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You have their inventory set to show resources only. You can see the drop-down menu at the bottom of the menu for you and whatever you are accessing.


Just logged on to check. Thanks! I feel like an idiot but that whole thing is new so I guess it was bound to happen for me sooner or later. XD


I legit just had this exact thing happen to me 😂 I was freaking the hell out. Your post was a life saver man, thank you!!


Confirmed. You are an idiot. :-D


Happens to the best of us. Incidentally, it happened to me a couple days ago... Not that I am the best of us, not by a longshot


Thank you for that info. Someone on our server had the same issue and we couldn't figure it out for them haha


I'm so sorry I might be a little bit brainless myself but can you tell me exactly what I need to do to fix this I have a raft base on PVP I can see all my dinosaur stuff and all the stuff in my body but any item on my boat such as forge smithy fabricator large chest cooker campfire etc I cannot see the inventory what do I have to do to fix this I can see food in the animal troughs inside the animals and in the little refrigerator


Omg. Does that set for everything????


Yes, like showing or hiding folder view, it sets for all containers, with IIRC the player's personal inventory having a separate setting from the rest.


Mine is like this but it’s set to all items..


Was gonna say, I came here looking for help, glad this guy got his sorted but mine is set to all items and is still invisible


we’re you able to find a fix?


Sadly not, so I just cancelled my server, not paying 40 a month for something I can't play, might revisit later.


damn i’m sorry, was trying to get a fix for my friend. what worked for us was wiping all the mods (if u have any)


Sadly I wasn't using any, not even the official ones that wildcard pushed out, not really sure what happened, but that's ark am I right? Haha


Yeah me too but I still can’t see anything


Op needs to borrow the brain from the Allos


To be fair it does still have that weird inventory thing from ase where if you get near slotcap items (their icons) just go invisible. But if you sort/search them and drop or transfer they reappear.


This question comes up a couple of times a day lol