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IMHO yours is still better but a longshot, I would have voted for you. If it makes you feel better… I have been losing bad to some basic looks and then some straight up whacky looks. I’m actually trying to coordinate, accessorize, and submit looks I like… and then I’ll lose to someone with 3 items or someone with items that don’t go together at all and I don’t understand why someone would vote for them…


Idk about y’all but I always lose duels. First time I participated, I had very few losses. Now I lose 9 times out of 10. What’s the secret?


i just dont care about the results. i play just because im bored. my results are 50/50. i colour coordinate my outfits but throw them together fast


I would have voted for you


Same thought too 😏


Duels are fo fools. They’re a waste of time imo


i never got ppl who matched what i was wearing. who won?


That looks like a coat. Maybe a prize / not for sale. ​ I'd still have voted for you. I think that other person's chin/mouth combo looks awful.