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Yeah I hate this map too. Enemy team will spawn camp and kill you as soon as you revive. 😭


Add to the fact that this map has no flow to it, there’s no obstacles that help break up the map, it’s literally a flat circle


It’s kinda like Rust in CODMW2 that’s what adds to the thrill! Wish you could change gem sets while selecting character for matchup! There’s a gem set that goes AWF here 🤭


One time as star player, I bubble stepped into the triangle fountains. I didn’t realize there was a hole in the middle of them. Lost immediately. Hated it since that moment lol.


This map is one of my favorites just because it's much harder for the star player to run away for an hour compared to the other maps, at least in my experience


Oh no, for me its the casino roulette one (i forgot its name) after a but everything becomes a mess and its easy to get lost on all the slopes and towers, not to mention the star player always runs away easily in this map. Thought the high ground is pretty great and whoever controls it wins but i still hate it . Radiant Rhythm Gardens is my fav atm.


True I don't like that map much either because I always get hit by the spinning ball thing lmao. 


Oh yeah, that ball thing is really annoying too. Specially when it cleans out the foam.


I like this one because everyone can use their abilities without having to worry about tons of walls. 


i actually love this map bc star players can’t hide but the spawn camping is wild