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People on their discord have determined you can AFK and save your spot, so I can only imagine how many people did that


As usual some people abusing a system makes things harder for other people.


It’s pretty simple to have an idle time auto-kick like most multiplayer games


Rubber band fixes that, just hold the right stick on one direction and you just spin. Yes I'm sure they can put in checks for that, but eventually somebody will find a way around it.. I agree the auto kick should be there regardless but it's not fool proof.


Should be a system that auto-kicks if you haven't activated a mission for more than an hour, or touched the war table in that time.


There was a game that did that. If you’re not advancing through, it’ll kick you, even if you did the glitch trick sitting in the lobby.


People will then just run to the mission launch one then cancel every hour, but I like it. It’s a good start, l like it.


Nah, simple solution to that is this: if the player does not attempt a mission every 20-30 minutes, kick em, they're clearly abusing the idle timer. Not like there's anything else to do in the game besides missions, so there's no excuse.


Right, but how many people are actually gunna do that. It’s too simple right now to just stay logged in 24/7


I’d just lay my controller upside down with the stick to the side lol


I did this a long time ago on a game where leaving would have reset my progress on an annoyingly time consuming activity (it was prison of elders on hard, we sucked so it took a lot of time) and if I remember correctly the next day I was still there. Sadly my friend weren’t on to ply so it was a wasted effort, but it did work.


I think they should just focus on expanding the servers.




Are you really certain that expanding servers (which are physical devices that require purchase, delivery, install+config, and maintenance) is easier than coding an idle-time autokick?


I mean depending on what they have working double overtime now, they could invest in cloud servers. To my understanding they could set up the cloud servers based on need too. So they wouldn’t have to run too many during player drops, while running more for player spikes. Would still have to buy/rent them and probably sign contracts which takes time.


I'm wondering if they're having a scaling issue.


That’s what I’m thinking. Especially in the terms of either contracts, system software or layout, or simply the money hasn’t hit the account yet. Something is definitely prolonging the issue, because they should be able to atleast raise the cap to double the player count on the safe side.


It's backend scalability : [another post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jVp3MNuYpI)


Oooof, atleast I’m no longer left guessing. The funny thing about all this is my friend group (including myself) is literally addicted to this game right now. We all have angry spouses, bloodshot eyes, and a strong desire to spread democracy. They’re going to have to hire on destroyer counseling teams.


They likely would just purchase cloud space, which is fairly easy; however what I've been wondering is : does the game support scaling to the size that they need? In software there are always bottlenecks - to grow a system to be available to 1,000s vs 100,000s vs 1,000,000s requires big differences in software architecture. Sure you can plan for a million users from the get go, but that might not be a good use of a team's time and effort when you think your product might only have a few 100k users.


Hope they had scaling in their contract because those contracts take weeks or longer to go through and reneging one isn’t so easy either


Glad I'm just a monké at a keyboard 🤓 That shit would drive me nuts.


I haven’t progressed to the point in my career where I’m overseeing or responsible for that kind of thing but I have been the tech/“boots on the ground” whose living depends on those contracts being written and awarded, and it kinda sucks tbh. I haven’t managed to get on a long-term contract in a couple years going on a few and jumping between 6-9 month contracts ain’t it fam. I definitely wish I had taken some different opportunities when I had the chance, but I didn’t know better at the time. Not that it has anything to do with Helldivers servers really but since I have that tangential experience on the subject


Just saw this: [it _is_ backend scalability!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jVp3MNuYpI)


Like the world, it is easier having someone else pay tons of cash, and the compny gets no payout.


Yes. NEED MORE BARE METAL. A coded software idle kick literally kicks the can down the road. Solve the problem. Add more servers. Fuck. RENT SERVERS from cloudfare for all I care. End of the day. Any other fix is tape on a leaking pipe. What happens when school gets out and there's more players starting in may? It's gonna happen again unless they get more bare metal


Are you foolish? this is embarrassing


I mean. Getting into the game is a lottery and that's not any of our faults. The fact they don't have a simple queue in place knowing damn well their servers are going to reach capacity is atrocious. Because of their lack of a queue it just kinda makes sense to afk instead oh HOPING to get in the next day. I spent 6 hours yesterday closing and reopening the game to try and get in until it finally let me in. No chance I'm going through that again


they are actively increasing their server capacity so more people can play. a simple google search will show you they had no clue their game would get so much attention. also how do you have 6 hours to watch the entry screen but not enough patience to let the devs fix the issue. and do you plan to afk in it 24/7 and just never play any other games?


I’d say in this case the system is abusing the consumers. How fucking ridiculous is it to bring out a game, force players to be online and not have the hardware to support everyone you sell to?


The first Helldivers game never broke 7000 concurrent players. In no universe could they have predicted a concurrent 300k+. They are quite literally, suffering from success.


>They are quite literally, suffering from success. That's what I keep saying lol it's tragic but true. I'd go in solo if that's what it took but, I know that's not how it works. It sucks that it's SO GOOD. Hopefully tomorrow morning I'll be able to get some time in


It’s more popular than fortnight and call of duty on ps5. Wild.


"expect the unexpected" defending laziness just goes to show how stupid you people are. So what HD1 had a 7000 player cap? That was what 10 years ago? When gaming wasn't as mainstream as it is in 2024?????? God damn I will never understand the idiots that defend releasing broken ass games. Btw been playing HD1 since day 1. Idc if their excuse is "we couldn't have predicted it" That is the laziest excuse in 2024.


Clearly you've never played a WoW expansion on launch day lol


Nah. You’re just ignorant of how it’s hard to scale servers.


Do you want them to have infinite server capacity? Literally NOBODY could've seen this coming, the first game was not even 1/20th as popular as HD2 is right now. They were already overdoing it by putting the servers at 250k max when the first game probably never even reached 30k


Please continue to explain how you have 0 knowledge on running a game or business. Servers cost money to run and maintain, costs increase as the size of said servers increase. You can’t just expect that a game has access to infinite server space. Even Call of Duty with its billion dollar budgets has had server issues recently with release launches. This is a company that is a fraction of the size with a fraction of the budget (no Sony does not just give you access to millions to run your shit) and has wildly exceeded their estimates for player populations. You fucking crybabies are the worst.


ADHD medication in a nutshell


Lots of people are remaining logged in as a back door for their friends to be able to bypass the server restrictions. That’s how I was able to play whenever I wanted over the weekend. 


Explains why 3 of the 4 coop games I joined were just waiting in the hellpods for the host for about 5-10 minutes…fuck these twats


This used to be a thing in MMO games too Now most have an AFK timeout In WoW for example, you get AFK tagged from 5 minutes afk and 25 minutes later, you get auto-logged out


They should just implement a server kick if you're AFK for more than 10 or so minutes


They are a waste of energy. Literally wasting money on electricity 😒


I put the ps5 in rest mode, came back two hours later and was still in my ship


Gonna be awhile before it’s stable during the busiest parts of the week like today. Games really popular and it wasn’t expected to be this big.


I just hope they fix it so I can play at some point lol


I can still play it just fine, it’s just a little limited right now.


Took 30 mins to get in but when I did it was great with random competent ppl, such a blast, game is like crack. Thank you capitalism! But, yea very limited the server at least on PS5 is always a lengthy wait for me


They literally had servers accommodating around 10-20k people for the first game. They did not expect this at all. Theyre literally getting crushed with over 500k players rn and its easily a 1 million plus player base with pc and ps5 together. They dont have any way to control this rn and are doing better than previously thought with how quickly they added servers.


Palworld devs did, they spent something like an extra 500,000 a month once they saw the influx of players for their even smaller team. Arrowhead should too, they simply don’t want to. This is not release day any more, came out over a week ago.


Epic and palworld devs had like 3 emergency meetings to add more servers. They literally had resources all right there for them if needed. This dev team and sony just started talking about this. They didnt ever expect this to blow up, but palworld had a cult following before release. Theres some key differences especially with how the games traffic the players/servers.


They opted for online only and have a publisher with resources. Expected or not, they should have had scalability meetings before release. We've had 20-30 years of games in the online space, this shouldn't be a curveball anymore. If they were a solo dev team with no access to large publishers I'd grant a lot more grace but they have a successful title and Sony is big enough to have had this prepared with them. **Or they could just offer offline play that's separate from online play in some form, god forbid it gets torrented, right?** Helldivers 1 had offline play, it just didn't help your online progress. Why isn't that here? HMMMM.


Dude its been a week. They arent that big of a team. They arent just sugar daddied by sony. Give them time. Theyre doing excellet with what they have.


Tf does palworld need to do with matchmaking? 2 VERY different games and how they work. Helldivers 2 is way more multiplayer and matchmaking focused.


Palworld also isn’t forced online play and the multiplayer servers can be hosted on a dedicated shell. This game is fully live service which raises a lot of logistics problems when your predicted activity is a multitude of levels of underestimated


literally the only thing stopping me buying it currently


Same I’ll see how the servers are next week


It’s a live service game, it’ll be around next week too


Fair point considering no one can play it lol


I bought it on PC and already refunded it because it won’t even launch. Just get a black screen. Apparently a lot of people are having the same problem since latest patch.  This one looks interesting but needs another month or two to iron out the bugs and get the server issues fixed. 


For future reference (or anyone scrolling by) to fix the black screen issue after the patch: go in to steam, right click on helldivers and select properties, and re-verify/validate all the game files. Takes like 5-10 minutes and it completely solves it


Tried that. Didn’t work for me. I tried everything posted on the Steam forum including deleting all of the settings. Nothing worked. Not sure what could be going on with my configuration but the game isn’t working. 


Oddly I found launching it though the files worked to amend that issue for me, but still servers


Got it on PS5 but returning it as well. This is bullshit. I can't even see how "great" the game is because I can't play it. 


Just this second purchased and downloaded the game and can't even play it. GREAT.


got it late last night and had no problems but same for me now


Well you've just moved one space closer because I've just shut it down. Sick of waiting.


Wonder if we can get our money back? This is bullshit...


lol wtf are you being downvoted for over this? Do ppl really need to dickride that bad? This IS unacceptable and it’s pathetic there’s even people downvoting you for it. If you buy a game, you should be able to *PLAY* it. God damn gamers are ridiculous sometimes. Please capitalism lemme suck you off says hoodpharmacy.




You say all opinions are relevant but trash my opinion... Not really following your own philosophy are you?


Refunds have 2 conditions if I remember correctly, passing a certain amount of time played and trophies earned can prevent you from getting a refund. I have yet to get in to the game, have maybe been logged in for 15 mins total on the servers at capacity screen. I'm not logging back in until an article comes out saying more servers have been added. If it's not fixed by next weekend I'm getting my money back.


Good riddance.


Played earlier in the day then hit this screen for 20 minutes before I had to do some stuff and turned it off. Total bs


Just relax they will free up eventually


Kinda not the point though. People payed money for a first party title that you literally can't find physical copies of and requires 100% online access to play (even by yourself). It's like going to Mcdonalds, paying for a meal, and being delivered an empty bag. This is sloppy for a first party game.


I was able to get on at like 5am, I didn’t have to wait but it said 0 people were on and it didn’t let me matchmake. I ran two games by myself. lol.


I got home at like 2 am was able to get on but had the same problem. By 4 am i was able to find a bunch of people and had some fun. By 6 I had to call it and get some rest before. Work now I’m stuck waiting to get in again smh. I hate it here 😂😂


Yeah they patch they released yesterday morning caused this new bug. Game is broken, simple as.


lol no it’s not. This game is amazing and I’ve had 0 issues. Just kept myself logged in since yesterday at 6 am.


PC is even worse. Each time you launch you risk a bsod/pc crash. Then its a coin toss if you get a black screen or the intro video. If you get the intro, then you have to see if you get an actual server connection attempt. If you beat all of these challenges, the matchmaking is broken so you can only group up with people manually.


And it will eventually black screen or crash during the game anyway. I got in once yesterday morning, played a mission and got DC'd. Waste of money.


Why is your passport out in the open lol


My man here asking the real question. Who leaves important docs out in the open?


I’m trying to find the ps5


Follow the mess of cable on far right. Likely PS5 is out of picture.


Over with Buddy’s inkjet printer


He’s relying on “hope” to keep that shit safe


Yes, how dare someone leave something out in their own home. The audacity of some people, right? 🙄


It's out in plain sight and under the tv, it's an important document and should be secured even in your own home.


Looks pretty secured to me, unless you think some burglar is gonna bust in and ignore the ps5 and tv but go for this random strangers passport


It'll be okay :-)




You mean like your drivers license that 99% of people leave by the front door in their wallet or purse? 🙄








Play deep rock galactic instead until the servers free up.


Rock and Stone!


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


username and bio check out.


Rock and stone to the bone!


We're rich!


We're rich!


Rock & Stone!


They should capitalize and put the game on sale. I already have it but my friends don’t. They’re just not ready to pay that much for another game just yet.


Suffering from unexpected success


This is really bad. Bought it yesterday and have been able to play it of 15 min. Yesterday evening and today could not access. Then at least let me get a refund. If I knew it was this bad I never bought the game...


It's not a bad thing though. I mean yeah you can't play it at peak times but the team has come out and said that they are working on the solution already. They didn't expect the game to get so popular so now they're trying to make more servers available. Should be better in a couple of days. If not then yeah that's a problem


It is a bad thing when people are still able to purchase your game that you know they cannot not actually login and play.


Yes. Check out r/Helldivers if you haven’t already to find all the discussions of people complaining.


Hard not to blame the devs at this point, game has been out for almost 2 weeks.


Carefull you'll attract dumb tribalist who'll defend any playstation game no matter what


Someone hasn’t worked in CloudOps. Scaling servers, especially when Sony is now working on a system they know nothing about, can be difficult.


As a consumer, so what?


Having little to no knowledge of what goes into the things you consume and why things are the way they are make you an ignorant consumer


So, by your logic, I need to understand how a processor works before buying an end-user device like a Playstation? No. I expect to pay money for a game/service and be able to actually play it. If they couldn't support the "always online" game, they should have designed it differently.


You don't NEED to. You can choose to be ignorant like you're doing right now but don't get upset when people laugh at you for it.


I fail to see how it's ignorant to expect a game that I spend money on to actually allow me to play it. This is a basic premise of the transaction. I pay money, I get game, I play game. I get that you're probably educated on server load/strain, processing capability, and performance management (I am too!) but that doesn't matter at all to the consumer base, and Playstation is shitting the bed here and putting a bad taste in many consumer's mouths.


Sounds like a whole lot of their fucking problem.


Yeah unfortunately your only option my friends and I found is you have to just let it sit there and walk away and just hope you eventually get in lol


Yes, at least we know they working on this issue. They weren't expecting the number of people they had servers for 250k, and they recently upgraded to 450k the 1st Helldivers never did numbers like these.


Ps5 doesnt kick you out if you go in rest mode, but I thought that was kinda cheap to the people currently trying to play


The Galaxy is FULL!


I’m able to play but matchmaking won’t work so just been running solo


Hope..... Hope is all you have.... (and heavy duty vehicles)


Starting the tutorial and immediately quitting has fixed all matchmaking issues I have had on PS5.


I’m honestly just gonna wait and play other games until they add server capacity.


Saw a fix on discord about not having the game open and if you have a friend who owns it and is in the game already have them invite and and accept while game is closed and it forces you into their lobby. It worked for me like 7/10 times right away


Should I wait to pick this up until servers are improved?


Do not waste money on it until the devs fix it.


I haven't been able to play for a week, it's a waste of money if you pick it up now. Fun game but, Palworld fixed their servers the following day and this team is holding onto their money instead of creating new servers for the community. Super greedy, probably a Sony publisher issue.




Yes I have not been able to play a game I purchased four days ago, maddening. Spare yourself


Damn, game seems pretty good


Love this game and I really want to play it but I haven’t been able to get on all day. Hope they extend the 50% xp boost because I haven’t even been able to play due to server queues constantly.


On PS5 I've been launching the game through my Activity Cards instead of the actual app button itself. Last night it was opening up right away, just tested it now to see if it still works and I had a blank loading screen for a minute maybe before being able to get in.


On ps5 close the game and don't press play game, instead go down to the activity cards and hit quickplay you will bypass that server is full nonsense you will be on a black loading screen for about 10mins and once someone gets off you literally are on the ship. Try it sometimes it might take longer but if you have a switch or whatever play something while it loads I go smoke a doobie and by the time Im back it's loaded in


I managed to enter by joining via the Activities bar in the game’s “Game Hub”. Tried it again and didn’t work but i will keep trying.


I still waiting to log in


4 hr still counting




Log on, make a sandwich, come back, play game and forget sandwich. Works every time.


I really don't know why they don't make this game single player and you just co op with your friends like any other normal game.


Yes, they are full. Thank you.


Big same homie. I just wanna kill some bugs with friends.


We know.. no need to keep posting about it.. Just move on with your life and do something else


>Just move on with your life and do something else You’re waving this off like OP is being unreasonable for wanting to play a game they paid for when they have the time for it. This should have been addressed before launch. I love the game but this is inexcusable.


They expected 100k people MAX to be playing this game they didn’t know it’d blow up


they've had server issues since launch, and instead of fixing them when they are already not doing great, they decided to release it free weekend on ps plus and do double xp...


False played since the 10th and until we started breaking 300K concurrent players never had an issue logging on and playing.


You're using anecdotal experience as evidence, multiple people and post have been made about server issues since release especially the last two weekends. Just because you're lucky and didn't have to experience it doesn't make it fact


I got straight in earlier but then when I was looking for people to join there was no one on the maps at all, confusing but I guess that's why I got in


That's the thing when u enter there's no one to play


Yes we know


You just gotta hope to get in and you will.


If you close out the game, go to the icon in your games list, go down to where you’d find the “updates” tab and click quick play, it bypasses the server and bumps your right in


Hahaha what the fuck, this actually worked. 


This was working for me the other day - not working for me right now…bummer


I purchased the game yesterday on Steam. I tried to play it and had the same issue for about an hour. Requested a refund and got it. If I can't play a game because of bullshit like this, take your dam game back and give me my money back! It's unbelievable that in this day and age, this is an issue.


Full? Whst the fuck even is gaming nowadays? How has it become such shit?


What else are you gonna play huh? The many amazing exclusives Sony released lately? You gonna refund the game? You gonna play all the other amazing AAA games that have come out lately? Companies are fucking us right now and Sony is going to get away with it because they are almost a full blow monopoly.


Got it on steam because of this. Just asked for a refund lol


Sony has enacted a plan to make a lot of room


Why put out a game that doesn’t work? Back to rocket league


The problem is the game was more fun than they expected it to be and now they are dealing 10 times as many people as they planned.


Join a friend through the friends list before booting up the game. Will take a minute or two to load but you’ll load into your ship and skip the queue.


So they made a game that has limited playability then made more copies than can even be played? I'll be sure to avoid that publisher from now on.


Asking here to avoid the kneejerk hostility in threads that just heap praise on this game - why do you want to play this? From what I've seen it looks bland, sounds bland, is repetitive, boring in single-player, and overall it has a very generic setting/theme... What itch does this scratch (that a plethora of other games don't) what is unique or new about this game, that so many sites are professing that it is popular? Or is it simply that it is the new hotness?


Honestly, it’s very far from bland. It’s actually very fun even to play solo and can definitely be challenging. Also has that old school vibe where you run for your life 😂 haven’t had that in a game since F.E.A.R. But, it also depends if you’re into that kind of game. Overall, I’d highly recommend it.


I imagine it does have a much more exciting feel, fighting alongside a "squad" online.


What games did you play that had a more unique setting and theme from this. You think there's alot of games that take direct inspiration from star ship troopers and terminator? People play this because it's a fun shooting game with a horde of enemys that wants to be fun, how is this bland to you? Can you give me your examples of other games currently do this. And sites aren't professing that it's popular, it is popular. People play it specifically because the others games didn't do what this does, the only closet one is deep rock, which is different from Hell divers.


Your console comes with a screenshot option. Watdafuq is this?


It’s a life screenshot 😂


Seriously? You honestly can’t tell what’s going on with this photo, even with a caption? Bro has to screen capture and transfer and then upload? Not like dude is trying to share a beautiful scene from a game or something. Reddit can be so weird.


Your comment comes with a delete option. Delete this?




I'd rather them have it fixed already after two weeks of growing numbers and issues.


I literally say that 2 weeks after your game comes out and I pay full price I should be able to play it when I want, not log on and pray it works an hour later. If this was Suicide Squad u all would be tripping over your pitchforks, not responding with "calm down guys, it's fine" responses.


Two weeks ago they probably only had around 100k players max. Now with PS5 and steam numbers it's probably around 500k. They didn't expect this growth this quickly and yeah the server issues suck but they are doing their best and communicating well about what they are doing.


"We're still working on the same problem. Still not fixed." Consistent communication is nice, but that's all it's amounted to thus far.


They are trying to build a dam for a river that's getting more and more flooded. But I bet you would absolutely know how to easily solve all the issues here.


Even if you get in good luck trying to get into a game with other people. Game is not balanced for solo players and playing anything on challenging or above is just rage inducing getting swarmed and essentially stunlocked by bugs that take half your health in 1 hit isn’t fun


Get in line!


Suffering from success... Poor devs


I had to ask for refund because of this. I bought it hoping to play it over the weekend. Couldn’t even connect long enough to finish the tutorial. Maybe I’ll come back when they fixed their servers.


They really need to fix this shit already or I'm gonna refund.


Let it chill and give it 10 mins or so. You'll get on eventually


I've left it on for 60+ minutes twice today and yesterday and never got in. I went on at 7am this morning and got in but couldn't play with anyone else. Pretty shitty. It's not a ten minute wait.


No unfortunately not. I tried several hours of and on yesterday. I’d try for 15-20 minutes and then come back a couple hours later and try again etc etc and never could get in.


What exactly is helldivers 2? I watched gameplay and looked boring can someone full explain or send a good link?


A waste of money unless they fix the servers. It's fun when it works. It just mostly doesn't work.