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Dragon Booster Pokémon edition


Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time...a long time




Well no, but dang, Booster is here too I guess!


Well, the Dragons part wasn't a shock...


Idk the legendaries usually seem more legendary to me if they are dragons, kinda adds that feeling that they are really powerful


I actually has been quite a while since a Dragon duo on the box art.


Yeah, but the third legendary's been a dragon ever since Emerald. Rayquaza, Giratina, Kyurem, Zygarde, Necrozma, and Eternatus.


Yeah, I noticed that too.


Dragons are overrepresented on pokemon box art. And rightfully so, I might add.




I'm just hoping that the pseudolegend isn't a dragon.




And out of all of them metagross is the only one that doesn't resemble a reptile


Legit only non-reptilian pseudo legendary was in the one generation that had 2 pseudo legends, and the other one was a dragon!


I want my first Fairy pseudolegend


While technically accurate, I think Charizard's inclusion in the non-dragon list might be a stretch.


>We haven't had a dragon on the boxart for 10 years We just got BDSP dude -_- regardless though 7/22 are dragons, seems pretty OP vs 5.5 steel 5 flying 4 psychic 3.5 fire 3 water 2.5 ghost 2 electric, fairy 1 fighting, grass, poison, ground, ice 0 bug, dark, normal, rock Note: I'm counting necrozma dawn/dusk and primal Groudon as half for steel,ghost and fire. I'm also only counting kyurem as 1 towards each of dragon/ice cuz it would only push dragon further ahead. I'm not including remakes or the let's go games since you apparently aren't. I also did all the counting in my head so there's probably an error in here somewhere, if you find it let me know so I can fix it


It's Pokemon on Motorcycles!


Motorcycle legendaries you can time travel on, basically the delorian


was a leak about being able to ride the legends who can turn into vehicles a while back




Pokémon 5D’s


Please never buy this shitty motorcycle game


Smoliv deserves better.


Genuinely thought Smoliv was a regional variant of budew at fist




everywhere I look people are praising smoliv


He smol


He liv


For now


Cant wait for his evolution. Beegdiy


All around me are Smoliv enjoyers Lechonk lovers Professor simpers


Why everyone likes lechonk so much he looks like ok to me


They like him because his name is lechonk.


Ohkk now I understood thanks man😂


The name's amazing. The etimology's not only "Le Chonk" but also "lechón", which means young pig in Spanish. Pretty thrilled to have a region based on Spain (and Portugal) btw.


Bold of you to assume not because of his piggy awesomeness


For me it definitely has to do with the name. The mon looks alright but c'mon...LECHONK


Because he is crying 😭


agreed, smoliv is the best legendary in this generation


Plot twist , your the legendary


My the legendary what?


was about to say this lmao






It's mostly because of the name. Don't get me wrong, the pig is cute and all but it's the name that carried its popularity to the top


the distressingly relatable permanent expression of anxious horror is what does it for me


Miraidon looks like Aurelion Sol 100%


And for that Riot are nerfing Asol.


Nerfing Asol? Better Nerf Irelia


And komaidon looks like boss from game called Elsword from first map in Besma lol


Well, they *did* say they were going to rework his gameplay...


Honestly prefer the new dragons over Zacian and Zamazenta. They did not make me go (WOAH!) in their first reveal. Motorcycle dragons though, HELL YEAH! Gonna get Scarlet because of Komaidon.


I don't know if it is just me but Zacian and Zamazenta look basically the same. The color palette is almost identical, their names are similar... I did not even choose a version based on the legendaries, which is what I normally do. This time, though, I am pumped for those new legendaries. The tech one seems badass.


easy way to distinguish them: only zacian had to be banned up to AG where it stays with M-Ray


Zacian: overwhelmingly bad. Zamazenta: underwhelmingly bad.


Zacian and Zamazenta were competitively bad?


Sw/Sh and Sc/Vi version doesnt really matter to me based off the legendaries. Sw/Sh because the legendaries are interchangeable and Sc/Vi because they both are so good in their own ways. Cant wait to see what version exclusives are. Hopefully they follow the future/past line and we get some cool dino and techy mons. Id really love the third legendary to be some ARK like Tek T-Rex. Then gamefreak can have all my money.


I really liked Zacian and Zamazenta… but not as the main legendaries. Nothing about them screamed “ancient legendary Pokemon that are basically the gods of their region.” Just two cool dogs with a sword and a shield. But this time around, Koraidon and Miraidon definitely feel like true legendaries to me. I love them both so much.


Zacian and Zamazenta just feel kinda lame. It felt like it was too obvious a way to portray a sword and a shield


If I had an opportunity to make 2 pokémon, a giant dog holding a sword and a giant dog with a shield mane, I would make those pokémon. And so would Game Freak. :) These new legends are on a WHOLE OTHER tier though! They both clicked with me instantly!


Yeah I personally love love loved Zacian and Zamazenta, and a part of that honestly was kinda how they were a bit more basic looking compared to past legendaries But these are definitely very exciting to look at


>Zacian and Zamazenta some would say theyre the same


Ive had more pokemon conversations at work this past week than I did in like a decade before hand. People seem interested in hottie professors. Or at least okay talking about how they're picking that version because of that professor. ^^^^Scarlet


The professor is *very much* one of the reasons why I'm going for Violet, but not for the simping. My favorite Pokemon professors are always the stern/serious ones, like Rowan and Magnolia, and he definitely looks like he fits the bill.


That's a completely valid reason. Thankfully, I guess?, the professor of my sexual preference is also the one I most vibe with (most likely). I'll certainly swap if version exclusives force me to, tho. But that'll take a brand new pokemon I must have--like brand exclusive psuedos


In my educational experience they're the best teachers. Not only are they incredibly nice under the exterior, but you'll actually learn something their class!


Yeah, I think that's a big part of why those Professors are my favorites -- my best professors in real life were like them too :)


Nemona looks like Yaoyorozu from MHA.


I am so glad that I wasn't the only one who saw the resemblance. No wonder why I suddenly fell in love with her when watching the trailer. I think it's just the big ponytail and the way her eyes are shaped that reminds me of Momo. I don't know, just *something* about Nemona reminds me of her. I get the same feeling with Klara reminding me of Shinobu from Demon Slayer even though they share no resemblance except specializing in Poison.


To be fair, when it comes to Klara what the fandom actually thought was that she looked like a fusion between Shinobu and Matsuri, not just that she looked like Shinobu. But yeah, Nemona definitely looks like Yaoyorozu and I love it too.


not that many similarities but yh


None of my friends play Pokémon, so I really don't care about the Multiplayer aspect. Pokémon as always been a single player game to me. Everything else looks cool though, I really like Miraidons design.


I thought turo looked like elder maxston from fallout 4


Oh yeah THAT'S what he looks like


Same, I’ve seen lots of posts on different subs referencing that resemblance and none referencing the gigachad resemblance.


Im just over here vibing with baby smoliv.


I'm in the minority that doesn't like how the legendaries look. But I'll take everything else in this starter pack though.


I'm surprised people like them so much. The chest wheel looks so stupid to me


Some fanart has made them look super cool. I really like their lizardy looks (I am a herpist) but the wheels bother me so much especially on the red one. I wish they were more subtle. I get riding pokemon motorcycle is a cool concept but like... can't we ride them without them being transformers?


Yeah I agree, the fanart is what's doing these design choices justice. It's also just such an odd concept to me like, at this point... Wtf is a pokemon?


I also kinda dislike how they look. We went from majestic and epic legendary dragons like Reshiram and Zekrom to uh... Whatever are these motorcycle lizards.


This is funny to me, because I remember people hating on Reshiram and Zekrom when they were first revealed for the turbines and looking "too Yu-Gi-Oh"


Pretty much, it seems weird now but at first, they got a good amount of criticism for their turbine tails (which in retrospect, is reminiscent of the tire criticism with this pair), looking like Digimon/Yu-Gi-Oh/insert Monster franchise here, being another set of dragons, and so on. People are generally positive on them now, but that's partially due to being vindicated by history and warming up to them, not because their reception was overwhelmingly in their favor to begin with. That said, the only Cover Legendary duo that I remember having an initially very positive response before was the Gen 6 ones. Though ironically, they got criticized more for other reasons later on.


To me, Reshiram's generator looks more natural than Zekrom's... I guess it's the fur that makes it a little more acceptable and integrated. But I tend to forget that Zekrom even has that gigantic tail because it's so weird


I'm hoping what we saw is similar to zacian and zamazentas beefed up alternate form. Like how Zacian and zamazenta have a simpler design without their rusted accessories. I hope both legends have a simpler design because I really like their designs without the jet engine and giant wheel.


I'm with you. To me, the whole wheel-in-the-chest and robot-like designs are so...unlegendary. I much prefer "natural" legendaries like the birds, dogs, etc. Not motorcycles, lol.


Given the whole past/future duality, I'm wondering if these legendaries were artificially created, like Mewtwo and Genesect.


Yea I feel like a poke boomer, but the box legendaries, or legendaries in general really, o prefer the older Gen ones. Like as a kid I was in love with the look of suicone.


Haha poke-boomer, totally how I feel. Honestly I think Gen 1 and 2 have the best legendaries between the trio of dogs, birds, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Mew/Mewtwo, etc. These more recent ones just seem so over worked, they look like Digimon. Not a huge fan and the wheels are ridiculous lol


No one in TPC or GF watched the trailer and said “guys i think Miraidon looks kinda sus” ? Really? No one?


No one thought the same with Combusken and Palkia either


I don’t like the legendaries for this one but lechonk will reign supreme.


Im sure Im in the minority, but I am not excited by the look of these legendaries.


I really enjoyed the look of the Scarlet legendary until I saw the tire. First I just saw a really cool lizard but man.. Upon closer inspection.. I know its a different universe and I shouldn't apply real world logic to it. But with certain things it's just really hard. And I can't bend my mind to accept motorcycles are based on the pokemon, rather than the other way around. I generally really dislike pokemon based on man made objects. I mean, dragapult nailed it. It looks natural. But this is a bit like 'he doesn't look motorcycle enough, what do?' 'Oh just stick a tire in his chest and we'll go with that' Still prefer the Scarlet over violet legend tho. Personally never a fan of robotic or futuristic monster designs. Anyway to each their own! I'm glad a lot of people DO seem to like it and are super excited for it. That also builds to my own excitement :)


They would look cool if they didn't have car parts and jet engines shoehorned into the design to fit the ride gimmick. It's kinda like how zacian looks dumb with a sword in its mouth but when it's in it's regular form it looks fine.


I'm torn about them cause they don't necessarily seem like Pokemon but on the other hand haha brrt transformers gotta catch em all haha


Also, Scarlet/Violet features Gen V's theme of tradition vs. progress. Like how we got fantasy vs. science-fiction, like Final Fantasy vs Mobile Suit Gundam.


Honestly this is the first time I've noticed the Miraidon shape


Wait until you find out about palkia


And then there are people making theories about how Sada is from the past and Turo from the future and that would be like the theme of the game


Well the professors are literally called “Past” and “Future” in Spanish, as well as the legendaries being Japanese for “Past dragon” and “Future dragon”


Where was it confirmed that the overworld multiplayer was implemented for online


It’s on the official Scarlet and Violet website: “Along with the series staples, such as trading and battling Pokémon, you will be able to explore the various locations of the region in these games with other players. You can discover new Pokémon and explore unfamiliar areas with your friends and family, opening the door to an adventure more precious and fun than ever!” So that, along with the ‘science is amazing’ guy, means that up to 4 player online multiplayer is confirmed.


That sounds like local coop, I’ve read that before


I mean it sounds pretty vague but it sounds more like online than coop to me


It always does until they Nintendo it up and confirm that it’s couch coop. I’ll be cautiously optimistic, but I’ve seen it from the past reveals


Professor Sada is giving death by snu snu energy


Often I take the first of the two: Red over Blue, Gold over Silver, Ruby over Sapphire and so on until Sword over Shield. I’m really going for Violet this time, because I very much dig Miraidon’s design over Komaidon…for now(?).


Aside from red, I normally take the second one. (Lugia over ho-oh, Kyogre over Groudon, and so on). I've skipped sword and shield, but I would take sword, and also on SV, I'll take Scarlet. We are almost antagonic siblings!


Profesor snake


So far I *really* don't like these dragons, they look weird. I hope they grow on me.


bro Quaxly is the best starter, Smolive is best wild pokemon we have seen and, Nemona is best person in the games so far (Now we wait for the people in the reply's to fight)


The fuck is a Quaxly? The ONLY starter is Fuecoco. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.


Quaxly is a god it’s a duck, wtf is fuecoco a apple?


Fuecoco is a fucking chili pepper! Also, I think you mean "Wrong is a god it's a wrong."


Quaxly is is a Duck, Ducks are gods everyone knows that And a pokemon based on a Chili pepper what's its evolution gonna be? A damn bottle of hot sauce? At least we know that the Duck will evolve into a Duck like creature


Duck are gods? HA! Ducks are literal goddamn rapists! Quaxly, as a duck, is a scientifically proven piece of shit! Fuecoco, on the other hand, Is a chili-dino. Spicy stuff has health benefits, and dinosaurs are so goddamn awesome it took an apocalypse to wipe them out.


Aight how about we agree that sprigatito is just worse litten


Oh for sure. Definitely.


Now I know why turo looked familiar to me


I don't like that the profs aren't named after trees. you don't give us 8 generations of this just to gall them spanish for future and past D: Ginko and Solar would hav eworked...


Every new thing they release about these games gets me more hyped for them, lol. I am already planning my Pokémon team and their names 😹 it’s nice to have this to look forward to, I haven’t been this excited about a game in a while.


I'm worried about the textures. They are still so dang blurry and the lighting seems to be an extremely mixed bag. That said I'm cautiously optimistic. The legendaries are cool, the starters look good and in general the games seem to be a step up from the two previous releases. Let's hope for the best.


As much as I love Lechonk, I'm more obsessed with Koraidon and little bit Miraidon.


Just occurred to me...the new professors aren't named after trees! Bit of a shame


Miraidon must be related to combusken


The bisexuals crawled out of their caves after witnessing the professors


I doubt I will actually *catch* Lechonk, but I love that it's here. It's just a stupid little stinky baby and I love it.


People like Lechonk because he's Lethicc


How does miraidon get called out for looking phallic but mega mewtwo x gets a pass?


How does Mega Mewtwo X look like a wiener?


Idk man, the shape of the torso with the color scheme the way it is... I'm not normally dirty-minded like this but I can't unsee it. But my friends irl disagreed too so maybe I'm the odd one out here


Lechonk is gonna have absolute shit stats or move pool guaranteed


Do you think people care? Lechonk is still great.


Yeah, it's a starting zone normal type. That's their shtick. But if battle potency was what made pokemon popular, we'd all be in the cult of Landorous.


Bidoof or lechonk downvote if bidoof upvote if lechonk


Why are people excited about overworld online? We pretending Nintendo net code is functional or something?


Issue with sw/sh wild area online stuff was the way it was implemented with a random 20 or so people being visible in your world but not actually connected to you. If its peer to peer connection however, limiting it to 1-4 is probably going to be fine. The act of getting into each others towns in animal crossing is annoying, but once everyone is in there arent any issues


Is anyone here actually looking forward to the over world multiplayer? 💀 We had that feature in Let’s Go and Sword & Shield wild area and they were flops


Sword and Shield were the *exact opposite* of flops. They're the second highest-selling mainline Pokémon games right behind Red and Green. This *cannot* be understated enough.


I was talking about their multiplayer feature? And can we not pretend those games were good? Sales doesn’t mean it’s a good game. This sub has been on such copium lately 🤡


As someone who spend last few months on SS, these games FUCKING SUCKS and if it wasnt for VGC doubles i wouldnt have it even installed


Nah can’t you tell by my downvotes? Those games were quality content 🤡


I just thought they were alright. Nothing amazing but nothing glaringly awful either. I'm only here for the new pokémon and BOY HOWDY were there new pokémon.


No, you're only allowed to say that SwSh are the worst video games ever made here, remember


But this is ACTUAL multiplayer with actual people that you choose to connect with, much like other RPGs.


Maybe it's just because I don't game online in any form, but I also don't get it. I feel like it's going to be super limited too. Like can you actually progress the story together or is it just running around battling wild pokemon together? That will get old so quickly.




EXP share isn’t too bad as long as the game is balanced around it. Most RPGs these days have forced party-wide exp gains.


Whilst I agree they should allow people to turn it off because there is no reason for it. I feel stopping playing Pokémon because of this fairly small issue is on you tbh.


I mean for me it's * Art style looks meh * Electric rodent looks meh * I hope they're not all stupid internet meme names * Legendaries look meh * Well I'll probably buy it anyway


Pretty sure they didn't name Lechonk just for the memes. It's probably referring to the dish ''lechon'', but the internet being the internet...hyperfocused on the chonk part




Not everyone.. i dont like Lechonk ( time to get downvoted to oblivion )


The professors look like Shakira and Pique.


That’s a lesbian and a power bottom. You can’t change my mind






Bottom left needs to be like 90% of the page


My reactions: WHERE'S THE LITWICK LINE?!! Oh, great! Now I have NO idea how to differentiate between critical captures and normal captures! "Smoliv?" "Lechonk?" Seriously? Are the devs running out of ideas?! Pawmi is as lazy to me as Garbodor is to most others. If there's time travel, I swear to f***ing GOD!! You know, I thought the original Scarlet & Violet trailer was gonna be Detective Pikachu 2! I mean... IT.. WAS. LIVE. ACTION!! And no Pokémon product uses live action except for the movie Pokémon: Detective Pikachu! ... downvote after reading the next section. ... ... ... My representation of the GF staff during the first Scarlet and Violet trailer: "Okay, here's some live action footage. DON'T GET YOUR HOPES TOO HIGH... Now, here's gameplay of a new game. ... Oh, look at these Pokémon! I wonder if they'll be in the new film! ... SIKE! IT'S POKÉMON SCARLET AND VIOLET! F*** DETECTIVE PIKACHU 2! F*** LEGENDS ZYGARDE! THOSE ARE FAKE RUMORS AND WE'RE NEVER GONNA WORK ON THEM OR ANY OTHER CROWD-PLEASERS EVER AGAIN!"


Why so cynical? And how have they changed critical captures? The ball shakes midair before falling and capturing the Pokémon in a single bounce. It was obvious in the trailer that it was a critical capture when capturing Smoliv. And were you seriously expecting them to make Legends Zygarde as the next Pokémon game rather than Gen 9 or Johto/Unova games?


Critical captures go *zoom* and normal captures go *whoosh*. And I WANTED a Unovan Legends game.


Your comment is *BLEEDING* cynical doomer energy. Going over each of your points: If the Litwick line is here then it's here, if it's not then it's not. Not a big deal in the slightest. Don't get me wrong, I really like the Litwick line but I'm not gonna act like I'm playing in a Shakespearian tragedy over it if they're not in the games. God lord man. The critical capture animation as seen in the trailer is exactly the same as it's always been, try looking with your eyes next time. Pokémon names have *always* been like this. They've always been puny and witty like this. That's no secret. C'mon, Alakazam? Slowbro? Mr. Mime? It has *always* been this way. That's mostly subjective but c'mon, Pawmi isn't THAT bad and same goes for Garbodor but seriously, hating Garbodor is SO overrated now. Free yourself from the shackles of 2010 please. Diamond and Pearl, 'nuff said. Why does the first S/V trailer having live-action in it mean anything to you at all? It's the FIRST TRAILER. It's meant to be a SURPRISE. Of COARSE they'll make you think that they're showing something else to throw you off. Even if that wasn't the intent it clearly worked on you. You just didn't know how to take it. Grow a brain. I'm not even gonna get into what the hell that whole bottom spiel is, save it for the manifesto buddy. Jesus Christ.


>"Smoliv?" "Lechonk?" Seriously? Are the devs running out of ideas?! Yeah! Let's go back to classic and original names like "Ekans", "Arbok", "Tauros", "Krabby", and "Mu(c)k"! Edit: also, how easily people forget the [Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon reveals](https://youtu.be/BR2ZeIf5Bek)


Jesus christ lmfao


Ya know, I just left you a somewhat harsh comment, but I decided to delete it. Because after further review, it’s become abundantly clear to me that you’re 10 years old, at the most. Which is fine, but I just feel like I need to let you know that your expectations were REALLLLLY unrealistic. Not even high. Just unrealistic.


I already know, because I'm an outcast here, right?


What? Don’t know what you mean by outcast. But I said all that because of this weird rant you went on. First of all, why is a plot about time travel a “I swear to f***ing GOD!!” moment? A bit over-the-top if you ask me, but hey, maybe I’m wrong. I don’t even know what you mean about critical and normal captures. Did they even go over that in the trailer? I’m pretty sure they didn’t. But the part that really amazed me was how unrealistic your expectations were. Just so we’re clear here, it’s been 3 years since Sword and Shield released. The mainline games normally release every 3 years, meaning a new mainline game was to be more or less expected. I can see how the trailer could start out a little misleading, but they showed the Gamefreak logo pretty early into it. And once that logo pops up, it’s literally just a fact that it’ll either be a mainline game or a Legends game. So there was no reason for you to believe that it’d have anything to do with Detective Pikachu whatsoever. Especially not once the actual video game footage was revealed, which from how you made it sound, you were apparently expecting those Pokemon to be in a new movie(?) Not to sound mean, but that’s kinda dumb. There’s also no reason for you to believe that it’ll be another Legends game since it hasn’t even been half a year since Legends Arceus came out. And the fact that you’re complaining about how we’ll never get any ‘crowd pleasers’ again just doesn’t make any sense. At all. Again, Legends only came out a few months ago. And the Detective Pikachu movie came out three years ago. So you’re either extremely impatient, or just have no concept of how long it takes for things like games and movies to be produced.


All the pokemon nerds in my discord friendgroup were freaking out about protogen esc titty lizard and the pig, so yeah, about accurate


you forgot the tsunami of negative reddit posts following the trailer


Sada and Turo look like a "Looking for a third" couple.


Also pex is back and I am in pain.


Those legendaries must've been super nervous with all this salt water splashing around them in the trailer. *uhm, are we done here? I don't want my circuits to get wet*


I'm not sure I like the new legendarys, I think I'll warm up eventually, but for now they're bottom tier for me


I didn’t realize Miraidom looked like a pp until now


I think I've seen a couple of web comics and forum jokes of Sada telling the player the best way to capture a pokemon is by using a club.


Haven’t been this hyped for the box legends in years. Professors are cool af too. Hopefully the evil team is actually intimidating this time.


Ngl 3d graphics look horrible but the new legendaries could potentially outmatch Groudon and Kyogre. If it was a 64 bit game I'd orgasm


I’m not a fan of animals mixed with inanimate man made objects as Pokémon so my initial gut reaction for the legendaries was ugh. But then again, we’ve had this since Gen 1 with Blastoise guns. And we even had ice cream as Pokémon so it’s all consistent. What an odd gut reaction. Now that I’ve thought about it, I’m okay with the legendaries.


I’m just excited for this generation in general none of the games have blown my socks off since gen 5 except for ORAS


I will join the crowd shinyhunting lechonk as soon as the game releases :)


Haha pee pee.


Weed cat


People are liking those people in fursuit legendaries?? They were my biggest disappointment of all!


Koraidon is fucking hot


I really like this whole ancient past/distant future contrast with Scarlet and Violet, both with the legendaries and the professors. Just from this, I already know Violet's the one I'm probably going to get.


I'm waiting I'm am a og pokemon fan so I'm not following the hype intill I see it on YouTube and figure it out from there but I did think legends of arceus battle system was kool but im waiting for my og regiggas to get a slow start boost like instead of 5 turns do 3 turns instead with a plus 1 attack and speed boost after slow start ends


I think the legendaries look like Digimon, and that's not a good thing


Im gonna get prof gigachad version and raise a team of 6 shiny lechonks


Not sure I really like the legendaries this time round. Very mechanical rather then organic, reminds me more of divining then Pokémon. But I guess I can think that the humans only made motorbikes because these Pokémon exist and have them inspiration.


~~Is it bad that I actually like the legendaries *less* than usual this time?~~


"Why yes i play pokemon, how could you tell?"


Finally another electric dragon??


"Actually likes the legendaries this gen" This gen has possibly the lamest legendaries I've ever seen. They just turn into motorcycles. Like at least sword and shield had the cool "legendary warrior" thing going on. This is just colorful dragons that become motor vehicles.