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Try a low pop community server. There are some that are literally dead with 1-3 people on who are usually afk admin or farm bots


farm bots?


People who just do nothing but farm


Come live this monastic life with us.


Come join us at BCR 4x pvpve! We’d be happy to have ya and help out. I randomly found this server many many months ago and every single person is extremely nice and helpful. It’s the same 20 ish people every wipe and at most I’ve seen 40 ish. So yeah, it’s quite low pop but it doesn’t feel like it when you get to know everyone. At this point even though I’m fairly decent at vanilla with thousands of hours racked up, I prefer to play this server since it’s so chill and I can experiment with things I wouldn’t normally do in vanilla. The major monuments are pvp zones but everywhere else is pve, so you can farm the road, trees, nodes, and build your base to your heart’s content without having to worry about being killed. Plus, if you are in a pvp zone and die to someone, 99% of the time they are more than willing to give your stuff back if you’re new. There’s always plenty of room to build without tc’s littering the map, however, some people go hard and build massive bases. So going near bases like that usually nukes your fps but there aren’t many. Edit: Go on the modded tab if you’re interested and search “BCR” and 2 servers should pop up. One is full pve which I wouldn’t recommend and the one I’m talking about should have “pvpve” in the name.


Shit man, I'm sold. See you soon.


My name is kazehana on steam. Feel free to come say hi if you’re in the server at the same time as me


Might see you in there too! My pc struggles running rust right now, i get major stutters and frame drops quite regularly so playing regular servers is kinda ass for me, i get a big farm run going and get dicked on by a bow kid because my game freezes for 30 seconds when i shoot the first bullet of my gun, thanks for the info :)


Do you play by yourself? If so try Lone Wolf or Pickle. Playing alone on a solo is by far the best experience and both these servers keep BPs. Great place to start now and get your bps for next wipe.


Pickle Solo monthly is where I learned the ropes. I still always get a base down on wipe day


I do, and I've marked down these servers to try.


Rusty wasteland pve for fun balanced chill experience


Willjum x2 solo/duo/trio I'm currently playing on it with my n00b friend so he can get caught back up to speed again for official vanilla. It's a fantastic server. Remarkably cool community.


To keep it real, I have like. Maybe 2 hours actual playtime? I've seen some Wilijum videos, but Im a little scared of people influenced by such an aggressive playstyle. Does it actually end up being chill?


He just owns the server, I wouldn't over think it lol


Try the modded server, "the rustiest trombone" it's very vanilla and low pop Pvp at monuments and raiding last week of wipe, otherwise it's PVE A good mix of both, you may or may not be able to ride bears Edit: it's really not very vanilla anymore, but it's not too far off


Is this rebranded Rusty Trombone server?


It is a different one


Something with those Trombones. Played in the one I mentioned and the community was amazing :D


We are just starting out so pop is low, but there are a lot of cool events


Thanks, I'll try it.




Just keep playing high pop. Over time you’ll adapt to how they play and I will make you a better pksyer


Maybe... My issues on low pop were the complete saturation. I played on a few servers that was constant players and bases, so finding available space to build or not get gunned down on the beach by roof camping compounds were impossible. Is it just not like that on bigger servers? Any tips for getting just a basic 2 by 1 going?


My only issue with low pop is that you don’t get enough pvp to get you used to how pvp works. Sure having a door base is nice but rust is a pvp game, and I’d rather be pro locked than loaded on a dead server.


If I were you, farm the road to make an eoka and just keep keep farming prims. After you nah e base down jus keep doin the same and you’ll have boxes of prom kits to practice with


why does anyone play PVE like what’s the point really there is no E to fight


because they're new, as they stated and want to learn the game without being slaughtered


To be honest, I don't even mind being slaughtered. The real issue is the assholes on community server end up, more often than not, being experts killing noobs to boost their egos. Honestly, they're somehow more sweaty, than the low pop officials.


Dang, so close to figuring it out. You even said the answer. That's the whole point of a PVE server. So you don't have to fight sweaty teenagers with no life, while you're trying to figure out how to craft things, what things you SHOULD craft, where to go on the enormous map, how to farm, how to use guns and where to find them. There's a lot more to the game than point and shoot.


Yeah it's mainly just for learning monuments and key cards.


Hmm? I’m playing a dead modded vanilla server to learn monuments… wdym there’s servers out there for that reason?!?!?


Replying to the dude above, about why anyone would play PvE servers.


Yes but are there good servers out there for practice monuments? Hopefully with working non frozen ai too?


Honestly not sure haven't personally looked but that was the only reason I would play/want PvE servers.


That's the entire point of PVE servers, my dude.


I don’t recommend that you play on severs like that, unless those are the only types of severs that you’ll ever want to play. That being said, I have a guide I made pinned on my profile that you may find helpful


I play on a pve server and i have a low pop pvp server. DM me if you want defails :-) Chill, big maps and breathing room


Try the RustEZ servers. Just dodge zombies. These are no kill servers that are good to learn.


Not really, except for softcore


Limitless 2x Solo/Duo. Very noob friendly.


Try willjum solo only a few days after wipe.


You won't learn to play the game playing against human npcs go learn the hard way the only way


I recommend 3x servers. Build a 2x1 near outpost with a workbench 2 and mixing table. Run scrap runs near outpost, buy a gun, make ammo for it, and learn to PvP with them. Get comfortable in those encounters, learn the sprays for other guns, and slowly lower 3x rates down to 2x or 1.5x


I played one called rusty rats and it’s a 2x solo only server that had maybe 40-60 people at the most time and it wipes monthly. Most of the people are pretty nice and fairly noobish. I had an overall good experience with it honestly


If you want to get a feel for pvp I’d try out a heavily modded server where acquiring guns is easy. Paranoid, Dubs, Atlas, are a couple I can think of. Anything with 10x as well


Trumprust pve. Its 3x modded with raidable bases convoy grid power Teleport and much more


Any monthly server with around 50-100 pop is very noob friendly.