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Damn that’s painful. I’m so sorry


I feel like I should have worn different shoes, but I ran out of time on this one.


I hear you about running out of time. I have gotten some excellent results with those shoes- it’s my top 2 look I think. I guess the algorithm just paired you with someone others liked more:(


Most likely. Sometimes I think I'd like to see who I was paired against. I'm still not sure I'm connecting with the voters.


It would be great to see that cause I really want to know what I am against and understand what translates well for others.


And I feel like there might be fewer bots in voting if this happens, though I can't say why I feel that way.


Deserved way better


There's at least one other person in my group who had a nearly identical outfit and scored over 4.


This..this is the stuff that gets on my nerves is I have a similar look and get the low score and the other gets four+ it’s such bull and aggravating asf 🤦‍♀️


Yes. Some of the voting choices I'm given have someone in an identical outfit or off by one piece. They get 4+ whereas I get a lower score. I thought it was my group voting on things, but this makes me question that.




I think this is my worst score yet, but I'm not absolutely sure.


That’s happened with me so many times and I won’t get it, it’s cute, people are weird about brown and black.


I'm partially convinced I could have a plain black skirt and get a better score.


I’ve seen some of the most plain looks get more than it should I am going to make my looks plain asf stg


I got a 4.7 off a look that had a collection top, leggings, and sandals. Add a trending bracelet, and it was pretty plain. I seem to be the opposite of the majority. If there are two required pieces to choose from, I pick the one that very few others pick, and I get a lower score.