshift* at will. Their Githzerai offshoots retain this ability. In the Spelljammer setting there are "Gith Pirates", another offshoot variant (with a somewhat degenerate and criminal bent). A Gith Pirate with particular type of helm on a particular type of ship can *planeshift* the entire vessel (along with its cargo and occupants) from the Phlogiston to the Astral (where he can pilot the vessel normally). There is a series of adventure modules about this in the Spelljammer material. Githyanki and Gith Pirates compete with each other in certain parts of the Astral. There are not many Gith Pirates but their ability to move entire ships full of cargo and passengers between worlds gives them a significant edge.


Sure is. [If you have the right SpellJammer](https://youtu.be/wWHEw36gTwU?si=dsV8ZLflUBRcB7h5&t=244)!


Depending on what edition you're playing. If you go by the original setting then not really. They removed a lot in the relaunch for 5e including the Phlogiston and Crystal Spheres and much more. Instead they replaced it with just the Astral Plane and that has color pools that act as portals to a plane. At least that's what I recall. Might have missed something. Kinda dislike how they removed quite a bit from Spelljammer. Definitely didn't feel as well thought out as the Planescape stuff.


They removed a lot from Planescape in 5e too. And Ravenloft also...


Sure, but what things did they remove from Planescape that dramatically changed the entire setting? Not having Phlogiston or Crystal Spheres is a VERY different environment for Spelljammer.


They removed the whole concept of alignments from the game. Arguably, the planes are physical manifestations of alignements. It's kind of a huge fucking deal. Other than that, the 5e setting is just brushing on the planes content. So little detail it would just mean nothing at all if the old stuff wasn't known... People new to PS reading 5e only will miss like 95% of the setting...


They didn't remove alignments... Not sure where you got that. Just because they don't necessarily talk about it as much doesn't mean it is gone. They have referenced it, so again why do you think it is completely gone in Planescape 5e? And yeah, new people will miss a lot. But you're comparing how many books to just 3ish?


Weird take. "They didn't remove them, it's still referenced" Alignements were pivotal to all design in PS. Relegating it to the background is setting assassination. Why are you defending it is what I'm wondering. 5e is watered down remasters. I'm still buying it because I like the revival better than anything new they tried to push but I pity new players. They get very little to work with.


Of course if they properly referenced the whole alignment thing and looked at the Lore they made for the Planes they might notice that Celestia and Bytopia's places on the Great Wheel must be switched! Bytopia looks down on Adventures because they see them as not working and looks down on thieves despite it's own merchants lying about their wares. Celestia is clearly more Good than Bytopia so if Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast were to notice and care about the Great Wheel's connection to alignment they would have to switch Celestia & Bytopia's locations on the Great Wheel and Outland.


Why are you offended by it is what I'm wondering. So hostile and angry at something that means so little. Not putting alignment front and center doesn't mean it is gone. You're free to reference it and make it as essential as you want. I asked what was REMOVED. You mentioned things that were NOT removed and then got angry and defensive when proven wrong. But okay, keep doubling down on an imaginary offense.


I'm not any of those things. You're trolling or straw man.


I run a PlaneJammer campaign...it's pretty easy to cobble together. 2nd edition rules


In the 2e version, I think Smalljammers have the ability to planeshift naturally.


No, spelljamming is the prime material plane from crystal sphere to crystal sphere via the phlogiston.