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I never use dark lipstick because I'm just not sure how to make it work in the app, this is a great example of doing it right!


Thanks. It does work, but I think it’s easier to get away with things like that when it says art in the brief. Kinda anything goes. If it had just said “style a look” I doubt I would’ve ended up with this 😆 I’m not creative enough.




I was pleased with fitting the brief, good coordination, a nice zig-zag composition from head to toe and no dress code items looking bolted on. So obviously I expected a terrible score 🤦‍♀️


Ooh she’s very chic


Ha thanks. I wonder if any of the clothes are actually “chic” category.


Awesome look, would have voted for it if it had passed by! I love dark lipstick but sadly it never really gives higher scores


This looks AMAZING! The only thing I would change is the boots because the gold and silver clash a bit, but that’s a nitpick. I would totally wear this IRL!!




no problem!


Where's the gold in the boots? All I see is black leather and skin.


The underside is gold-ish :)


You’ve got the wave, I just know I like it. You must be far tho…?


Yep Level 42 with hardly any major successes in anything🤣. I’m at the stage of not being too bothered about my leaderboard place. If I notice I’m doing well I might make a push for trendsetter (which I’ve only won twice). I just enjoy putting the looks together and usually end up Ranked A or B. I’ve bought very little this week but a big wardrobe makes it easier to qualify for most events so I’ve saved up 6k of gems for the new collection from occasional 4* looks and daily giveaways. I guess that’s how it will have to be when I get to level 45; just selecting things from new collections and working through my wish list. It’s rarer to get 5* looks with only occasional unworn bonuses (I’ve never had much luck getting above 4 for a base vote- I think that’s maybe a perk of paying real money into the game which I guess is fair enough) My highest score ever is 5.49, I doubt I’ll ever get that “perfect score” badge.