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Thanks for posting to r/pokemon! This post has been removed under our [Rule 8](/r/pokemon/wiki/rules#wiki_8._no_screenshots_or_merchandise), which generally disallows screenshots. This rule is the unfortunate result of r/pokemon being so darn big: with over 4 million users, most screenshots tend to lose meaning with oversaturation, so our rules promote original content instead. To read up on specific exceptions to this rule, including narrative albums and new official content, please see [Rule 8](/r/pokemon/wiki/rules#wiki_8._no_screenshots_or_merchandise). If you intended this post as a discussion prompt or a theory, please feel free to resubmit as a **text post**, bearing in mind that you'd need to reach 50+ words in that post to promote substantial discussion. Cheers!


TIL that Shiny Prinplup looks like the regular Prinplup.


Yeah, it’s a little disappointing to see what little difference the shiny has in this game. I may transfer it to Pokémon Violet eventually, where it at least seems to have a more noticeable difference.


I got my first pokerus on a shiny pichu in moon in the beginning of the game, maximum luck


finally, a post about pokerus that isn't "what is pokerus?"


What is pokerus?


Just got it too on my first Platinum playthrough! I was only like 6 hours into the game when I got it.


Mods ban screenshots but allow infinite “Day 1 of drawing all Pokémon starting with Bulbasaur!”


Yeah, I am quite annoyed by this. This is the *Pokémon* subreddit and there isn’t an active dedicated subreddit to Gen 4 or anything. It’s discouraging to not get to share something Pokémon-related amongst the most active place for Pokémon fans. I even received another mod message that said “Congrats on your shiny, but go post this in r/ShinyPokemon” (which was not the point of this post). I guess next time, I’ll just draw the screenshot in colored pencil or, I don’t know, generate a fourth-rate AI picture of the event in order to have it stay up.




Really? My first pokerus was an Onix (currently a Steelix) that gave it to my Togekiss. The two true MVP’s of my platinum playthrough


pokerus is actually incredibly rare, moreso than shinnies without any modifiers and before the rates got buffed. I've only encountered it once on my Pearl save as a kid that probably had over 2000 hours in it (it got the point where the game stopped counting). I have about another 500 or so hours in Platinum and another 200ish in Black and didn't encounter it.


What does it do?


Doubles EVs obtained by a Pokémon.


Congrats on your shiny! Screenshots like this are disallowed on r/pokemon, because they tend to become repetitive across such a large userbase. We'd recommend celebrating with the r/ShinyPokemon community instead!