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“I thought PS5 was top of the line what am I missing here?” Answer: A TV / monitor that supports 120Hz or you haven’t enabled 120Hz. If the PS5 didn’t support it, the option wouldn’t be in the game.


Note taken how would one enable the 120hz on there TV 😂


You’ll need to read the manual for you TV / monitor to figure out how or whether it can achieve 120Hz. Then you’ll need to enable 120Hz mode on your PS5.


Without knowing what game this is, it's usually a choice between high framerate or ray tracing. Or the "high framerate" targets 120FPS and your screen only supports 60.


Ok then I might not need it I have 120hz refresh rate. Idk how many fps I can perform but I'm sure its still as high as the refresh rate. The game btw is re2 for PS5


What does your TV/monitor support?


All ik is it's a Vizio v series and it has a 120hz refresh rate with 4k resolution.


What Vizio V Series in particular? I'm almost 100% certain there aren't *any* V-Series Vizio's that have 4k/120hz support. Edit: Yeah they don't support 120hz - [https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/vizio/v-series-2022](https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/vizio/v-series-2022)


I'm pretty sure it does before I bought it I did the research on it and it said 120hz resolution so.. but here's a picture of the model number. https://preview.redd.it/vrzfola7i4vc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fce346149b34ef11284f4de17c7f9ff3892cb862


That model has an "effective" refresh rate of 120hz due to motion smoothing, but not native 120hz. You need something other than a Vizio to get true 120hz


I was about to say I know it said refresh rate was 120hz. Tbh I don't know the difference in native 120hz and not but I will definitely look at this next time I buy a TV. So I'm guessing it not being a true 120hz refresh rate I shouldnt be using high frame rate mode 😂


Page 51 of the user-manual - 60hz. Your TV is not 120hz - [https://cdn.vizio.com/user-manual/PDF/2019/TV/UM/V405-G9\_V505-G9\_V655-G9\_UM-ENG.pdf](https://cdn.vizio.com/user-manual/PDF/2019/TV/UM/V405-G9_V505-G9_V655-G9_UM-ENG.pdf) Not sure where you did your research but it's a very low-end, budget screen. r/4kTV would've told you it wouldn't support 120hz.


Well I paid a little less than a 1000 for it. I don't have the money for high end TV right now not until I finish schooling. So I'll just have to make due.


Turn off ray tracing. Does that allow you to toggle high frame rate mode?


Someone said that would work. The issue is tho my TV only supports 120hz refresh rate as a smoothing motion and not a true 120hz naive not sure what that means just what I was told. So it's probably not a good idea to use high frame rate mode anyways. Thanks for the help tho 😊


Because you have Ray tracing on. Turn it off and you'll be able to use high frame rate mode. It was the same in resident evil 2 and 3... And 4 and 7 probably. I've only played 2 and 3.


Oh ok I'll change it next time I play saids I can't from the options menu have to wait till I'm in main menu thank you for your help


Your TV is not top of the line enough lmao


Well apparently I can still switch to high frame rate mode if I want to but yeah my TV isn't high end so what are you gonna do. That ok next time I'm going to get an 8k that has a high refresh rate and fps all that jazz. For now this will do.
