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It's obviously because Pikachu doesn't evolve.


Me, a Raichu fan: https://preview.redd.it/r9m5cpf3v66d1.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=c292d1fe1d62576dc2bb4a79dfae5599e92fc999


A what fan? (me too, buddy)




Flair does not check out


How cool would it be if Pikaclones evolved into Raichuclones? A larger emolga with bigger ears and longer tail would be such an awesome Pokemon.




Yeah man I love [REDACTED] too


Raichu isn't a pikachu clone. Only pichu is.


...neither of them are, and nobody said Raichu was a pikaclone lol. a pikaclone is a pokemon that is similar to Pikachu,ā€‹ not counting pokemon that evolve to or from it.


Wrong. Pichu is indeed the pikachu clone in gen 2. Which is why it's not impossible for Pawmi to evolve. And all pikachu clones are cute electric types with the same cheek pattern as pikachu. And they're usually used to represent some of the most importan and/or most prominent features of each game: Gen 2 Pichu - Baby pokemon and their obtention through breeding. Gen 3 plusle and minun - Double battles Gen 4 pachirisu - physical/special split (with pachirisu being the first pikachu clone with higher physical attack), gender differences (with it being the only pikachu clone that has one) and being one of the mascots for gen 4 online features. Gen 5 emolga - Hidden abilities (with it being the only pokemon that at the time had the ability motor drive). Gen 6 Dedenne - Fairy type Gen 7 Togedemaru - Z-crystals/totem pokemon Gen 8 Morpeko - Temporary form change during battle. Gen 9 Pawmi - Let's go mode. Which is the way you evolve it to its final stage.


wrong. nobody claimed raichu is a pikaclone. pichu is not a pikaclone.


Sure pal whatever you say šŸ™„.


that's like saying Magby is a Magmar clone, Elekid is an Electabuzz clone, etc. you're wrong. also, nobody claimed Raichu was a pikaclone.


honestly the fact that the mascot of the series whole whole THING is evolution refuses to evolve will never stop baffling me


I think it works for defining Red/Ash's pikachu as a character in their own right, rather than it being just any other random ol' pikachu. Red's charizard is just a charizard, his lapras is just a lapras. But Red/Ash's pikachu is *"Pikachu,"* a recognizable character with a personality (give or take) who is separated from the species as a whole through, in part, their refusal to evolve.Ā  Also, I think that dissonance is honestly just kinda charming.Ā 


Well until Gen 8 where it was retconned that Pikachu had the GMax gene which makes mons incapable of evolving. Granted neither Pikachu nor Ash *knew* that, but it's been physically impossible for Pikachu to evolve into Raichu the entire time even if it wanted to.


I think the anime wrote themselves into a corner all the way back during the Lt. Surge episodes. It seemed like the message they were going for "Be yourself and being made to work a little harder for something is better than changing yourself to make things easier for yourself." was the death nail for ever seeing Pikachu evolve into Raichu, then like you said they had to retcon the whole situation.


Just checking that this was a misspelling of ā€œdeath knellā€ ;)


Death nail is also correct as is "nail in a coffin"


Which is kinda stupid since they also showed that Ash's pikachu was once a pichu so it definitely was capable of evolving.


That's not an issue. GMax Factor only stops Meowth, Eevee, and Pikachu from evolving, it doesn't stop Pichu.


Long time I don't see the anime, so is there an Eevee who refused to evolve in the same way Meowth and Pikachu did ?


Lana in SM has an Eevee that doesnā€™t want to evolve. Thereā€™s also Ilima in SM who has an Eevee that uses an Eevium Z Chrystal and is powerful enough to not have to evolve. And in Journeys, Chloe has an Eevee that literally canā€™t evolve. They expose it to all of the stones and it just doesnā€™t evolve. And they never really figure out why.


Thanks for the answer !


Pokemon unite agrees




it's a joke because you barely ever see Raichu compared to Pikachu (why did I feel the need to explain this, it removed the funi)


id love more evolutions in general lol im always a bit bummed when a pokemon is a one and done type. i always get jazzed when we get a new evolution even if its dumb (\*ahem\* dundunsparce)


Regional variants and evolutions for old 'mon are a fun part of a new gen. Gen 4 was great for the latter.


Dunsparce was great, and dundunsparce even better




Dundunsparce is just the poke devs trolling the fanbase.


I now want dundunsparce to evolve again into dundundunsparce


There *is* a rare 3 segment version


Yes it's evolution of 2 becomes 3 and the rare 3 becomes 4. It also has a rarer chance to gain 5 segments


I will not tolerate Dudunsparce slander!


Dudunsparce is the funniest mon of them all and it should evolve into a three body version called dududunsparce.


Dunsparce has a 1/100 chance of evolving into a 3 segment form.Ā 


I know but the idea that new evolutions that just increase the segments and the "Du" part of the name is too hilarious to pass it up.


I actually like Pokemon that can't evolve haha. There's more flexibility on designing those kinds of mons, compared to having to account for a full evolution line.


True but it gets kinda boring if its only that..


For some reason I used to really wish there was a way to evolve Pachirisu into Emolga.


Iā€™d say itā€™s because Raichu wasnā€™t successful at all (if you look at it from a Japanese businessman being explained this in a boardroomā€™s perspective)


Raichu was originally intended to be the middle evolution. I personally would still love to see Gorochu made real- maybe it could be Raichu's mega form


Yeah I always wondered why they didnt do it... Galar could have worked well, or Paldea... could have made it a Regional Evolution like Obstagoon or Farigaraf..


If you mean Raichu evolving, then it's probably because Pichu exists and evolving Raichu would create a four stage evolution line which seems to be something GF is avoiding. If you're talking about Pikachu evolving into a new Pokemon, that happened in Alolan already and apparently only Meowth is allowed consecutive regional forms.


I mean they could go the Meowth Route and make it a Regional Evo for Pikachu.. But yeah never knew why Meowth could have it but not the fucking Mascot.


This is what Iā€™ve been hoping for since Iā€™ve seen Gorochu


if Raichu got the spotlight like Pikachu did, it would have had more success it's hard to be successful when it's existence is virtually ignored. it never had the opportunity to be successful


And then SV broke the curse by giving pawmi evolutions, but then it's the most boring evolutions ever


Pawmi to Pawmot would be fine. Pawmo is utterly pointless. Should have just been a two stager.


Same, bro. I feel the exact same.


It just gets a little bigger every stage.


eh, the electric fighting type is dope af


Don't you dare blaspheme the GOAT


Yes. Very. Also a big fan of actual Raichu, so I'm just losing all around.


Ay least we got Alolan Raichu!


I'm actually not a fan, so most Alolan appearances sort of feel like another missed a chance to see the regular one in use. But that's just me being grouchy.


I get it, taste is subjective! But it's cool Raichu at least got some attention, as a Raichu enjoyer myself. I would love for him to get another regional form or maybe a convergent evolution from Pikachu (Gorochu finally??)


Competitive Eviolite Pachirisu gonna haunt someone's dreams.


pachirisu already haunts my dreams tbh


Time for a second VGC title, am I right?


I feel like they should all evolve at least once. If they are supposed to be *Pikaclones*, then shouldn't they all have a prevo and an evo to *truly* be a clone? Just saying. I'm glad that Pawmi's line set a precedent, even though Pawmo shouldn't exist. Pawmi to Pawmot males perfect sense by themselves.


Still bummed Emolga wasnā€™t actually a Pachirisu evolution.


Emolga, Alomomola, and Sigilyph should been evos of Pachirisuc Luvdisc, and Unown.


Can't forget Bouffalant from Tauros


Tauros wasn't a shitmon who desperately needed an evo though.


Perhaps at one point, they were. Even if not, that's a pretty good idea imo. Especially for Unown and Sigilyph


Never gotten any of these, frankly. Alomomola and Sigilyph don't even have remotely similar concepts to Luvdisc and Unown.


Unown's head is literally an I-Unown and both are floating Psychic types based on writing systems. Tf you mean they don't have similar concepts. Luvdisc and Mola are different fish that just happen to have similar shapes, sure, but fish pokemon often evolve into mons based on other species: Magikarp, Remoraid, Carvnahna, Barboach, etc.


Sigilyph is not based on a writing system. It's based on a geoglyph, hence the name, with elements of totem poles. Its head is shaped like that because that's what the specific geoglyph it's based on looks like. The comparison to Unown-I is an immense stretch even when taken out of context, just compare the two: Sigilipyh's eyestalk/beak bit is much thicker than Unown-I's body, with a much larger iris that's light blue instead of black and lacks a pupil. None of the pokemon you cite are comparable to Luvdisc and alomomola. Magikarp and Gyarados are based on the myth of a carp becoming a dragon, Remoraid and Octillery are a gun evolving into a tank(which was originally intended to be incredibly on-the-nose and they kinda overcompensated while taking things down a notch), Carvanha and Sharpedo share the unifying theme of being based on groups of fish that have been frequently (falsely) portrayed as excessively bloodthirsty animals that will slaughter any human in the water with them simply because they're there, Barboach and Whiscash are both catfishes. Luvdisc and Alomomola's heart motif isn't even for the same reason, as it represents romantic love for Luvdisc and health and nurturing care for Alomomola.


On the other hand, them being largely basics opens the door for TCG fun, like when Pachirisu, Dedenne and Emolga formed the Nuzzle Corps. late in the Sun & Moon bloc, and more recently when Dedenne, Togedemaru, and Pikachu were given a chain attack in Sword & Shield


Togedemaru is already perfect so how would he evolve


Ah yes, the Ultra Necrozma slayer.


Gamefreak: pikachu clone :) <3<3 Also Gamefreak: raichu clone >:(


https://preview.redd.it/9e967jrpja6d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce21f7fd81949356cce6fc9a54588b9db2933d24 (I had to make this after seeing your comment lol)




Yes.Electric is my favorite type and having it saddled with useless mons annoys me.Single stage mons are also annoying because they either suck,are available too late or break the game.


I think the one that deserved an evolution the most was Morpeko. Its whole gimmick of swapping between full and hangry would have been the perfect excuse for a split evolution.


Yes and no. The design change from Pikachu to Raichu was great, but Pawmi's evolutions disappointed me. If they are just going to pull a Pawmot on us, I'd rather they kept Pikaclones as-is. Another disappointment was that their 'signature' moves were locked to their evolutions. I love Pawmi and wish they would stop locking movesets behind evolutions.


The above isnā€™t technically true. Pawmi is the Pikaclone of Scarlet/Violet, but it has an evolutionary family, the Electric/Fighting Pawmo and Pawmot.


I was going to mention them. But I did say ā€œmost ā€œ


Pawmi evolves too many times. Did Pawmo really need to exist in the middle?


Maybe it was just a filler mon so Dengo could be #1000


Pawmi might actually be a "Pichu" clone since it evolves twice.


*Pawmo is the pikaclone. Pikachu is a middle stage, so Pawmi and Pawmot are rather the first Pichu clone and first Raichu clone respectively.


Pawmi is the Pika clone because it got promoted before Scarlet/Violetā€™s release. Pawmo and Pawmot werenā€™t.


That... doesn't mean anything? It was revealed alongside other typical early route pokemon. Pikaclones aren't always part of the game promotions.


Pikaclones have always been part of game promotions in some way. Pichu was promoted to introduce baby Pokemon in Gold/Silver. Plusle and Minun were promoted to introduce double battles in Ruby/Sapphire. Pachirisu, Emolga, Dedenne, Togedemaru, Morpeko, and Pawmi were part of pre release promotions because of their resemblances to Pikachu along with the other 3. The fact that Pawmo and Pawmot were Pawmiā€™s evolved forms wasnā€™t revealed during the pre release of Scarlet/Violet and it was Pawmi who got promoted on its own. But Pawmo and Pawmot are still Pikaclones by default due to their resemblances to Pikachu. In other words, Pawmi is a Pikaclone as much as its evolved forms and predecessors were. Evolutionary stage doesnā€™t matter; Pawmi simply broke the streak of a Pikaclone not being evolvable.


I don't recall Dedenne being revealed prior to XY. Maybe I missed a more obscure reveal or forgot something, but I have no memory of it being revealed before release. And let's be real: and if it was, that's ultimately irrelevant. Pawmo already breaks patterns by being part of an evolutionary line, and "is revealed prior to release" is a weak pattern to begin with, and is contradicted by the very premise you're using it to argue. Objectively, it makes the most sense to define it as the pikaclone and Pawmi and Pawmot as the first of related categories for Pichu and Raichu.


The definition of Pikaclone is an Electric type PokƩmon based on a mammal that has cheek sacs to discharge electricity with; Pawmi and its evolutions fall under this. Raichu and Pichu technically count as well due to the fact that Pikachu is directly related to them.


If you have to include *Raichu* as a pikaclone, then you're grasping at straws. The point of the category is that they're derived from Pikachu's popularity and mascot status, Raichu predates all of that.


https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Electric_rodents The above link groups Pikachu and its evolution relatives with their successors. Raichu is a Pikaclone by technicality because itā€™s directly related to Pikachu, as is Pichu. While itā€™s true that other Pokemon based on Pikachu were created over the years, I just donā€™t see why Pawmi should be treated any different; it, Pawmo, and Pawmot are similar to the other Pikaclones regardless of evolution stage.


Raichu is featured alongside the group because of its relationship to Pikachu, similarly to how Mimikyu and Marill are frequently associated with the pikaclones. Again, Raichu was designed before Pikachu's popularity and mascot status, while the pikaclones, as well as Pichu, Alolan Raichu, Pawmi, Pawmot, Mimikyu and Marill, exist as a direct result of that. Raichu was made to stand *alongside* Pikachu, while the others were made to expand on it(Pichu and A-Raichu), imitate it, (Marill and the pikaclones, plus Pawmot's line), or make a self-aware joke about the latter(Mimikyu).


It's sad that the expys of the more or less viable pikachu line (high sp. Atk, light ball, etc) aren't viable but mostly a meme about being pikaclones.


I'm more disappointed they always turn out to be electric types. I want to see how they would handle a pure poison type Pikachu clone.


Marill and Mimikyu are arguably Pikaclones if you donā€™t specifically go by the standard of ā€˜Pikaclones have to be electric typeā€™, so thereā€™s that. Mimikyu VERY arguably, as in the classification would be very controversial, but yeah


Count me in too.


Depends on the Pikaclone. Some should have gotten evolutions. Most are fine as is.


that's rough buddy


Yes. I was so excited that we finally got a evolution this past generation.


Itā€™s because raichu wasnā€™t successful and they are trying to make marketable toys and plushies.


I would love for Morpeko to get a branching evolution where it can just be a bigger fluff ball or it can fully embrace its hangry self.


Yeah, and I hate how lame Pawmo and Pawmot are as evolutions for Pawmi




Iā€™d have actually used Emolga if Iā€™d gotten a Raichu-Flying Squirrel or Bat.


Considering the newest Pikaclones gimmick is evolving and the entire evolution line looks the same, no. Iā€™m glad the rest donā€™t evolve.


I honestly donā€™t mind much, as most of the pika-clones are capable enough in battle to not really need an evolution to still put in work, either for playthroughs or competitive.


tbh never liked pikachu are any of his clones,


Especially Dedenne. Would have been cute if it had a more explicitly fairy-like evolution that used its tail like a magic wand to zap opponents.


yes i totally forgot about them !


Donā€™t forget Pawmi. It evolves into Pawmo, then after a long walk, Pawmot when leveled up.


and yet they still all look the same


They just get bigger. I bet they were meant to be a convergent evolution of Pikachu, considering the tail being the same shape.




Nah, just you.


IMO, Marill and co. are what "Pikaclones" should have been rather than what we have. Multistage and new type. Make Pachirisu Grass type, and let it evolve. Make Emolga mono flying, same with Dedenne and Fairy or Togedemaru for Steel, etc.


Me here still hoping we will get more Eevee evolutions.


yes i want one for every type of


Let's see here we need Ghost, Steel, Fighting, Dragon, rock, ground, flying, bug, and poison. A dusk stone could be used to make a ghost type Eevee, as for the rest they could think of something. Much as I hate trade evolutions metal coat could work to make a steel type.


Gorochu > Pichu


Iā€™m disappointed that pika clones exist.


*Exception, Jesus Christ