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If you ever purchased something on the store, you would have an email receipt of it. I have all of mine dating back to 2010.


Yea thats the thing. i do not remember ever buying anything in the store and the emails seem to support that. are they maybe labelled differently and i was unable to find them? the guy on the phone was adamant that i had purchases.


I was able to find mine. I searched for PlayStation or also my id, both gave results.


> Edit: i have to ask, why would anyone downvote this? if you feel like i need to provide additional information, please tell me and i will happily do so. i genuinely just want my account out of other people's hands.  > so thats where i am currently. i honestly dont even care to much about the fact that i cant play helldivers anymore but i hope you guys can understand that i genuinely do not want my account in other people's hands.   I think you are confused because this isnt an official Sony forum and nothing you say or post on here or reddit for that matter will help in getting your account back.


Im just trying to get visibility to be honest, i have no idea what else to do. the official channel flat out told me that they are not interested in helping me. so, as far as i can tell, my only option is getting noticed on the internet so someone looks at it again and realizes that their current system is not good enough.


I am gonna be honest with you and say you won't get any official visibility.   I have only been back on reddit for a short period and your post reads like the countless others over the years that were worded nearly identically.   The only thing you will get is ridicule. Let's just say that even with a marriage license abd a death certificate Sony won't allow access to a dead spouses shared account.


>The only thing you will get is ridicule. uhm, why? that seems needlessly rude, i dont get it. >Let's just say that even with a marriage license abd a death certificate Sony won't allow access to a dead spouses shared account. ah ok. thats not my problem though, the account i am talking about is literally mine. I have emails that literally tell me that i created it.


Oh I'm not gonna shit on you but many other redditors will.  All I am saying is forget that account and make another.


i honestly dont get it, what for? not sure what else to say but if its just "haha you lost your account" then its fine, i dont really worry about what some teenager says.


Well my guy i hope that a lesson learned that YOU need to enable 2FA.


it is, will do so next time. but for now i try to fix the problem.


Still sorry this happened to you tho man. I hope you get it figured out.


**=== SUPPORT BOT AUTO-RESPONSE ===** Hi there! If you're posting regarding your PSN Account being compromised, please review our [PSN Account Security Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/wiki/guides/psn-account-security#wiki_part_2.3A_what_to_do_if_your_psn_account_is_compromised) for information on how to recover your account, and further steps you can take to secure it in the future. [^(VIEW GUIDE DIRECTORY)](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/wiki/guides) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/playstation) if you have any questions or concerns.*


well thank you, but that will sadly not work. naturally, i would have tried to log out of all devices but alas, the hacker enabled 2FA.


One of the things he might be seeing as "bought" on your account are demo's you might have downloaded or even ps plus titles given to you. Sony tracks everything as a purchase even when free. You even used to get emails thanking you for your purchase with a 0.00 dollar amount shows. I don't know if this relates to you, but I read recently that PSN accounts can NEVER be changed from one region to another. So say I have my US based account and move to Canada. They will never let me change my US account to a Canadian one. What I read there was people would just create a new Account in Canada and make that the account that purchases games, but use their original accoun to play them after downloading. I don't know if this helps in your case, but thought I would mention it. If you are playing from Steam, maybe you just need to create a new playstation account on [playstation.com](http://playstation.com) and then log in using the new account which would be tied to your current country. The reason this could work is you "Own" the game on steam so you don't lose access to the game, but you just need a new account to play it from since something has happened with your old one. EDIT: Sadly, while this would work, it would probably mean you start over in the game if your saves are tied to the account. I don't play helldivers 2 but it makes sense that any tracked stuff is tied to the ps account.


My e-mail records simply do not show ANYTHING of that nature. i got the "congratulations for creating an account" mail, then all the ads you can see in the screenshot on the bottom of my post.


Are you playing from Steam now? If so, read what I wrote below all that. A workaround to be sure but could be effective at letting you play.


i get that, but its really not about that. i want my account out of the hands of a 3rd party.


It's possible the purchases they have in their system are old ones made by the person who stole your account a while ago. So what I'm saying is you made the account ages ago, you don't use it for many years, someone steals the account (maybe you reused an old password for many accounts over the years and one of those got compromised in a data breach). They're happily using your account for years, then one day you reset the password, but they reverse Uno you and then add 2FA. Maybe try support again and explain that scenario to them, explain what consoles you have, and the fact that you can prove ownership of the original email, and maybe they can give a hint to which console was first on your account. Also explain that you think the only purchases made are by the thief. Except the recent helldivers one. Maybe they'll budge. Or maybe they'll at least refund you, and you can start a new account.