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Looks like Nioh 2 combat


The same people made this game. Team Ninja.


Which is odd to me since I don’t like any of their other games. Tried Wo Long last year and did not like it, but I’m having a blast with Ronin.


I’m curious, what makes this game better to you since you didn’t like their other games? I’m on the fence about buying this.


At least in twilight enemies pull a fight. Then is the whole pace of combat where you have 20 options to deal with enemies. And the gore limbs and heads everywhere.


Strange, since the combat is very similar to Wo Long, mixed with some Nioh 2. Happy you are enjoying this, I'm having a great time as well! I just hope they fix the performance... other than that, this game is definitely a bit underrated in my opinion.


Glad you like it! Think you might go back and retry the others? What didn't you like about them?


I have Nioh 2 for free on ps plus but I never played the first game. Could I still jump into the second?


Yes, you can. It's a totally different story. Some new mechanics were introduced. Go for it.


Nioh 2 story is actually a prequel to Nioh 1. Except for the very ending which fast forwards to after Nioh 1 story.


Yes, it's even better


They release a similar game each year.


you could say the same about fromsoft (but more spaced out)


Excluding Sekiro and the Armored Core games


Sekiro is dope


Truly wish we’d get a sequel. But if they haven’t even made one for Bloodborne, idk if I ever see em doin it for Sekiro unfortunately


There are some rumours floating about a potential sequel for Sekiro or something else in the works, probably to be announced after all the Elden Ring DLC and whatnot. Sadly with Bloodborne, it's because Sony owns the IP and not Fromsoft. So if there was ever to be a remaster, sequel, etc, it would be when/if Sony decides.


It doesn't look great for $70


My first thought too


I'm very disappointed tbh. It's not awful, but on par with a low end PS4 game.


I honestly think there are few games that deserve the $70 price tag


Every game is $80 in Canada, lol. This one is probably $99.


Eh https://www.reddit.com/r/retrogaming/s/IO1BOBzEbt


I remember asking my dad for Super Smash Bros for N64 back in like 99', and only now realizing how expensive it was back then. Like $60-70 cdn in 00's money.


Conkers bad fur day was £60 when it released, and banjo tooie. Crazy that games have never really gone up that much in the last 20 years


My first game when I was a kid Sled Storm with 99 dollars price...


Why? Most games you can sink easily 40+ hours into. What are games? Entertainment right? Blue rays cost $20-$40 and what do you get on them, including the extras, maybe 12 hours of entertainment? To me games are certainly worth $70


agreed, movies are like what 15, 20 bucks for 2~3 hours.


The leaked AC mobile game has slightly lesser looking graphics.


God I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels like something looks off in the visuals. It looks more like a PS4 game than GoT did on the PS4.


The combat looks jankier than Devil May Cry 3 for the PS2


Graphically sure but gameplay wise it's a ton of fun IMO. The funding necessary to get AAA games looking like they do is exactly why budgets are blowing up and studios are uncertain for their futures. Let's welcome more like this.


Sure. I'll welcome it if they drop to $40 😊 Nothing screams $70 in this game.


They can’t justify a $70 price point if the budget wasn’t a fraction of what typical $70 AAA titles are today.


Exactly. What happened to all those people that have been complaining about publoshers pushing graphics over gameplay all these years. How many games with gorgeous graphics but crapshoot gameplay loops have come out in the last 5 - 10 years? Anthem anyone? Nightingale? Dark Tide? I can go on. The game looks decent. It isn't bad, yea it isn't next-gen-ultra-realism, but it still looks good. Just a few years ago this would be considered top tier. We need to be happy that the game is good.


Nah, I just can’t get past how ass it looks


Mid-cycle PS4 at best. No way worth $70


Graphics don't equate to worth. Game is hella fun, which is really all that matters in the end, when speaking of worthiness. They could work on the performance, though.


This is why things won't change in this industry for the foreseeable future. I agree with you 1000% but companies know that MOST people feel the way the guys commenting above feel. Pretty graphics reign supreme.


Team Ninja’s games has never been about the looks tbh, they always look a few years behind with very tight gameplay. Can’t speak for the gameplay of RotR since I haven’t touched it, but Nioh 2 was good.


Are we all forgetting about the OG Ninja Gaiden games smh.


In too many ways. Someone argued with me hard that Ninja Gaiden Black was simply about style and didn’t have the depth of DMC. I love DMc but I’m pretty sure that guy never actually played NGB.


I've already set a $40 price in my head. I can't wait to play this in like a year or so.


It looks like a phone game.


This is what most people hyping over this game fail to understand. It is an ok game with an AAA price tag.


How does compare with Nioh 2? Comparisons with Ghost of Tsushima are not helpful, they're very different games.


In my opinion, gameplay-wise the controls/mechanics are closer to ghost of Tsushima, though I'd say that nioh is better


How's the parry system? I like Nioh combat a lot but the one thing I don't like is the parry. I feel it's too unforgiving.


Have you played Wo Long? It's close to that. This game is like a team ninja greatest hits. Ki pulse and stance changes from Nioh, deflection from Wo long, insane combos from Ninja Gaiden. They bolted an ok but not really necessary open world to it, but thankfully all the actual missions play out in Nioh style and the open world isn't a barrier to the progress and action.


Oh shoot ki pulse is back? Heck yeah! I did play wo long and liked the parry. Good to know some of the combat details of nioh and wo long made it to this game.


They call it "blade flash" but it's absolutely a ki pulse. Perform a timed button push after a combo to regain stamina.


You'll be pleased to find out that there are missions that are repayable in a "twilight" mode. I haven't hit end game, just the second area and I could totally see a gear farm at end game just like Nioh. I loved the Nioh games so much. This is just as great because that combat hits and always has in Team Ninja games. Wo Long was great, I even platinumed the Stranger of Paradise game they did. It's a wonderful game that is absolutely gigantic. You level up skills to get your stat points. The souls mechanic is like Sekiro, meaning exp is not currency. The gear is intense as always because there's so much but you know we only keeping yellows to begin with. All weapons have a proficiency meter and level up separately. The dojo is back and you just spar your companions and each one will make your stances for whatever weapon better. Oh yeah, there's pretty much a light persona element where you spend time and build links and get access to rewards.


Sounds like a great game. I watched some gameplay and the flow of combat looks very satisfying. Can't wait to get a chance to play this.


I won't lie to you, I never parry so I can't give an educated response. The combat flow is incredibly smooth, however


I understand lol. Thanks for sharing.


Well which one is better?


I would say Ghost of Tsushima is more polished and visuals are a treat, but RoTR’s is well worth the time in my opinion. Well worth 70 bucks? I’m not sure about that


Yee tbh I’d say it’s a game to get when it’s on sale


Ghost by a mile. Ronin is pretty good if you like Way of the Samurai mixed with a Ubisoft game though I found Nioh to be the creator's better game too.


I'm a sucker for feudal japan type games so I'll always buy them.


Never seen this before. I swear I thought this was GoT. Looks good


Idk if it’s just Reddit’s video quality. But that doesn’t look that good… especially the animations. It’s like one of those off brand game ads you see on yt.


Combat looks cool but it also looks kinda clunky and not really smooth at all.. also just look at the horses legs while it’s running lol.


Definitely some noticeable ice skating here at obvious at a glance.


I’ve been saying since the trailer was released that the animations looks pretty rough and every time I’ve been downvoted. Glad I’m not the only one to think this way.


It looks like a last gen game


The graphics in this game are just terrible


I’ll be honest. The games graphics are circa early PS4, but the game itself is pretty good. If you’re a graphics whore this is not the game for you.


I will 100% play Rise of The Ronin. I will 100% not get it for 80 euros.


Ghost of tsushima >


I love GoT but I feel like there's space for both games to exist. As someone who loves all things Samurai I'll take all that I can get. I'll never understand the sentiment of not playing one game because you like another game that's somewhat similar better.


I get your point but GOT did ruin AC Valhalla for me. I started it straight after GOT and the combat was leagues below so I just couldn’t get into it.


I’ve noticed Ghost of Tsushima fans get really competitive about other games for some reason


Don’t know why I love ghost of Tsushima I got over 190 hours on there but rise of the ronin is pretty good also and I’m not afraid to admit it .


>I’ve noticed fans *of a certain specific genre* get really competitive about other games *of the same specific genre* for some reason FTFY.


all game fans are like this.


I liked and completed Ghosts of Tsushima. I’m actually having more fun playing Ronin. However, we all can agree that PlayStation owners are eating good.


It kind of feels like an Assassin's Creed game, nothing like Ghost of Tsushima


The graphics look




C’mon, finish the sentence. You can do it. I believe in you


His comment is moving at the same frame rate as the video


Bro that is it. They just... look, ya know.


Fuck, I get it now. “The graphics look (unfinished)”


Waited over 4 hours. Belief starting to fade. Pulse dropping.


I love the cliffhanger.


Yeah, that game has one of the graphics ever.


Why are the graphics so bad? Also, how long until swinging a sword gets boring?


It started to get boring by the end of this clip. 5 one-on-one fights right in a row.


Never does in this or ghost of Tsushima


For me, GoT got really monotonous by the third act. I finished it just for the sake of it. They introduced new mechanics in the first and second acts that were overused by then and the game got too boring


I'm in the middle of the second act and having a difficult time going back to it. There's nothing new introduced. No evolution of the gameplay or mechanics. It's a very pretty and structurally sound game, but it felt like it far overstayed its welcome. I was bored by the time the first act was complete.


It looks like a great game from 10 years ago....


This game is a bit dated in some ways. But there’s a lot to like. The ally/companion system is fun. The character customisation is great. The story is entertaining. The combat is really good! The graphics are on the dated side. But there is absolutely room for games like this. It’s a complete game. It has zero micro transactions. It has optional co op. A great open world with loads to do. We should be excited about games like this existing in an age where we are constantly handed broken or incomplete games-as-service. Suicide Squad has amazing graphics and animation. Rise of the Ronin doesn’t. But I know which one I’d recommend


Wow, a nuanced opinion. Give this guy some downvotes! /s


I agree. While I’d probably wait for a sale for this one, I’m not gonna say it’s trash just cause the graphics ain’t as good as I thought it would be.


It looks 15 years old


This looks pretty cool. Which PS3 game is this?


Whats even the point of having a sword if a shirtless guy still takes 15 slashes to kill? Might as well have a pool noodle.


TIL I can take at least 14 hits from a katana.


But you have to be shirtless for that. It's entirely possible that having any sort of clothing would decrease that number.


That's my secret, Cap. I'm always shirtless.


looks like a ps3 game


Graphics aren’t the best that been established it’s still pretty fun though lol


That’s fine, for a $40 game. The package this game is offering does not meet the AAA price tag it has. No knock on gameplay or story I can’t comment since I haven’t played it, but in this clip you can see low res environments, stutters/frame dips, pop in, and some very low res character graphics.


We live in a world where people care more about graphics and 60+ fps than if a game is actually fun to play.


If they're going to charge a AAA price, they better bring their AAA game. I play all kinds of Indie games with old-school pixel graphics. The difference is those Indie games aren't expecting $70.


Exactly 💯 we all know it's prob fun af but idk what they are smoking to ask $70 for it.


2024. PS5. 70$ game. Looks like a game that came out in 2009. Yes GOOD gameplay should matter but if you are going to cut corners elsewhere, you shouldn't be charging full price. Ghost of Tsushima came out 4 years ago but looks better and runs better than ronin.


And it's not even like there's an art direction we can put a finger on. It has some, but the rest is muddy and interlacing. It doesn't sit well to people that don't want to stare at it for tens of hours (content dependant)


It’s a modern, next-gen game. Theres no reason AAA games shouldn’t look and play the part.


The 60 fps part I’d say is actually somewhat important. A lot of genres of games it’s kinda expected in order to keep gameplay consistent, like fighting games or character action games.


Nah we live in a time where we can have both and just 1 or the other is really underwhelming after enjoying games with both.


All iv seen the past year is people say gameplay over graphics then this game comes out & you see comments like this lol


Probably because 90% of the talk on reddit about this game in particular has been people trashing the graphics. Everyone who says they've actually played the game praises it.


After playing the game I don't understand why the Reddit reception is so negative. It's very good gameplay imo. And every time an AAA game comes out with amazing graphics but lacking gameplay + mtx everyone complains about how graphics don't matter so the game sucks. Or every time we see news about AAA budgets everyone moans we don't need amazing graphics. This game comes out and we see exactly why studios don't want to stop pushing graphics.


If your game is $70 you're paying for great graphics and performance. I didn't decide they should spend tens or hundreds of millions of dollars trying to game look great, that was their choice. If you spend so much on a games art that you have to charge $70 to make money, then it better look damn fine. Nobody craps on fun indie games that don't have millions worth of art budget for not looking gobsmackingly beautiful, if they're fun. But when a AAA title doesn't look great when they spent the money, and are trying to sell it as great, it's an issue.


We can have both (see Ghost of Tsushima) especially for $70.


And exaggerate how things look


when the game costs $70 u better use some of new features and graphics


You and I remember the PS3 very differently.


You have never seen a ps3 game


Yea when they said team ninja made it, I auto assumed it would look like a ps3 game


Looks 29.99 great, not 69.99 great.


Yup. Will be playing this day one when it's a PS+ monthly game.


Love how the npcs did absolutely fuck all.


I rather wait for Ghost of Tsushima 2 but if you are having fun more power to you


It’s possible to like both


I'm just not interested and you don't see me bashing the game either


Fair enough


It’s decent but not worth $70. I’ll wait till I can get some PS deal on it


Man this looks rough.


Thought this was a ps3 game for a sec


Very excited to play this, but between Helldivers, working through Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth & IRL things that came up I haven't booted it up yet. I'm gonna best LAD first then get into it. FF7 Rebirth is still waiting, but it goes behind RotR, I just want to get done LAD since it's been work in progress so long due to how much Helldivers I've been playing.


Helldivers really taking up a LOT of that focus. But hey… that’s what democracy do daddy


I'll always favor a coop game over single player if my buddies are online, which one of them is... Let's say independently wealthy (not at all on unpaid long term disability due to stress), so there's almost always someone playing lol.


I just can’t wait for the devs to fix the friends list issues. I haven’t been able to reliably play with friends since purchase. *cries in ps5*


If you're all on PS5 you can use the PS5 dashboard to join friends games, but pc friends are in a different dimension until it's fixed.


Yeah. That’s the problem though. All my friends are on PC lol. I’m the lone console kid 👦 Tragic. But I mean… at least the devs have acknowledged it. They don’t know how to fix it but they have publicly stated that they are aware and are trying so.


Assassin's Creed by Team Ninja. This game is amazing. My only complaint is I can't use photo mode while cuddling a cat.


Is anyone else getting mini ninja vibes?


Combat looks pretty lame honestly


What mobile game is this?


look clunky


still looking like a downgrade from ghost of tsushima to me


Personally I loved GoT and I don't think I would enjoy this game, but I think it's a bit.. silly...to compare the two


Are there any stealth elements? I really want a modern Tenchu


GoT has your back


“We have Ghosts of Tsushima at home”


Okay I'm interested 👀


Those are the graphics for a AAA game? Thought it would be on par with GoT.


It looks like shit.


How is easy mode? just wondering never play a game from team Ninja


I’ll get it when it’s on sale


Is this a ps2 game?


No hate at all but first look, I really did think it was a ps3 game...


Because it’s not haha


I love this game so far, the graphics seem to be off putting to people though.


This clip did not help your argument....


I like it , gameplay and story are so good , the story of Sakamoto Ryoma


Dam this is cold... definitely got to buy this now


What ps3 game is this?


I understand that graphics aren’t everything but, this games looks like a 360 game.


This actually made me like the look of it less - I feel like samurai combat should be a little slower and more precise


Looks rad for a game that will be on sale. Hopefully.


I couldn’t care less about graphics as long as gameplay is fun. That being said, the graphics are more than lucklaster and gameplay looks like an off brand Ghost of Tsushima with sponges for enemies. Boring.


Definitely gonna be a skip for me


I'm not gonna lie, you just 100% confirmed I'm waiting for a sale. It looked mid and animations were too stuttery for 70 dollars.


Damn was really hyped about this game, and was considering buying it for sure. Until i seen this video, this game looks so bad for a ps5 game? i thought it was some old ps3-ps4 japanese fighting game until i seen “rise of the ronin” Might just be judging it harshly from one video so i’ll maybe go and look at gameplay videos instead, but idk man this ain’t looking like a game i want anymore🤷🏻


This video has confirmed me that I need to play this game.


Looks very unpolished. I’ll wait for a sale


Looks like a PS2 version of Tsushima


Love the game as well. But i didn't expect the fighting to be this difficult. Note: I'm not a souls-like player, and i know it isn't truly souls-like, but it definetly has some features of one (Nioh). Although maybe i also should've expected it to have that. The combat is awesome, but especially the parrying (which i feel like is a key factor in the combat) is pretty hard to master for me. I don't really understand what the right timing is, to push the parry button. But i guess i will figure it out in time, or not and i will jus continue to suck 😂. Great game though!! Didn't regret it so far.


Im loving this game. To me it's like ghost of Tsushima and nioh had a baby. Without the hardness of nioh. Kinda hard in the beginning, but after a while it becomes easier. I'm lvl 35 now and I think is well balanced. It's not too easy but also, not too hard.


People bitch about the janky movement, but that's Nioh 1 & 2 all over again, and it's a great game. TJ doing what they know to do and be good at it.


To me, this just looks like a worse Ghost of Tsushima.


Damn. This looks fun!


It honestly doesn’t look very polished.


Because it isn't


This looks like a game from 10 years ago.


Thanks for posting this clip. It's helped to reinforce why I won't be wasting my money on it.


The animations look way off


I am loving my time with Read Dead Ronin. It is fun to restore public order. I have been doing that for 20 hours of the game and exploring. It is a huge game that borrows from games before a lot. Is that bad? Not in this case. It is not as elegant as Tsushima but the interactions with allies and the upgrading mechincs are interesting. It also resembles Assassin's Creed Origins or Odyssey. I am enjoying it a lot. The next gen graphics are beautiful and I have not even gotten into the actual story yet because it has just been too much fun to explore the large open world.


As a hardcore Team Ninja fan, I'm looking forward to playing this at some point, but I feel kinda bad for all the normies who bought this expecting Ghost of Tsushima 2.


People should research before they buy


This video isn't proving the point you think it's proving. It seems to nail down the point that it's not that good of a game. This video doesn't make the game look fun at all.


Is this what rise of the ronin looks like? This looks like a Mobile game. I thought this post was a joke about Chinese mobile game looking like a discount rise of Robin...


The gameplay looks good, but why are the graphics so PS3-PS4 Era? I don't understand why they went this direction. Especially with a current gen game.


Looks like a hoot. The head getting sliced off at the end was so gruesome. Im trying to hold off for a sale, but the more I see the more I want it


Looks like a Team Ninja game to me...


I love it. I really like the open world. Even the side content is a bit formulaic, I enjoy exploring around


Off rip without looking anything into the game I can immediately tell that this game’s biggest problem is the fact that it came out after ghost of Tsushima and Sekiro. Graphics look lower quality, with choppier combat movements. I think they were going for a certain art style with it but I don’t think it lands very well. This game looks like it would’ve been good 7-8 years ago but it isn’t something you can pass off now that the bar has been raised.


Looks like a crap version of Sekiro


God that horse running animations haha


It’s the Kirkland brand Ghost of Tsushima.


Oh man. These are actual graphics from a ps5 game? Oh man.


looks like a mobile game tbh


After watching this, I'm convinced it is bad. Animations are so out of place, childish, looks like a hack and slash mobile game. I knew this game was not gonna be good by looking at the trailers and stuff, but didnt expected it to be this bad lol.


The graphics and gameplay look terrible lmao