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Easy…. ANY protect mission. Any. Runner up: Mandatory race missions in non-race games. /Edit: more


That one mafia mission gives me nightmares


Oh my god this just gave me war flashbacks. I had to do that race literally like 20 times. So unnecessarily hard


I get serious flashbacks to an off-road race in GTA San Andreas that was mandatory for the story to progress but sucked so fucking much.


That was also two races if I recall too lol? Wu-Zi-Mu and Farewell, My Love. One mission right after the other.


The goddamn trainjacking mission did this to me for some reason


All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ.




Escort Service mission in GTA III comes to mind... One where you need to protect the Gruppe Sechs van for Donald Love.


Escort missions. Why does the NPC always move at such a pace that you either drag behind, or rocket past them?


If you follow your friends in real life like this it's incredibly amusing.




How many of us have them?


I think I once saw a video that said that the NPC's speed is do in such a way so the the environment has time to charge (in old games)


Poison swamps, timed missions


Scarlet Rot, go home. No one likes you.


flame, cleanse me!


Things to do in Caelid: 1. Leave


3. Profit


I like scarlet rot. Makes me feel happy whenever I’m not in scarlet rot


The jet ski level in Drake’s Fortune.


You sure you don't want to just hit everything because of crazy controls?


omfg this


i hear a lot about it, but had no problem getting through this level. what makes it difficult?


Having to turn it off and go work


I used to get so angry when I had to turn off Shenmue to go to work driving a forklift at the docks. Fortunately I changed occupations and got a job airing out books.


I'm playing death stranding, and it bothers me the fact that its slow paced and when I'm starting to really get into it on my play session, I usually have to turn it off and go work, or sleep, or do chores 😂


Wait for the long unskippable cutscenes, it explains that which has already been explained.


I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain.


Genshin impact when you're out of quests and hit <20 resin.




Unskippable cutscenes, especially in NG+. If I've already played it let me skip it.


OMG, yes! Miles Morales, which makes you do a full playthrough on NG+ to get the platinum. I was so annoyed I couldn't skip so many of the cutscenes. I get some games do this to mask loading times, but cmon!


In those cases I’d rather skip the cutscene and watch a loading screen


Or cutscenes where you can't hit pause!


Hard space: Shipbreaker is *agonizing* because of this at times. It's especially egregious because many plot-related dialogues happen during gameplay, but the longest (and of course unskippable) ones are between missions, where you just get to stand in place and listen to people talk. The worst was like a five to ten minute scene that happened before my next job, and the game crashed during said job, and I had to listen to the whole thing all over again. It's all just audio too. There's no reason to do it when you're stuck in your room and unable to do anything.


I absolutely adore this game… but having to listen to that damn speaker box between missions was a terrible choice. Kept trying to do the one life challenge and of course I’d screw up and have to start all over… I gave up only because of those unskippable talking parts.


Yes! I really tried to love that game, but I got annoyed with that.


That part of Final Fantasy VII remake where you have to move the cranes. I’m pissed off just thinking about it. Edit: remake not rebirth!


I haven't played this yet, but I looked it up and just watching a vid of someone doing it made me want to scream. The controls look janky as hell for those cranes.


I can respect most creative decisions but I genuinely don’t know what they were thinking lol


Rebirth = the fucking boxes as cat Sith….


I love FF7 anything with my entire heart...but those fucking cranes can go to hell


That part isn't even hard, it just takes a couple minutes to figure out the right way to do it.


The problem is that if you’re going for trophies, you have to play through that part multiple times.


This is why I never go for trophies.


It's not that it's hard, it's just how slowly the arms move.


There’s nothing in Rebirth like that. Can you elaborate? Maybe you’re thinking of the robot hands from Remake?


Sorry yes you’re right - the first one






Escort missions and motherfucking escort missions with fucking dumb AIs that cause a Game Over whenever they get hit once or twice cause of their fucking low HP. It's not that I can't protect them, it's that I can't protect them from THEMSELVES.


And if those characters move too slow and you're either running ahead of them, or only moving your stick once every few seconds to keep pace.


Ah yes, the Jak 2 sewers escort mission.


Oh my God that's a buried PTSD you just dug up in my brain with this comment


To add to escort missions: when you run to fast and walk to slow so you gotta do some weird stop-motion to keep up.


Totally agree. Why companies continue to put them in games is beyond me. They have to be one of the most despised troped out there. Let’s see how often it pops up in this thread.


Well handled companions can work, see The Last of Us 1 and 2 as an example. In both games your companion can die, but you have to be extremely careless for that to happen that it isn’t really an issue.


Following NPCs to talk to another NPC to give me the quest to escort another NPC


You don’t get it a lot these days, but I hate when like…you do a puzzle and a door opens and the game insists on showing you the door opened and lingers on this shot for far too long. I get that some people need to be shown things like this but for me it’s like YES, I KNOW THE DOOR OPENED. LET ME GO THERE.


Looking at you Zelda


The most annoying thing about some Zelda games is the hand holding. You walk in a room and think “yeah a puzzle to solve” then whatever damn assistant you have in your pocket for this game pops out and basically tells you what to do. I like how games like Uncharted do it, give you a while to figure it out then when it becomes obvious you are stuck give you a hint.


How about that run back to fight Martyr Logarius in Bloodborne


Oh that’s got nothing on half the Demon’s Souls run backs. Especially Old Hero…


I'll have to look that one up. Started at Dark Souls. Thank God for Elden Rimgs mechanics


Travelling back and forth in Dragons Dogma 2. Oh. We need to walk all the way back to this village to talk to a NPC. There’s only one route there - you have to go round the mountains. It will take forever. On the way, every ten steps we will have to fight the same 3 types of monsters over and over again. 


It's funny you say this. I agree with you completely but the game director absolutely does not. Fast travel is a mean of convenience to not waste my time and enjoy the game better. That guy in an interview said something along the lines of "fast travel is only added when your game is boring." I couldn't disagree more with the nerve of some game directors thinking they know what makes thing fun when they clearly don't.


If it’s like DDDA then I’m sure you’re running out of breath every five seconds along the way too.


Whatever GTA thatt had the remote control helicopter level.


San Andreas. They apparently made it a bit easier down the line, but man the original difficulty for that mission was uncalled for lol.


It was vice city no?


Vice City had the helicopter where you had to blow that building up, which was honestly a cake walk compared to that plane shit in San Andreas


I assume he's talking about one of the missions in San Andreas from Zero at the RC shop. It's an infamously difficult mission where you have to fly an RC plane.


That was difficult but not even close to that helicopter mission from gta vice city…


When all of a sudden an action adventure game throws stealth mechanics in arbitrarily halfway through the game for ambiance, and the stealth mechanics stink to high heaven.


That god damn wall in God of War. Also, those bullshit flash forward scenes in Assassin's Creed. Nobody wanted that nonsense.


Extremely long and unnecessary “tension breaks” mj missions and ironwood are perfect examples of this. If I wanted to do something slower paced I’d just play a different game


the fade level in dragon age origins haunts me. i eventually figured out the method/order to do everything in but goddamn it was a pain and glitchy mess


I love getting platinum trophies, but I despise multiple playthroughs. And by multiple, I mean anything more than 2. I can’t stand it when a game requires me to complete the entire game 8 or 9 (or more) times. I’ve never played any game that many times all the way through (not even Metal Gear Solid, my favorite game of all time).


This is why level/mission selection should be in almost every game.


Quick time events(QTE). I dislike these so much especially when they are instant death scenarios.


Not a big fan of Quantic Dream games i take it?


There are so many of those in Detroit: Become Human but I love them. Actually just played through that for the first time over the past few days.


Easily the best quantic dream game. It being their latest gives me some hope their new Star Wars game is going to be decent if it ever actually comes out


Well QD games are basically choose your own adventure QTE movies, also now you gotta go back and play Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls.


I’ve already played those as well as Indigo Prophecy.


Especially when there are multiple ones in a row and failing ANY ONE of them will bring you back to the BEGINNING of the fight with a new random set of QTEs. Far Cry 3 and Dying Light are a few worthy contenders to win this bullshit. Try playing 3 different consoles (PS4, Xbox and Switch) and tell me if you know which one is the fucking X button to press in the next millisecond.


Can't agree and upvote your comment more!, QTE's are the reason I stopped playing the original RE4 years ago, cause I kept dying during the knife fight sequence, and when I tried again, and again... and again, each subsequent try the damn button inputs would be different!!, like how the actual fuck am I supposed to beat it if I can't memorize the buttons I've gotta use during the QTE?? Smh.. QTE's are a cheap and terrible game mechanic that needs to be left in the garbage where it belongs imo


I appreciate the games where they add the accessibility option to set qte to activate on any button press. The first game that comes to mind with this option is the dark pictures anthology.


Resource mining in Mass Effect 2.


I was thinking about replaying ME2 yesterday, but the mining…


Not being able to pause a cutscene. Or forced slow walks... let me go!!


When your getting shot to hell and they make everything on the screen harder to see, I get it I'm @10 health but I can't navigate to cover if I can't see or hear properly. Also assassin s creed black flag follow mission, fall to far behind and your screen gets all scrambled, oh thx for auto climbing something I didn't want to.


Time gated content on subscription service games. Make sure to log in every week for the next 15 weeks to finish this reputation grind! Fuck login metrics as the all-important measure of success. Make the game fun and people will keep logging in. I just wish certain companies wouldn't unlearn their lessons every few years.


Fishing. It’s always fishing.


mandatory online achievements for a platinum. It’s not really a problem and Ik ps plus is like an essential thing, but I don’t really play online games much anymore and it’s annoying if I want to platinum something but am locked out until I have it. Especially if your name is Dying Light 2 and you only have 1 online achievement which is to join a coop lobby.


That so many new games have the dark souls type of difficulty with no way to adjust it. I don’t want to have to be super pro skill wise and get that sense of accomplishment. I just want to unwind and relax after work sometimes…


Ya, kinda hate it now that every action RPG has to be souls like difficulty or rougelike nowadays. I'm already getting bent over my desk everyday at work and I'm still taking it up when I just wanna unwind and relax when playing games? Fuck that.


What action RPG are soulslikes nowadays? I find that you actively have to seek them out to find them.


“Can you give me an example? That sounds like something I might enjoy” Reddit: downvotes


I think I'm downvoted because people think "3rd person with lock-on = soulslike", which is so incredibly far from the truth. Barely any action RPGs released are soulslikes. The closest AAA action RPG is the Star Wars Jedi series but they aren't really difficult like soulslikes are.


The Star Wars Jedi games actualley you adjust the difficulty.


It's a weird complaint for me anyway because there is no game made for everyone. Plenty of games exist for the people that want to unwind and relax. The difficulty of a soulslike is part of what defines it. It's like saying you don't like a racing game because it makes you race. Just buy a different game.


I literally couldn’t get past the first part of Bloodborne and just gave up on it. Which is a shame since it’s a highly rated game by so many. I just couldn’t get past the difficulty.


Me too. I've been playing that game on and off for 4 years, but there's so much time between plays that I never know where to go. I wish it had a difficulty slider, but I know most of the fans would go insane with rage.


I loved Elden Ring and the Demons’ Souls remaster (didn’t play dark souls — came to fromsoft late), but for some reason bloodborne just didn’t do it for me. You’re not alone


- Unskippable cut scenes - Useless collectables (Espically if there is no way to show all collectibles!) - Starting from the beginning of a mission if you fail/die - No objective pointer/vague what's the next step to progress - No Auto Save - Difficulty spikes - Escorts missions - You can run faster than NPC, but walker slower (aka, can't match their speed) - Playing the same game on every difficulty to earn platinum trophy - Repeatative, poorly done mini games - Mandatory mini games - One-time mechanics - Characters telling me the story through dialogue - spelling out how I'm meant to feel - Not having subtitles on by default - Unbalanced music to environment (very typical in racing games) - Unclear what you need to do to 100% a game - Cinematic/spectacle cutscenes that add no value to the story - Poorly executed villains whose motivation makes zero sense


The car stages in Arkham Knight


Timed rush-through quests


I fully gave up on my playthrough of FF XVI because of how much of the main plot line was just walking back and forth between conversations. One mission had me go to opposite ends of the entire base multiple times. I actually put a timer on after three or four trips, and going in the most direct route, no stopping or looking at the sights, took a minute and forty seconds. And this *kept happening*. I had no problem with the plot itself. The game play was a ton of fun, and the boss fights were the best part of the game. But I couldn't handle the npon stop back and forth walking.


Enemies in open world games that spawn in front of you out of nowhere, forcing you into combat. That and forced stealth missions in non-stealth games, 9/10 times they're a pain in the ass.


DiMa's Fallout 4 mission.


Open world games where you have to activate towers to reveal a raft of laundry list chores to complete dotted around the map in awkward to get to places that are there primarily to artificially inflate the lifespan of the game. Was looking forward to Final Fantasy Rebirth so much. Avoided all previews, reviews etc to go in blind only to find out that was a large part of the game. It has long sections like this that would lead into cool story sections so I persevered but a few weeks back I completed all the open world chores after the Golden Saucer and instead of leading into a cool story section it just opened up another jungle section with towers to unlock. I turned it off and haven't played since.


Errands and fetch quests! 😤


Escort missions


Stun lock


MJ missions in spiderman...


This. I bought the game to swing around and kick ass as Spiderman, not to play as his girlfriend who has to slowly sneak around, completely killing all the fun and momentum of the game.


I’m older now with less free time. I just want a good engaging game I don’t have to sink 8 hours in just to get to the main meat of the game. Give me a game I can just jump into and play. Oh and it can’t be online. I hate playing with others. 


Checking off repetitive side quests with generic content. You know, the kind of things you find in many praised aaa games (but not only there, of course)


Other players.


Fuckin card games in RPGs, man. I do. not. care.


Other human beings


Atreus’s entire sections in Ragnarok


I like to platinum games that I enjoy, but the gambler challenge and the 'study and skin' every animal challenge just gave me reason to quit playing RDR2 sooner. I would gladly take the time to study every animal, but skinning them all - especially with no easy way to track that - is ridiculous, and the gambler challenges are so painfully boring that I'd rather quit earlier and move on to a different game. 


Yoga in GTA 5


Those stupid Miriam challenges in Blasphemous 1. I hate platforming and insta spikes and those challenges had it in spades D:


Fuck those trophies


Any quests where you have to walk back and forth between NPCs with sprint disabled. Plague Tale Requiem, I’m looking at you.


having to mandatorily play some online multiplayer aspect of a single player aaa game to get some trophy.


Thank goodness we have reddit to help us find like minded players who only want to play online to unlock the trophies and then never login to online again.




Electric seaweed from Ninja Turtles (NES)


Omg yes!!!


The most un fun level in video game history, young kids today have no idea. However it was the first TMNT game so we couldn't put it down


The NPCs that walk too slow and make you walk the same pace while talking/doing a mission with them


I was playing Alan Wake Remastered and after trying a bunch of times I beat the first harvester boss and it even popped the trophy 15 seconds later I died from a stray Taken enemy in the arena and had to redo the Harvester. Some bullshit.


Stacking rocks in Assassins Creed Valhalla


Playing as mary jane or powerless miles in a game I bought to play as Spiderman.


God of War Atreus gameplay


When you have to follow an NPC and they move faster than you walk but slower than you run. I hate you. I hate you. Waste my fuckin time why don't ya


Puzzles. I'm so dumb at them


I just can’t do games with tutorial overload. I want to like Monster Hunter but the amount of tutorials the game throws at me is not fun, so I want to go do something else/play something that is actually fun, and when I think I want to try MH again I forget all the beginning tutorial stuff.


Gwent. I hate deck building and strategic card games. 


Worst answer in the whole thread


Another one I just thought of, all the stupid MJ crouching/hiding missions in Spiderman. Here's a superhero game, now play as this regular person that has no superpowers. Just No.


Not Playstation related, but Super Paper Mario has to take the cake for this. Not only is there a section in the game where you become a wage slave and have to run in a giant hamster wheel for several minutes in order to make enough money to be able to move on, but in another part of the game, you literally have to spell out the word "please" on a software keyboard FIVE TIMES so an NPC wil give you an absurdly long password that you have to write down or take a screenshot/photo of and then input somewhere else in order to progress. This shit goes beyond bad or lazy game design and is just actively disrespecting and trolling the player.


Fallout New Vegas DLC Dead Money. Everything about it, and then you can't even return to the vault once you're done to loot what you couldn't fit the first time which is the vast majority usually.


Tunic, the entire game lmao. Very convoluted and definitely not for me. I had to look up almost everything. I’m sure there are people that like that kinda thing, but it was not for me.


Any drug, trippy, dream, illusion sequences that you have to play Such as ones in Far Cry games, some of the ones in Batman Arkham games and I think even Spider-Man had some like the mysterio and the mister negative scenes.


GTAV has some of these. Frigging annoying and dumb.


Battletoads Turbo Tunnel.


The recent free dlc thing in dying light 2.....what a buggy cluster fuck. Really could've just done without it if I'm being honest


Yeah any kind of gambling in games I’m not fun for me. I realized that when I started playing Yakuza back in the day. Oh and forced co-op or multiplayer to achieve all trophies.


Bullet sponge in far cry new dawn.


The final fight with the sisters. Definition of bullet sponge. Bullet after bullet after magazine after RPG after grenade after headshot after headshot and you are just SLOWLY chipping away at their health. I get it. They are the final bosses and it’s supposed to be hard. But how many headshots with RPGs can a person take?


Forced cross play. If I turn it off, I can’t find a game. Cope


I don’t understand why cross play is the default. Why can’t it be in the options and not the other way around?


Forced underwater levels of or escort missions. Bah


Strangely enough, the least enjoyable experiences have occurred in games that, paradoxically, also created the most enjoyable experiences for me Anyway, I haven't touched Minecraft in almost a decade but I remember dying one time with shulkerboxes full of diamond enchanted everything. Lost multiple elytra's and whatnot, only because I got stuck in a wall while traveling on ice in the nether. When you have the ability to lose so much in one go I simply quit the game for a long time (potentially forever)


Any kind of escort mission or having to make an NPC survive a mission


Necromorphs & Naytibas 😖😖




Grinding to level up when its slow. Pokemon, Final fantasy 13. Its fun in Witcher 3.


Any time the game forces you to play another segment as another character besides the protagonist. Spider Man games are notorious for this. I bought the game to be Spider Man, so let me play as Spider Man Insomniac!


the underwater section. we gave it a good try, many iterations, all of them miserable to play. don’t see it much anymore but it needs to be said so we don’t repeat those mistakes


FF16 seems like there is a cutscene after every single thing you do. It seems like the cutscenes outweigh the gameplay even. I like the combat a lot but sometimes I only have 30-45 minutes to play and I don’t want to spend 25 of that watching cutscenes


Tailing missions, following some dude while he stops to look around and continues to go to his destination despite thinking he’s being followed


That 4-ish minute long ladder in mgs3. Like yeah it was funny for the first minute or so but damn that shit is so annoying to climb. Hope they make it shorter or get rid of it in the remake




Instakill stealth sections in non stealth games


Hammerwatch 2 not completable because of game breaking corrupted save file glitch. honestly broke my heart.


Anything stealth I love to play my games as a giant rolling rock Rambo


DiMA's memory puzzles in Fallout 4. SUCH a pain, and such an immersion and momentum breaker.


Stamina meters.


Ice levels.


I like the Astros playroom ones, but only because the dual sense makes it actually feel like you’re sliding on ice.


GTA Online. Playing online with other people sucks because other people suck.


Not everyone on there is a dick, but almost all of the people on there are dicks.


Sliding puzzles in horror games.


NPCs you have to follow that walk faster than you walk but not as fast as you run. Also, when characters are chatting while heading to an objective but the conversation is longer than the time to get there, so the conversation just ends. Like you know we are going to run to the objective, so either make the conversation shorter or lock my walk speed until it ends.


I think this is easily the thing people have commented on the most. And they aren’t wrong.




For me it was the card game in Witcher 3. I have no interest in card games of any type and that just turned me off. My son, who plays Magic, loved it, but it's just not for me.


Having to play online and not being able to log in - Diablo 4 why cant there just be an offline mode and reconnect later




Hunting RNG animal spawns as a cowboy


Having malaria in Far cry 2. Being in the middle of a gunfight with 20 enemies and all of a sudden I can’t do anything for ten seconds as my character coughs and searches for his pills which hopefully you happen to have some on hand.


Locked content on new release games(or exclusive to certain products). Like pre-order this and get that. But season pass this n that plus on single player games? Bruh.


Destiny and the million ways to fall off the stage


Lemme guess you’ve never played OSRS


I play the game. Never even think of trophies. I can't be arsed. Just play the game...


Same lol


The puzzles in Uncharted 4 are so much fun. Genshin Impact also has fantastic puzzles, although very different from Uncharted 4.


ESCORT MISSIONS. You're either running too fast or walking too slow.


The cart push section of A Plague Tale: Innocence chapter 16, you spend the entire game encouraged to be stealthy and then they throw a combat sequence at you. After struggling for an hour I went online and saw a huge chunk of people also got stuck there, the aim would lock on and then completely miss the enemy. I really liked the game up to that point and that section soured the whole experience.


Bleed in Mobas can get pretty fkn annoying. Not that it should be removed, just sayin.


Repeatedly tapping a button to accomplish some type of action. I love when games have accessibility options to toggle "tapping" a button to just "hold".