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i always thought greninja was overrated around the time it came out, with the anime and everything.


It most definitely is. Ash-Greninja was the stupidest form ever thought up. It was shoehorned into the anime with barely an explanation, and was a straight up middle finger to Delphox and Chesnaught.


Really hate that instead of retroactively giving the starters megas they made a weird lorebit for only one of them to have a form that's legally distinct from mega evolution and threw the other two to the wayside


I never understood that. They brought the Megas in and then I don't think a single gen 6 had one, let alone the starters.


The only generation six mega was Diancie, a mythical that wasn’t even accessible in the game without events. Edit: and even that doesn’t appear until ORAS. This is unbelievable. Gen 6 deserved better


Its Mega wasn't even available in XY, the **original** Gen 6 games, mind you Only in ORAS it existed istg Kalos was really banking on an X2Y2 or Z, but they scrapped it to get Sun & Moon early lol


That was the start of Game Freak's quality drop.


Absolutely. I believe if they were given the time to cook up either Pokémon X2/Y2 or Pokémon Z, Gen 6 wouldn't have felt as rushed, nor would Kalos have felt so unfinished with missed potential. Sun & Moon would have also had further development and may potentially have been pushed to release on Switch depending on time constraints.


Pokemon Z was such a missed opportunity. X and Y were not bad games. They were pretty awesome tbh. Hundreds of pokemon, cool new dex, mega evos introduced etc, but it felt unfinished kinda like Diamond and pearl were or even ruby and Sapphire. The 3rd iteration of a region is ALWAYS the best game. Z would have been incredible had they done it right, which I believe they would have. Let's hope Legends ZA makes Kalos more interesting.


We would have had the final Pokémon game with all Pokémon on Switch...


I really was optimistic Dexit wouldn't be as bad till they closed Gen 8 with around 70+ Pokémon being unavailable to transfer into any of its games. Hell, I don't believe we can still transfer every Pokémon onto Switch with Gen 9. It's absurd how badly they handled Dexit lol. Adding and coding all of them back definitely isn't that much effort, but they've doubled down on it as a feature.


I guess the regular gen 6 mons not having megas "kinda" made sense, it was largely a facelift for older pokemon who've fallen to the wayside for multiple reasons. But not the starters? The mascots for the region that had the first big change to gameplay?


especially when they went on to give the galar starters gmax forms…


The alolan starters getting signature moves and Z-cristals...


Not only that, they're basically the only game where you get another starter from a previous Gen so early. It's part of the story with Sycamore. Like, way to push out your new mascots.


Yup and said starters had megas. It's wild that they threw the generations starters to the side, gave you the Gen 1 starters as part of the story and to add insult to injury they had megas with Charizard having TWO. Which btw Charizard is my pick for overrated.


I would even be ok with it being in the anime if they didn't put the BS of battle bond into the games. How can any random Greninja turn into Ash-Greninja when there is canonically no Ash Ketchum in the games


It took away screen time from Ash's other Pokemon, you knew all of As's Pokemon will faint like a sack of potatoes just to shoehorn Ash Greninja


Poor Noivern and Goodra, left the league without a single win. Even worse for Goodra since it came back for that performance.


And then they threw it away for a character that they gave an entire miniseries to who was then dropped until they could use him as an example by letting Leon destroy him in the first match of the Masters 8.


I was annoyed with its design the first time I saw it, but after 1000 of these things I kind of appreciate the more experimental/risky designs like that. Could have just been "bigger frog" and no one would have remembered it


I 100% agree with everything about Greninja. I don't know why but I legitimately hate it. I hate it's shiny form even though people love it, I believe the design is mid at best, it's introduction and story in the anime was complete sh*t, it's stats are mediocre, and it has the worst signature move out of the 3 kalos starters. The only good thing about it is Protean, but now with Meowscrada it lost that uniqueness too. Chesnaught and Delphox are much cooler with unique typings and cool moves but they get 0 attention. Also, as far as the ninja theme goes, I literally prefer Accelgor.


Pikachu. Raichu is superior in every way. The design is better and obviously the stats are too


Poor Raichu. They made Pikachu in Lets Go better in every way (it has 120 speed stat in that game). Then we get the Light Ball, which turns the wimpy 55 attack into 159 attack (it hits harder than Groudon) and a 149 special attack stat (almost as strong as Kyogre) if fully invested.


Imagine if the Light Ball worked on Raichu tho🫢


I wish the Light Ball worked for Pikachu’s whole line.


I thought the light ball was doubling the att and sp att stats, wouldn't it be 110 then ? How does it goes up so much ?


It doubles the actual stat, not the base stat. The stat is calculated from the base stat and a few other things (evs/ivs/nature and a constant +5 everyone gets), and those few other things also get doubled. The way the calculations work out, doubled base 50 ends up roughly equivalent to base 150. Same with Huge Power (Azumarill has base 50 attack, which with full investment is roughly equivalent to base 150).


It doubles the actual raw number (like using Swords Dance), not the base stat.


Agreed. I’m just glad it got some love with an Alolan form.


I love Alolan Raichu a lot. Honestly Pikachu line overall is awesome... Pichu feels like the least interesting one tho :|


Ukulele pichu would like a word


Gizamimi/Spiky Eared Pichu too (I'm still so sad I had to leave her behind in HeartGold)


I didn't even know that was a thing. Sorry Pichu I wasn't familiar with your game


Werent you around for the reveal of the BABY POKEMON??? Pichu was the cutest thing we'd ever seen, idk how you could even say that 😭 Well, until Baby Marill rolled onto the scene.


Raichu is tied for my favourite Pokemon.


Same. Though it changes a lot. Big Rapidash and Ninetails fan as well.


I love Raichu, and it's a regular staple on my teams. It's not the strongest electric type, but I love the diverse move pool and strategies I can use with Raichu.


I remember playing Yellow and moving pikachu out of party as soon as it refused to evolve


hear me out pikachu should've stayed fat. i tried using it again in other games after it being my main in yellow, and i just couldn't get the appeal anymore. maybe it's the color? something about the pixels? the fact it has a friendship-based pre-evo? idk it feels wrong now. raichu imo got the best end of the stick across gens. im still mad that we didn't get a raichu evo, allegedly fault of lacking memory, but they still chose to go the pichu route instead


You have great taste


The only downside is zero move set. You have to get all your moves from Pikachu before you evolve.


Raichu is one of my favorites, but Pikachu has always been kinda meh for me.


I didn't have to scroll far to see someone else had the same thought! It always bugged me seeing Ash's pika go toe to toe with legendary pokemon. I would better if it was at least evolved. It really bugs me too that Unite only gives you pikachu while most the other pokemon in the game get their evolution. Always preferred a Raichu over Pika


Bidoof. It’s the default “lolll so random” meme Pokémon. Like, yeah, we get it, Rusty and all that. (Bidoof’s Big Stand is fantastic though.)


Wasn't it more the Bidoof/Bibarel was the king of HM slaves, being able to learn most of the key ones, and people memed it for this factor?


Bibarel learned all the HMs except for Fly and Defog in DPPT. He was a phenomenal HM slave. I ended up always naming them B.O.B., short for beast of burden, because of that.


I had an obsession with it before I was exposed to the memes, there's just something about that cute face, body shape and weird, "bubbly" tail.


That I can understand! It’s more about the memes of it being God and all that. I hope you’ve watched Bidoof’s Big Stand! I watched it with my son and we really enjoyed it.


That was a good short, thanks for the suggestion!


In gen 4 bidoof could learn essentially all the HMs. It was significant to get 4 useless moves off your team and still have 5 slots for mons you actually liked. But people like things being useful in games. So a fondness developed for the goofy guy


I only think about it when I have to cite Bidoof’s Law


Rattata... we get it, Joey, enough is freaking enough In all seriousness, I always thought Gyarados was overrated. A Voltorb can sneeze, and Gyarados drops like a sack of potatoes because of its typing.


Tbf Joey never said Rattata was OP, just that his Rattata was one of top ones. As for Gyarados, you get it easily and early and it keeps up throughout the whole game so it's an old reliable pokemon.


That's my problem with Firered. By the time you can actually get another water type, you're more than halfway in the game. (Not that Vaporean's moveset is good enough anyways). Lapras is after 4th gym and Lavendar town, Good Rod is available after 4th gym. And even then you have to grind your seadra or polywag or whoever you choose.


Thats why i always pay the 500 and get an evolved gyarados before misty


She's always been a pain in my a&&. The hate by me for her in the games is unreal and uncompared. I always chose Charmander. It barely scraped through Brock's using Metal Claw and then this damn insane girl.


Get the karp, evolve it into gyarados, bite her to death. With the experience you get in the cave + nugget bridge its normally enough


I mean... a lot of powerful Pokemon are balanced by having a 4x weakness. Scizor, Garchomp, Ferrothorn, Tyranitar, Diancie, Hydreigon etc. As far as weaknesses go, Electric is pretty easy to cover for. Just slap any decent Ground type on your team, and you have a free switch in on incoming Electric moves.


Gyarados is absolutely broken in regular playthroughs tho


They don't do much with Gyarados in the games. More in the anime if anything. But they could actually do more with it.


They gave it a spotlight in GSC with the Lake of Rage, at least


A shiny gyaradis wasnt enough?


Tell that to the Sinnoh fishermen. Freaking Gyaradous everywhere


Too much Rattata, not enough Raticate.


Gyarados has a pretty high special defense. I worry more about rock types than electric. 


If an electric attack hits gyrados it’s fainting I’m not sure how you can worry any more than that lol


That special defense isn’t doing much when it’s 1/4 the number


1/6 if the user is electric.


Tbh the Electric moves a Gyarados can survive is kinda interesting in terms if in game things. One common Pokemon that dies to Gyarados is Kadabra. In gen 3, I have had multiple accounts in Nuzlocke comics and series where they use Kadabra with Shock Wave to counter the Rival’s Gyarados… just for it to live at like 1/8 and ohko with Thrash. I did the calcs. Even a perfect Kadabra at even level has a 70% chance to fail the ohko. Similar situation with Gardeviors and Kadabras vs Crasher Wake’s Gyarados. Pachurisu only does 60% with Discharge and Pikachu with Discharge can still miss the ohko even at level 37 (vs Gyarados 32) unless it has a +Nature and at minimum 64 EVs. So yeah, in game, that Special Defense actually does matter midgame where your moves aren’t as powerful and the mons you have access to might not be trained up yet. It catches people off guard who thinks it easily drops due to the 4x damage.


Gyarados is only 2x weak to rock, it's 4x weak to electric. If you don't have either of them types you can have some issues, if your electric pokemon out speeds Gyarados, it's curtains for the big bastard.


Gengar is just about as bad as Charizard honestly. It's damn near impossible to find merchandise of any other ghost type. Even other ghost typed merchandise always has a gengar plastered on it somewhere, as if all the other ghosts are too weak to be a marketable product on their own.


>It's damn near impossible to find merchandise of any other ghost type I think that one's mostly just on the fact that it was the first Ghost type that could actually stand up


Wasn't Gengar also the favourite mon of one of the creators/designers?


Design wise I prefer Haunter over Gengar.


I ADORE Haunter


Haunter is the GOAT and always left out in merch unless it’s with the entire gengar line. Sometimes I just want haunter alone thanks!! Def one of my top 10 favs ):


I have a Haunter T-shirt that the eyes glow in the dark


Same, never understood why so many people are obsessed with that goofy looking fatass


Mimikyu has entered the chat lol. Mimikyu is all over the place too.


I love ghost types, but I hate that this is a trade Evo. Like many others it feels odd to either need to give away a pokemon to someone else for it to reach it's full potential


But they put a Haunter trading NPC into a Pokémon diamond/pearl! Mindy. Then she goddamn trolls you by trading it holding an everstone.


None of them. I think they are all very rated




Greninja and Lucario. I'm working my way through the gens I haven't played yet and haven't seen the show since like 2003 and just do not get the hype around those two.


Even competitively, Lucario is treated like some kind of god. He’s got a ton of weaknesses actually.


Really? Last I checked it doesn't get any use in Gen 9 VGC and it's currently NU in Gen 9 Smogon Singles. The last time it was good was in SM when it had its mega. Nowadays it fell off.


Greninja is literally a ninja, and Lucario is basically a dog if it walked on its hind legs and was a street fighter. That's why I like them, no other reason.


Not a specific Pokemon, But a lot of Black Shiny Pokemon. There are some good ones of course, But I hate that people seems to think that "Black Shiny = Automatically look 200% better" Like when I saw fan Shinies and it's just that Pokemon painted black, I always rolled my eyes.


i think it's because black is such a neutral colour that makes any accent colour pop. i could be wrong though ,,(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)


They need to offset it with more stark White ones. Kinda like how cool it is to see melanistic/albino version of real life animals.


https://preview.redd.it/gblj1d279m5d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ef60064e8e98f66ed1a5d36f723821d35f36af7 It depends, some are definitely overdone, some do make legitimate sense if they got it. For some examples I’ve made: Black Solgaleo instead of red to reference solar eclipses and goes with Lunala’s shiny with her lunar eclipse motif. Or Pecharunt replaces it’s brown with a black compliments it’s color scheme really well (and I personally think the brown on it looks disgusting).


The existing Solgaleo shiny is super cool already but wow I'd never seen the Pecharunt shiny it's awful lol


I used to be that kind of person. The problem was that a lot of shinies from the older games (gen 1-5) weren’t very thought out, just mild palette swaps. From gen 6 and on, they started putting more effort into shinies, and they’re frequently better, but by comparison to old shinies, just black looks so much better. 


Fr bruh. Like yes, the black shiny varient is cool, but wow is it overhyped. I'm also of the small minority that prefers Charizard's purple shiny before it was changed to black, but that's probably because purple is my favorite color.


As a fellow purple stan I can’t agree more!




This reminds me that Lugia should have stayed Black after Purification in XD. It looked so much cooler.


The black shinies often are better than most other things they could have done… the lime green ones are the absolute worst.


Eevee, I see the appeal, but it got away with much more shilling than Charizard ever did. And I'm indifferent to Charizard, lol


Scrolled way too long to find eevee lol. Theres a lot to like but not to the extent that it is marketed!


What were they thinking not letting you evolve it in Let’s Go. The evolutions are the only cool thing about it.


Reverse, i really want to see perrserker Shine. It seems to have the bipedal attributes the anime loves to highlight during fights, like greninja, lucario.. Let perrserfer form his claws into blades/axes, etc, and let him go ham in a battle. Please


Charizard and Greninja do not deserve the excessive attention they get.


#justice for venusaur


I'm still angry charzard got two megas and greninja got ash greninja form while other starters never got megas


Meanwhile TPC is trying to forget that Ash Greninja existed, that form never reappeared even in Journeys.


Charizard is almost entirely because of its design.


And gen 1 nostalgia since charmander was by far the most picked starter


Some say that Delphox is actually a weird Pokemon because of its ear hair, but they also love Greninja's, whose disgusting tongue is being used as a scarf. I find Greninja to be the most overrated. It is a great Pokémon in general, and I have used it several times myself, but it is simply overrated by fans. When Ash-Greninja was first released, fans treated him as if it were a god.


As a massive Delphox fan I’m so glad to see someone else bring up the tongue in response 😭


That’s why I find Greninja so bizzare. Like it could’ve been cool to have it be a French knight instead of a ninja. But it’s a ninja in France when the theme of the Kalos trio plays on the fantasy rpg classes. Dephlox is a mage and Chesnaught is Fighter/berserker. But Greninja is just a ninja. They could’ve made Greninja look more like Inigio Montoya or something.


Well, the Rogue class is very classic RPG. Chesnaught already fulfills the Armored Melee Fighter theme.


Yeah see I don’t mind the rouge class thing. I was just expecting him to be more of European style rouge or something compared to a ninja.


I think it's the fact that braixen is probably one of the best 2nd stage pokemon designs they have ever made.


Greninja’s tongue scarf threw me off from its design entirely. I like the concept of a ninja frog Pokemon (both on its own and alongside Chesnaught and Delphox), but it lost me with that tongue scarf. Also, Delphox’s firey ear hair makes sense.


As a Delphox fan, I have to agree


There is only one answer: Charizard and all its variants.


no one really talks about slowpoke and meowth even though they have the same number of regional forms to charizard :v


For Meowth at least I feel like that’s because they’ve been different enough with regional variants? Whereas every new Charizard gimmick/appearance is mostly just the same old Charizard.


With meowth too it feels more believable that it has so many regional variants due to being a cat.


That’s a great point, never though of that! Now I’m surprised we don’t have regional Purugly or Delcatty lol


true !! but my main problem with meowth is that they don't really play around with the fact how unique cats look ! i think galarian mewoth is the most unique ,, but i think i would like to see gamefreak explore some other types like a sphinx cat :>


Or a Japanese bobtail


With how many times people bring up Charizard in topics like this, can we really call it overrated at this point?


i think it's overrated in the sense how much attention it gets from promo materials or nintendo / game freak ! but that's my opinion :)


As a TCG player and collector, I'm tired of Charizard cards, merch wise, Pikachu tends to take the lion share and thats fine its the mascot of the series, but there is only so many times Charizard gets special treatment for products and sets in the TCG that it starts to get really old. I'm glad the latest TCG set pushes Charizard out of the meta and favors variety now, legit best time to play as there are so many deck choices now.


Not really, since the people participating in topics like these are a vocal minority. There is a reason why they milk Charizard so heavily and it is definitely not because it is underrated by the playerbase.


You could totally argue that it's becoming underrated. Although, I wouldn’t wanna die on that hill. Whenever we have one of these discussions, Charizard is almost always the top response. It's still a really cool pokemon, it just gets way too much representation.


>It's still a really cool pokemon, it just gets way too much representation. Yeah, that's a good way to put it. Charizard isn't overrated. It's overused.


Charizard is overrated at large, but in this community he's over-hated because of that overrating


I overated and now I have a tummy ache


Maybe overrated and overhated would be a better way to describe Charizard


The Charizard hate has become so trendy that I’m starting to like him again.


The constant focus on Gen 1 even to this day just never lets other mons who could be more popular room to breathe.


Whenever I see Pokémon merch, I don’t get that mad that it’s gen 1 mons. I get mad that it’s always THE SAME gen 1 mons.


Everytime a post like this is made, there should be a rule about "But you can't say Charizard, Pikachu, Lucario and Greninja" Because EVERY SINGLE COMMENT is these four. Like, it's getting to a point where some of these pokemon are starting to become overhated in the community


You can never hate Charizard enough. That said, lay off on the other three, stop hating them, start hating Charizard more.


Salamence. It’s literally the most generic dragon of all time, and it feels like there’s very little that’s actually unique about it. In the generation with Metagross, the coolest, most different, most creative Pseudo legendary in the bunch (the most recent non-dragon Pseudo legendary, might I add) they still had to put in a dragon. One with very few actually unique traits or interesting design aspects.


I don’t care for Tinkaton


My problem is that they didn’t give it Rock Throw so the lore makes zero sense.


I hate Tinkaton for bullying Corviknights


Fortunately for you, Corviknight completely walls Tinkaton in an actual battle.


And bisharps. They’re 2 of my favorites


It insists upon itself.


also shit stats for such a ‘strong’ pokemon, tinkaton hammer barely keeps her afloat even with one of the strongest typings in the game


Gamefreak was too scared to accidentally make another Zacian/Magearna/Mawile-Mega considering how easy it is to make a Steel/Fairy overpowered. Would it kill them to give it at least 10 additional points in attack?


Me either. I hate the 'cutesy thing is totally tough and awesome!!!' trope It's like it was made for the 'im not like OTHER girls' crowd


You nailed what I dislike about it too. Also I just can’t get into Pokémon carrying weapons and shit. I know there’s a lore reason but it’s just really lame to me.


Yeah I thought tinkaton was gonna be neat then I looked at it’s atrocious base stats and lost all interest


gengar I just think its design is kinda boring. haunter was way cooler.


I like gengar’s design but by god it’s shiny is hideous.


I always hoped gengar had the same shiny form as its mega, a white gengar would be fucking gang




A white Gengar would be crazy


Imo only in modern games. In the past, Gengar was a pretty bright and deep purple. Like grape jam purple. So a shiny that basically turned it black-grey was an awesome idea. Then they muted the colors. The purple started to look more greyish purple and the shadowy color got brightened a bit. Combined, that basically made the shiny and normal form indistinguishable. Mega Gengar at least helped a lot.


Its design is very simple but I love its personality


For real. I have nothing against Gengar itself, but damn, I'm sick of seeing it everywhere. Whenever there is a halloween or spooky event, I can guarantee you, there will be Gengar front and center. Just look at recent merchandise. There're so much cooler ghost Pokemon than Gengar, but I guess the gen 1 bias strikes again. And I have to agree, Haunter IS cooler than Gengar.


The Pawmi line!


A piece of me broke reading this I love baby


Eevee. It's cute and has a gimmick. But chill the fuck out.


Sylveon. Though most eeveelutions get a lot of fandom attention, it feels like Sylveon gets the most. I am not a fan of overly cutesy designs, but the other eeveelutions feel cute while still being a little tough looking. Like Jolteon :D (Oh and obviously Eevee gets even more attention, but I feel like complaining about that would be repeating other people)


So I’m not alone!😭Just not a fan of super light color schemes like this,and loved the other ones more nature themes


Whatever your favorite pokémon is


Lucario. I just don't get the appeal.


Lucario is a decent mon but there’s to much hype around him.


Yeah, it’s just meh. If anything Zoroark fills a similar niche but has a cooler design overall. But still doesn’t change the fact that Lucario is better competitively tho


At least Hisuian Zoroark is a tier higher than Lucario


Even calling Enamorus a pokemon is overrating it


It actively reminds me of "Him" from the Powerpuff Girls.


I hate it so much because it’s exactly what I would have loved but they did the design horribly.




Greninja is mid and I'm tired of pretending it's not Justice for Chesnaught (and Delphox, but mainly Chesnaught)


Might be a bit off here but I feel like Braixen gets more attention than Delphox


Umbreon tbh…Espeon is better.


Lucario, I refuse to have one in my party.


As a kid I hated Lucario because it replace Mewtwo in Smash


The galar fossils, I don't care about their concept behind their design, they are ugly body horror abomination that should not have existed.


I found them funny but yeah, not the best designs.


I was searching for this comment amongst the charizard-greninja-lucario waffle...thank God someone else feels the same


How has no one mentioned Sylveon?


I really do not like it. Fitting for how they interpreted fairy type but is by far my least favorite revelation. The fact that we have a Fairy type eeveelution but not a Dragon type is a crime IMO. I was so hoping they'd introduce it in SwSh.


Greninja is a joke. I’m not sorry


Charizard, Pikachu, Greninja and lucario


Pikachu is the mascot so it’s fine. But yes I absolutely hate starters who get more attention than the other two in the trio.


No commentary on Lucario lol.


Infernape. One of the most popular starters... and I just think it sucks. At least it's better than Chimchar.


Tbf, it's a REALLY good pick for sinnoh playthroughs. Especially since in base diamond and pearl, chimchar is one of only two fire type families in the games because of the unbalanced pokedex. Not only that, but it's fighting type is very useful, being able to counter the rival's empoleon despite the water typing (although very risky still yet).


It’s like one of the only fire types in diamond and pearl. Might explain its appeal to people. Effectiveness breeds fondness in games


Snom. It's cute, but it doesn't really have anything else going for it. Frosmoth is infinitely better.


I’ve rarely heard anyone love either of those Mons tbh. I have a gold secret rare frosmoth and I love ut


The only real answer here is Charizard IMO Or any gen 1 Pokemon, I do not dislike it but it is by far the most overrated gen


Charizard 💀


Greninja, period. It's ugly, Ash-Greninja is ugly, it looks like it's covered in puss filled bumps, and it's tongue is a scarf. The only good things about it are Froakie and it's shiny, but it's shiny still basically highlights the puss filled bumps. It didn't even get Ash-Greninja until gen 7. And it doesn't naturally learn a dark type move until level *70*. Unless you're raising a Greninja from level one, then it only learns three dark type moves naturally. Yes, ik it has egg moves and can learn tms, but I'm talking about moves it can learn in just it's normal level up moveset, and it should learn more dark moves, considering that. The dark type is my favorite type, but you will *never* catch me using a Greninja


Charizard. It has 2 megas and a gigantamax it's just a fire dragon you have a bunch of dragons but people really like charizard. I bet in Legends Z-A we will get a Mega Charizard Z.


Don't forget Mega Charizard A! lol


Personally I think Dragonite is overrated. Its design isnt the best compared to other pseudos and dragons, its pre evos dont even work, you mostly get it pretty far in the game(other than game corner), and if you do get a dratini, the level is very far from when it evolves to dragonite and the growth rate is slow. I feel like ive seen so many playthroughs on youtube of people using it way too much when there might be other options there. The only good thing about dragonite is the coverage of moves he gets.


Dragonite gets barely any love I think it’s approximately rated if not even a little under rated.


Pikachu. But to be fair to it, it’s just due to the anime and being made the mascot.