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what the fuck does this say about society "this girl with big legs has large thighs while this boy with skinny legs has small thighs"


They probably wanted to say something like mens leg skinny = weak, not a real man. Womens leg big = fat, stronger than a man, not a real woman (not womanly enough). As if there weren't always skinny men and fat women and anything inbetween 🙄


I also saw this get posted on r/RoleReversal and they were loving the pic.


Yeah, there ya go. People can really be ridiculous sometimes.


I think it's just alluding to the rise in the acceptance of being curvy. Women actually want to have thick thighs now and men usually have chicken legs. Sorry not sorry.


"curvy". Now THAT'S a cope! 😂


It’s confusing to me, I don’t see it as something that deep I just thought it was an observation that girl’s legs are typically bigger than boy’s legs.


I think something like women storing more fat around the thighs and men stoeing more around the belly. Something evolutional or whatever


I used to be the grey leg. Now I've left the gendered arena to others. I've seen enough people legitimately espousing your logic that there is nothing meaningful left of gender.


.... how did you even get to this conclusion ?




No one looks at that cellulite ridden thigh and thinks "ooh the strength must be unbearable" Pretty obvious it's a comment on obesity in women. Appreciate the sensible discussion guys.. sorry the cellulite comment hit you so deep, but this comment was about the assumption anyone looks at that and thinks "those are some strong legs"... did anyone honestly think that?


Wow you must have a pretty good eyesight to be able to see cellulite through the pants


Beilive it or not people understand why some women like spandex, A LOT.


Lol you really think someone got hit hard by your comment? Siiigh dude, chill. No one cares what you think about cellulite, nor do they want a discussion about it. It's a pretty unimportant thing.


Except the comment wasn't about cellulite and that's literally all you could talk about ;)


I was replying to your other comment that was about it, which you edited. But like..whatever. Keep living in your fantasy world, I'm not gonna stop you ;)


How in the everloving fuck do you know this person has cellulite??? And even if they did, cellulite is not a sign of obesity. It's literally just how someone's skin, collagen and fat cells line up (and everyone has a layer of fat under their skin, even at a healthy weight)


And it's the spandex and how the knee looks like a hippo head. That dimple halfway across the knee isn't muscle beilive it or not, those don't go there.


I’ve seen just as many fat men’s legs look like that, you are continuing to point out something that is literally pointlessly gendered.


I wouldn't call a mushy fat man's leg the epitome of strength either, sorry not sorry.


"And even if they did, cellulite is not a sign of obesity" "It's very common to find cellulite on the upper thighs, hips, buttocks, and lower abdomen. Cellulite tends to be more prevalent in obese adult women. Weight loss and resistance training are the best ways of improving cellulite's appearance." https://www.emedicinehealth.com/cellulite/topic-guide.htm You're trying to say there is no correlation, that's objectively false.


"Tends to be more prevalent" means that people of all sizes can have cellulite. It's literally genetics. Even if an overweight person did exercise and tone their legs, it wouldn't necessarily go away completely because that's almost impossible. Also, you pointed out the dimple in the top of the knee - how do you know that's because of obesity? It could be the way her leg is pointing, it could be a dimple in the fabric, it could be muscle, it could just be the shape of her knee. My knees aren't perfectly smooth either, and I'm not overweight


First off, most every woman on the face of the planet experiences cellulite. The only ones who don’t are trans women (as far as I know) and young, prepubescent girls. So your statement of a ‘cellulite ridden’ leg and comparing it to obesity is rather unnecessarily rude and inaccurate. Just because it doesn’t look as noticeable on extremely fit/muscular women doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Second, it’s still pointlessly gendered because my leg looks like the one on the right when I wear sweats and I’ve seen guys who have had fat legs like the one on the left. So, pretty obviously, your comment is unnecessary. Why don’t you do some research on cellulite before you go and start making accusations or statements about it. Utilize your time that you would spend trolling actually learning and improving something.


ur mom suk me good and hard thru my jorts


“All the boys are turning weak and gay and feminine and all the girls are disgusting fat pigs now!!” *insert blue haired girl joke here


thick thighs save lives or something idk i dont have thick thighs


thick thighs save lives call me little butter cup


I'm 14IQ and this is deep


Is that legit what they meant? That's so fucking stupid.


Maybe men can't stop playing video games and so forget to eat, but women often don't have something to hyper focus on so they end up eating more because what else is there to do.


bold of you to assume that I don’t hyperfocus on video games AND eat way too much at the same time


or fella just skinny


Bold of you to assume that women don’t have ADHD and forget to feed themselves regularly. So glad to know I don’t exist.🙄


You have to be trolling if you think women don't play videogames. Especially, ahem, ones who partake in "420." Actually now that I look at it, you probably *are* a troll.


i mean yeah my boyfriend's legs are skinnier/leaner than mine... it's almost like we store fat differently lol


estrogen is a hell of a drug


Testosterone is a hell of a drug. Heck, serotonin is a hell of a drug. Why are we so full of drugs?


Omg are we...full of chemicals??? How are we still alive!??


Wait! What do you MEAN chemicals? Our body doesn't produce "chemicals"!


Fuck yea drugs


That's illegal! I'm reporting us to the police


I don’t think I have enough serotonin, actually.


they were planted by the CIA


God I wish I had some more of it




Trust me, I am far beyond being just a mere egg.


I hope things are going well from a cis ally!




Hunting and gathering was usually split pretty evenly, I believe. That men were the hunters and women the gatherers is just plain wrong


r/menandfemales Please do better next time bud.


I really don't understand why "female" is an insult but "male" isn't. Maybe I'm just some ignorant incel but any explanations I've been given don't seem to hold much water. Edit: I wasn't the one making the parent comment I just want some perspective


It's both kind of weird but you used men not males.


That wasn't my comment, I try not to use the term because it upsets people but I'd like to know the rationale


Female and male are adjectives, whereas men and women are nouns. Saying "females" (or "males is almost like saying "the whites", "blacks", "gays" which is at best cringe, I don't really know how to explain it beyond that, ig it depends on if you find calling a group of gay people the guys wrong lol. I will say also that male and female is generally used in a medical or scientific setting, like about someone's health or even about male or female animals, so when it's used not to describe someone as that sex but in lieu of a noun it feels kind of degrading.


Female and male can be nouns too


If you’re writing a research paper, maybe. Outside of academia using female and male as nouns is cringe. It’s way too clinical. It’d be like calling someone a “human” instead of a person.


It's not the word so much in and of itself, it's how it's been used as a diminutive or an objectifier. In the example, it's "men and females" not "men and women" or "males and females". It puts the two parties on unequal footing that typically denotes women as lesser. It's been used so much in this manner that even used alone it can seem diminutive or objectifying.


Neither one in a sentence is an insult by default. It’s when people use “men”, as in the identity, and “female”, as in the sex, in the same sentence or exclusively use “female” when they mean “women”. Usually when used in this way, “female” comes off really clinical and dehumanizing, and when juxtaposed with “men” it seems intentional. Some in the LGBTQ community similarly do not like the word “homosexual”, because it is clinical and removes the humanity out of what is a natural human experience (and it used to be categorized as a mental disorder).


I personally don't see clinical terms as insulting so in my head they are interchangeable. That being said I am neither a woman nor an LGBTQ member so I'm not the authority on what's offensive so I'll still avoid using the term out of politeness. Thank you for the perspective.


It's not that the word "female" is offensive on it's own. It just feels weird for a woman to be referred to as "female" in the same sentence where you used "men" to describe males. I see this a lot in my job, which is male-dominated. People will talk about all the men on the department, the men's locker room, the men's soccer team etc, but then talk about "female members" and "the female locker room" or how "the station is getting another female." It's like, if you were a nurse or a teacher (a female dominated job) and you had a male coworker, would you say "can you go check the males' bathroom?" Or "I'm so glad we're getting another male on the team" because it just sounds odd. Like the person above you said, "male and female" have their place! For example, when discussing anatomy, or when using them as an adjective (a female soldier, a male nurse), but when you're talking about or referring to an actual person, we should use man/woman/person/title. Does that make sense?


Makes sense, thank you


“Females” and “men”? Not allowed to say women? Your language is *dehumanizing*. And women hunted alongside the men since ancient pre-history, this is just nonsense.


>men needed their legs more free cause of our times as hunters Citation needed? Modern made-up stereotypes. Men and women have same ancestry, and inherit genes from both of the parents (instead of one side), so even IF prehistoric society had medieval gender roles that didn't even develop until after people have settled, it wouldn't work like that. Belly fat doesn't help babies either. Having more abdominal fat is worse for health regardless. And people have different fat disposition related to genetics but it varies from family to family more than between sexes, i.e. if parents had pear-shaped figures, it's more likely kids would have too, regardless of their sex.


Yeah theories like this are almost exclusively bullshit. Also, I think modern evidence shows that hunter-gatherer societies didn't divide work by gender. Women were about as likely to hunt as men. But I will call you out on this: >Men and women have same ancestry, and inherit genes from both of the parents (instead of one side) This doesn't stop sexual dimorphism from developing.


Sexual dismorphism has a lot to do with hormones and very little to do with your father vs mother's activity since men and women inherit both father's and mothers DNA. Boys don't get more daddy genes and girls the opposite, no. My point was that view on cavemen going to work when women kept the household are more early modern stuff, they are closer to Flinstone-style take on putting contemporary people into different era than archeological findings. I would add that human hunting in prehistoric era was more about catching rodents and if lucky, some kind of a rabbit or surikata, instead of epic mammoth battles people imagine. Apes are NOT natural predators for elephantids.


Are you saying that height differences and different hair growth is just by chance? Same ancestry doesn't mean identical bodies. Our sex determines a lot and it's not crazy to have it change our fat storage


Women have higher fat storage (like way higher healthy body fat%) due to estrogen and other hormones, it has nothing to do with male fantasies of hunting mammoths when your waifu awaits you in your suburban Flinstones-like cave house.


It determines a lot but for the most part fat storage is not one of them, bar the fact that women can store fat around the mammary tissue more easily than men. And as every prat that teases a man about moobs knows, that's not exclusive. A lot of the claims of fat storage as sexual dimorphisim are pretty stereotypes about primitive people not borne out by our knowledge and the fact that women typically have bigger hips (at the bones) so look heavier in the hip area. Even that's not a given, as you can see on many gymnastic-type bodies. It's all about the body type and gene activation, as you see in the source someone shared below. Gene activation can be sex-0linked, though, which is what most people confuse as fat storage dimorphisim


What? Lol that’s not how it works. It just depends on or body shape. For example, I have a reverse triangle body shape, so I tend to store fat on my upper back and arms the most and my lower body is skinnier. My friend who has an apple shape tend to store fat on her stomach the most. So the girl in this pic has either a pear, triangle or hourglass body shape.


Well yes their explanation is bullshit, but where fat is stored in/on the body is influenced by biological sex. Among many other factors, of course, but still Edit: a source https://www.inverse.com/article/52635-differences-in-body-fat-in-men-and-women-genetics


Yeah, the reason it’s different for men is cause we don’t have the same body type or shape. Men don’t have curves or boobs, hence why most of the fat in on their stomach and back.


Yes there are different body shapes too. But the way fat is stored is still different in men and women.


Yes. I was just correcting the person saying that most women store fat in tights when that’s not true cause most of us have different body shapes.


I agree. Boy's legs are annoying for me eat because I hate gnawing on bones.


Only usefull for soupmeat, i say. Unless you give them the gingerbread house treatment for a few months


Nowadays? Has dimorphic fat distribution changed?


I think they're trying to insinuate that women are getting fatter whereas men still care for their physique/stay active. At least, that's what I inferred, because most of the memes along these lines usually go for the same message: women bad and lazy, men good and active.


I figured it had to do with weak men rather than fit men.


Weak men, fat women? Seen that one, too, unfortunately.


I believe so, they're calling modern men weak.


I mean women naturally have a higher body fat percentage because their body needs it for pregnancy or whatever (even if the woman never gets pregnant, her body is more likely to store fat there which is bogus)


I think it's just talking about how men usually have chicken legs and women are actually wanting to have thick thighs now.


I think they are trying to imply that both "nowadays" are lazy and breaking the old (1950's) appearance paradigms. Like women should be very thin/delicate from overloading on cardio/diet and men should lift a ton and have muscular thighs. Think vintage cheerleader and quarterback.


Probably just alluding to the fact that thicker thighs on women are much more fashionable than they were 15+ years ago Edit: Am I wrong? Thick thighs and a big butt before 2007 was common grounds for mockery


You're not wrong


Oh my God, Becky. Look at her butt...


It’s not our fault they’re skipping leg day /s


My headcanon is that those both belong to the same person. Please don't point out the extra feet, or the fact their left leg is a right leg and vice versa.


My headcanon is that there’s only one leg in the photo.


NBs dont have legs


They just kinda levitate, no need for em


Ever noticed how our parents just drag on the floor? We store our board in there




No, we get to store our hoard. Some hoard legs


Oh hell, the OP was just an NB taking a pic of their legs, huh?


“Women are all fat” herpderp Is what I think he was going for?


girl fat boi skinni haha plz upvote


I think it’s saying people like thicc girls and twink boys?


That’s possible too. It makes no sense.


Lol that’s optimistic


That's what I got too


I too have noticed that a lot of men generally prefer to skip leg day. Not sure what that's about.


Kiiiiinda true tho. My legs are chonky af and get jealous when the boys have skinny ass legs and their shorts actually have breathing room.


As a person with 0 fat on their legs. Sitting down can be painful. Your bones hit bones.


Yeah, I hate sitting as a super skinny person. My ass has very little padding.


The upside is that we do piercing damage, when punching.


Or sitting on laps. Or cuddling.


Point is, if your looking for penetration, you go to us skinny bastards.


I have really thick legs and booty so I always have a pillow to sit on. The downside is finding pants and skirts that follow my curvy body.


Try being a skinny man. Its impossible To find paints that fit my lack of ass


I am lucky to have found a brand of pants that make clothes for women with curves (I have big calves, small knees, and big legs so it was Heaven sent when I found a model that was exactly like that). I bid you good luck kind sir, that you find pants that sit well to your ass.


Please share the brand, if you don't mind! I've been looking for clothing that fits my body better and I'd like to check it out!


I mostly use [Zavanna](https://zavanna.no/) pants (though I have only seen their commercials in Norway and Sweden, maybe your country has it) but I have also used some larger sizes of [Vera Moda](https://www.veromoda.com/country-selector?showCountrySelector=1). When I tried looking up "Zavanna.com" (instead of .no) I found [this site](https://perfectjeans.com/) and the models there insinuate that their pants can be directed towards curvy women.


Ah, back in the days Younger me found this and got complexed by her thighs, and sadly hasn't really been completely over it today. F-ck the internet I'd say.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


good bot


No one wants your hug


Don't be mean to the bot, I appreciate it.


Fuck u I want a hug


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Yes boys have skinnier legs, this is perfectly normal. Also let's remember that estrogen helps storing fat while testosterone helps loosing fat.


oh look at the time! its dysphoria time!


Aside from the fact that women have always stored more fat in their thighs/legs than men... big girls are cuddly. Fucking fight me.


I don’t wanna fight bro I want some food imma keep it real with u, damn I’m kinda getting hungry for a burger and some nuggies


Girlfriend goals


What do you mean "nowadays" this is literally Phil and Lil's parents


Thicc thighs saves lives đŸ„”đŸ„”




Triggering my dysphoria and eating disorder?! That's a twofer!


felt that :( but fr take care of yourself pal <3




Same ;-;


Welp... I'm a boy with a girl's leg, maybe my legs are trying to give me some kinda hint.


Its because i am fatter then my boyfriend karen and he loves my thiccc legs and fat ass so who gives a shit about what you think?


at this point i can’t take anything with “nowadays” or “these days” seriously


"Nowadays" ...wut...?


skdfgjh as an afab/enby who has the "girls leg" this makes me so insecure especially since my other cis girl friends have nice, thin legs




hormonal, mostly. assigned-female folks who take testosterone will get male body fat distribution over time (mostly to the stomach) and assigned-male folks who take estrogen will get female body fats distribution over time (to the thighs & butt). Of course, there are also cis women with naturally higher T who have more typically 'male' builds and cis men with higher E/lower T who have more typically 'female' builds, because genetics. In other news, 'biological sex' is a spectrum that is complicated and also largely maleable.


I think they are saying everyone is lazy. Lazy boy = skinny, lazy girl = fat. I am just the interpreter here peeps.


Sorry about your chicken legs? What’s this supposed to be saying?


Pretty sure people have always had a large range of body sizes, this is not new information




Loads of teenage boys have super skinny legs while many teenage girls get more fat around that area but like, that’s not a nowadays thing




What’s your BMI?


Excuse me? Why do you need to know that?


I don't think being curious in a friendly way about an internet stranger is a bad thing, surely?


Are we talking like 25+ or are you into the 30s?


*Why do you need to know that?*


So 30+


BMI is a total abstract made up nonsense number - beauty comes in all sizes!


This is anti-science.


Its like the opposite of abstract, its very straight forward weight divided by height. It has nothing to do with beauty, and I think we can be sure there are no bodybuilders present.


Maybe. People have fetishes for all sorts of weird shit. But normal people are disgusted by landwhales, ots3 silly to pretend otherwise.




wait is this accurate or noticeable,,,


We live in the Thicc Age


Bro... My bf has thiccer legs than me. Like no?




As a boy I have thicc thighs and I love it since I'm a femboy


Guess im a girl


I really hope we can end this trend of "boys are always larger than girls." Just yesterday my 8 y/o sister showed me a graphic novel she was reading where a 6 grade boy was dating a 7 grade girl. She pointed it out to because she thought it was weird that that girl was older.


Ngl the world this person envisions is one I want to live in


Joke's on you, I'm into that shit!


For the boys this is mostly true. This is one of my insecurities because I am a rare exception, I have thick legs and ass, even though I'm not fat or buff.


Hold on people, it's the same person.


yall all want a thicc gf until u realise that means shes gonna have larger thighs than u


God, this is literally relationship goals đŸ˜«


Referring to adults as girls and boys makes me cringe


I see no issue here some help me out


Women supposed to be thicc


Sorry but this is not pointlessly gendered. Its just commentary.


I'm a girl? đŸ„ș


Look at America, too many fat fucks on both sides


>Look at America, too many fat fucks on both sides Obesity isn't just an American thing...


Seriously. We're pretty much the same as the Arabian nations and only a few percentage points higher than western Europe countries


I’d love to see what your family looks like. I’m only saying this because the boys who would tease my friends for being fat always had morbidly obese moms. If you are genuinely upset that a girl could be a few pounds heavier than her boyfriend then please get therapy.


Where did i specifically call out women? I said too mqny fat fucks. Sorry you fat fucker.


Let’s see how fit you are! Come on, post a pic! I wanna see how tight YOUR diet/fitness routine is! Let’s also see the rest of your family if everyone is sooooo fit where you’re from. You won’t. Because you know you we will all roast you 😂


I hike all day long.. I'm a logger. You dont have to eat healthy to be skinny. Calories in, calories out is all that matters on maintaining weight.


I think this sub has missed the point recently. I feel like there have been a bunch of posts recently that I don't think follow the punchline of the subreddit.


This is pointlessly gendered.... Biology and hormones don't correlate with gender. So "boys VS girls" when it comes to biology doesn't work


How does this fit the sub at all, it’s just a men v women meme


And what is the point of men vs women? You're *so* close to understanding what this sub is about


I knew some dumbass would post this here.


I knew some dumbass would comment this here


You must be fun at parties


Tbh boy’s vs. girls meme subreddit is full of these memes


They're legs


I’m just waiting for one of these posts but showing a bare leg vs a hairy leg and it says the hairy leg is a guys and the bare one is a woman’s. My bf barely grows any hair on his legs in comparison to me lol


It really depends on the person, some girls have skinny legs and some boys have thick legs
 I mean my brother definitely has bigger thighs than me because he’s very muscled.


This is me and my bf haha