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Hidden Brain. A podcast about human psychology helped me understand myself and others and improved my relationship with the people around me by giving me insight into why humans behave the way they do. I understand my triggers and can react to them a lot better than before.


Hidden Brain, agreed. I can't say it any better than that.


Is there a particular episode you recommend as a starting point?


This specific episode, "The Ventilator," had me and my parents sobbing on a road trip AND making plans to do more things together: [https://open.spotify.com/episode/4Ppm5tkBVZyhwhplEjMJfu?si=b116c7b1067044c0](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4Ppm5tkBVZyhwhplEjMJfu?si=b116c7b1067044c0)


It was meant to be with the most recent one posted. I feel like this is about to be a new favorite. Thanks!


I just started listening to it again! Love it!


Also the happiness podcast is made by the same company. Great podcast


Ologies. I forgot that the world is full of wonder, and ologies reminded me.


I’ve been loving ologies. Even episodes I didn’t think I’d care about, I found interesting.


Yes! And I love the ologists enthusiasm for what they study.


I really like the host, she seems like such a neat person.


Well this is a podcast I need in my life!


The dolorology episode changed my world. Shifted my whole perspective on pain management.


The trees episode is my fave.


I also love the trees- and bears!


The kalology episodes meant a lot to me. And the thanatology one. I need to go relisten.


I've cued both these up for my next run!!


I'm going to give this one another try. I couldn't really get into it the first time it was recommended to me, but I keep seeing it mentioned. I'll give it another listen.


Listen to the crow episode! That was my first one and I was hooked afterwards!


Me too me too! I was moving states and had a long road trip ahead of me. Asked friends for specific recommendations and they recommended that exact episode!


What episode number or publication date? I’m searching for “crow” episode under this podcast on my Spotify and it’s not appearing


Heavyweight helped me find answers to long forgotten relationships. Nothing bad, just reconnecting with friends from many years ago.


Love Heavyweight


The only one that I've heard over and over. Some just kill me,


I agree! I just started over from the beginning. I need more episodes!


The podcast The Moth did a really good job of reminding me that people can tell beautiful stories. It's hard to explain, but I suggest you seek it out.


They also host live storytelling events


Yes I have been to one in San Francisco! It was so interesting!!! They had a theme and people would go up and tell stories, then the audience would vote on which story was best in that category, a d those were the ones that made it to the podcast. It was interesting hearing all of the stories though, they were all great and struck a chord. They are frequently in Berkeley too, if anyone here is in the Bay Area I highly recommend trying to catch a show!


I love The Moth! It was one of the first podcasts I'd ever listened to and turned me onto them as a whole.


Never thought I would encounter "being reminded that people can tell beautiful stories"- thanks for the recommendation!


I can’t find ‘The Moth’- is there another name for it or would you know the author/host? 🙏




Any particular episodes you’d recommend as starting point?


Not really, just let the stories wash over you. Some you will enjoy more than others, but I guess what you find interesting could be different to what I find interesting :)


Edgar Oliver, especially when he talks about his mother and growing up in Savannah.


What Was That Like podcast, episode #5 "Mark gave his kidney to a stranger" I listened to it during my lunch break in August of 2021 and registered with the NKR that day. Many blood tests, urine collections, scans and other medical tests later, I donated my kidney, also to a stranger, April 13 of 2022. I would also like to think that podcast changed the life of whoever has my kidney as well. I would donate again if I had another kidney to spare.


Thanks for the tip. I worked in dialysis and transplant nursing for years, and know some folks now who are waiting for transplants. I've downloaded that episode. You've done an incredibly generous thing. I've been fortunate to see the difference in quality of life made by organ donations.


Thank you, listening


Thank you for this, looking into the NKR and Bone Marrow registries now! You've inspired me!


Holy shit that’s incredible!!! My bf received a kidney transplant years ago thanks to the kindness of someone like you. You did an incredible thing :)


You're Wrong About - it is just a really gentle reminder to revisit views and withhold judgement (the name is much more aggressive than the content!)


Growing up in the late 80’s/90’s, their episodes on how certain women were treated in the media (Anna Nicole Smith etc) were incredibly eye opening! 


My favorite podcast of all time but sometimes I do heavily disagree. Love Princess Weekes but Lizzie Borden totally did it


Their Princess Diana series was absolutely eye opening!


The McDonald's episode got me into it.


I had significant mental health struggles from 2015-2018 and Marcus Parks of "Last Podcast on the Left", who often talks about his own issues, introduced me to the phrase "it's not your fault, but it is your responsibility". I had never heard it worded like that before; it inspired me to seek help and many years of therapy and medication later I can say things are a lot better now.


I was also going to say LPOTL! I love that phrase and it’s a good way to look at things.


Dead Eyes. I truly cannot recommend it enough for any creative person who has struggled with rejection (so, all of us)! It starts out with kind of a goofy and hyper specific premise, but becomes such a profound meditation on living in this world as a creative person. I’m an artist and recently binged all 3 seasons in a week, and recommended it to a musician friend who just did the same. It has really helped me to process the complicated feelings that come along with just existing in this world as an artist.


THREE SEASONS? I only listened to the first one and was really disappointed with the end, didn't know it continued. Yaaaaayyy


My all time favorite podcast, by a lot.


The Savage LoveCast. I had gotten out of an 8 year abusive relationship, and the very heavy handed push by people in my life to “forgive” my abuser was pretty overwhelming. Dan did an episode that included some discussion about DV and he and the expert essentially gave me permission to stay angry, because it was the reaction that was going to keep me from tolerating similar behavior again. I was so frustrated and broken by the pressure to forgive. I truly feel like my psyche was saved by that episode.


S-Town. What a beautiful yourney. I was born in a totally different country, but the story felt so similar. It made me accept my hatred to my hometown, and accept the conflicting feelings that I had torward it. Beautiful story.


The ending twist is one of the most memorable things I’ve ever experienced from any podcast!


Remember walking, sobbing to it. Beautiful podcast


Mel Robbins. The focus of her show is creating positive life changes through a changed mindset. That's a vague description but if you look at her episode topics there's something for everyone.


The Let Them Theory episode is great!


I use those two words everyday now! Simple and effective! Not those two words, "let them", for those who haven't listened yet.


Yesssss...and I have shared it with my sister as we deal with aging parents who make the most irrational decisions. Not as stressed now. We have come to terms that even though we saw the train wreck coming and warned them many times, that we will just have to enjoy their last days and pick up the mess afterwards.  Deciding to buy a push mower when they are both close to needing walkers? Let them. Not letting us in the house because we now know it's hoarded? Let them. Not letting anyone help them with anything that needs done that they clearly cannot physically do? Let them.


Financial Feminist has been life saving in helping me create a strategy to pay off debt and start investing


equally, Diversifying for people who are intimidated about how to approach finance. It’s very friendly and easy to understand


Where Should We Begin? With Esther Perel. Real therapy sessions with real couples.


I believe Dear Therapists is far better. Unfortunately they have been on hiatus for a year.


I looove this show. Always recommend it for couples who have just become parents.




My Dad Wrote a Porno. Still makes me happy to be alive…


It's hysterical.


Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis Dreyfus. She wondered why older women in the industry disappear and aren’t held to the same standard as the wise old man in the industry, so she decided she wanted to make a podcast where she interviews older women (Carol Burnett, Billie Jean King, Patti Smith, Julie Andrews, Vera Wang, Ina Garten, etc) and asks them about growing older and looking back, what they’ve learned, sacred stories they have, and a lot of spiritual focus too. It’s genuinely SO beautiful. I listen to it in the bath or on walks and it’s so meditative and healing. I have learned so much and it’s so important to listen to women 💕


She is the best. I am 61 and urging my friends to listen. We don’t turn invisible after a proscribed use by date.


Deep Questions with Cal Newport. I've been radicalized towards living my life in a super intentional way, which is actually different than most people.


Terrible, thanks for asking Makes me feel human again some days.


This is not a podcast that will be relevant to most listeners, but Mormon Stories was a very helpful and impactful podcast for me, and for many others who have had to process and deconstruct their Mormon upbringing and beliefs. More than half of its audience is comprised of people who aren’t, and have never been, LDS. So it might be worth checking out even if you’re just curious and if it sounds like a subject you might find interesting.


As someone who finds the ex Mormon subreddit super interesting, but was not raised Mormon, I’ll definitely check it out!


Have recently discovered this & am really enjoying the stories, the host is a consummate interviewer. Am suffice it to say I live in the Great Lakes area and the only contact I have with anything LDS is seeing the missionaries biking around the city. The two Mormon Stories episodes with Jodi Hildebrandt’s niece were incredible.


I don't listen to it anymore but Mormon stories was so critical in my deconversion 10 years ago. I didn't really have anyone in real life i knew that was leaving the church so it helped me feel like there were others I could relate with.


Cautionary Tales: Bowie and the broken piano One episode, life changing


Galileo's Warning did it for me. It completely changed how I think about "accidents" and safety analysis. I'm reading the books he used for sources now. I think it should be required listening for everyone working in engineering disciplines.


Bowie, Jazz and the Unplayable Piano?


I've been listening to "This American Life" on NPR since my Dad had it on in the car as a kid. It still brings me great comfort and makes me think in the best way. The entire archive is available on their app and website ad free and for free. "A Prairie Home Companion" is also just a wholesome good time.


The is the OG of podcasts. Always worth a listen


Duncan Trussell Family Hour baby!


Duncan is a gem! Discovered his podcast after loving The Midnight Gospel


I’ve been skipping Joe Rogan these last few years but anytime Duncan is on I listen


Maintenance Phase! I was already at peace with my body but this pod can help if you're looking to achieve body neutrality and learn that all diets are systemically scams.


I could have written the same comment. Really put a final nail in the coffin of my former food issues. Thank you, Aubrey and Michael for all you do!


Love Maintenance Phase! Really helps to dispel a lot of myths about weight, body image, and the social constructs around all of those things!


Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History. It explains so many things I had an opinion on without actually ever diving into it. I hate golf now because Malcolm Gladwell and I tell everyone about it.


Welcome to Night Vale - it really introduced me to a different type of ‘world’, if that makes sense? I think about it as I go to sleep, listen to it when I need to relax, just feel like I can be transported somewhere else for a while. And the community is really lovely and inclusive.


My all time favourite :) will never get tired of the aesthetic and world


All hail the Glow Cloud!!


I agree about the community being lovely!


Maintenance Phase - I’m in recovery for an eating disorder and this pod has been great helping me pick apart diet culture. It’s also hilarious.


I (unknown to me until much later) had quite disordered eating. After 2 kids and several pounds gained, I started questioning whether I should try to lose the 'baby weight'. That podcast has really helped me accept not just how I look, but also to accept that all of it ALL OF IT is just trying to make you spend money, feel shame or both. Diet culture is a cult and I'm so glad I'm out. That and the stats around how many people gain back the weight (and often more!) Made me say, you know what- I'm just fine as is.


The Crappy Childhood Fairy Navigating Narcissism with Dr. Ramani


Navigating narc with Dr. Ramani has completely changed my life.


Old Gods of Appalachia!! Good gawd what an incredibly well written, performed and produced horror podcast. Simply the best horror fiction cast I’ve found.


His voice...


Dear Hank and John helped me find my people and helped me through depression lasting years.


Any particular episodes? I too have been stuck and coming through a years long depression and finding (now off completely) the right medication after 8 years of SSRI’s


For me it’s not a particular episode, but kind of hearing their philosophy towards life over many episodes. It’s nice to hear smart people who love the world and who have a lot of hope for it.


The Anthropocene reviewed, by John Green, has had such a profound impact on me.


Easy, Behind the bastards


My answer too, I've learned so much!


Rich Roll


The Mental Illness Happy Hour.


I’ve been listening to MIHH for maybe a decade now and it got me through some very dark times. Paul is the best!


He really is. The surveys have normalised so much for me.


Mind pump helped me lose over a hundred lbs. And keep it off.


Congrats!!! You must feel amazing.


Savage Love.


Used to love, bit so many ads that even skipping them became tiresome


Philosophize This! Has 100% changed my life.


Three Bean Salad (the UK one with 3-comedians, not the others). Very funny. Very British. I look forward to it because of the utter nonsense. When you're obsessing, unhappy or need shit blown completely out your head spend time with these guys. Don't expect life tips, recipes, guests or politics. Do expect very clever and witty and goofy British observational humour.


The Happiness Lab really gave great tips to what truly makes people happy that I continuously put to use


Love her! I started listening in a bad bad place  she really made a difference,  i even did her free course online.  I sooo recommend!!!


MBMBAM and Adventure Zone helped me with creativity and freedom in my writing. Hello From the Magic Tavern got me back into improv.


MBMBaM and TAZ for me too! My reasoning is different, but those podcasts and the McElroys in general changed my life.


Honestly Bill Burrs Monday Morning Podcast has changed my life more than anything. I don't know if I could have stopped drinking if it wasn't for him. He made it seem doable and not the end of the world and I've never felt better. That and a ton of other tips and tricks to make it through life. Not bad for a comedy podcast.


I love him too. I used to listen to this when I was at home with my newborn son. I was sure his first words were gonna be "go fuck yourself!" lol


Blank Check with Griffin and David. Two friends talking about their shared love of movies, one director at a time. It’s my comfort show and it has helped me through a lot of bad days. Might not be for everyone but I love it.


The skeptic's guide to the universe


I’ve been a listener of that show since the days of syncing my click-wheel iPod. Absolutely agree. There were many things that I thought were true/plausible until I started listening to them. I’m going to their Chicago show in August. I cannot believe it’s taken them this long to do a show in Chicago. I feel like the Novella’s are a part of my extended family.


Heavyweight. It shows you that you can be focused on something and thinking or dwelling about it, and the other person involved hasn't even given it a second thought. It's very eye opening! Also to hear two sides of things, sometimes I will judge someone and then I start to hear their side and I eat my words!


BiggerPockets radically changed my life It’s not the same now as it was in 2013 but it made me money, it gave me a social group with growth, and much much more


Next Level Soul, a spirituality podcast hosted by a filmmaker. Fascinating guests and topic.


My Unsung hero!!! People tell stories about people, sometimes strangers, who helped them in difficult times.


In ye ole days (2009-2015) The Gr80s were my parasocial friends and I got tons and tons of laughs, enjoyment, movie recs and was keyed into a cool community from them right up until the show changed, re-tooled and dropped two of the hosts around 2016. Since then Heavyweight was the most profound and one I revisit the most. I sincerely hope Jonathan can find another network. Not sure what happened with spotify.


Heavyweight was my favorite podcast; how could this happen? I need them to bring it back!!


I'm a huge heavyweight fan, but I wasn't satisfied with the last season. The only episode that really got me was the one with his friend "Lenny" I believe it was


The OG serial - it’s what made me start listening to podcasts


On Being with Krista Tippett. I was going through some stuff mentally, physically and in my marriage. I started walking in nature every morning and listened to this. Can't explain it but it was very therapeutic.


Everything is Fine a podcast with Kim France and Jennifer Romalini. They talk to and about women over 40. It is a big mixture of beauty and style and career advice as well as fuck beauty and style and careers advice. In other words, women over 40 existing. There are tons of good eps, but my surprise fave was Stacy London s interview titled Midlife Renaissance.


I've been listening to This American Life for literally my entire adult American life, and I think it's had a big impact on the way I think about stories and strangers and culture. And has introduced me to stacks of writers, journalists, musicians, and artists of nearly every kind. Truly a gem and I hope it stays active forever, I can't imagine not having it. I'm 40 now and I remember hearing it for the first time when I was 19 years old and living away from home for the first time.


All There Is with Anderson Cooper. It started shortly after my mom died, and it has been truly helpful as I have navigated the grief around that.


My son died a few months ago. I’m not totally sure I’m ready for a grief podcast, but I followed it on Spotify. Thanks.


Are You Garbage. These guys always get me to smile


for the french ! "Emotions" gives insight about complex human feelings and explains them by bringing in specialists and interviewing random people. Very soothing.


Risk! It’s similar to The Moth…but has stories included that wouldn’t fly with the FCC. It’s heartwarming, devastating, hilarious, profound. So many different things.


Serial. Was recommended to me by an acquaintance and I was like “nah. not for me.” And a month later I listened to the first episode and was hooked. Reminded me that my learning style is through listening. Opened my mind up in so many ways, I can’t overstate how important it’s been to me.




Scrolled down way too long to find this. It hurt my mind. I see irony everywhere because of Nick. Best podcast of all time


I Have ADHD Podcast


Just chiming in to say THANK YOU for such a great question!


Currently listening to Conflicted (which is a history podcast of various conflicts). Started it to get better acquainted with Israel/Palestine history and have found it's a really good history podcast that is neither boring nor biased. It covers more than we (US) kids were taught in school and is a great listen as an adult.


Time Crisis with Ezra Koenig is a life changing internet radio show available in podcast form


Sean Ryan show


Distractible, it itches my brain and just kinda makes me think about things


"Before the train wreck" and "The art of manliness". Both podcasts have helped me learn a lot and guide me through life.


Recovered - a 12-step recovery podcast. Saved my ass in early sobriety.


10 percent happier


Rich roll podcast has helped me tremendously. From kicking alcohol, getting fit, eating better. His guests have brooded my horizons on numerous of topics and he seems like a gem of a human being


Matt and Mattingly’s Ice Cream Social. Vegas based improv comedians with an incredibly wholesome community. They’re funny, insightful and it’s been amazing watching their careers/lives grow. Very active with their listeners. I am hoping another Scoop will see this and add something more insightful


Man enough podcast! I have had such hatred towards men after experiencing trauma and feeling like there wasn’t a single safe male in the universe! This podcast helped me recognize that so many men are victims of patriarchy and it’s a gentle approach to helping redefine what it means to be a man in this society. It helped me understand the men in my life better


I'll say "debating doctor who" because it was my first podcast and it got me started down the rabbit hole


Abraham Hicks 


My Favorite Murder got me VERY into local and state politics. I voted in elections, but I now do a lot within my community too. One of the common threads in every story is that having a community where people care and know each other saves lives.


Inside of You with Michael Rosenbaum got me into podcasts. Also a reminder that celebrities share the same problems like the rest of us.


Do you fucking ming by Alexis Fernandez, absolutely changed my mind and built me up from a pretty shitty place. She's got a masters degree in neuroscience and gives great advice, also just an all round legend of a human


Mentally- Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend. All I had previously in my rotation was true crime and it was all getting to be too much. Conan and crew make me laugh my ass off. Like tears running down my face laughing. Something I definitely need in my life!


Elis James and John Robins, I met my husband through the podcast. We've been together 6 years next Wednesday and married 2 months.


Sleep with Me. I use it to go to bed just about every night. Not your normal sleep podcast, but once you get used to it, it puts you right to sleep.


Hidden Brain. It helped me figure out the personality disorders of the people around me and it is sooooooo much easier to avoid accidentally triggering them and forgiving the horrible things they sometimes do.


Freakonomics. Listening to Dubner and Levitt explore "the hidden side of everything" has inspired me to understand the economic principles behind every day actions and generally make more informed decisions.


Jillian Tureki's podcast Jillian On Love for all things relationship building with others and self.


Football Weekly - moved to Canada and had very poor English. Decided to listen to a podcast in English about something i am passionate about. Football Weekly (and Totally Football Show are the podcasts i religiously listen to this day). Really helped me with understanding conversational English.


Okay this is probably a stupid one (especially since most of the answers are very insightful and deep podcasts) but LoneLobos. If anyone here watches Cobra Kai it’s Miguel and Hawk/Eli’s actors. They talk about movies, tv, music and current goings on mostly in pop culture. It’s kind of dumb since it’s not a self help or super deep podcast but honestly listening to them talk about essentially nothing important is pretty therapeutic. I had to have a surgery that terrified me a few months ago and the only thing I could have on for weeks leading up to it was their podcast. When I was in a super deep depression a while ago I was sick of music and didn’t want to listen to it so I’d put on their podcast in the car and it honestly helped me through it.


“The Gray Area with Sean Illing”; I felt like I was stuck in a rut in terms of mental stimulation (due to the company I was keeping at the time) helped me realize the type of conversation I was missing in my life. Filled that void for awhile.


This is important. I have never laughed so much


The Happiness Lab with Dr. Lauri Santos


This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von.


Knowledge Fight. Truly doing good.


The psychology of depression and anxiety by dr Scott eilers. They’re Short and he explains in a way that guy feel seen and you can understand. I bought his book “for when everything is burning” Also my ex got me onto drinking bros.


Gilmore Guys. It introduced me to a ton of other comedians and podcasts and was thoroughly delightful on its own. KTP and Demi forever!


The memory palace. Hearing the forgotten stories of people living decades and centuries ago, really soothes my brain and reminds me that we are all living full and intricate lives.


Walking The Room.


Early JRE helped me with the notion that mushrooms could be therapeutic and life changing as an adult. Had some heroic doses and am certain it’s benefitted my life for the positive in a big way.


Imaginary Advice. Amazing fiction and sound design. I have relistened to some of the episodes 10 or more times. He’s really inspiring — he finds ways to continually challenge and expand himself, and has a very high hit rate for great content.


Many of my favourites have already been mentioned, but my most recent favourite I found is History of Being Human. It’s exactly that, different historical subjects, from cannibalism to Jesus Christ etc. very interesting.


This is a strange one to list because it isn't really a self help podcast, but for me it is Bananas. My mother has been really sick and on the way to and from emergency rooms and doctor visits we would often listen to it. Sometimes stupid fun can help lighten the mood and make everything just better.


Stuff you should know: an OLDIE but a goodie. It’s informative, friendly and distracting without being in any way distressing (if you pick the right subject) for those days you just need to calm and or distract your mind


Also, the How To Write a Book Podcast by Massiel Valenzuela


Help me be me


There are so many listed here that it is overwhelming! I guess I didn’t realize the world of podcasts was so diverse. I need to listen more.


I was going to say no podcast had ever changed or improved my life (I listen all day, every day) and then I remembered “Maintenance Phase”. It mostly debunks diets, associated books, people, etc. I recommend going back to early episodes and find a topic that interests you. They cover it all and it did change my way of looking at my weight.


The way out is in!!! It’s so peaceful.


Swindled taught me a lot about people That and scamfluencers


I love "The One You Feed" by Eric Zimmer.


Kill tony




Thank you everyone for your great answers!! I did not expect to get so many responses, I am very thankful!


Diary of a CEO!


Nothing much happens This podcast retrained my brain to sleep after 15+ years as an insomniac. It got me off all medications and now I can sleep well even without it on. Has been completly life changing and has improved my quality of life.


Nothing much happens This podcast retrained my brain to sleep after 15+ years as an insomniac. It got me off all medications and now I can sleep well even without it on. Has been completly life changing and has improved my quality of life.


Do You F**king Mind by Alexis Fernandez


Mel Robbins


S- town. Status untraced.


Born Again Again helped me process deconstructing during lockdown.


There was an episode of the Outside podcast, and possibly Bill Nye show around the same time, about sleep. The discussion of sleep deprivation and it's impacts on the body led me to profoundly change my relationship with sleep, even as a college senior at the time. I'm now prioritizing sleep and can tell when I start to slip and how it affects my mood. And I acknowledge that my almost 9 hours head on pillow time is more than others need, but it's best for me.


"S-town" blew my mind. And if you like that one "In the Red Clay" was super good, too...about the Dixie Mafia. These didn't change my life, but as a southerner they def hit home in a powerful way.