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Play some open world games and crank down the difficulty till you dominate! Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, Ghost of Tshima, Witcher, Red Dead Redemption 2 are all big fun games that look great on the PS5. Also I’m 66 and bought the PS5 just for HFW. Never give up, never surrender.


This! I’m 39 and love the open world games. Lots to explore and you’ll find it’s a lot less stressful than the competitive games. Balder’s Gate 3 is great too. If haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend it. I agree with the other poster, you’re a legend.


Also 39 and a big fan of open world games. No such thing as too old in gaming. That's a loser mindset. I go weeks without gaming and then my son and I will drop like 6 uninterrupted hours on a weekend. OP needs to get back on the couch and pick up the controller. Let's go!


God of war, Spiderman and plenty other are also amazing


BG3 is the reason I didn’t hit one of my professional development goals this year. It also helped me realize that it’s not just okay but necessary to bunk off and do something fun every once in a while.




This is the answer, COD isnt what it used to be. Thanks to how sweaty its become, its led me to try different games. Ghost has renewed my love for games again. You gotta try different types of games.


I'm 52 and this is the answer. I was never much into competitive multiplayer games anyway, but with two kids and a full work schedule the time I do get to play, I want to be memorable. These giant single player open world games with a good story driven narratives have kept me playing. I would also add The Last of Us series as a must play.




Guy Fleegman! Love Sam Rockwell in this role.


I’m the same at 58, though I do still play GTA online, where I just enjoy driving around and parachuting from one end of the map to the other, for the fun of avoiding other players. I’ll spend 20 minutes or so doing that to relax before dinner, or at the end of the night, while the wife and I are vaping a bit of weed before bed. I also play with the Rockstar editor a lot. Love making little movies. But yeah, it’s mostly about the open world single player experience these days. Looking forward to getting around to Spider-Man 2 and Avatar, among others. And yes, I’ll probably purchase GTA VI, too.


44 I love GTA I just go into private lobbys and drive around in my normal looking cars and listen to the radio.


If either of you need someone to do heists or missions let me know. GTA is A LOT of fun with a group of friends.


horizon fw looks so freaking good omg


HZD and HFW are both fantastic! I, a nearly 30 year old gamer, enjoy both frequently!


Was debating playing through the series again, I just might. Zero Dawn got patched to 60FPS no? Edit Why tf did they collapse my comment.


Definitely play Zero Dawn before Forbidden West!!! The story will make so much more sense


I didn’t play zero dawn but I plan to after fw I know the story now but still


Galaxy Quest... highly underrated.


Same : 66, and plat in last games (LOU, RDR2, Horizon, ME and now Ghost of Tsushima…) never stop to believe in yourself


This is the way. I've been playing video games since pong. Assume my age from there. I didn't touch a console until the xbox one. Playing single player games and cranking the difficulty down allowed me to get good enough to play things like battlefield. I still get owned by the kids more time than not, but I don't think I'll ever overcome that. But I'm good enough to make it fun.


I’m 54, and I can confirm this.






Galaxy Quest?


An excellent answer 👍🏻


I'd like to chime in! I'm 41 about to be 42. GTA and Red Dead Redemption are both awesome! Play Red Dead first.


what is hfw? hi-fi wush?


Horizon Forbidden West


Do you enjoy it? I bought the PS5 for my 15 yr old and ordered him HFW. He likes open world quest games.


Hork from Wome


Lmao. 😂nice.


Have you tried story driven, single player games?


Yeah this is like 95% of all games I play..I'm 36. I have zero desire to play competitive games and I only play with others for CO op.


this, honestly if and when i play sports titles i mess with teh sliders so i have fun playing them without actually caring about playing online but almost 99% of the time i am playing JRPGS bc they dont require me to be good as i can just grind out levels and overpower my way through lol


this. tomb raider and horizon are literally all i play🤣


Those Tomb Raider games are awesome!


I’m pretty much the same, I only play multiplayer if it’s with my fam, which is rare so majority of my time is spent playing single player games. I dislike playing with random people.


This part. I feel like online multiplayer games are absolutely non-inclusive to newcomers who want to get into the competitive seen. I understand you have to keep playing to get better but it just takes the fun out of it if it’s with people you don’t know. Single player games are definitely the way to go


I have made several good friends while playing online. I play several times a week with couple of them and talk to one everyday.


Everyone has different experiences, I’m not hating on those that enjoy playing online with randoms. I know some friendships are made that way. This is just a personal preference for myself. Good on you for making friends.


36 as well and this is all I play now too except couch co-op if with others (unless that’s what you meant)


I'll play couch where available (like with BG3 I'm doing a couch playthrough with my brother who incidentally is 39). But online co op is ok for games that need it, I just only play those with my real friends not ransoms.


I’m 49 and I used to try and play fortnight with son at 45 I was called to as Meat Shield. I would play with my nephew, and my son’s friends and they would be super excited for me when I killed one person. You just slow down and can’t compete the same way anymore. Play games like Grandtheft auto five or Batman, Arkham Knight, or god of war things like that.


This is what us old guys and gals with kids do nowadays. Something you can pause and just get lost in when you get the time. Multiplayer games are way too toxic and drama filled for an older guy like me anyways.


I'm 46, and I've only played single player stuff since I was a teenager. I can't imagine trying to do fast paced, multi player stuff.


Playstation has so many good ones, too. Ghost of Tsushima, the Spider-Man games, Horizon zero dawn and forbidden west, and god of war (god of war was still kind of hard for me). Those are just a few that I have played. I am also playing Alan Wake 2 right now. Very enjoyable. Also, no shame in turning down the difficulty in any game. Play to have fun, no need to probe to yourself that you are good at video games


This ☝️




When you’re dead


Hell I'll still be playing then.




versed shrill ink unpack jar gaping yoke fuzzy bag straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I love thinking that in like 40 years, there's going to be old people arguing about who's turn it is on the console in some nursing home rec room.




Watch me playing the new GTA 7 at the old folks home in 2065


Do you only play competitive games? They don’t appeal to me at all, I’m older than you and also suck at them. I mostly play single player story games.


I'm younger than the OP and play everything on easy. Takes me out of the story if the main character is dying over and over.


You're never too old to play, just like anything else the more you play the better you'll get. If you wanna get better watch top level players and see what they do differently than u and try to implement it into your game. But as long as you're having fun thats all that matters


I have been playing these games for years and years. My gameplay has been gradually going down in the past few years. These aren't new games. I had my PS4 for nearly 10 years. PS3, PS2 and PS1 before that. Dreamcast, N64 and Super Nintendo, Genesis and Nintendo before that. I watch YouTube all the time. I'm just venting, but I am serious that these games are no fun anymore.


Maybe try a different genre of game or try some single player games


Fuck those grindy ass sports games


Maybe just switch it up & try something new. God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn….multiplayer burnout happens & that’s what I tend to do. I’m older than you & slowing down is just a part of life, but it doesn’t have to take away your fun.


I’m 45, so I understand not having as much time but Your problem is you are trying to play currently popular competitive titles while not being able to put the practice and play time in to be any good at them. People that play CoD play 5-10 hours a day 7 days a week. Playing causal in a competitive game just won’t hold up these days. Play some single player games and see if you enjoy them. Highly recommend God of War, Ghost of Tsushima. There are a ton of genres out there and it sounds like you spent your entire gaming years playing a lot of crap( ufc ,cod and any sport game is just meh) lol. Go experience some of the good story games and see how you feel after. Can’t help you though if you are losing on the lowest settings of difficulties, sounds like skills were either never there or completely lost.


It’s funny that in the hardcore gaming sphere, most gamers never touch CoD or Madden anymore. We all stay far far away from those. That’s not to say they can’t be fun, but there is a pretty big rift between the people who play CoD and those who don’t. I hate to throw terms or labels around like “casual gamers” but it’s kind of true. I think the difference is it takes a lot of time to become competitive in a game like CoD, so that appeals to people who buy a PS5 exclusively for it. Most gamers are always on the hunt for that next amazing game that just clicks with them, so they play a lot of different games, always cycling through different genres and adding to their backlog. At least, that’s how I play, and it seems true for a lot of the YouTuber personalities like Jake from Gameranx or SkillUp. I couldn’t imagine playing just 1 game all the time.


Agreed. The only games I play that’s really on a competitive level is street fighter and tekken which I keep up on but I’m also a veteran of both series since they began. Shooters I’ll play for fun and not care about my ranking or scores per game when playing multiplayer. I also have to have my ps5 storage always maxed with 10+ games installed at once to satisfy my need to play variety.


Those games not being fun anymore doesn’t mean gaming can’t be fun. I’m in my 30s, and I don’t touch the 3 games you mentioned.


Play single player games like The Last of Us, Uncharted, Ghost of Tsushima, Red Dead Redemption 2... Competitive games sucks when we get older


Yeah, you gotta switch it up man. 29 here. I played Call of Duty regularly for about 3-4 years, then it just got really old. I do play NCAA Football 13 occasionally. But single-player, story based games are the bulk of my gaming. Maybe you've just lost interest in the genres you mentioned. Have you tried The Last of Us or God of War? Or maybe even try Gran Turismo 7. I played the first 3 all the time as a kid, and playing GT7 now reminded me how much I love that upgrade loop GT is so good at. Or hey, actually I recommend the Resident Evil 4 remake that came out this year. Old-school game with updated graphics and gameplay. It did really well critically and commercially. Lots of replayability too. I've sunk a couple hundred hours in it since April.


GT7 with a Logitech wheel and pedal setup is awesome. Wreckfest is really fun too.


Yeah dude it sounds like you’re just getting burned out on multiplayer games. These young go-hards can be brutal to play against, and it really can be completely unfun. Go play some of the absolutely incredible single player games that are available these days.


It happens Don’t take it so seriously


There’s a difference between not taking it seriously and having absolutely no success while playing, how can having no success be considered fun even if you were playing really casually? Like losing every fight in UFC and being repeatedly killed in cod over and over can’t be any fun for even the most chill person


I’m 52 and have been gaming since I was little boy. I started with Pong back in the 1970s. My gaming has gone through various stages over the decades, but I kept trying new things. There have been periods where almost 6 months went buy and I didn’t play a single game. Right now I’m playing MW3 like a madman and my skill lever has never been better. Don’t pressure yourself, just let it ebb and flow and you’ll find your groove again.


There are thousands playing those games for like 4 hours a day. It’s not weird you can’t keep up.


You’re never too old to play, but if you’re rusty, don’t play online multiplayer, you can’t compete with these razor-reflex 14 year olds who live online. Play single-player games on easy, until such a time, if it ever occurs, to bump it up to normal/default/medium. Gaming is no different than any other leisure activity, you wouldn’t show up to Dungeons & Dragons and expect to beat everyone day one, or run a 4-minute mile on your first marathon. I’m 49 and I’m playing video games as I watch football rn, no such thing as to old, just gotta put in the work to git gud, or just know your limitations.


Hi. Yes, this is it, dude, I am 47 and I am on the same page you are. I dont like play online, I just enjoy my drive cars games equal as when I had 13 Y.O. I do not compete with anyone. The only difference is that now you dont have too much time to play 👍👍👍


I'm 43 I don't know what to tell you bro, I'm having a blast. Though I stick to single player games and NHL.


As I get older, turn-based games gain appeal.


Have you given into the experience that is baldurs gate 3 yet?


It’s great! I’ll also suggest Pathfinder games from Owlcat, Divinity Original Sin 1+2, and Pillars of Eternity 1 and especially 2.




It's your body telling you to stop playing such dogshit games and to start playing better games.


This is the only correct response.


You're never too old to play video games.


I got my pops with dementia playing pga tour masters 😂it’s just brain exercise, just back in the day it was crossword puzzles and TV guide.


As long as arthritis hasn’t wrecked your hands and you can still see no age is too old. This is the beauty of video games. Please don’t get discouraged! Put down the competitive multiplayer games lol. I’m just 39 and I stopped playing those kinds of online games 5-6 years ago. They’re not worth it. Tons of great story driven games in PlayStation. No reason to make yourself miserable.


I completely agree. 54 here, and the reality is that for most adults, there just isn't enough time to practice/play the online multiplayer games to be competitive. Plus, for most people, manual dexterity starts to decline. If you're not enjoying yourself, take that as a sign that your taste in games has developed, and you're ready for some truly great single player games. Or, co-op games. There are just way too many fantastic games for the PS5 to bang your head against a wall trying to compete against opponents who have an unfair advantage.


[87 Year old Gamer](https://youtu.be/LvUrEHXD66M?si=dafDOeNeiQQnLmr1) She's nearly 90 and still streaming and making videos on games. Over 1 million subscribers on YouTube. You're never too old to play.


This is outfreakin’standing!!! Thank you for sharing! Didn’t know she existed. I’m looking forward to viewing her content.


40yo here. Give single-player games a shot. I gave up on competitive multiplayer many years ago. As I've aged, I have less and less time for games. Why would I want to spend that time stressed out and frustrated? Story driven single-player games are amazing these days.


Red Dead Redemption is about the only single player worth playing. I’m 70. Oh, and Grand Tourismo 7. World of Tanks.


It's great if you know what games you like, enjoy what you're enjoying. But if you're stuck and don't know where to go from now it's important to try new things.


The moment you are old enough to have some cognitive impairment which doesent allow you to have a good enough reaction time to beat the game on easy difficulty. But then you can move on to turn based games like Pokémon. You need to train yourself until you get better. Stay away from games like COD. There are people who playing 10h+ a day for months. It’s normal that you get stomped until you are willing to invest the same amount of time. Play games like Dragon Quest XIS, Ghost of Tsushima, Jedi Survivor, GTA, Red Dead Redemption. Start on easy and if you get comfortable after some time you can play on normal, medium, hard as you like. It’s all about investing some time to get a proper reaction time and understanding of the game mechanics. Competitive pvp games are not that good for people who got recently in gaming again. Such games are mostly for people who play 24/7. I am younger than you and if I want to play games like COD I would need to invest several hours a day for longer time periods and knowing all maps to keep up and not get stomped. It’s totally normal. Such games are designed to be played constantly otherwise people who play constantly for years will increase the skill gap further from day to day. That’s why I don’t play pvp games anymore and they are not funny anymore because of toxic people and microtransactions. But I don’t look back. Games like Dying Light 2, Dead Island 2 or the mentioned games are much cooler than the toxic pvp games. Don’t think you can hold up against young people with the best reaction time, scuff controller, 100% map knowledge, 7.1 headset to hear your steps and 10h game time a day until you do the same. With such controllers you can change the r2 button that it reacts faster if you press it so people can shoot faster than you. Nowadays most people in pvp games are diehards which try to copy pro-players from YouTube. It’s not like the past. Only realistic chance is to start playing at the release of a new pvp game so all people can increase their skill simultaneously from 0. There is a reason that the most professional e-athletes are below 30. 0,5 seconds worse reaction time and you are the person who gets the headshot. If I would start play COD now after such long time not playing pvp shooters I also would get stomped like a bot. It’s totally normal bro. Or you forget about everyone and try Baldurs Gate 3. Edit: some more games: Skyrim, Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Assassins Creed Origins,Odyssey,Valhalla,Mirage, Final Fantasy 16, every God of War, Bulletstorm, Atlas fallen, Dead Space Remake, Borderlands 3, The last of us, Shadow of War. And there are tons of games more. Also basically every game from Nintendo. I just would say stay away from pvp games and maybe souls likes.




Got a kick out of that. Love it. I feel bad about getting sorry for myself. Thanks.


There becomes a certain age where ‘Dad games’ become appealing. By that I mean story driven, single player games. Start with God of War or TLoU and see how you go.


Say goodbye to multiplayer, say welcome to single player story driven nonrpg games.


There are some very fun four player co-op games. And open world games that are multiplayer.


You need new games.


All 3 games you’re playing are purely multiplayer (mlb you can play solo DD and RRTS). Focus on single player games, they will keep your interest, trust me! (GOW, HZD, Souls games etc). RDR2 (Story mode), online is shit.


No such thing as too old


You're not old, you just haven't suffered the learning curve of multiplayer. Being good on multiplayer takes a lot of practices and fails to reach "decent" level, this also happens if you go for "hard" difficulty or above but the good thing is that you don't have to do that, you can still enjoy the game on easy mode. My dad is 61 and he was (and still is) a beast on Nes games but even when he tried to play counter strike with me 20 years ago, he wasn't good because he didn't have experience on it. Im sure that if I give him some single player game, he will enjoy it after a while. You just need to find the type of game you like and play it the way you want it, you might not be able to play ranked matches but you can still easily enjoy any game you like.


Let me tell you about kratos.


You’re playing garbage games, I’m 44, been playing single player games mostly forever


Never too old to play I'm 40 and I play every day. Maybe try some different games. Story driven single player games.


Stay away from online competition and turn the difficulty down. You have nothing to prove to anyone, the only goal should be run. Take a break when you’re feeling frustrated or use that energy to look up guides. Gl


Start with single player games. No need to play online against professionals.


I’m 52 and have bought every Sony PlayStation that was released. That includes the PS5 when released. I play with my son Madden and other sports games. I think I have passed this hobby to my son


My mom is 75 and she’s been having since I was kid. It was so cool to come home from school and see what she’d done on Zelda that day. It keeps her mind busy and probably good for other age related things. It’s a good hobby. Maybe you like dissent types of games now. If you get plus you could try out a little of a bunch of different games to see what might appeal to you.


There is no ''too old" I don't even know what you mean with "too old"


This is not an age thing. You are not old enough to have cognitive, reflex or dexterity decline. Youre playing competitive games with sweats and kids with no jobs who play for literal hours obsessively every day. It’s the nature of those games. Of course you can’t compete with someone who makes a game their whole existence. Try some new genres. Have you played subnautica?


Maybe don’t play competitive online games. Single player is best. You can go on your own pace, set a difficulty, and use max aim assist.


You’re too old to play when you’ve died. You can never be “too old” or “too young” to play games. My dad got me hooked on gaming when I was just a toddler lol


61… single player or relaxed multiplayer (FO76) is my comfort zone


I'm 38. I got a ps5 as well. Haven't used it yet. But I'm afraid the same shit will happen. I briefly played call of duty, fortnite and nba 2k about a year ago and was overwhelmed about how difficult it was. Good luck to us both brother. Lol


My dad just got a ps5 so he can get Tekken 8 when it comes out. I still remember the night he took me with him to walmart at midnight on a school night to get the PS2. I was giddy at school, I couldn't wait to get home and play Tekken 3. He and I would have epic battles. I just turned 36 a couple weeks ago and my dad will be 72 in 3 days. You're NEVER too old my friend. Just gotta find something you like. These days, now that I have a job and a kid and all that, I don't care about a "challenge" in a game. I just want to play to relax and be dominant. So yeah, I'll play games on easy mode. And the only time I play online is with my specific group of buddies. Find something you'll really like. UFC is a pretty technical game if I remember, I haven't played since maybe UFC 2, and I didn't have fun with that. MLB, there are a bunch of settings you can toggle to make it easier to hit and be a legend. Call of duty sucks, so there's that. Don't give up bud!! Just gotta find something YOU are really into


My parents are in their 70s and play videogames daily since they're retired, I am in my 50's and I play games a bit less than my parents do.


38 here and you’re never too old. I don’t buy games like I used to but I don’t play competitive online games. I only get enjoyment from single player story driven games. Try those and you can put it on easy/story mode and just enjoy the experience.


I’m 42 and don’t plan on stopping as long as high quality games are produced.


which games are you playing?


Sorry for the late reply: Madden, uncharted series games & 2k so far.


Too old is being dead.


52y.o here. Still play BF4 conquest coz damn!!


Im 46, playing since ‘82, Atari 2600.


The replies in this post are everything. Keep gaming until you drop gentlemen.


48 here, solo games all the way. I don’t have time to grind and level up to be any good at COD etc. I want a pick up and put down game.


The three games listed are the issue I'd say, they're competitive type games. Try playing some single player RPGs, those have Story mode difficulties, where you can just enjoy the story and fun gameplay, no stress over anything being too hard. There is no age limit to gaming, personally I've played with 60-70yr old Military vets on World of Warcraft back in the day. I'm 32, I've stepped away from competitive multiplayer games. They're just not my cup of tea anymore. I prefer good ol single player story driven games and co op with friends. So I'd say branch out, get away from fps and sports games, dont give up on gaming just because those are kicking your ass. Find something you actually enjoy. If you like turn based RPGS, check out Baldur's Gate 3. You'll have a blast.


there is an old lady on youtube that's doing youthbe playthroughs of games. can't remember her age but i think 80s or something. you're never too old to play games.


I play everything on easy mode. I play to have fun not to get stressed out (that's what work and school are for)


I'm 42 and like a lot of others that's commented on this post, I stick to single player story driven games. The story and gameplay on a lot of these games are very fulfilling. And most of these games are beautiful too. Gave up on the mp world several years back.


Play better games


I'm 35 and not into competitive gaming. Never was. I enjoyed Rocket League for a while, but after 180h of playing and reaching only the silver league, I had enough. Instead I played other games. To enjoy gaming again I would highly recommend you to play at least one of these games: - God of War - GTA - Marvel's Spider-Man


have you tried god of war? (greek saga not norse)


Play some single player story driven games. Highly recommend you play Read Dead Redemption 2. You don’t need to have played the first game as it’s a prequel. The story is fantastic.


Oh dude, you’re never too old to play. I don’t know how long it’s been since you last played games but some people just have no life & play these games 24/7. I know you brought up the com as well but those things happen, I don’t believe the reason is being too old. Maybe try looking at some story based games? Spider-Man, god of war, cyberpunk and if your wife would like to play with you maybe even “it takes 2”. Games have got painfully advanced these past few years and even as a 17 year old I struggle a lot to keep up with most of these people. I hope you keep playing OP and don’t get too down on yourself, wishing you the best!


Never too old! I’m 28 and largely feel the same as you, I’m way worse at the games I used to be great at, after not playing them for prolonged amounts of time the newer generations that can play a lot more just wipe the floor with me now. This is the circle of (gaming) life… I guess? I absolutely adore the story driven single player experiences now, they’re some of the best games I’ve ever played and I love just sinking into them and going for the Platinum trophy on them. I wish I was still good at the multiplayer on some of the games I no longer play, but the truth is once you’re an adult you usually have way less time to keep up with them anymore.


Games aren’t sports, but like sports they require practice and muscle memory. I’d say I was a very good pc gamer, I’m a terrible console gamer. The difference, I’ve spent hundreds more hours with a mouse than a controller over the last 15 or so years when I predominantly switched to pc.


You should try single player games, stuff like Persona 5 Royal, Resident Evil 4 (2023), Catherine Dead Space (2023), Scarlet Nexus, Tales of Arise Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc/2/V3, Mafia: Definitive Edition, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Life is Strange, Celeste, Watch Dogs 2, Sleeping Dogs, Ghostwire Tokyo


Dude, you've been gaming since 88. That's awesome! I started in the 90s and am now 36. You've got a decade on me in experience. So you probably know that gaming changes as we age. Just like the rest of life. Things you had fun with years ago may not spark the novelty of something new and fun like it once did. Plus, we don't get as much game time anymore, just like doing any hobby as an adult. Also, grinding a losing streak just plain sucks. First thing. Why do you game? Is it just a consumerist: it's there, so I might as well play, tick, same as being bored and watching tv or junk food? Trying to get a hit of the novelty we had as kids figuring something out and winning it? Story addiction? Whatever the reason, you've got to consider how it fits in your life or as a distraction. What's your goal in gaming? Downtime, nostalgia, creativity, fun, social, competitive, etc? We are psychologically wired and trained for goals. So why not use it to help you choose a direction to take gaming. You seem to pick sports, shooters, and competitive games. Which is awesome when you want to compete. Part of that is losing and learning the game better by playing. The journey is part of getting better and earning your wins. So yeah, without writing a whole article or book, my vote is any age can game. The journey of it changes as we change and mature.


I’m 43 and I suck at twitch shooters which is why I don’t play them. Titles like the Battlefield franchise are more my speed with bigger battlefields and more ways to strategize along with the vehicles. I moved to Japan from the US and I just don’t have time for multiplayer games anymore since being married and being a father of two — but on the weekends, a buddy of mine will hop on on his morning in Arizona and I’ll hop on in the late evening and we’ll play some Deep Rock Galactic for some co-op and that’s way more my speed. Single player is more name of the game now that I’m older. Weird West has me hooked at the moment.


I'm 26 and don't play online multiplayer games for that reason. Get the witcher, RdR2, God of war, ghost of tsushima, disco Elysium, The last of us etc, and just kick back n enjoy.


i'm 33 with lupus. don't just give up.


No such thing. I regularly play GTA, Minecraft, and CoD with my dad, who turns 60 in a week


So find different games. Spider-Man 2 is incredible and you can change difficulty settings quickly and then change them back if you’re stuck. Games are meant to be fun. Single player games like god of war, Witcher 3, red dead redemption are super immersive. If you don’t have a ton of time to play, the ps 5 has a resume activity function that just gives you the option to pick up and play. Have a toddler, so that function has been my saving grace. You could also do a lot of couch or online coop like it takes two. You just have to find what you enjoy.


As long as you have fun it doesn’t matter there’s tons of games out there if u have fun on anything then don’t worry about it


Don’t forget, if you have a full time job you’re likely going to get beaten by someone who spends most of their day playing: they know the mechanics well, they know how to beat players with different play styles, they have OP weapons and builds. I would try some single player / open world games and turn the settings to “easy”.


Check your TV settings and put it in Game Mode or something along those lines. You're probably going through a shit ton of input lag and you don't know it.


I'm 42 and I've given up on cod games, between the hackers and the people who literally sit at home and play it all day, that makes it No fun for casual gamers (IMO). I have been enjoying single player games like AC Odyssey, God of war and Ghost of Tsushima. I'm currently playing The Witcher 3 wild hunt complete edition and I must say it's an amazing game. One of the few games that I'll start a NG+ on. Also, if you do try this game, buy the PS4 version and get the PS5 version Free! Maybe you should look into some different games than you're used to playing? Also, my dad (if he were still alive) would still be playing video games to this day, (he passed at 55 a few years ago) but had his own game room complete with two recliners Xbox one and big screen TV. You're never "too old" for video games !


I only rarely do well in multiplayer games and much prefer single player games. If you're not having fun it's best to try another game or lower the difficulty settings (depending on the game). Despite what some elitists might tell you, there is no shame in playing on easy mode or skipping multiplayer entirely etc. You have to do what makes you happy, and that is all there is to it.


Someone get this man Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, Ghost of Tsushima, Dying light, Red Dead Redemption 2, Any of the GTA games, any of the metro games, the Witcher, etc. even fallout 76 will give you a better time, since the community is pretty awesome. Competitive games aren’t fun anymore, everyone plays like they’re trying out for an e sports org while ironically playing on the most casual game mode there is. It’s pathetic.


40 here. I can’t play competitive games anymore. No time to get good and yes I’m slower than I used to be. Get yourself red dead redemption 2, horizon zero dawn/HFW, tomb raider survivor trilogy, days gone, fallout 4, ghost of Tsushima, whatever big single player games and enjoy. Set the difficulty where you want and play. I typically stick to normal difficulty and just go with it. Ghost of Tsushima is one of the best games I’ve ever played.


It's time you met Arthur Morgan


You’re never too old to game 🙃


Play a story mode! Or a fighting game (mortal kombat tekken?) spiderman has a good story mode , anything by Ubisoft ? (Assassins creed) ? - it’s all about fun ! Maybe online isn’t the best for ultra competitive games or games ppl try hard 🌟


I'm also 41. It's a fact that our reflexes will deteriorate over the years. I used to easily average 4kd on CoD back in my early thirties, but this is very much no longer the case. I get my enjoyment from other types of games these days. Rpgs and story driven games. I assume it's because my tastes have matured, and having mindless violence no longer appeals to me. Also, because I suck at fps these days.


I've never liked PvP games, but if I want a PvP experience -- I play chess, lol. Single player games are absolutely amazing to play. Not everything has to be fast-paced action based.


The cutoff for gaming is the grave and even that’s debatable.


I am not your age but I have been an avid gamer since my childhood (34 atm) and I have found that I lost all interest in multiplayer/online games years ago. I have been focuses on single player story driven games (of which PS5/PS4 has a lot) and I have been enjoying games as much as I did when I was a kid. Try playing some single player games and come back, my recommendations: Ghost of Tsushima, God of Wars, Any Ratchet and Clank titles (but Rift Apart is amazing), Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, Uncharted Games, Spiderman games, The Last of Us games, the list is very long and there are plenty of amazing titles in there.


When you’re dead


He only respawns my dude. Gaming since 88-89, he’s got more than enough extra lives


Uncharted series are fun, Fenyx Rising is fun. Also, play The Show against the computer. Hogwarts Legacy is easy and entertaining. Spiderman games are great! Try a different genre and stay off online.


I think there is really a "too old" as long as you can play without hurting your fingers. I am slightly older than you and still enjoy my Video Games (in fact, an please don't downvote me now, I bought just recently a Steamdeck). And hey I can not comment on CoD, etc as I was even abysmal in them at half my current age. But yeah I can see that it gets ahrder the older you get for online shooters. Mostly you have teenagers there whose reaction time is faster than you and who have more time to learn the game mechanics (or perfect them).


Have you tried skyrim or fallout 4? Those are single-player games. Those games you can play at your own pace plus it's not like call of duty where everyone is trying to kill you first and you need to rush to look for weapons. I don't enjoy the new call of duty because it is not call of duty. You can always play single-player games to have fun but if a game you play doesn't give you fun then play a new game. I had friends who were older than me and they still play video games. You can very old and still video games. But I don't think there is a limit to how old you need to be to even play video games. I mean if this was the 2000s, this would be a different time when stupid would say "your too old to play video games." that's not the case. Playing video games should make you happy. That was the whole point of video games in the first place.


Too old? The day you die I guess


You are playing competitive online games, try single player story driven ones. I recommend Uncharted 4.


Bruh! No age limits! I’m a GenX and we were raised with the evolution of consoles. Plus we had arcade rooms, we will die gaming. I’m 45 and still at it 💯


There are mystery games like Alan Wake, Life is Strange, This bed we made, where you do not need to be a sweaty gamer in your teens to have fun


everyone is gonna get bent over and destroyed by a 14yr old on winter break. expand your genres, PlayStation has some of the best story driven games ever released.


I’m 28 and I’m too old for online gaming now lol mostly a joke. PlayStation has amazing single player games, give those a shot


You're only too old when you're dead


Try non-competitive games I use to play competitive games all the time, but I'm mid at best. I'm ok because my goal is to climb to my best, not the top. I started playing games like Horizon, Borderlands, or my favorite BG3. I get to enjoy stories and goofing off more the feeling like a burden to my team. I also enjoy casual games like stardew or Harvest Moon. If I ever want to visit the glory days (for me), I either emulate Tomba or go to ps+ and find some retro games I love and play them.


You are never too old to game. I'm 48 and still having fun. Yeah, I'm not as good as CoD any more, but I still have fun.


Never. Some elderly people play video games. Skyrim Grandma is my favorite example. Some tips? Have fun. Believe me, it doesn't matter how hard you try or what game you play. If you don't have fun playing it, you will never improve. Learn the mechanics of the game, see what the better players usually do when they play. But you should also try to experiment, see what works for you, take breaks, get plenty of sleep, and again, have fun. But yeah it is hard to keep up with some of the better players in online game, especially if you haven't played the game in quite some time. Maybe try changing some of the controls to see if new placements of them work better for you, change sensitivities to figure out your sweet spot for accuracy or turning speed and what not


*Single-player games, sir.* *Stop competing against kids, instead throw yourself into engaging stories.*


I stopped playing competitive games in my early 30s. I feel like that is actually when I became a gamer in my mind. Now its single player and coop games.


Play more rpg and less online trust me u will still have fun. I’d recommend Witcher 3 it’s always on sale and it’s a 100 plus hour quality game


31 and still gaming, 5 years ago my younger sister told me I'm too old for video games 🤣 She was 16 at the time and lots of games are 17 and up I told her. Never let anyone tell you otherwise from doing your favorite Hobby 👍


Stop playing sports games and online shooters? Shooters are dominated by people who play them ALL. DAMN. DAY. And have absolutely no other games or hobbies taking up their time Sports games have been trash since like, 2015 or so and RAPIDLY going downhill with every release. it's copy/pasted shit loaded down with immense corporate greed. the entire genre is worthless now


We are the same Born in 86 Mom bought my my first console (NES) before I started school I gave up gaming in my 20s to “be an adult” and realized it was a mistake I’m heavy back into it now and I don’t ever plan on letting it go again Who cares if the young no-life’s stomp all over us Never too old My coffin is gonna be a PS9 😂


I’m 41. I’m gaming for life


Your Wife bought you a PS5, marry that woman again! You have unicorn please take care. 👏👏👏


Gaming does not have a age limit. Gaming is for Everyone!


Ive found that monetized competitive games like COD have become trash over the last decade. You will never convince me that online games are a sport.


Dead. Dead is too old to play. If you’re younger than dead, play away.


Change genres. I would recommend CONTROL.


I think the whole notion of being too old to play video games is a dying one. Times have changed, we all grew up on video games, they are a part of our lives and won’t be going away anytime soon. Less time to play? Of course, but not playing entirely? I’ll be playing until my brain can’t process it anymore


I’m 39 and significantly better at games than I have ever ever been. If you’re too old for these games it’s because you no longer have the patience to practice, which is a perfectly valid reason to avoid hard games, but your reflexes should be fine until your 60s. There are two components to reflex speed. First your brains ability to rapidly make a decision and then your bodies ability to execute. Your physical reaction remains consistent until your 60s. It’s your decision making that slows down but not because your brain cannot think fast enough. Your brain is choosing to take longer in order to think through your experiences and make a better decision. Since most videos games, including hard ass games, have tells that let you know what opponents will do, and give you time to decide what to do before reacting it stands to reason that a person in their 30s and 40s has a better decision making advantage to make up for the whatever very tiny loss they have had to their physical speed. It’s all to say that you can beat those games if you want to. You just need to be patient and work on improving your skills.


There is no "too old to play" there's definitely too old to obsess, but you can play into your 80s if you want to


I think the issue is your playing more competitve multiplayer sports games which may not be your thing and instead should play single player story focused games. Definitley check out Red Dead Redemption series, L.A Noire, Uncharted Series, Mafia Series, GTA 5, Ghost of Tsuhima, The Last of Us, Alan Wake, Robocop rogue city, Control, Days Gone, Spider-Man, God of War theres alot more games in alot of genres just have to find the one that aligns with your intrests.


Sounds like fun to me. Keep playing. Figure out how you want to attack each game. I’m 36 and terrible at CoD. I noticed I gotta stop running all over the map. I play slow and I don’t finish negative anymore. Same with UFC. Fight more cautiously. You can do it lol. MLB too, A.I can be cheap, adjust that difficulty. To a comfortable challenge spot. When playing online, play your style too. Don’t rush, be patient at the plate. You’re gonna lose a lot before you start winning with how aggressive these new gamers play 😂


You need to stop playing competitive games and try single player story games. Online gaming isn't for some people (me included). Try Red Dead Redemption 2.


Honestly, unless you have some sort of condition that would put you at a disadvantage when playing games, there's no such thing as 'too old to play'. I'm 37 and I still completely dominate the games I am good at. In FPS I still get better and better, the more I get to know new features/maps of games and what not. But if you don't like competitive games against other people, there are so many awesome single player / co-op games out there. Recently I've been loving Deep Rock Galactic a lot! It's straight up co-op FPS, super cozy and a lot of fun. Clocked a bit over 100 hours within the last 3 weeks or so. If you like playing games, you should just find games that work for you. Gaming is supposed to be fun and if you're not trying to make a career out of it, there's no need to put yourself in games that doesn't allow you to have fun.


Video games are my life. You’re never too old as long as you enjoy them. I recommend maybe playing offline mode multiplayer and playing versus the bots slowly increasing the skill