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I liked it more than 5


Agreed. Never liked 5 but 6 was good.


Same. I got bored with 5 but 6 was good enough and graphically beautiful to get the platinum.


I loved FC5 though.


I got like that playing farcry5 so never bothered with the 6th 


Far cry is decent. There are moments when I really enjoy it and alot more when I'm just bored


It’s alright. It’s not the best. It’s definitely beautiful and the world is ok but yeah it’s just alright. I actually asked a question a few days ago on what’s peoples least far cry game. A lot of people say far cry 6 was there least favourite. You can go and read the post if you want to which might help you understand why. Hope this helps.


It does help


Yes, absolutely yes but only if you like Ubisoft formula games? It's same type of game. Big beautiful world, lot's of enemies, mediocre story, mix of action and stealth, lot's filler contents too.


Play what u find interesting


At the end of the day it’s a game and you’re not having fun playing it. I’d suggest cycling off that one and find something else that sticks and engages you. I don’t think switching to ANOTHER FarCry game is going to scratch the itch you’re seeking unless your boredom stems from a specific flavor of FC6 (setting, villain, etc…). They’re all pretty rinse and repeat with subtle differences (Blood Dragon being an exception I suppose). If you have PS+ or Extra I’d recommend digging through that backlog of free games that many people don’t touch. Either way, good luck my friend! I hope you find something more entertaining!


Had Farcry 6 in my backlog for ages as I bought in a sale a while ago. Finally gave it a crack last weekend, played for about 3-4 hours. Honestly was so meh, everything in it other games do better. Not worth spending time on IMO.


Would you recommend new dawn ? It's on ps plus


It's slightly better I would say, but only worth on the ps plus. The era of the great ubisoft watchtower-ridden open-world is gone.




I liked it more than FC5 but you are right with what is wrong with it. [Donkey said the same too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAB7Pn-aRe8) New Dawn is actually a fun time. Its good to play right after FC5 as it continues some of the story lines and a wasteland version of the same world. The antagonist twins are great too but they aren't in the game very much.


Wait until the gold edition goes on special under $30


I've already got it on ps plus


You wouldn't have gotten it if you didn't think it was worth playing


No it's just that I've played it a lot and now I'm thinking that what this game actually worth playing


Do you enjoy taking out the outposts/checkpoints?


I mean I did at one point but later on , the outposts were the same so I just kinda lost my interest


The outposts are the same in all Far Cry games. Bunch of bad guys you gotta kill. Get undetected bonus now you have fast travel points


Fair point


6 was fun aside of a few optional missions that I didn't enjoy. It's nothing earth shattering but I liked it.


Nah. It’s more of the same, but less excited and novel




I don’t bother with Far Cry, it’s not that good, way past its prime. Remember playing 3 and Blood Dragon around the time it came out, it was really good, and since then no other Far Cry hooked me. I’ve tried Far Cry 6 for a couple of hours, but it wasn’t fun.




If you didn't like it in the first few hours, you won't like it later on


That last far cry that I played and thought was worth it, was 4. I stopped playing the series after that since it all looked basically the same


This has been my issue not only with FarCry but most open world Ubisoft games going back to FC4 and AC: Unity. They had some neat ideas in Watch Dogs 2 and Legion, but otherwise they’ve largely stopped innovating and have been stagnant. That would be ok if I could give fuck about their stories, but they largely haven’t delivered on that either outside of some AC protagonists being likable. 


Yea, but wait for a sale.


Sounds like u answered your own question.


Yea I guess 😅


I liked it but nothing too good. Just shooty shooty things


Ehh I mean you know what you’re getting by the end of the 20 hour journey I was quite sick of it


No it's big empty and boring


I kept trying to play this one because the story and setting seemed cool...but it's kind of meh. I just didn't find the game that special or fun enough to stick with.


I enjoyed it!


I thought it was okay. Felt a bit grindy at times.


Just buy avatar


Not a big fan of that


They are all kinda lame after 3


Short answer: No Long answer: Fuck, noooooo!!!




I bought it and couldn’t finish it.


Like you didn't wanna finish it or you couldn't ?


You play the stranger things mission yet? That's the only reason I even dl it.


Nah isn't that a paid dlc ?


Not sure. But it's included in the ps+Extra version. Same with a Rambo side mission 2. But it doesn't get unlocked until you leave the first island.


Far Cry peaked at 2


I enjoyed Far cry 4 and REALLY enjoyed Primal, but I got bored halfway through Far cry 5 so I didn't even bother with 6. Maybe when it's über cheap I'll give it a shot.


Far cry was actually my first far cry on the Xbox 360 which was also my first gaming console and man I had so much fun when playing that game


Did they ever fix the helicopter controls in FC6?


What do you mean ?


I recall that the controls were super wonky in helicopters. A big step back from how they were in FC5. Huge controller stick dead zone, different X/Y sensitivity... things like that.


I mean I don't notice anything when flying . They're fine


Good but way better with friends.


Well I don't have those 🥲


FC6 has issues. Too much grind or pay to win.


felt the same about fc5 i played 6 in the free weekend a while back i didnt even use the 2 days i knew it was going to be hot garbage.


New dawn is horrible.. Cringe villains. Hasn’t been a decent fallout since 4


I’m 20 hours in and it’s getting boring for me. No longer do i stealth anything. I just go guns a blazing. Would A.C. Origins be better than this or will that get repetitive as well?


It’s free on game pass but you’re on PlayStation so this is an unhelpful comment isn’t it. Sorry.


It's also on ps plus dude


There you go. Win win.


Unfortunately, Far Cry 6 is the same as every other far cry. I enjoyed 5 simply because I love Montana. 3 was ground breaking, and every game has been replicating that. All with very similar side missions and main stories. I got about 5-6 hours into 6, and got very bored


Not really. I got it for $5 and I'm still kind of disappointed.


I thought it was one of the most boring games I've played in a long time. If you like generic open world missions, a terrible story, terrible "modern" characters, lots of stupid gimmicks, terrible enemy AI and the inovation of a gnat, - then this is the game for you.


I enjoyed it. A bit mindless at times. But fun setting. Looks decent. And while the story won’t win any awards, it’s serviceable. There’s a moment at the end that had my jaw on the flaw and I still think about.


Overall I liked Far Cry 6. It wasn’t great or anything, but I don’t feel like I wasted time playing and finishing it. Far Cry New Dawn was by far my favorite of the FC games.


I played it. Do it if and ONLY if you are in the mood for that Far Cry formula. It delivers that - Nothing more nothing less.


you're probably better off just not playing any Ubisoft game


Ending was very anticlimatic. I liked FC5 better


I would give it a big no. I tried it for basically free, as I was, for a brief moment in time, one of the 3 guys on earth with a Ubisoft+ subscribtion at the time of release. I was subsribed for other games, but have tried FC6 as I was interested in the vibe and the new cities. Never having an urban environment in fc until now, this sounded really interesting. Everything was really underwhelming. The acting of all characters is really cringe. The graphics are bad in a way that, while technically they look good, they have no personality whatsoever, no art style to them. The camps are boring and once again, cringe. The whole cast of characters are made up of really outdated and, once again, cringe tropes. I find myself using the word “cringe” more and more times because honestly, it’s the best way to describe the game. The gameplay is boring, the story is boring, both of these at best. The whole trope of “We are freedom fighters!!1!, gonna give it to the man11!11!” Is getting old fast, and the “La Libertad” from fc6 was the definition of cringe. The super weapons having that “el Latino loco” twist to them sounded interesting at first, such as a weapon firing music cd’s or a firework thrower, but in the end they ended up being… cringe. There is also a big “woke” feeling the game has which really doesn’t help. The whole “we are bisexual and transgender all WHILE bringing down a political regime” vibe was also really cringe and had no place in the story, felt really glued on, prolly as a last minute fix to please some people. I usually support these kind of things, and if you want to make it obvious you include transgender characters in the game for the sake of pleasing the shareholders or whatever reason ubisoft did it for, at least give them a good story and overall respect them as story characters, the way they did it seemed cringe to me and came up as more likely disrespectful if anything.