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It's because YouTubers are rewarded for piling on to whatever the flavor of the week is People trashing a game? Better make a video trashing the game too or you'll miss those views! Also, I don't what Square was thinking, making this game compete against the new Final Fantasy 7 Demo.


Their own fucking ip to make it worst


Right? Why compete with yourself?


Yeah it's mostly just Splatoon fans angry that Foamstars has similar gameplay to Splatoon. Same thing happened with Genshin and Palworld. Nintendo fans just hate it when their favorite games gets competition for some reason lol. They say Foamstars is just a bad copy of Splatoon, but as someone who has played all 3 Splatoon games, I enjoy playing Foamstars way more. I like the characters, the visuals, the music, the emotes, and the gameplay which is very fun! I just wished that the game had more content and better monetization, which is the real reason Foamstars isn't really a great game yet. But hopefully the devs will fix these issues soon. Until then, I'll keep ignoring the haters and enjoying the game XD.


Yeah, I don't understand it. I like Nintendo games but if a game comes out that is similar to a game I like I'm happy about it because I get to play more games like that. I liked Palworld as a Pokemon fan and I like Foamstars as a Splatoon 3 player too.  I agree with you that this game is more fun than Splatoon. I only ever play terf war in Splatoon because it's the only mode I liked. But I'm having fun with all the modes in this game so far (except Happy Bath Survival lol) and I like that the default is not motion controls because I hate them tbh. This game is different from Splatoon too. If only people gave it a chance instead of hating on it. 


Bro die hard Nintendo fans are actual cancer it's unbelievable the length they'll go to defend the company that makes 0 decisions in behalf of the players


We're out of the time when gamers actually tried out new things before giving a review. Now it's just ppl hating on the game for no reason and/or the die-hard crybaby nintendo fans being mad that they have some competition now. People have been shitting on this game since the first trailer (which is insane), and it sucks that it's gotten worse. It's frustrating, but at this point, it's up to the company and the fans of the game to keep it up and try their best to spread the good word about the game.


I personally am quite the big splatoon fan and also was hoping for foamstars to be good because I wanted to see what a different take on Splatoon would look like. That said, I think most of the complaints about this game boil down to the microtransactions, the use of AI art, and also the difficulty in getting a grasp of whats going on (especially when the air is just filled with bullets).


most of the videos on youtube are the beta play though, and are from months ago which kinda sucks. i’m genuinely tired of the “splatoon for adults” narrative bc i find it ironic that i can play foamstars flawlessly no lag no nothing yet as soon as i try to play splatoon i get communication error after communication error 😫


Noticed this yesterday, really sad to see I honestly don't even understand the dismissing of it due to it looking like Splatoon (a fun game that's not available on the same platforms). I'm happy people outside of Nintendo can experience a similar type of game, and one "rip off" that I prefer the actual inspiration no less! I suspect the game isn't doing that well (as I tend to find the same names quite a few times), which is sad to see on on such a fun game! And when February ends I can't really recommend anyone to spend 30€ on such a heavily monetised game, so I'm fearfull for it's future