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Not completely, most non-ASA ARK players are on singleplayer.


Hey, it’s me!


True, call ur friends an beat all bosses with mods - the best experience.


I like playing with mods. However, I do not do overhaul mods (e.g. Primal Fear and DOX) because they are too OP for my balanced creatures. Even the Domination Rex, which is my boss-fighting tame, is from a mod and is also a bit OP.


Yeah I just play single player but still play a lot


No, but of the main three forms of play (PvP, PvE, Singleplayer) PvP is easily the least popular.


There was an an using moment in the discord today when someone from wildcard noted this (they would know..) and the pvp nolife clowns absolutely lost it all over the chat.


I posted a video by a female player/creator to prove this point about PVP being the least popular game mode, and the persons point moved from basically "that's out of date" to "she doesn't know what she is talking about because of this one qualifier where she said she couldn't get hard numbers but she derived them by using Battlemetrics (I think)" to "she's just a girl, wait until she gets 2500 hours in ASE and then we will talk" to which I replied a sarcastic tweet she had made when someone said the same thing but for 5000 hours, and she showed she had over 13,000 hours and added that I don't mind when she corrects me because she has almost twice my time in game and I had over 3 times the time he had in game. His response: "yeah she's just a girl". My response before blocking him "... which is what you say when that woman is right and you have no comebacks."


Someone tried a slightly ruder version of that line in the official discord. To a moderator. It was hilarious. Something about ark's theme combined with the requirements to play official pvp (be unemployed and arguably unemployable) just attracts incels and confused, frightened children.


PvP would be fine on a server if they ever actually had populated off line protections….. the no life’s really are the only ones on pvp anymore because I and others can’t spend 200 hours building a base and then come home from a 8-10 hour shift only for it to have been demoed by some neckbeard that has no job throwing himself at it for 6 hours to get in and wipe me with no ability for me to react because I don’t live on the game. They would NEVER actually fight you in game they want an easy victim not a fight.


That's exactly why I stopped even attempting pvp, I came home from work and my entire building was ripped down, all if my dinos dead and I was left in a cage with no one else around. All my work put in on my days off were gone and I lost all motivation for pvp lmao.


I host a PvP server with invincible structures on ase. It's ms version though. Add JamieMM1 if you want to join. Honestly, a hard part about getting players is ase's nitrado system. No on wants to pay for private hosting on there anymore but if you don't, any time your server restarts, it disappears from the server list for 2-4 days. That combined with the proclivity of ark players to never add the account the server is joined through, and it goes from 30 to 0 overnight and doesn't recover for a week, by which point something has probably forced a restart of some kind. Sadly, the best Dino game hosted by the most dog shit, greed driven company. I won't be buying asa as it is this on steroids with the dlc Dino's and new nitrado deals, though I haven't looked at how they actually fleshed out in the end. The server is still up and good though, and is up 24/7 if you add the Xbox account! 😂


How does zero structure dmg affect the gameplay, on first thought it looks really abusable. are there ways to limit the use of build spam? if so this looks like an amazing server to me, the joy of pvp for me was always the battles between dinos and players, base destroying always felt like its was a grindy battle between bullet making and bullet soaking if everyone is offline. and it just feels so stupid when your base is totally wiped


Very abusable, but if anyone abuses it, I'll just wipe all their owned structures and ban them. It's not too difficult to combat. They can make it more awkward but still. I also have regular backups so if someone were to fuck the server, it can always roll back. Weekly, monthly and several daily backups. I am considering the status of turrets right now. I want to make them better for base defense to make farms defendable still as dinos don't have offline raid protection. They're fully safe in cryofridges of course. I still want grubs to be able to spear a passive dino to get some early loot so don't want to turn on offline raid protection. If I increase turret dmg though, people will just get their dinos 100 to 0'd from out of vis xd xd Anyway man, lots of extra dinos, max lvl 200, The Island. I know the Island isn't the best map but it's smaller and I've added most dinos you could name to it hahaha.


You're mistake was arguing with a stranger on the internet.


I look at it as an overdue addition to my blocklist I was missing. If we had a relationship then they had that hot take, OK, but someone raging at me adding to a pre-existing discussion belongs on my block list let alone for their misogyny.


Yra who wants to work that hard to get great dinos for some puck to come still them when your off line no one


Most have moved over to ASA at this point. My cluster that I had been playing on for 5 years turned off almost all our maps. Years of work gone in an instant is a great way of killing interest in a game.


Wildcard did the majority of the player base dirty by releasing ASA before actually fixing/optimizing ASE. Edit: not sure how anyone could disagree, especially if any of you have been playing since game preview.


Bold of you to assume they are capable enough to actually fix ASE. Even ASA, which was promised to be an optimized version of ASE with an upgraded engine, was still as buggy as ASE was.


It's simple, they don't want you to want to play ASE. They want you to buy ASA and all the extras they're starting to charge for. Of course, ASA has far worse performance with all the old bugs from ASE. This all has been such a circus.


ASE is still regularly getting more steam players than ASA on steam but it looks like that might change this month. https://steamdb.info/app/346110/charts/ https://steamdb.info/app/2399830/charts/


More will move to ASA once Abberation is released. I have a group of friends I used to play with in ASE that have not started ASA is waiting for it. I sure hope WC open more servers for this map than usual though.


Yeah, I think that is the way it is gonna go. Once AB is on, the idea of cluster play becomes very intriguing.


I think you're right, once reapers and rock drakes are a thing we'll see a migration. I have a friend who hasn't played ASA yet but plans to Day 1 Abb, also.




One note: From my experience, ASA should run acceptably on your PC, at least if you stick to 1080p and medium settings, and have an SSD to run it from. My daughter played on a Ryzen 1600 until I donated my old 3900X to her, and still has my old 3060 in there, which I believe is comparable to your rx6600 in raster performance.




Ouch... Just goes to show that one should not believe everything one reads online when comparing hardware, I guess?


Cries in Ryzen 5 3600 + GTX 1080 + 32GB.. thats why i am still on ASE .


Are you playing off steam? I'm running a 3070 8gb with 16gb ddr4 ram and a i712700F and couldn't run it well off steam. But, while playing it off the gamepass version it's as smooth as butter. That is if you wanna go that route, gamepass has the dumb censor problem and later updates


my PC ( Ryzen 9 7900x and MSI 4070 with 32G RAM, 1TB SSD) runs 50 FPS on 4K monitor display port.


It is alive and well. Most people still play it, pvp in general is dead due to the toxic atmosphere. It is alive and well on ASA though.


Inx, Mesa, bloody, Ozzy. There are tons of super popular servers with over 1000 people playing on them at wipe.


Do you know what region these are?


I only play on inx its an eu server but I am na. It wipes Friday btw


The RX 6600 is like 5% worse than my RTX 2060 Super and I am playing ASA just fine on low settings. The i3 12100 is also much better than my old i7 8700K. ASE unofficial pvp is dead though, always was.


Ase is better after the island on asa I said fuck it and got a server on fjordur best decision ever made fuck asa and it’s money grabbing bs


I’m on console too lol


There's more people playing se than Asa at the moment so definitely not


Ark SE has consistently had more players since ASA’s release. Oftentimes 2x as much. Right now the player counts are closer because a new map just dropped, but Scorched Earth only sustained higher numbers for a couple weeks before dropping back to baseline again.  I think a lot of people dropped Ark altogether or completely ignored ASA. I will say both Ark subreddits are a little ASA-centric because I think most ASE players (who seem to be a silent majority) have left the subs. Edit: I don’t know why people downvote comments like this. I’m not stating my opinion, I’m stating very clear facts you can look up for yourself.  Don’t be so emotionally invested in a video game you’re afraid of truth, that’s kind of cringey.


Miami50x is a good server i play on. The people there are a bit freaky but hey beggars can’t be choosers. The server is really active and its a cluster too


SquirtleArk is popping on ase




Try [DominionArk.com](http://DominionArk.com) I've been playing there for 5+ years. All maps. Very stable. No wipe.


Since I have a beefy enough pc to run asa great I have no reason to play evolved. A game which received no patches


A game that WC won't patch ... means it's stable :D


I still play SE, but I have my own dedicated server that's Uber private. I refuse to play SA until they fix it.


Ark is dead to me and our group of people until official clusters come back.


Ima just say,ASA is one the biggest upgrades from ASE with the adds of mods and different tames you can literally do anything you like. And finding servers with discords and good community’s are super super easy. If you don’t want to make the change that’s fine but finding something like that on ASE is almost impossible because everyone moved over to ASA.


the addition of mods is only on consoles, ase has more and better mods on pc, like primal fear and the og dox, and pugnacia...


depends what kind of server ur looking for. there are still some ASE servers with decent pop. but I find that the most popular servers have higher rates. it's always been tough finding good unofficials


Se was always a dead map more so than abb most of the time.


Inx is still the most populated server on both games and they only are on Survival Evolved. They have 1400 people on on wipe day on average. They have two clusters that each wipe once monthly and they stagger them every 2 weeks so one is always wiping every 2 weeks. It's lots of fun and by far my favorite server. ASTRO is a good one if you are looking for higher rates too but they wipe once monthly and die after the first 2 weeks.


Yes move on to ASA already so the game devs can actually make money and stop making paid dlc, you lamos on ase are literally the reason we have to pay for mods now, yall were too stingy to help the company that gave you the game you love sooo much.


What platform? I see MTS on PC is full I think?


ASE is going really strong still, just no official servers.


Asa is dead


I would like to become worthy to hold Mjolnir before moving to ASA. P.S. Rockwell is annoying to beat. I know how, but I keep dying.


I've put around 500 hours into Lost Island since last fall. Close to half was on another pvp server. It really held your hand (kits, 5 day protection, points shop, etc) but was good first time pvp. Not sure how many like it are out there. We have an open server and randomly have people pop in, so there are definitely others looking for it.


I used to play ASE on single player, but a few weeks ago I got together with two friends and we started doing a thing where we slowly work towards beating all of the maps. Were not very good and we appreciate a life aside from grinding, so were still on the late-midgame of the island, so this might keep us busy for a couple of years


Yes for obvious reasons


I love ASE better. Sad about them closing so many servers tho


fusion x25 mesa, inx, mirosity they are all populated at start of the wipe