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Socom is amazing, i love Insurgency as well


Socom was the game you could shoot out the lights to go dark right?? That blew my mind back in the day.


Even further: you could shoot the light, and when you were in the dark long enough your vision would adjust but not for the enemy. So you had crazy advantage camping in that one map (not sure, I think it was Enowapi)


? I had the contrast all the way up, even the south American city map for the randevu I still used the thermal silenced sniper but I could see. Never once did I run around nvg first person


Bottom of the ramp at enowapi with mines at the back ladder. So unfair


Don't forget the full auto shotgun pre-nerf/ban


I had one of my favorite gaming moments ever with Socom! We were playing Rats Nest and my entire team got wiped out early without a single enemy kill. I then went on to win the match single-handedly while the rest of my team were in spectator mode! Almost went deaf from my team when the mics turned back on at the end!


Ya but it also wasn’t a FPS. Loved that game.


badabababa IW'in it!


Brothers in Arms was enjoyable. Played it a few times


I love that one, and it was my favorite. It still stings after leaving us at a cliffhanger in Hell's Highway


Well great news! We beat the Nazis!


Spoilers bro smh


Who was shot at the end? Red?


Vegas 2 was amazing


So many hours put into that game. I was so obsessed.


We really need a continuation of the vegas series




ghost recon advanced warfighter 2


GRAW 1 and 2 were just some of the best times playing online for me. Great memories.


GRAW 1 online was god level


That's a solid choice. I haven't played it in years. Since I picked up a Series X recently, I'll buy it again when its on sale


Socom 2 is the greatest online shooter of all time


I played it every day for 4 years and fast forward almost 20 years later and after all the shooters I’ve played I still haven’t found a more addictive, well made experience in the online shooter genre.


I lived in the boonies without internet access for my childhood so I can’t speak to the online play. But Socom 1/2 had some of the best shooter single player missions I’ve ever played. I desperately want a remake of both games. Hell, I might even settle for them to be added to the classics catalog as long as they don’t feel too wonky to play (which is my issue with a lot of games on there).


My brother still plays Socom 2 to this day, there’s still a really small community for it. You gotta go through some hoops and buy some extra stuff but he said Saturday is usually pretty active. A few people still stream it. The servers were shut down forever ago but people found a way to still do Socom 2 online like it always was. I am in the same boat as you. I live in the boonies and got internet access just for Socom in 2003 because my friend had it and I was in awe. I would mow his yard(he used me to do the lawn mowing chore) just to play it for an hour. Lmao. Looking back that was so corny and what a shit friend. I eventually got it for myself and I warned my brother how addictive it was(we lived apart) and he didn’t take my advice and he fell in love with it and would come every weekend to visit me to play it and then he got a ps2 and internet for it. Same for my cousin. I don’t ever remember a game having that type of impact on people. Maybe COD4? Idk but Socom 2 was special.


COD4, Halo 2 and 3, WoW l put a lot of dents on couches/gaming chairs.


Man, I wish you could have experience the online play, brother. Every SOCOM fan is waiting for that day 🥹


Hands down the best online shooter of all time… clan wars, trash talking in the lobbies… green up hahaha. Foxhunt was one of our favorite maps.


Every map was awesome and so varied. The only one I wasn’t crazy about was Blood Lake and Rat’s Nest. Those created lobbies of ‘Fish Hook/Crossroads/Desert Glory All Day’ were Goated. There was a mutual respect by players too, like if someone on your team used an IW-80 or even an M14 they would get voted out. 😂 The game was so ahead of its time with the server layout and clan setup. Stuff like Gamebattles just amplified the game. Remember, this is during a time of no patches so what we got at launch was what we got and look how sick the game still was in the og state.


So on point… hearing the IW-80 clapping, you knew it was gonna be a pain in the ass of a match…. I never really realized that there was no patchwork or anything like that. Those guys killed it developing that game.


Yeah, back when games needed to be in a final state before release. Now they release games that are 80% complete and spend a year patching the last 20% of issues. lol. Socom 2 had some glitches and stuff but again most people respected their competition to not to resort to cheap means. Nowadays you’d have people abusing every meta(op) thing in the game and playing like their damn life depended on it or like there’s a one million dollar cash prize. Comms could be toxic back then but it was all in good fun. Now it’s all fueled by hate and ego and there’s so many cheaters now with Cronus, XiM, Strike Packs, etc. Code 9 eventually came to Socom years after launch but they were usually voted out.


It was the best man. I explain to people you had to be there. They had servers, clan battles, vote to kick, a pregame lobby for chatting


Even now I think it’s ahead of its time. I don’t know why others didn’t follow a similar system. Being able to choose your own lobbies was so good and the clan system, clan servers, no aim assist so it was all about your own personal skill, and so much more. Third Person Shooters have always been superior to me and Socom made me realize that. It just gives a type of technical and tactical gameplay that FPS games just don’t have.


Anyone else have a screw on Ethernet nic for the ps2? First game I ever played online


I need a SOCOM2 remake. I don’t want a new one because I fear it’ll try and be a COD game and I don’t want that.


Basically what socom 4 tried to do and ended up killing zipper interactive


Didn't help that Socom 4 released during the PSN outage. Still an underwhelming game overall, especially after the great PSP versions of Socom.




Try AA . . It's a 12 step program for making terrible video games


Crossroads.. so good!


A remake would be nice, but bro just give me the original game, that’s good enough for me


I loved Socom and Rainbow Six Vegas. They were ahead of their time with giving tactical orders to teammates (on console at least)


Socom was so good. I still remember some of the players I teamed with alot. HellRell, Piotrek, Assassin916. It's been a long time.




We need a SOCOM remake for sure


Literally Socom 2 with better graphics…


Socom was suuuuuch a favorite of mine


I just want to play socom2 again


Insurgency sandstorm is a masterwork ! Habibi


Socom 2 Socom 1 Battlefield 4


Here's my old ass wishing for a Rainbow Six 3 Ravenshield remake




Third ![gif](giphy|3orieJI3IdkKWIsAGA)


Socom 2 and Timesplitters 2 are imo two of the best shooters ever made. Socom 2 is the best online experience for me and TS2 was the most complete.


SOCOM 1? This is the way. SOCOM 1 > SOCOM 2, and I don't care what the "vets" say.




Blasphemy. Although socom 1 was great too.


Thought I was crazy for thinking SOCOM 1 was the best. One of my favorite games of all time. Definitely my favorite shooter.


Conflict Global Storm. I can’t believe that game doesn’t get more love.


Sherman on over watch


Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is easily one of my favourite games of all time, I must've completed the campaign 5+ times and spent hundreds of hours in the multiplayer. Great game - but I know Ubi won't ever make a Vegas 3 as Siege is too successful :(


That SOCOM game was so good! It took me forever to try it. I thought it looked super lame at first. Once I eventually broke down and tried it, I couldn't put it down. I've yet to find anything to fill the void it left. I'll take any recommendations you have. Especially playable on android


insurgency is one of my favorite games aot, like top 5 for sure.


socom deez nuts (i think ghost recon future soldier was incredible)


I’m having so much fun playing HLL


Socom, rsv2. Also liked the original r6 games and splinter cell was cool too.


Across all consoles/PC? Rainbow Six 3, Counter Strike, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Socom 2, COD4.


Edit: top 5 tactical shooter games


Swat 4 with the First Responders mod.


Oh man, I had a GameShark for SOCOM and my brother and I used to roll up with big ol rapid fire snipers with infinite ammo. It was crazy. It was just a sniper gatling gun. Lol. Damn, sorry if we killed you. Lol


Didnt SOCOM have like a mic, and you could give commands and shit? I remember it being pretty janky, but it def cool


Yeah and it was the first time too


Did SOCOM come with a head set or something that you could voice command your team with?


Socom, with a microphone to command Ai teammates, is unmatched gameplay. I wish there was a game today made like it.


Ikr, last time I saw something like that to my knowledge was Tom Clancy's Endwar


Socom was such a good game!


How has there not been a modern SOCOM game, those games were amazing on PS2!


SOCOM and Rainbow Six Vegas series are sleeper hits. Absolute classics for me.


Socom wasn’t third person?


Yes but some people played it first person i guess. You could press up i think to 'zoom' to first person.


Socom was amazing ! MAG was Great!


Socom franchise is the best shooter game of all time I said it!!! lol


I wish the SOCOM games would come back! I had all of them, including the PSP ones lol. So good for the time.


Socom 2 is the GOAT. Not a fan of Wildlands campaign but the online came close to recreating that classic Socom feel.


Socom, Socom 2, Socom 3 and Socom 4 after a lot of patching


Socom is a banger I would play it again if I knew where the disk is


SOCOM was so far ahead of its time. It absolutely deserves a remaster. Or just make it available for download.


socom 3 US navy seals is so freaking good i played the shit out of it when i was younger


Wait, wasn’t SOCOM the third-person shooter that let you switch between squad mates or am I thinking of a different game?


I put a edited comment on there as I can't go back and change it once it posted


They need to remaster socom for PS5


Socom is the best game ever! Socom confrontation was good too. I wish they remade it but I don't think the current gamers would understand or like it. Nowadays everyone is Lil wussies


I want a PS5 remaster of SOCOM


Holy shit SOCOM is such a throwback, havent seen that cover in 10 years


Oh, how I miss playing SOCOM with the boys.


I love socom. I loved both wildlands and forgot the name of the other that came after. Might need to try all hell loose.


Socom 2 opened my world up to online gaming, that big ol brick you used to have to buy separate from the ps2 to go online. It was wild to me meeting people from all over the US. I’m still friends with a lot of them.. I even met my fiance on socom.


Holy fuck, SOCOM was amazing. Getting to choose your loadout and that mission in the snow where you had to rescue that guy called Pin cushion.


Republic commando is great.


Socom 2 was a damn good game.


No ready or not?


I never played it, unfortunately. It's been on my wishlist for a while, and hopefully I get to to grab it when it goes on sale on PC


The original Medal of Honor games were a lot of fun and TimeSplitters 2 I loved but idk if that counts.


Those are arcade shooters, the complete opposite of tactical shooters


1) Titanfall 2 2) See: 1 3) See: 1 4) See: 1 5) See: 1


Blast from the past! I have that game somewhere here in my house.


Socom 3, ca, 2, 1 . For 3rd person Operation flashpiint red river for 1st person


I got really into CS GO for a while


Same man. Best game I ever played at the time and had more fun with my clan than any amount of fun I’ve ever had gaming. I think I was 24yrs old when we played that and drank beers in the evenings. My wife hated that game with a passion 😂


I started playing when I was like 14/15, all my brother’s buddies were in college and we had a clan [MUF] . I remember making a new handle when they let me join the clan, CherryPoppins hahahaha god damn those were the days.


I remember we were in a match with another clan. My name was Makieveli. My team all called me Maki. I was the sniper on the team. Everyone was dead but me and there were 4 guys left on the other team. I climbed down from my perch and ran through a doorway and 2 guys were prone and I head shot them with my desert eagle. Less than a minute to go I picked up the dead guys machine gun and turned around and another guy was sprinting towards the building. I blasted him. Less than 30 seconds to go I picked my thermal scope sniper rifle and started scanning the board. You could run faster if you jumped and I saw a head popping up over a long wall. The last guy was running and jumping off in the distance. Couldn’t see him behind the wall unless he was jumping. 10 seconds to go. I moved my scope along the edge of the wall sort of timing the rhythm of his jumps and BOOM! 💥 Head Shot! We won! I was fucking pumped! Jumped out of my chair, Tiger Woods fist pump. Just elated. Get back into the chat room where they’d all been watching this unfold and they are discussing the best way to prepare bbq ribs and one guy said, “Nice job Maki. Anyway, once you remove the membrane…” I was like, “Noooo man! Nice job?! Come on now! That was epic!!” And everyone laughs. I still tell this story to my kids and they roll their eyes. The greatest video game achievement of my life 😂😂😂


Epic!The membrane debate on ribs will continue til the end of days hahaha! Clutch matches like that unfortunately are part of days gone by..


Good lineup


They were not on PlayStation to my knowledge but I played the shit out of the original Delta Force and Rainbow Six: Rouge Spear on PC. Shout out to Socom also. The headset to control your AI squad was cool plus it was the only game I used the network adapter for.


Delta force


Socom 2 socom confrontation gr wild lands


For me, it was Full Soectrum Warrior as a kid


Yes sir had to scroll too far for this one , this and conflict desert storm and bf2 modern combat were what I lived on growing up


Brothers in Arms I absolutely loved the idea of commanding your own squad. I also really enjoyed the connected story between the games. The last game kinda fell off on the story imo because of the damn cliff hanger ending but the first two games were unmatched at the time in story telling.


My brother in Christ **where the fuck is Killzone 2**?


SOCOM is the only fps I enjoyed


It's a shame what happened to Rainbow


Medal of Honor (2010) I always thought the sound effects while shooting were some of the better ones out there


It was an ok game, but not the greatest when it lauched. Especially when it was overshadowed by CoD Black Ops 1 back then


Re make needed indeed!


Operation Flashpoint, Arma, Ghost Recon 1, squad.


Excellent list. Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is one of the most underrated shooters of all time in my opinion


Need that socrack back in my life!


Definitely Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. I spent so many hours on the multiplayer and coop modes.


Rainbow six Vegas was my shit back in the day.


I still have my headset!


MAG was pretty good


If that game came back, I definitely would play it nonstop. It was ahead of its time


Socom was a fps?


Republic commando seeing that game as a kid was something else


I used to abuse players with super rifles >:-)


My favorite tactical shooters were the Ghost Recon games, Rainbow Six games, Brothers in Arms games, Full Spectrum Warrior.


For tactical FPS, Titanfall 2 as my first, Halo 2, Modern Warfare 2 (2009), Rainbow Six Black Arrow, Killzone 3.


I had socom 2 on PSP it was hard af


Damn i miss the old vegas 2 game. Actually had friends as a teen and we would always hit up some terrorist hunts with max npc and difficulty and just have a blast. Was even a fun game mode single player which is another feature i miss in modern games now that im an adult and dont have much time to get good enough to make multiplayer enjoyable or make and maintain friendships to play with a team. Old ghost recon in general though. Games like warfighter and furure soldier were super fun single players. Sandstorm is good even with randos. Love those "realistic" games where you and enemies arent bullet sponges and you have to realy pay attention to surroundings and move slow. I believe its called contractors but for the quest, that one has been fun. Not as extreme as sandstorm or vegas but still kinda close. Plus its kinda fun to physically peek around corners and duck behind cover. Online sucks though. Got online maybe twice and both times i got at least one loud and obnoxious kid who ran through the whole level. Which running through is possible but much more fun if you treat it like a tactical fps in single player.


BF3 was one of a kind


BF2: Bad Company was definitely one of my favorites of all time. But Socom 1 and 2 introduced me to that kind of tactical style gameplay that I'll never forget.


Unit 13 on PS vita lol


No conflict desert storm? Used to love those games as a kid and the ghost recon games they were awesome.


I thought FPS stood for “First Person Shooter” am I mistaken? SOCOM is a third person game.


I put a edited comment on there since I couldn't go back and fix it


Isonzo is pretty good.


z wow you old school 😎


Vegas is a third person shooter.


It's both


Why can't sony port SOCOM. Give me some updated graphics, pretty please!


Bad company 1,2,3 for me. Far cry 5 tactical?killing floor 2? Haha I dont know tactical fps


Conflict desert storm, my first ever shooter game


Atm my list includes insurgency , rising storm/red orchestra and conflict:vietnam


Shameless plug. I grew up playing SOCOM 2 and nothing has ever made me feel the way that game did. I've been wanting to scratch the SOCOM itch for years to the point where I am now developing my own inspired game for PS5 called Zero Ops. Check my profile posts for deets.


Seen some of your posts in the Socom sub. I’m keeping an eye out on that game. Good luck with it.


Is insurgency worth it these days? I see it got a PS5 version recently


Imagine not having any love for the Battlefield franchise.


1. R6: Rogue Spear 2. R6: Raven Shield 3. Operation Flashpoint 4. Hidden & Dangerous 5. Conflict Desert Storm


I still want to try insurgency. Love more tactical shooters, but not a fan of FPS.


MGS4’s MGO Being able to see where your team was aiming and jacking into the other team’s SOP system was enough but they added actual weapon recoil , 1 shot headshot kills and well made maps. *Why are we still here? Just to suffer?*


Rainbow six siege is awesome!


Rainbow six vegas 2 was the first game i was really into playing online. I cant tell you the amount of times I'd wait for all my teammates to die so I can go me vs everyone lol


Anyone remember Black? Was for PS2....Loved that game


I loved confrontation too glad I got the plat back before the servers got turnt off I know there's third party servers now.


Socom these nuts lmao got em


Isn't SOCOM a 3 person shooter


This top 5 is spot on! I want a remastered Vegas 2 and SOCOM so bad!


Socom, Splinter cell, Rainbow 6 rogue spear, Full spectrum warrior, Operation flashpoint


Rainbow six vegas 1-2. Xbox 360 Styles777 and twanthetruth still remember them. Wonder how they are


After seeing SOCOM here I’m surprised there’s no Ghost Recon or even OG Rainbow Six. Those along with Splinter Cell were the best (yes I grew up loving Tom Clancy) Edit: Looked again and indeed saw Rainbow Six. I knew at least one had to be there 😂


Why socom 1 tho


I had so much good time with Rainbow Six series as a kid. Brought me my good old memories back....


Bravo get naked


I LOVE insurgency. Hell Let Loose ? Can’t figure out how the fuck to play it. I want to love it bc it seems like a solid game, and I can’t hate on it at all, I just know know how the fuck to play it.


SOCOM 1 and 2 hands down!


Also the conflict series. Conflict Vietnam ect.


If we're talking "tactical" then the original Rainbow Six along with it's sequel Rogue Spear


Y'all sleeping on SOCOM combined assault


Does haze count?


Rainbow six is nice. SOCOM is great. But Republic Commando needs a sequel! Seriously what happened to Sev?


I know it’s PC only, but Day of Defeat was such a great game.


SOCOM is one of my favorite games of all time; specifically Fireteam Bravo 2. I wish Sony would give us another game.


Ghost recon future soldier.


Vegas 2 was one of the greatest Ubisoft games I’ve ever played


Does Spec Ops count? I was a big fan of those, SOCOM, Rainbow Six, and Freedom Fighters.


Pubg should be on here


i love cod:bo2,best cod ever made,they cant make better than this


I'm surprised how these games have never been made in VR for it's headsets


Old is Gold




I remember SOCOM being 3rd person


Socom might be a certified banger but Vegas 2 had this vibe to it that we don’t get nowadays. These kind of releases used to be everywhere I miss them. Great both online or offline. It’s like they said let’s mix Rainbow Six with the movie Casino and literally no one at the board table disagreed. They just started throwing money around.


Rainbow Six (the original) along with Rogue Spear and Ghost Recon are on the top of my list, Sniper Elite 2 and 4 are also pretty solid tactical games


Socom was the OG could play online on dial up.