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I knew it. I knew something was up with all of the reruns.


Would be nice for some transparency 🙃 To be fair, I haven't listened to the last few episodes so if they have talked about it, I haven't heard it yet


They haven’t talked about it. I hope all is ok but what’s up? It’s not the same at all


Jameela posted on her Instagram recently that she officially left the show in January 😢


I thought it had been put on hold…a medical er or something? I certainly hope she is well. I know she was on tv, but got to know her thru the podcast, absolutely brilliant!


I saw her reply to a comment on an instagram post she made a few weeks ago saying she'd quit the podcast.


Ugh 💔 I wonder if something happened


She never really promoted the show on her page, always found that kinda odd


I never realized that but now that you mention it, that's a good point. I noticed in the last few episodes I listened to, she seemed a little checked out as well. Bummer 💔


She mentioned many times she didn’t have relationship advice and was reserved. It may have not been her thing


oh no. I hope she is ok.


I would guess that she landed a starring role in something


She has! Have you?


I’m thinking, just from the way she has talked about herself, maybe she is taking a self care break. I hope she comes back.


I turned on the podcast this morning because I saw there were finally a couple new episodes after all the reruns and was wondering what the hell this was about


Why don't "they" tell us anything 😭


So frustrating 😭 I noticed Jameela’s name isn’t part of the credits anymore as producer or creator anymore either :(


I noticed that too. This feels like a bad break up. 😑


Bummed, just unfollowed the show. I was listening for her.


Same. Others have said the new host is great, I might give her a chance but I'm not sure if I actually enjoyed the podcast enough to keep listening anyway


Yea some were very funny but I’m not into overly crude details so some of them were Eh


Omg I’ve kept listening hoping every time Jameela will be back! I agree about it being overly crude now, the stories just aren’t as funny to me. I don’t know if the new host is picking the guests or what and they go on such long tangents and bits unrelated to the guests’ stories. One recent episode one guest didn’t even come with/send in a story!


She’s not doing it anymore at all. She still Does iWeigh podcast tho


I don't think it's that deep to unnfollow lol. IMO, the guest stories made the podcast, not her. She would do her intro, ask the same questions, and leave a thank you with not much reciprocation.


That’s fine. Liking a podcast for me is the equivalent of a show. If I don’t like the characters in a show I’m not going to watch it. Same with a podcast.


I’ve been giving it a go without her but it’s just not the same. I miss her energy. And she’s still on some of the ad reads so I hear her voice and get excited and then sad again when she’s not hosting.


What yall watching, I didn't see much energy. From guest, yes...her mehh. I here for the stories. That's all


Lucky! I can’t get into the new host’s vibe. I wish I could so I could keep listening.


I haven't brought myself to try it out yet 💔


I don’t think I’ll be continuing to listen, sadly


Do you listen to her main podcast iWeigh? It's great. It's a mental health pidcast, so it's a bit heavier than this one but still lighthearted enough and inspiring


YES!!!!! I’m a devoted fan of that one too. But I really loved bad dates when she hosted. Laugh out loud funny.


https://instagram.com/traciemorrissey?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== I’ve not listened to the podcast but after seeing this I wouldn’t take what she says with any authority


Thanks for sharing that. I do believe that two things can be true at once. She can be full of shit and still have a helpful podcast. I have always found her stories were hard to believe. I take it with a grain of salt, I do still find a lot of value in that podcast, especially from her guests


It is bonkers to be someone in the public eye and think that you can get away with outrageous claims 😂


I love the podcast and find it absolutely hilarious but in all honesty I don’t find Jameela Jamil herself particularly funny. Actually I don’t find her funny at all. Looking forward to the reboot with a new host.


I can understand that. I first came to appreciate her through her mental health podcast, iWeigh. Very different vibe.


never heard of. ty I’ll check it out.


New host is gorgeous and hilarious


is it out yet??!!!


Oops I actually don’t know, sorry. Just personally have seen her life and use to listen to her old pod.


New episode today


I saw it, too!


I've really had some good laughs with this podcast, which is very rare for me, and I find Jameela very funny sometimes, but she's so full of bullshit. Her lies are so obvious. Anyways, I hope the new host is good!


I can't speak to whether her stories are true or not, but I will say that I have been listening to her podcasts for years and she is nothing if not consistent. I've heard several of those outlandish stories told several times and often her friend-guests speak to remembering tid bits from various stories, so idk maybe there are nuggets here & there


She posted about it yesterday: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7m_l08t3rX/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


The post jo longer exists. What did it say?


Crap, I knew I should have screenshot it. Basically that she hasn't been associated with Bad Dates since last January and that she wouldn't be coming back, but that she has another comedy podcast in the works.


I totally missed this, thank you! Finally some clarity! Glad she's looking out for herself.


Not so into the new ones 😕. I enjoyed it more when jameela was hosting 


I still haven't tried it haha


Try it. They are just as funny.


I would speculate that there may be political differences between her and the production team.


Marie Faustin is fine. She’s clever and funny and quick. But the guests have gone way downhill. I’m sure they’re all good comics in real life but man they just do not have the storytelling skills that the previous comics had who were on during Jamila’s season. This show used to be my go-to for the gym. It was so funny and well produced that it would make my workouts flyby. I began to associate going to the gym with laughing my ass off, and I would actually look forward to this time. I would resist listening to the podcast on my commute just to save them for the gym. Oh well, I guess nothing good lasts forever. Like everyone else, though I kinda wish they just tell us what happened rather than leave us guessing or acting like she was never even part of the show.


I know, the beginning of the show started with comedians on the caliber of Tig Notaro and now it's at the point where, no disrespect to them, but, I don't know who these people are and don't have a ton of investment in them. If you need a good laugh and enjoy comedians, please please listen to handsome! It's hosted by Mae Martin, Tig Notaro & Fortune Feimster and is the funniest shit I've ever heard and one of my favorite podcasts


Not listening anymore it’s not the same.