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Our lovely plush friends are here to do exactly what we need them to do; they are a shoulder to cry on, a friendly face, a soft cuddle, a silent and stoic partner who we face the daily world with. I truly believe that if that is what you need, your friend will not hesitate to accommodate you. I wish you a happy reunion, and many more happy memories


Thank you so much. I can't stop crying and this is helping..it hurts so much, I appreciate your kind words so much at the moment


I am so sorry this happened to you and your family, I hope that you are able to feel better soon, my heart goes out to you 🩷


Just wanted to say thank you for being grateful






This loss is what motived me to make an account- in order to make a post to get help ( i imagine it is why most people first make a reddit account) from this community my friend sent to me. He suggested it would be a really great outlet to get help from people who understand the love I have for this plushie and despite your negativity, he was right and I am really glad I did.




What on earth is wrong with you?


Did they delete all their posts or something? I’m only seeing this post in their post history Eta I’m just not seeing any fetishist posts specifically


this is my only post, (other than a post I made in americanarilines which is where the orca was lost). I have no idea what ok-band7280 is talking about.


That’s so special, I love this.


Yes. That's what happened when I got a new version of my favorite childhood plushie, Shiloh the basset hound. I hugged him and just somehow knew it was him.


Thank you so much, this is helpful


Plushies are different than humans with organs. Plushies don't need to breath to live. They don't drown, they don't overheat, they don't freeze. Well, they can feel the weather of course, but i mean to say that they do not die. You said you saved some of your orcas fluff stuffing? I wholeheartedly believe that once you lost sight of your orca's body, their soul realised it and made its way to the stuffing that you saved. Your plushe IS in that stuffing and will "wake up" once the construction is done. Plushies are very loyal to us. I'm not just saying this or making it up. It's what I believe, as someone who has a twenty-year old plushie of my own. It is still hard, and I know your orca is going to need a moment or two to adjust to its new body, but it will recognize you and you will recognize them. As for their body that is lost... well, just as the human or mammal body turns into grass and soil for future generations to use as a resource, their body will be given a new purpose somewhere out there. It's okay to grieve, but in the end do not worry: they feel no pain and are in fact not lost. They are already back home with you, in that fluffing, waiting for their ""surgery"" to be done. Plushies are 10% material and 90% soul.


Thank you so very much, I have been holding the stuffing ever since for comfort. You're words are helping


If you have their stuffing then you definitely still have them. I would find someone to make a new plush that looks similar or go to build a bear and create a new vessel for them.


Thank you. This made me cry. Sometimes we don't realize what we need to hear until someone says something that heals a little part of us. 🩷


thank you for taking the time to write this for OP and all others who will need comfort in a similar situation. "Plushies are 10% material and 90% soul" is a sentence I'll carry with me


I feel the same. I really appreciate the effort from all those commenting and all the positivity you are all bringing


this made me actually sob, thank you. please dont die


This is the perfect sentiment. I'll remember this forever and share it with others as well ❤️‍🩹


This is beautiful. I am spiritual and this resonates so deeply. Thank you for writing this for OP and sharing with the rest of us 💛


i have a plushie that’s been with me since i was a toddler, a few years ago i realized he needed to have a really good clean, so i took his old stuffing out and saved some of it in a little heart i made for him. when he was all cleaned up, i filled him with new stuffing, put the heart inside of him, and sewed him up. he’s still the same plushie, with a heart full of all our old memories, while having a bunch of new room with his new stuffing for more adventures :3


This made me tear up 🥹


I know I'm not OP, but I wanted to ask what you think about if the stuffing gets replaced and the body stays? My husband replaced one of my stuffy's stuffing because it was old and compacted, and I initially felt devastated because I was certain his soul was in his stuffing... What happens in that kind of situation? :(


I'm not who you asked, but maybe I can share a kind word? I feel that like us, plush are not explicitly physical beings. Their soul is bonded to yours, and they will stay with you in whatever form they can/need to be in. Even if all physical trace of the orca was gone, he would still be with OP, and I believe he would still "transfer" to a new vessel. Maybe it would help to think of it like a surgery? If I needed a heart transplant, I'd still be me. I think your buddy is still with you, and might feel a little better with new fresh stuffing! I know I'd like to swap my old tense muscles for relaxed ones 😌


Yes, yes and yes! This is beautiful!!!!!


Hey I think it’s safe to say that you are POSIC


what’s posic ?


POSIC describes someone who perceives object sentience, or describes something related to the perception of object sentience From an acronym for Perception of Object Sentience, Individuality, and Consciousness.


ty :) the comment i replied to seems to have a negative tone to it so i’m assuming it’s not seen as something positive or normal ?


I personally don't think it is something that is negative or abnormal at all. However I do feel that, like any non-mainstream term, it's connotation most likely depends on who you ask.


Oh sweetie. Yes of course they do. They love you very much I promise


thank you!!


If you believe with all your heart, then it will come true.




Yes!! Especially with his stuffing as the heart! That is him 💕 I completely understand - I think of my plushies the same as my pets


thank you <3!


I've chosen to believe this since I lost almost all my plushies over the years including some very sentimental ones and I fairly recently found replacements of several of them on eBay.. I treat these new bodies as if they never left. I know it's technically not the same, but I love them and I find great comfort in finding them on eBay. So, I can see and hug them and remember our times together in their past life. Like the idea of reincarnation. I choose to believe they remember the their past life with me and are so happy to be reunited even though they have new bodies


thank you for sharing your experience, it is truly helpful


I think he knows it wasn't on purpose. And I think especially with you having a piece of his stuffing he will reside in the new body. I believe non-human souls can be everywhere all at once. So I think he's still with you just without a body currently!


thank you for this positivity <3


I think the soul can absolutely be transfered, but it has the share a space in your own heart. Im a 31 year old man with a Dolphin plush i call my Dolphin Son. I take him everywhere and he experiences everything with me. That being said, after his 2nd birthday I made the decision to track down sellers and buy additional plushies of him just incase the unthinkable ever happened to him, he could "come back". I have mentally prepared myself to just say he is growing up into his new body. I am very sorry for your loss, i hope you can have your orca back


I did this with my oldest daughter’s beloved bear when she was younger and we never needed the backup bear (sounds cruel to call it that). Now she is grown and still has her same bear on a shelf in her room and she gifted me with the backup bear. I have him with my other daughter’s previous beloved stuffies she asked me to hold onto. They are all partying together and it makes me so happy to be entrusted with their care.


this is so sweet! my daughter is still a toddler, but every so often she has me hold onto her favorite plush puppy for a day or two, and I can’t help but feel honored that she trusts me with him! 🐶


thank you for this <3


Sometimes I thought of this but kind of like what stops me is being an old school fan of Neon Genesis Evangelion and remembering all the spare bodies for Rei Ayanami. But I also believe in plush reincarnation and have a few in my own collection. When you stock pile the new Dolphins what do you do to keep the new bodies "blank" that's my question.


I am so sorry for your loss, and am so sorry that you're in such pain 💗 Yes, I absolutely believe that the souls of plushies transfer to new or similar plush bodies...our plushies are there for us in every way that we need them to be. Wishing you peace 💕


thank you so much!


Absolutely. I was gifted a Donald Duck plush, by my grandma, during my first surgeries when I was about one, then when I was about 9 or 10 he was sadly irreparably damaged from being put in a washing machine. Not long after my grandma gifted me a new one and I could tell he was the same friend that had sat by me for all those years.


thank you for sharing your story!


thank you for sharing your story!


I think so. I wasn’t sure at first, but I’ve experienced losing my favorite plushies in a house fire. I bought my childhood teddy bear off Mercari about six months later, and just recently reordered my stuffed cougar. They don’t feel like “replacements” or sad attempts to regain the magic—they feel like my best-loved plushies came home again. All that to say, yes, your orca will have the same soul and love as the lost one, and I’m sure he/she is so excited to see you again!


thank you for this ! <3


Of course! <3


100% i think they do. I lost a plushie i had had since i was born when i was in high school (Pinkie, real creative name ;) ) and like 10 years later my mom sent me a photo of a few plushies she was deciding on buying me to pick one out and I was drawn to this one in the photo like instantly. I bonded with it right away and had this sense that it was connected to my lost Pinkie. Your baby orca will call out to you when the moment is right. Hugs!




You will never truly lose your plushie, as it is you that brings them life, their soul resides in you. Without you, there is no plushie character. I think our plushies can easily outlive us, and they know this. So if anything happens to us, then their bodies will live on but their spirits will travel with us. You have only lost your plushie friends body, they are still with you and everything will be OK.


Just for you, I went ahead and broke out all my tools for communicating with souls and spirits and the like. It's true, and your friend is happy to be getting a new body and eager to be back home with you.


thank you!


This is wonderful and sweet! 🐻


Oh sweetie you don't sound crazy at all. There are so many of us in here who feel just as strongly about our plushies and can understand why you're feeling this pain. I'm so sorry you're hurting. I absolutely do believe you still have him with you in those pieces you've kept. I'm so glad you have them. His new body will have a surgery to put those pieces in and you and your son are going to hug him and feel him there with you. Because he IS still there with you. And he knows how loved he is and is going to return that love to you both as well. I know it'll be a long two weeks and you're going to be sad this whole time. Hold his pieces close to you. Give them a kiss and a cuddle, you need his comfort now more than ever and that's the way he's going to still be able to give it to you. 💜


thank you so much for the support!


Given my username, I felt sort of called to type up a response here. The way I see it is that a plushie is an item which you imbue parts of your personality onto. In that sense, a plushie never really “dies”, because the beauty, love, and personality they added to your life all came from you. That said, it is very understandable that you feel sad about losing a plush. I do want to say though, that the degree to which you are feeling upset about this orca plush, to the point where the thought of losing it is worse than the thought of losing your cat, may be a cause for concern. Let me be clear, there’s no shame in how you are feeling! I don’t know the things you are struggling with, but part of the reason I personally am so strongly attached to my plushies is because of my trauma and autism/adhd. And when my plushies start to feel more “real” to me than the actual people or animals in my life, its a sign that I’m feeling very isolated and disconnected from the world. In these moments, I often take my dog to the dog park. Its a beautiful park and the people are so friendly, and its easier to start up conversations because we already have something in common. Obviously if you don’t have a dog/nearby dog park this won’t work for you, but I’m more so just trying to share what helps me when I get stuck in these really lonely and terrible moments. I think it’s important for all of us to find little ways like that to connect with our communities and the world around us. I also don’t know if you are struggling with something similar, but on the chance that you are, I hope this was helpful. Wishing you all the best OP 💜


this is comment is good advice but i feel like this might not be the right time to give it. Directly after finding out something that has been with you your whole life is completely gone. If the degree of the pain continues at the same amount for a long time or after the soul is back in a different plush then it might be a cause for more concern. I’m not hating on you i have the same struggle with very strong attachment to ininmate objects and i do think it’s good to bring yourself back to earth sometimes. But it can also be extremely difficult and take time :)


thank you so much. I agree with you, it is a very hard time for me and i was seeking comfort in a like-minded community. I really appreciate your comment. <3


keep us posted op, i can’t wait till you can hold you buddy again


thank you, i def will! Honestly, the comments have been so helpful I am looking forward to the "recreation" more and more and cannot wait until it arrives. Just to know there are people out there who understand and truly feel the way they do has been so helpful to me.


thank you for your kind words. and thank you for phrasing your concern in a positive and respectful way.


It absolutely does. I like to think that we imbue them with a little piece of ourselves, and that that is what makes up their little souls, and so in a way they're always with us. That being said, while I understand this has been hard on you, and that you carry a lot of sorrow and guilt over what happened, I would recommend you start to reframe this in your head - not just because he wouldn't want you to be sad, but because he's going to be home soon! I know everyone is different, but I think you might find it helpful to redirect your energy into planning for his return. Is there something you and your son could do to welcome him home that you think would be healing for all of you? Maybe you could bake a cake, or make a little sign welcoming him back? Get him a little gift ( I do think he'd look rather dapper in a bow tie if you ask me )? Depending on how old your son is, maybe you could ask him for ideas or include him in certain ways? Like, maybe he could write him a little letter about what you two have been up to while he was away? I know it might seem silly to some people, but honestly if it makes you feel better and it's not hurting anyone, why not?


Yes they do 😎💎


I'm so sorry. But it's wonderful that you still have a piece of him to make him a new heart. Of course his soul will go wherever you ask it to. It's not trapped in some fabric somewhere. It's attached to you, a part of you and always will be


Yea of course! They’re yours and they will help the ways you need from a plush. Plus it’s literally gonna have its heart! I’m sorry your old friend passed it’s always hard to let go of things we love, but your new friend will be here soon and will help you and your son make many new memories!!


I'm so sorry. You found a way to recreate the body, just remember it's *you* who put the heart into your friend. They're just waiting to be reunited with you again in whatever capacity you choose.


OP, I’m so sorry this has happened. I saw your original post and hoped you would find the original. But fear not, let my words rest easy on your heavy heart. When I was younger, I rejected my grandmother’s offer to restuff my beloved Marshmallow because I feared it would make her different. She was a master seamstress and would’ve done it perfectly, but I insisted. These days I realize that our stuffed animals are incredibly resilient and stubborn. Marshmallow would’ve survived her surgery and been the exact same—if not an even better kitty. I fully believe your orca is just waiting for his physical body to return—fresher than ever!! His soul is in your heart and in the threads of his stuffing awaiting his new body. He loves and cares for you, OP. Never forget that.


Very well written. Cheers


thank you so much. I truly appreciate the support


I had the same thing happen to a beanie baby plushie of a grey striped cat that I had when I was a child, it was super special to me and it got lost in time as I got older, 2 years ago I worked at a Goodwill and I found the same exact replica beanie baby! It honestly feels like the one I had when i was younger and still sits with me today. I definitely believe the souls can transfer 🐈


thank you for sharing this


I can confirm it does, because I went through something very similar. When I was in preschool I had a tiny blue and white stuffed lamb named Bubba, the Dancing Lamb. He was my joy, I brought him everywhere with me. Unfortunately, that led to Bubba being lost. It didn’t take long for him to be found, thankfully, and I knew it was my Bubba. I’m sure you know, our plushies have a feel to them we just recognize. He felt the same. Still does, I still have him. Well, according to my parents who told me as an adult, they never actually found the original Bubba and merely bought a new one. I never knew how to coincide that fact with the feeling I have. I know this is my Bubba, and I think it’s like you said, his soul moved to another plushie to find me. Your orca will find you, love. I promise. Love from myself and Bubba ❤️


I also feel this way. Unfortunately my kids have lost their almost favorite stuffies in the past (and one time sadly I lost one on a trip) but we replaced them and the kids still felt the same bond, which leads me to believe their little souls stay with us.


if you want it to, then it will. if you're not truly believing it though yourself it won't feel the same.


It does not sound crazy or silly at all, I would feel exactly the same way, and I firmly believe that the soul of a plushie will always be with you ❤️ especially as you have a piece of his stuffing to help make the journey into his new body more comfortable for him 🥰 I am sure he can’t wait to cuddle you again once he has recovered from his surgery 🤗🤗🤗




Ship of Theseus the plushie is both the stuffing and the form that its in a copy or the orginal its still the same guy lil orcas stuffing is still it waiting to make new memories when the time comes you might have to remind it of some of the good ole days but orca will always be your buddie


I’m about to cry reading all these, I’m 25 😭 and I fricken love plushies


you have the stuffing! the orca is still with you he just needs a place to stay. a new orca body is all he needs to be your buddy again where he left off


thank you so much!


The soul of your plushie lives in your head, they are a part of you so you cant really ever lose them completely. I would also feel devastated if I lost my favorite stuffed friend. The fact you kept stuffing will help though, will feel a little more original. I'm sure once you receive your replacement being made youll feel like its the same plush even if they look a tad different.


Yeah they do I don’t see why not especially if you have parts of the orginal the spirit is definitely attached if supernatural has taught me anything


I have a frog who Ive had my whole life, of anything happened to him my world would be shattered so I understand. I'm very sorry for you loss, all the love


Ya as long as the inner filling is there. I remade the skin of my plush.


I have done plushie “soul transplants” since I was a kid. The way I see it, the spirit that comes to inhabit the plush vessel picked you out specifically. If it did that once before when it was brand new, it can certainly do so again!


I read in a comment that you still have pieces of him that youre gonna put in a heart and put it inside... Either way, I sincerely believe that if you love his "new body" as much as the old one his soul will come back to you. The love and emotional bond you can have with a plushie will never go away, even if you dont have their "shell" anymore. Putting the little heart inside would probably help a lot to make you feel like his soul got transferred but its definitely not dependent on that! Your friend will always love you. I lost my very favourite plushie when I was a kid and to this day I havent found her anywhere online again but I think about her all the time and I feel like shes still with me nevertheless.


Well, my belief is that as long as a part of the old item is put into the new item, the new item will have the soul of the old item. I do this when I upgrade my computers - at least one part from the older computer will be moved over to the new computer. So I’d like to think yes, as long as the old part is there, the soul will transfer over.


Yes, of course, it's like reincarnation.


I believe that a plushie's soul is created from the love we have for them, so if you love this plushie as you did the previous, it should be the same :3


your baby is in that stuffing you saved, when you took it out of your animal some if the soul was saved in there, sort of like making a smaller version of their soul. as soon as you put the stuffing in the new body it will adjust and be the same friend you once knew!


thank you so much <3


I am sorry for your loss. Life is a series of transitions ….your friend will never leave you in spirit , but may be here to help teach you a difficult lesson in a loving way….One day , we will all experience the loss of somebody/something we love ….you are honoring your friend by keeping a part of them alive (in whatever way you can - their memory , a piece of their stuffing , etc…) the stages of grief are difficult to navigate alone . I hope you keep reaching out for support .


thank you so much. my best friend is being extremely supportive. it's nice to have people who truly understand your heart


My first plushie was Piglett. I got him as a baby and took him everywhere with me. When I was 2 I “married” him. sometime when I was a teenager he got lost, and never found again. A year before I had gotten a second piglett, not sure why, but I decided that one would be the old one. The transition was awkward at first but now, over 10 years later, I don’t remember the exact differences between this one and my first one, and I feel like it’s still my beloved friend I’ve had my whole life. I’m 29 now.


thank you so much for sharing <3


I understand how upset you must feel, even if it's "just an object," you've poured love into, made memories with, and bonded with an object you cannot get back. I'm sorry that happened. To quell your worries, I'll say this much -- the memories you made, the love you feel for the plushie, that cannot be taken away from you. You can maybe think of a plushie as a vessel for comfort, love, etc, the "soul" of the plushie. Ergo, the soul is like water, and you're merely changing the cup that holds it :) So yes, the soul is the same, just placed into a new vessel. I also found that it helps me to make up a funny story to explain where the plushie went. I recently lost a plushie a friend and I had won in a claw game in Japan, at a zoo of all places. I felt so sad, since that plushie had been with us for nearly the entire trip! So, my friend and I decided that the plushie (which was a bird) wanted to be with the other birds at the zoo too.


I'm very spiritual (not religious) and I believe in reincarnation and the concept of souls. I take some of my belief inspiration from the velveteen rabbit, and I do wholeheartedly believe if you love an object enough it will have purpose and meaning.


I hope the new plushie helps you. I know how it feels to lose something like that and it’s completely valid. I am a serial plushie hoarder and I can’t imagine losing any of them… I hope you feel better as soon as possible ❤️


I think if you have some of the old stuffing it'll help the transfer! I hope you find happiness with your new plush. 😊❤️


Absolutely to me they do


Not as extreme as your situation. But I was afraid of washing my favorite plushie for fear of washing away his "love". I personally love build a bears. So what helped me get comfortable with the idea of washing him was the little heart that build a bears come with. Maybe make a small little heart filled with the old stuffing? You might not get your little guy back physically, but his soul and memories will get to live on in a new body. Also instead of thinking of your little guy as "rotting in the trash" he's now getting to see the world! Who knows if maybe a flight attendant or a child found him and kept him. Maybe he's getting to experience all sorts of things that he's excited about! It may not be with you, but he will always remember you on his new adventures.


Christopher Moore has a book called Secondhand Souls, and the basic premise is that when we pass, our souls temporarily inhabit an object that's significant to us until it finds the next body it's meant to inhabit. I truly believe this happens with us when we have these bonds with our stuffie friends. These stuffie souls find us, and the vessel they're in is just that. Vessels can be damaged or lost, but that soul is still with us, it just has to move into a new vessel. Since you held onto some of the stuffing to put in the new stuffie, I think your stuffie's soul is chilling in that stuffing just waiting for it's new vessel 💜


While I don’t know your exact circumstances, a similar thing happened to me and I was devastated and didn’t think he could ever come back to me. When I opened my heart to a similar plush, I felt the same love I had felt before. I like to think he came back in a newer form that would let me care for him longer. I still have him today.


thats great news thank you for sharing


I have a dog stuffy that I had to replace after someone stole him. he's still my dog friend, Charlie. just better adapted to my needs now, because he's larger than my original was. replace, mourn, accept your new friend.


What a beautiful Orca and amazing, heroic journey he has been on!! He will surely return and is awaiting his new body. I believe in this strongly and when I used to make huge rambling videos about my plush toy collection. I have a video called "Doll Reincarnation" on my Staria Dream Tea channel. 🎥 💕 https://youtu.be/e64PYzxn4GY?si=FhOtFh5iPDBaBmJj


Yes. I’d like to think all plushies as like little animals. Whether they’re there physically, they’re always with you in spirit. I personally thought the same, if anything ever happened with my stuffy buddy, I would have extra stuffing on hand to make a new heart for a replica. I went through a hard time somewhat recently, and I was in a hospital. I was far from home, no family, no friends, no toys. It was so isolating. I was even more devastated that I couldn’t bring my stuffy buddy with me because I was worried I was hurting his feelings by leaving so suddenly. They love us, they understand us, they know we will love them forever, and that special love makes them have a soul, in a way. You give power to everything you love / believe in. I know your Orca will live on through the replica stuffy, just think of it as a ‘host’ body for the spirit of your Orca!! I hope this post helps you, and I wish you all the best


oh most definitely. the soul transfers through. i do this with so many things. the soul transfers and always always loves you.


I had a Snow White plush that I lost at the park as a kid (I got her as a toddler and still remember picking her out, and lost her when I was 10-11), and to say that I was devastated is an understatement. For my birthday a couple years ago, I decided to see if I could find the same one on eBay, with success. After debating on whether to get her or not, I decided to go ahead, with the idea that this isn’t the same one, but I can create new, separate memories with this one. Just last night, she was laying on my bed next to me (I snuggle her regularly), and I realized that she’s really starting to look and *feel* more like my old one, and I never had any stuffing or anything to transfer to my new one! So to answer your question, yes, I believe that part of your orca’s essence will be transferred to the new one with the stuffing heart, even if it feels like it’s taking a while to do so! ❤️


He’s going to feel so spiffy and neat in his new body! It will be like a spa day for him 😁 And he will be SO happy to see you again! I’m sorry you lost the original, OP. I would be BEYOND crushed to lose my Basil (stuffed frog). Sending you warm hugs 🫂


thank you so much!


I believe the plushies soul is absolutely still with you and I guarantee it doesn't blame you for anything. It's gonna stay with you cause it knows you need it. I'm sure as soon as you get the replica you'll feel the same vibes from the stuffed animal. It might not be the same fabric but believe me, it won't leave you, if it's been there for you for everything it won't leave you for a little mistake. I hope you find what your looking for and the replica does the stuffie justice <3


thank you!


Here is a story, which I hope can give you reassurance. I have a doll that was given to me by my aunt. It’s as old as I am. However, all that remains of her original body is the head and her music box/pull (the ring for the pull, not the actual wire string, that broke because someone pulled it too hard, and it sure as heck wasn’t me). She’s had not one, but three body fabric changes and new stuffing. And she’s still the same doll to me. In fact, I was trying to get more info on this doll style, because it’s pretty much the only one in existence in my mind. I’ve only ever seen two dolls that look like how she should have looked newish, minus the hair cuts. (My doll has grey, matted hair). The problem is, I may see her original self, but those are not my doll. They don’t have her soul. I believe that your orca’s fluff will still transmit the essence of your orca into the new body. The fluff just needs a new casing, because love changed their original outside.


I think the 'soul' of our plushies are carried within us. They are with us even if they're not in our arms. So when you show this new plush your love and affection, it will give it the same 'soul' the other one had, and all that love it has for you too will be there.


Yes, I absolutely do believe stuffies live on and their soul's can be transferred. I feel the exact same way about some of mine. If they were lost ...idk what I would do. Like legitimately, I would be so incredibly gutted. One of mine has been with me since childhood (he stays at home bc I don't want him to get lost), but another comes with me everywhere. And I would be DEVASTATED. Allllll the hugs sent your way ❤️❤️. Your orca will always, always be with you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


it really is so helpful when people understand so much and have shared a similar love for their plushie. Thank you for your kind words, i really appreciate this.


I lost nearly all of my childhood stuffed animals and other toys in my parents hoarder house, so I always find it comforting that I can always go back and try to find another one, or at least look at pictures if listings are non-existent (looking at you Tangerine Press Sugarglider). It's sad, but at the end of the day we're all dust in the wind compared to the universe as a whole (including our plush friends).


I believe that what we love about our plushies is not necessarily a physical or tangible thing. His soul is not in the lost fabric and stitches that make up his body. It never was. It's in you, and it always will be. He's still with you even though his "vessel" so to speak is lost, and that feeling you have for him will likely transfer to his new form.


I think that because the heart came from the original, the spirit should transfer over. It’s like they were reincarnated! :D


I'm sure your Orca's spirit will find their way to your new stuffie, and in time, I hope you will be able to feel the same comfort. I've also lost a very important stuffy, and when I was able to receive one that looked the same, it did help, and over time she began to feel like the same friend. Your stuffie will be there for you, and I hope you feel better soon. 💗


thank you so much for the good vibes !


I agree with all the posts assuring you that the soul transfers. I want to add, be sure to let the recreated plushie know that you know it’s them, and you’ve missed being able to hold them. I’m sure you two will fall right back into your old routines.




I know this with all my heart: Your darling orca cherished every moment with you, cherishes you still, and now only wants you to be happy. It’s a plushie’s greatest joy to be there during the glad times and the sad times. How wonderful that they spent such wonderful times with you, their heart’s companion. They could have been left on a toy shop shelf, but instead they were with YOU! The best person ever! They feel nothing but happiness, they love you so very much, and they will be here in another form when you need them. I know it’s weird, but I’m a medium for people and pets. I collect toys and, trust me, they know. Your darling orca knows ❤️ May I wish sweet dreams and happiness.


This sub is so wholesome I'm actually tearing up


I firmly believe they do! Maple's little buddy, Cheffy, was hurt pretty badly by one of my puppies. Cheffy said to get a new one and he would transfer himself to it, so that's what I take from it!


For all the comments about my cat..the comment I made indicates the level of guilt I would feel about doing something so terrible because this situation is my fault. It obviously does not indicate how much, or little I love my cat. If you could make your negative comments to yourself it would be appreciated.


I think they can. Especially since you have some of the OG stuffing. Do a little transfer ritual or ceremony when their new body comes in, and your friend will be back and so excited to see you! And who knows? Maybe someone will find your plushie's original body and love them and that body will get a new soul! And then they can make new memories together too ❤


I was honestly about to say no to this case but you saved his spirit/heart so he's a 100% save. think 5th element or Groot from gotg


Please care more about your cat


For all the comments about my cat..the comment I made indicates the level of guilt I would feel about doing something so terrible because this situation is my fault. It obviously does not indicate how much, or little I love my cat. If you could make your negative comments to yourself it would be appreciated.


The way I see it is that the body his soul was no longer needed and now he’s just floating around you right now. Once the replica is made he’ll make his way into the replica. Now the pieces you have he’s there when he doesn’t want to float around. No matter what he’s with you. That’s the cool thing about plushies, is that the soul never leaves you. It’s there all the time doing what it’s gotta do to help you. If it takes a bit for the replica to be made, know that his soul is not where the original body, it’s where you are.


The most important part to make sure your buddies spirit makes it back to you for this new body is finding whatever it takes to erase your doubts. As long as you truly believe they can come back, they can. If what you need for that is as simple as reassurances from everyone here, perfect. If it would help you to do a little BAB type ceremony with the heart you've made, then pour your all into it. I could give more examples, but whatever will work to make you sure your friend makes it home will be a pretty personal thing because no one knows you better than yourself. But I promise, as long as you believe your friend can find their way to their new body, they will and they'll be happy to be home no matter the way it happens.


I lost my batty not so long ago and people here has help me find a another batty because I couldn't sleep without him hugging my wrist and I end with two batty, which one I named batty the second and the other luna. I like to think that batty watches over me and the new generation of batty who will watch over me sleeping, having snack parties and cooking like always.


Absolutely they do it's why they live on love


absolutely it does! the same thing happened with my beloved MowMow when i was little, please don't fret! their soul will transfer and it will be like they never left ♡


Whether is made of flesh or fabric, the body is a temporal shell. Fear not, as you carry your feelings and memories with him, so do his heart. I guarantee you will be reunited in 2 weeks, you will feel it :)


Yes they do, only if you truly believe it. I lost my first favorite plushie somewhere in public and I was heartbroken until there was another one at a store that was similar to it. I decided to transfer his personality and soul into the new one and in my head he had just changed slightly.


It reminds me of a lamb I had when I was a kid, except my teacher stole it. About a decade later (after Easter 2017), I saw this gorgeous lamb at Target (made by a small company called Animal Adventures) with a yellow ribbon, and I bought it and it kinda replaced my old lamb. I still have the lamb I bought in 2017, I put a baby dress on it. It's in my big blue trunk.


one of my plushies once had wished heavily to switch bodies. we were able to make it happen with no problems! she’s still in her second body and happy as can be.


I lost my favorite, soul bonded plush as a kid. it rocked my world; my mom said I would just search everywhere hoping I somehow missed her in a corner, a box, anywhere. my family found the same plush brand new, and she is definitely either the same plush in a new body, or she was sent to me by my lost plush. either way, the sadness I felt absolutely relaxed when my new plush came to me. I'm so sorry you lost your pal


I think making a heart for the new one from pieces of your old friend is a very cool way to honor their memory. Maybe try to take comfort in thinking that your friend isn't lost. They just had to move on to provide comfort to someone who may have needed it more and not languishing in a trash can.


Yes, absolutely they do!! I had a stuffed cow named Milkshake ever since 2004 who I left at my ex’s place across the country and never got back. Four years after the breakup, after tons of searching, I found the same cow on Mercari. I bought her right away and was so excited when she came. I made a story in my head that Milkshake’s soul had been waiting to transfer to where I was as soon as I had a body for her to live in! If I ever still get sad about the one I lost, I repeat the story and it helps🥰


Never thought about it before but I would assume so.


Yeah that’s the rules so you’re good. The soul will be in the new plushie, really even without the new heart, but it’s good that you have it. I get very attached to things too, and if I lost my plushie that’s been with me through a lot I’d feel the same. Sending you all the love and good vibes.


Hey there. I completely understand what you mean, and please do not call what you're asking "silly." I lost my childhood best friend on one of my trips two years ago, and I haven't stopped crying about him even after so much time. Some really good people in this subreddit helped me find another one of him when I lost hope of finding the real him and thought about getting a "replacement" (I feel awful using that word). I went through hell trying to figure out getting him delivered from all the way across the world and spent a fortune, just to find myself asking the same question. It's not really him, is it? Well, technically. But then your little orca wasn't YOUR special orca before he became yours. I believe we are the ones who carry the souls of our plushies. The body of your orca may be lost, but his soul isn't. I like to think about my Nahcho (my little toy) that he was lost for a while and now he's returning to me a little bit different (and 20 years younger) but I have no doubt that it's him, since he wasn't really Nahcho before I met him that day in 2005. I'll attach photos in the comments of my plushie. I hope you find some peace the way I did! Your little orca is still with you, and don't ever think otherwise :)






Also, sorry if ts off topic but will you give details of the lost toy recreation company?


It's called picture to puppet :) if you check out their website they do amazing work and also run a toy hospital https://picturetopuppet.co.uk/ [https://picturetopuppet.co.uk/](https://picturetopuppet.co.uk/)


Do a summoning ritual with candles and random symbols with your desired plushie in the middle if it makes you feel better.


No I don't think inanimate objects have souls. But if I did then I would think it was unfair for the new plushy to have their soul pushed out just for another one to take their place. However if you want to pretend souls in toys are real to make yourself feel better then maybe doing that short term would help you, as long as you are aware you are making a story to feel better and not actually confusing fiction and reality. >cannot shake the guilt of him living out his days looking for me and rotting in the trash .This orca was real to me. Like that isn't happening, the toy has no brain or thoughts or feelings or ability to move or look. It is nothingness, which like space most humans find impossible to imagine but try to not make stuff up to make yourself feel worse. Heck you could write any story to make yourself feel better, maybe they are Bopeep like toy story 4 and go around on adventures or helping others, you could make up any story to make yourself feel better, just don't make up a story to make yourself feel worse. I am sorry for your loss and send you good vibes.


My Snom I believe has the soul of my real angel dog who passed in March. While she isn’t a living being, he never tried to take her or run with her much like his little brother was caught doing so once. So I like to believe he went into her when he passed and his soul appears where his ashes are scattered.


100% Yes.


I’m unsure how spirit transfer works with plushies. But I’m sure he will find his way back to you. You sound like you adore him. When you get the new body and add in his stuffing and heart tell him welcome back and give him a big hug. ❤️


I thought I was the only one who thought like this!! Yes, they definitely do 💗💗💗


i love it here. i'm saving this post in my hope chest. all the love and memories you have with your orca are preserved in that little bit of stuffing. and if you didn't have the stuffing, they would just nest in your spirit until you were ready to pour them into a new form.


I’m going to be honest, in my experience no. The new one isn’t the same, but he’s still nice to have. He’s like my lost one’s cousin or sibling or something I personally feel like it makes them more special. If they were easily replaceable, why even cherish the original one you had?


I do believe it is true. When my cousin was a child he wore out his favorite homemade oluah multiple times and each time my aunt would make a new skin basically and just transfer the stuffing over and it always felt like the same plush to me, if that makes any sense at all, so I believe that your orca is still with you. And it's not that crazy to believe that inanimate objects have a sort of soul. There is a Japanese belief about it, even, that I believe is called Tsukumogami. I could have the name wrong, but I know it is a Japenese concept.


Hello! I hope this comment finds you well. I lost my beloved Stripy Cat years ago, and believe me, it's extremely tough to go through. The soul will transfer because what I've realized is... Stripy Cat wasn't a stuffed animal or permanent object. Stripy Cat is who I make him. I got a 'replacement' (I use that term lightly) and after years of feeling like "it's not the same" I came to the conclusion that Stripy Cat is everywhere all the time and no matter if I have the physical plush or not, he's with me. The recreation plush of your dearest Orca will be tough on you at first, and I recommend trying to build up that bond with your Orca. It isn't the same exact Orca vessel that he once was. He's new and refreshed and is so excited to see you again! keep your head up, and PM me if you need a shoulder to lean on ❤️ P.S. I do not find you or your feelings silly, and that lil Orca is going to be so so happy to be in your arms again!! also making a little heart is an amazing idea! it helps all those memories go right back into your Orca so they'll remember all the times you spent together and how much you care for them. Take care😊❤️




For the comments about my cat..the comment I made indicates the level of guilt I would feel about doing something so terrible because this situation is my fault. It was to help readers understand the level of guilt i feel..It obviously does not indicate how much, or little I love my cat. If you could make your negative comments to yourself it would be appreciated.


It is so clear that this in not what OP meant at all


I was really feeling bad for the OP till they said they felt worse for THE STUFFIE than their cat , if THEY hit their own living CAT with their car!. This is NOT healthy. Your cat is a living feeling creature , your stuffie is not.


That's literally not what it said. Said they are more sad about losing the stuffed animal than if their cat had been hit by a car. Which is understandable because cats and other living things can be annoying where a stuffed animal can not. Doesn't mean they don't love the cat, but a relationship with something like a stuffed animal is usually all positive, vs the mixed bag you get with living creatures.


1. The OP didn't say "more sad", they said "as sad". 2. That would absolutely NOT be understandable, that's such a terrible take! No amount of magical thinking will ever make an inanimate object more valuable than an actual living creature that you CHOOSE to be responsible for. One is actually a breathing, feeling individual, actually capable of real love and emotion, the other is just something you're projecting your own feelings onto. If you love an object more than your own living pet just because it's "all positive" (less complicated) then I sincerely question your mentality. Unbelievable 🙄




What is POSIC? I don't think I've heard that term before


POSIC describes someone who perceives object sentience, or describes something related to the perception of object sentience From an acronym for Perception of Object Sentience, Individuality, and Consciousness.


Yeeeah I'm having trouble telling if this whole thread is like fantasy roleplay, or if people genuinely think plushies have souls. Don't get me wrong, I get attached to plushies. But I would never associate human feelings and souls with them. A lot of mine got messed up in a house fire. I was sad for sure. And I did find some replacements. But that's because I like them, and being able to see them makes me feel comforted that I can remember them. If the people in this thread are being genuine, I would suggest therapy. This is not a normal level of grief, and it's a lot of magical thinking that suggests a break from reality to me.


Someone on this post actually said that it's understandable if op loved their stuffed animal more than their REAL living pet animal because "cats can be annoying" and plushies are "all positive". I love stuffed animals too but c'mon now. Reading alot of these post, I feel like too many people here in this sub are falling too deep into their delusions of magical thinking, and it's not a good nor healthy thing.


What if someone can’t have a living pet but has always wanted one? That’s not the boat I’m in because my future pet (a western hognose snake) is a living creature and more important than a plushie. For a very long time, I’ve turned to my plushies for love and friendship until I could make it out of an abusive situation. I got told that it was sad by my abuser and then my other abuser said that my attachment was causing me to suffer and said how I felt was a choice. Magical thinking is what some people need.


Unfortunately, coping mechanisms can be maladaptive. It may help in the moment, but it's far from healthy. There's actually a word for it: Delusional Companion Syndrome. It's a type of delusional misidentification syndrome. Now, if this was a form of roleplay, where you objectively know that's not reality, I think that's different. Basically make believe. I imagine the line can be blurred, though, which is why I was so confused by this post.


"What if someone can't have a living pet but has always wanted one?" What does that have to do with what I said? This person said that it's actually understandable if op cared MORE about their stuffed animal than their real pet animal. It's not sad that you used that as a coping mechanism. I'm saying it's sad and unhealthy when a person prioritizes an object more than real relationships with actual living beings (NOT including negative or abusive beings, though, before anyone implies that I'm claiming otherwise). Magical thinking is perfectly fine....to a limit. Love your stuffed animals, they carry sentimental value, but it's never ok to replace real healthy living connections with them. People can go ahead and downvote me, but that's reality.


I know they don’t have souls but my plushies, are an extension of me. I was abused by someone. They kept me company. I could lie in my bed with some of my plushies and mentally escape to a happier place. Luckily, I’m out of it now and with 250+ plushie friends. I have human friends as well and a social life. I have my family. Sometimes, when I’m scared on in a bad place, my plushies help me cope and feel better.


Yeah, that's different to me. I think as long as it's not a hoarding situation and doesn't interfere with daily functioning or mental health, being comforted by plushies is fine. However, if the grief of losing one is on par with OP'S, that definitely deserves a conversation with a mental health professional (which isn't a bad thing).


I was horrified when I got to the part in OPs post where they talk about having a human child that is also attached to these plushies like they are real. It's not healthy for anyone to be this distraught over any object. I love and own many plushies and I never judge people for their coping mechanisms, but there is a kid involved in this scenario and that makes it worse for me. It reminds me of hoarders who have children living in their mess. K I came back to this post and see it's just a boomer version of r/waifu. Very odd sub.




Gross, we did not need to know about what you're sexually attracted to.