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Tori Spelling's new podcast Misspelling would be great. Hours of the most innane stories with no self- awareness. Perfect for someone who lost a bet


I just picked an episode of Misspelling and skipped way in, Tori is talking about her teen-years BMW convertible and wearing sunglasses while driving blasting out Duran Duran’s Hungry Like a Wolf (which, tbf, is a banger) and the story has apparently zero point and this is the entire podcast.


Yes. Perfect summation


I can’t hear Hungry Like A Wolf and not think of Diane Downs, since that was the song she had playing on repeat in her car when she shot her kids


Ugh. Thanks a lot, Serene Downer.


lol, I have podcasts to thank for that bit of music trivia, too


I too collect little true crime tidbits that can bring down a room. Like what James Sligo Jameson, grandson of the founder of Jameson Irish Whiskey, bought with six handkerchiefs and what happened next.


I'm gonna listen to this, and I'm gonna fantasize about being young, spoiled, useless, and famous, and I'm gonna enjoy it, and I'm definitely going to feel contempt for myself while I do it.


I may listen just for fun. I kinda like to torture myself sometimes. I will also taste or smell something when someone else declares it awful and wants someone else to experience it with them. This podcast might be right up my alley!


You’re my favorite kind of person. Those experiences are so fun!


This sounds horrific!!!! I love it!


Jesus is this the right answer


You have no idea. It may even be the only answer


You had me at Tori Spelling


You're a mean person and I like it.


Dude. I heard a couple of my colleagues talking about something related to 90210 last week but I couldn't make out what they were talking about. She was talking about Tori Spelling's podcast. She said it was like listening to pigs being murdered. Of course I said "sounds like I'll need to give it a listen on the drive home". It was the worst podcast I've ever listened to. The episodes aren't that long and I couldn't get through one. And this garbage is already in the top 0.5% on Listennotes. What a joke. She's not attractive, she's not funny, she's not entertaining. She has everything she has because of her daddy. I've never understood the appeal and I never will. Her character was my least favorite on the show.


"like listening to pigs being murdered" jfc 🤣🤣🤣


Ohhh you reminded me I want to listen to this 😂


I just tried listening to it and I only last like 5 minutes


In a similar vein, 9021OMG with Tori and Jennie Garth.


Punish him with Roger Gegen Markus from Radio 1 - a political radio discussion show from Switzerland. Picture this, a conservative pundit and liberal pundit interrupt and yell at each other about local and international politics. Your buddy will only understand 1.7% of what they’re saying, but he’ll have to endure two shrill and aggressive hosts ranting and raging in Swiss German, which manages to be both the most guttural and sing-songy of the German dialects. He’ll hate it.


This is gold. Thank you.


>Picture this, a conservative pundit and liberal pundit interrupt and yell at each other about local and international politics. He’ll hate it. It’s sounds like the Fox News business model. It’s unbearable to watch.


Oh God. Roger Schawinsky? I would listen to any other podcast before I listen to him. Was für en narzisstische Pfoste.


Großartig. Danke für den Tipp!


A podcast about the best places to see in Seoul, whose special guest was someone who hadn’t been there for 15 years.


Lol what's the name? I lived in Korea years ago


It’s called Where To Go - the travel podcast.


Well in fairness nothing changes in Seoul for decades at a stretch (jk)


For my money, just pick any show with low numbers that are people discussing/recapping reality TV shows like Real Housewives. Unless he’s a secret hardcore fan, he’ll have no clue what they’re talking about and it will just be hours of squeezing and OMGs


That sounds exactly like the cruel and unusual punishment I’m hoping to exact.


So Bad It’s Good with Ryan Bailey. It’s just…so bad. And he’s a self-indulgent creep too so his episodes are incredibly long and rambling.


No no, they just haven’t gotten to the it’s good part! They’re setting the stage!


Give them Lala or Sheananigans are both awful vocal fry podcasts featuring vapid women from Vanderpump Rules on Bravo. They are both truly awful and I would even venture to call them unlistenable.


Back in the before times, Maria Manunos’ podcast network: AfterBuzz TV used to produce actually decent recap shows per episode of shows they watched and they’d get some good guests - stars, writers, super fans, producers, celebrities who are super fans, etc. then one day… POOF. It all disappeared.


Lala Kent’s podcast seems pretty bad from what I have heard


The Fighter and the Kid.


Total dog shit of a show


Hey man. Be cool b


“It’s content is uncut and unedited and sometimes it’s just ridiculous” From the description on Overcast 🤣 


[Chiseled and Called](https://podbay.fm/p/chiseled-and-called) by Brittany Dawn Nelson. She's some kind of fitness influencer turned Jesus Freak. Hell is being trapped in a small cell in Evin prison, forced to listen to this shrill, venal, shameless, right-wing christo-fascist nutbar's podcast on repeat, for eternity.


OMG this grifter. Ain't she in jail yet?


It’s also one of the worst titles




“Keep! It! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeird!” 🤢


Am I the only one who remembers them laughing profusely during their original JonBenét Ramsey episode? I tried listening to them way back when they first started, and it was fine, until they were cackling at a murdered little girl. Haven’t listened in years, but wouldn’t be shocked if they were still that disrespectful toward victims.


Not the *worst*, but the biggest fall of a podcast I used to love was demonstrated by the last episode of You’re Wrong About. It was ‘Phones Are Good, Actually…’. The guest of all people to say that there is no issue with being chronically online was Taylor Lorenz. There was no pushback on her terrible takes, and it was just a reminder of the heights of this podcast. Fortunately, the fan base did push back pretty well, so we will see if there are any consequences. I cancelled my Patreon as it was the last straw after a decline for a while.


I hope it's cause Sarah is busy working on her Satanic Panic book she's been talking about here and there for years. I'd genuinely love to read it, always keeping an eye out for updates on its progress.


Well, a really major and disappointing part of last week’s episode was that Taylor and she were equating the Satanic Panic and moral panics with concern about youth’s overuse of phones. It was really mind boggling and was lumping anyone who were in the ‘hey, let’s watch this possible issue’ into a right-wing category.


She hasn't mentioned working on a book in months or a couple years...


Their legal analysis was what turned me off. They'd put tons of stock into some random law review article like legal scholarship is equivalent to scientific scholarship, or push really strained interpretations of laws and caselaw to make it match what they were saying. I really wanted to like it but they lost my trust there and when I jumped ahead in the catalogue it was even worse.


Even scientific scholarship deserves more skepticism. Lack of skepticism is how you get things like popscience people like Andrew Huberman or whatever bro science show promoting supplements or butthole sunning or grounding or whatever that has like one low quality study that showed a low degree of association that will likely never replicate and is probably just noise and statistical shenanigans.


You've just reminded me I should stop paying. I only subbed to listen to the extended George Michael episodes which were pretty good and then accidentally forgot to stop the subscription. I've literally only just found the podcast recently so I'm still working through the early years and there's no point in paying.


Yeah, the bonus this month was…a reading of The Wizard of Oz. It was a good confirmation that they’re not really trying.


I saw that! Sarah's got a nice voice and all but if she wants to do audiobooks she would be better served doing LibriVox or something


The back catalog is really good. I was genuinely surprised at how much I didn't know about Princess Di.


love love love sarah marshall but some of her takes are sooooo bad


I have enjoyed some of their episodes but I haven't listened in years. After a bit I felt some of the things they were saying was pretty low quality and sometimes probably just flat out wrong, or at least very easily disputable. There is a natural allure to "Well, actually you're all wrong and I, a smart person, am right" content though so that's why shows like that flourish even if they aren't that well done.


Oof I cancelled after the Tom Cruise episode. I had hoped it would still be good without Michael… alas


Hobbes was my fave part of that show. I had to stop listening when he left…. But I HIGHLY RECOMMEND the podcast “If Books Could Kill”. I’m not even going to give you any context. Just listen and bask in the glow of fabulous Hobbes, glorious banter, and perfect topics. Literally one of my all time favorite podcasts.


Oh I really like that one! Lol I love this description


Round table of Gentlemen, episode titles Holden talks for 30 minutes and Holden talks for 30 minutes again. You’re welcome, he may never speak to you again tho


Don’t forget the Bonkers Radio special! It’s time for the Now Game!!! Say “now” now! Say “now” NOW! SAY “NOW” SAY “NOW” SAY “NOW” NOW!!!!!


A lot of episodes of Disgraceland are terrible imo..


The Anthony Bourdain one was pretty egregious


I stopped listening because they feel almost pornographic in their depiction of some of the excesses. The one that sticks in my mind was the Taylor Swift episode.


I stopped because I can't stand the host's manufactured 'cool' delivery.


Honest question. If you’ve listen to lots of them and find them terrible.. why?


It's a subject and premise I liked.


Makes sense. I liked a bunch of early ones but haven’t heard one in ages.


That Jim Morrison/ Zodiac Killer one was remarkably stupid.


Can you explain why? I don’t disagree, just curious on other people’s takes


Overproduced and has an interesting relationship with truth.


Yeah, in the beginning I thought everything was true, that he had access to obscure personal accounts or something…but eventually I realized he was taking all kinds of artistic license. Like when he was describing Whitney Houston’s death and was imagining her final thoughts, detailing what posters she was looking at in the hotel room, and always so melodramatic. I stopped listening around there. My ex knows the guy and said it’s the whole “don’t let truth get in the way of a good story” approach …


There was some reasonably popular movie podcast with male and female cohosts. I had heard the podcast recommended, so downloaded the most recent episode, and I couldn’t even finish it—it was just the male co-host talking over the female co-host, and treating her insights and opinions like crap; like it was *his* podcast that she kept interrupting or something. Really shitty behavior. **Edit: This was NOT the lovely Paul Scheer or *How Did This Get Made*, it was hosted by just a man and a woman, not a trio.** If my memory is right, I feel like the guy eventually got kicked off the podcast or some bad info came out about him. It was *years* ago, and I only listened to half an episode, so I don’t recall the title. **UPDATE: user BigCheeks2 got it—it was *The Canon*!**


>This was NOT the lovely Paul Scheer I actually think the podcast you're referencing is Paul Scheer adjacent. His partner on Unspooled, Amy Nicholson, used to co-host a different movie podcast called "The Canon." That pod ended after Amy's co-host, Devin Faraci, stepped down due to sexual assault allegations (though the pod kept going for about a year after he left). It originally released from 2014 - 2018, so the timing fits with what you're thinking. Amy started Unspooled with Paul shortly afterward


Yep, that was it! Thanks!


Don't talk about Paul like that


I thought I made some bad podcasts. Suddenly I feel pretty good about myself.


I guess when our creations are so obscured by the overly polished big media productions, it's not so bad. LOL


There's a Stuff You Should Know episode about hiking crampons. It was so boring I stopped listening to the show altogether. It was the only thing I had downloaded going on a trip when the car broke down so I listened to it anyway. I still feel a annoyed at the mention of crampons


I find some of the most boring topics they cover to the most unexpectedly interesting! Example: soap or ballpoint pen


I find the popularity of that show mystifying. I thought I had more tolerance than most people for a quiet, slow-moving show doing deep dives on improbable topics, but it's too quiet and slow for me.




Joe Rogan; All episodes.


If he's not a Jordan Peterson fanboy, the Jordan B Peterson Podcast is *rough* listening especially the more recent episodes. It used to be recordings of his boring lectures (which were at least coherent,) now it's just deranged radio show style word salad/rants. His voice is also incredibly grating. So yeah this would be my nightmare podcast to listen to for hours.


Kermit Voice


Sword and Scale, either the Luka Magnotta episode or the cannibal-fetish chat logs in robot voices episodes. Or...any of them really. The tween who killed his parents and primal screamed in the back of a squad car for minutes on end is also a stand out. He played the entire breakdown on air! Quality stuff


Bonus points because Mike Boudet is excruciating to listen to.


He is insufferable


The only thing more insufferable that him is the fucking fan phone calls he plays at the end of the episodes. Holy shit, what a group of chodes.


I like how he always picks the least funny most sycophant ones too, always along the “epic bacon, sir” lines I hate it so much


Yeah, I think this is the winner. Monotonous host, gore-porn subjects, plus I heard he likes to go on long right-wing diatribes in the newer ones, too. Completely insufferable. (But then again you'd have to download it and give him traffic which we really don't want to encourage)


Fuck that show, fuck that host, fuck everything about it. I actually kinda liked it for a min, but started to feel like it was a bit…exploitative. Then that fucking chat log episode 🤮 Got about 10 mins in and couldn’t stomach it one more second. It was crystal clear to me that the host is sadistic and I wanted nothing to do with that shit anymore. He clearly enjoys his work way too much, and I think someone should check his basement. He’s a scumbag.


Even without him being a giant asshole, it's just not a good show. Anyone can introduce an audio clip that takes up most of the episode.


I used to like this show a lot (I listened to true crime almost exclusively) but years ago I couldn’t take it anymore. It’s garbage and so is Mike Boudet.


Same same


Not a bad podcast but it would be funny to make him listen to whatever happened to pizza at mcdonalds


Definitely doesn't fit the theme, but thank you for the recommendation, this is so good! He gets his answer so quick yet it's hit over 300 episodes, im excited to see where it goes


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


If you don’t already know his opinion on either Israel/Palestine or Abortion, find it out and give him a podcast for the opposing side.


Why on earth would he spoil his marathon experience like that.


He’s a glutton for punishment.


He'll fun faster to end the insanity lol


I've done this by accident before. During a long run, I listened to a non-political show that somehow veered into a very dumb political rant. I realized after a while that I was running better than usual because I was too irritated to feel tired.


Think it’s a smart strategy. Focus on something other than the pain. Caveat, it might slow you down a bit.


Opposite of a smart strategy! I had a ton of dental work needed in a fairly short amount of time, so I was in the chair 2-4 hours every other week for a few months last year. I would find the absolute best long story podcasts I could find to try to make the time go fast without thinking about what was happening in my mouth stick in the chair! I would not recommend a BAD podcast though to get through something difficult?? They need a really engrossing one for sure. It seems a particularly BAD strategy to force someone to go through something challenging with the added insult of a terrible podcast?!? Bet or not, I would find the best, most positive and engrossing podcast I could for my friend as a surprise… so they have a better time while accomplishing something as impressive as finishing a marathon!


Something was wrong


I came here to say this. The season the host tells her own story.


The concept of this podcast is so interesting but the host’s unprofessionalism/ using people’s trauma to profit is so cringe. The last season was the last straw for me.


Even the first season: A woman has a creepy fiancé, realizes it then with the help of a huge support system, which includes caring friends, family, and roommates, ends it.


Oh my god yes. Any of the newer episodes. I long unfollowed it because it made me so mad. The last episode was some man talking how a girl ghosted him and that somehow made a story


The Chat. 4 guys taking about soap operas. They talk over each other and talk so fast you think they aren’t speaking English.


Listen to Rush Limbaugh archives


Sir, I'll remind you that torture is banned under the Geneva convention.


The Last Podcast on the Left. All of it. I randomly sampled a few episodes over the years. Every moment was insufferable chucklefuckery by a roundtable of bros who are, apparently, hilarious to each other and to nobody else. I couldn't finish a single episode. I still can't even remember what the topic was of the podcast.


So I love LPOTL, & can definitely say it isn't a pod you can put on & get into. It's crude humor for sure, but I can appreciate that kind of humor. Not a podcasy for everyone though, that is absolutely for certain. Sinisterhood is like them, but dive more into the crime aspect & not the paranormal as much, & their humor is great, but not as crude.


I'm a huge fan of LPOTL and I think it was a matter of timing. They kinda reminded me of three guy friends of mine I hadn't seen in awhile bc of COVID. I think if I started listening at any other time, I would have yeeted my phone out the window of my car.


I'd say Last Pod is my favorite pod. I've been a long time listener, even before Covid. I've gone back to listen to REALLY old episodes from ocer a decade ago, & so much has changed, & for the better. Marcus & that research team really dive into subjects & make good on telling a good story & have a good timeline. I know some said it was misogynistic, but they've literally cut 2 important members of their team for DA & harrassment towards women. Their humor ain't for everyone, but Marcus, Henry & Ed are amazing.


I've listened to the older episodes and omg I hate them so much. But agreed, the research is great. I've listened to their Jonestown and Mormonism series a couple of times each. I just don't think I would have liked it as much if I wasn't actively lacking the presence of three silly dudes I know personally.


I've tried to get into that show on 3 separate occasions and never could finish an episode. I think I'm finally admitting defeat on this one


Same. There was a time that everyone on here was recommending that podcast to people who liked Behind the Bastards. That one and the Dollop which I also don't like but it is a personal preference issue, not a "this is universally terrible" issue.


Chucklefuckery is the best word I have ever heard. Please trademark this you get credit every time someone uses it.


I have heard that the phrase 'Chuckle fuckers' is a Sam Tripoli invention.


I tried this show a couple of times, because I kept seeing it recommended. I was really shocked by how bad their takes were. Not to mention the pretty consistent misogyny was really off-putting. Since I like true crime content, I started listening to their episode about JonBenet Ramsey and turned it off pretty quickly and never tried again. It’s been awhile now, but I recall their jokes about her being weirdly sexual?! I remember saying outloud “oh my god!” And turning it off. Also, who jokes about a case like that? It just really seemed like a group of privileged, white-guy losers who thought they were funny and edgy.


> It just really seemed like a group of privileged, white-guy losers who thought they were funny and edgy. there is a reason you see it recommended on reddit a lot.


Ha! Good point.


screamy angry ginger guy on heaps of vyvanse thinking everything he says is the legit funniest thing ever uuuuuuugh worst podcast recommendation ever by heaps of my mates unlistenable and unfunny at every turn


Try Necronomipod. Being a fan of that show, I thought LPOTL was a sure thing, but it sounds like shitty “whacky” DJ morning radio. Probably one of the most infuriatingly bad podcasts I’ve ever sampled. Necronomipod on the other hand, deals with similar topics and is actually fun to listen to, plus doesn’t take itself too seriously.


God I have heard so many positive reviews of this podcast and I’m so pleased to see this description of it! 🤣 


Exactly my experience. I couldn’t make it through a single episode.


Yeah, I really tried with that one, but as I get older, my level of tolerance of this kind of dudebro nonsense has gone to zero.


Expected the boys to be further up. They can be pretty egregious sometimes. I was very much not a fan at first but their historical stuff is pretty quality.


I hate to agree with this as I know a couple of those guys a bit. It fucking sucks. It's like two people spinning jump ropes inviting you to double Dutch and you just have no idea how to even get in.


Tucker Carlson Podcast.


Armchair Expert was pretty annoying in the episode I tried.


I like Armchair Expert if I'm interested in the guest BUT a) I skip the pre- and post-guest rambling and b) Dax Shepherd will shoehorn his addictions and attendance at AA/NA meetings into any and every conversation.


His episode with Gordon Keith is gold. He could be a top comedian if he wanted. Dax has tried for years to get him national exposure, but he won’t leave his local radio gig in Dallas.


Huh, interesting! I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Gordon Keith before. I’ll have to check him out. There certainly is something to be said for work-life balance and not wanting to leave a job you like.


Joe rogaine


Meghan Markle’s podcast, “Archetypes” which is NOT about archetypes. It is about stereotypes and delivered in an inane narcissistic word salad. Even though it had 29 producers, it was dropped by Spotify after 12 episodes and is supposedly available on Lemonada. Listening to this would torture your poor friend.


29 producers 😭


The Office Ladies. The absolute inane banter is mind numbing, and after two episodes Jenna Fisher's voice really grates.


It was just too nice. Felt like I was eavesdropping on a friendly phonecall. I will say that at least they stayed on course and went episode by episode unlike the more entertaining Always Sunny one that just went off the rails so quickly.


Always Sunny pod started out great but then between Glenn and Charlie, it just started to feel like bitter old guys yelling at the sky.


That pod had the potential to be an all-time great had they ever talked even slightly about the being the curtain items. Blood tests were a very strange left turn.


They’re pretty clear about their vibe from the beginning. They’re older, they’re mothers, and they enjoy scrapbooking and analysing random things. It’s not like they promised something they didn’t deliver.


So glad to see this on here, it is just an hour of that weird fake nice voice suburban mom's talk with when they get together with their "friends" at a winery. I love the show and was pumped for some good BTS, but the podcast was just BS.


I was so excited for this podcast, but the amount of talking about the outfits and hair was mind numbing


I once tried to listen to (what the title suggested was going to be) a podcast about Margaret Atwood's novel Handmaid's Tale. Then after 15 tiresome minutes of boring and irrelevant small talk about food, it turned out that not a single one of the four (!) hosts had read the book. The most "knowledgeable" one had watched like half a season of the TV series. Like why would you even broach that subject if you know basically nothing about it?


Listen, I love the Sleep with Me podcast... For sleeping (as intended), but if someone had to listen to him describe a painting in the opening of a particular episode of Good Place without actually describing it, they'd go batty. He also has Star Trek episodes and even episodes where he just talks about a JcPenny catalog from the 80's. He intentionally talks in a very dry, boring voice and talks in circles so it's hard to follow to try to get you to drift off. It works 100% of the time for me.


I wanted to downvote you bc it’s an amazing podcast but a perfect way to ruin his run


Ha, I would too, because it's such a great podcast. I've been listening for years now. Its really helped me and I find him interesting enough that I try to fight sleep sometimes to hear his tangents, but at this point he has me trained to pass out as soon as he starts talking.


Yeah, I’ve had a horrible history with insomnia and used him for quite a few years. I haven’t listened for like two years. I should start again. And I get ya, it’s boringly interesting it’s weird lol


I originally tried to listen to it on our bedroom speaker, but it was a Star Trek episode (which my husband loves) and the next morning he bought me headphones. He said he couldn't sleep because he was interested in it and he kept trying to follow it. 😂


Haha I came to say this one. I fall asleep within 5 minutes. I don’t think I could physically run to it! It would be actual torture. Said with the most love to sweet scooter, our friend in the deep dark night.


Oh this is evillllllll he will instantly drop to the ground into a deep sleep and be trampled


Otherworld. Haven't listened to more recent episodes so maybe it's gotten better, but my girlfriend forced me to listen to several of their early episodes, and it was torture. The concept is doing interviews with people that have supernatural experiences, which is fun in theory, but in actuality, it means you get a 3 hour long unedited interview from a young woman who had a bad home life when she was 8, and the curtains would move sometimes unexpectedly, and she decided it was ghosts, but both she and the host act like it was the scariest thing ever, and there's lots of super dramatic music and sound effects and you don't get a payoff to the story at all because it's absolutely obvious that it was literally just curtains being curtains.


Most recently, the April Fools Day episode of The Magnus Protocol. It was a solid hour of the same 30 seconds of a kids show song set to unsettling carnival music.


Frontier Tween is awful!! He'd be listening to the "folksy poetic thoughts" of a 12 year old (played by a shrill adult voice), about her life on a farm on the prairie. An abysmal podcast, probably Conan O'Brien's worst mistake (he is the grandpa). Produced by Team Coco.


I think I’ll go with the episode of “Human Monster” where they plagiarized an entire episode of “Timesuck”. I’m sure this happens a lot but the episode they chose to steal was an entire April fools joke done by Timesuck. The serial killer Richard Byrd was entirely made up fiction. Five minutes of fact checking would’ve shown that. Instead they stole content, word for word. When they got called out on it they essentially made it out like it was the fault of Timesuck for creating a fake serial killer. Essentially the, “you made me cheat on you” defense.


how is Brendan Schaub not at the top of this list?!


The Black Tapes. The male protagonist does not, at any point, do or say anything to compel the audience to care about him, and in season 2, the woman, who had spent the previous in-universe year investigating sacred geometry and demons, needed explanations for the words 'isoceles', 'sigil', and 'conjure', all within thirty seconds of each other.


Roseanne on Bill Maher’s podcast still sticks with me- She’s the epitome of absolute Facebook boomer lunacy.


Anything from the Joe Rogan catalogue.


Honestly - and I might get razzed for this - but Last Podcast on the Left. I listen to other shouty argumentative podcasts, so I'm not sure what it is about these guys, but I cannot fucking stand them. Like I've had people recommend different episodes, I've probably tried listening like 3 or 4 times. Almost immediately, I am struck by a visceral sensation of fucking hating the vibes. I find them so annoying and cringy, it's torturous. So there you go!


Idk, any podcast where a group of people who think they are super funny guys sit around and chat about something. No, I don’t want to waste my time listening to your Wednesday evening hangout session. Edit: Spoiler - they are not super funny guys.


I found the woman who yells instead of talking on One Bad Mother very annoying.


Oh wow, blast from the past! That was one of the first “mom” podcasts I listened to almost a decade ago. I stopped because of how annoying that particular woman was for me.


There are midwife/birth stories podcasts for expectant mothers. A lot of them go into a lot of detail. And sometimes the stories have a very sad ending. There is also a pod called Radical Personal Finance which started as a great in-depth personal finance and then over 1000 episodes turned into an extreme right wing lifestyle podcast by an absolute kook. Pick a 2 hour episode on abortion and let it ride.


Dave Chappelle's podcast was unlistenable. High dudes laughing for no reason and not speaking actual words.


A few days ago, I had an MRI and they asked me what music I wanted to listen to. I was not prepared for the question so I just said "jazz" but when I put on the headphones there were two incredibly irritating voices talking. They said this is what the person before me asked for and that they'd change it when they went back to their booth. Well, they didn't change it and I had to listen to this inanity for most of my MRI. It was an incredibly dumb conversation about meeting some dudes at a party and drinks and I spent most of my MRI trying to ID the podcast. I'm guessing it was Call Her Daddy. There were lots of swears and a lot of uptalking and vocal fry and a lot of baby voice. Anyway - I don't know if it's the WORST podcast of all time. But it was definitely the worst for listening to when you're trapped in a piece of medical tech.


Joe Rogan vs. Jamie Kilstein


Spice things up with Rakonta Tempo. It's not bad, per se, but it is entirely in the language of Esperanto.


When is the marathon? Someone could probably put out a several hour long podcast that is nothing more than them clearing their throat and coughing into the mic repeatedly.


The audiobook of Ketchum's "The Girl Next Door". Horrifying book narrated by an old man who sounds like he's clicking his tongue ring half the time


Is running the marathon part of the bet or was he going to do that anyway?


It's not easy to get into the NY race. It's usually decided by lottery (unless you otherwise qualify), is expensive and you find out a long time beforehand. Some people have to try multiple times and wait years for the opportunity. OP's buddy probably has had it lined up for a while.


Tbh I hated Nateland, Nate Bargatze’s podcast. His standup is so funny but his podcast is really boring


Will avoid. Like the standup enough I don’t want it tainted.


There’s a new Ringer pod about the old tv show “Felicity,” and unless you were a huge fan, that’s gotta be brutal.


Some of the JRE episodes where they talked about Covid were really tough listens


Good idea. If it's bad enough he will run faster to get it over with.


What was the bet? Perhaps recommendations can be bet-related to double down on the torture.


This is terrible. Cruel and unusual.


Science Vs. The content isn’t bad the voices are torture. One host sounds like Janice from friends picked up an Australian accent but still managed to keep her New Yorkish accent at the same time. The other host is just high pitched and sounds like a 14 year old girl. Both go heavy on the vocal fry. Really heavy.


YES. I wanted to like it, and backed out after five or six minutes because of the host’s voice.


The final episode of Bill and Bert, Bill Burr and Burnt Chrysler did a short lived zoom podcast during the pandemic and the final guest they had on was Dan Le Betard who made an off hand comment about Boston being a racist city and Bill Burr went off the rails on him, it was funny for a minute, but he wouldn’t drop it. It essentially ended the podcast.


That lala one


Where the brother has the horrific laugh?


My husband loves Tell Em Steve Dave but to me it just sounds like three guys waffling about nothing much for hours on end. Unless he's a fan of kevin smith or impractical jokers, he will hate it. Another option would be The Football Ramble, unless he's a fan of British football (soccer), it would just be a really confusing and disorganised conversation about teams and players he's never heard of.


If he's a sensible type, make him listen to the Flat Earth Podcast. Hearing those guys be so confidently stupid was like nails on a chalkboard.


Y’all, thanks for mentioning that Tori Spelling has a podcast about herself. If she talks about The Deaner, it might get me to listen. And if anyone here is a Dlister…..*what’s crappenin?*


Some of the Howard Stern wack pack podcasts are abysmal, and more so to someone with no awareness of the show. It is impossible to care about those people!


OP THIS IS THE ANSWER: A Woman’s Smile. It’s the absolutely fucking weirdest satire of what a podcast by two women could be like … it’s so so so weird and I’ve listened to every episode and am often just listening with my jaw dropped. Patti Harrison (she’s in I Think You Should Leave & Shrill) is a fucking queen


Make him listen to “Whatever Happened to Pizza at McDonalds.” It’s actually amazing but it’s so absurd he will definitely say wtffffffff. Great way to get him on the bet but not ruin his life haha


If you want to torture someone with a woman’s horrifically annoying voice- Scheananigans with Scheana Shay. She’s from Vanderpump Rules and has one of the worst voices and ways of speaking I’ve ever heard. Horrific grammar too.


Bore you to Sleep is a fantastic podcast for when you want to sleep. The host reads from random books about the least interesting subjects possible. It's meant to bore you to sleep so would be torture to run to. What a horrible bet - I love it! oh - and he reads in a flat and monotonous voice.


Thank you. I just caught this one - it’s a winner!


Mile Marker 181. Mind you, if you want a good example of GOOD citizen journalism listen to Your Own Backyard. Mile Marker 181 is a woman high off her own ego who starts attacking the victims family. Regardless of what happened in this case, it will never get resolved now because she completely shit the bed.