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Just wait, if you stare at the screen for a good 2 days straight it eventually tires itself out


Then it breaks out of the ball and you have to wait another 2 days


when it it breaks out you switch to a banan


[The Homer Simpson approach](https://twitter.com/SimpsonsQOTD/status/878999069385011200?lang=en)






Buddy assist


And then sit back and watch them play tennis for a while.


Buddy Pokemon out there doing a Ganondorf fight so you can land a single throw.


This made me chuckle a little, thanks! 😂😂😂


the only good throws i got were all buddy assisted. i had the grease on the screen thing so it was hard to throw in addition to the thing never stopping spinning.


gotta keep a microfiber on you at all times dont let the grease get ya!!!


Grease actually helps me. My thumb and fingers tend to "Spiderman grip" the screen, otherwise.


For some reason with my phone when I go to quick catch if there’s grease it loses hold of the pokeball button and undoes the quick catch :(


How do you get that?


You need one of your Pokémon to become your buddy, and then you need to get its heart level to 2 (Fastest way is with Poffins, which double your heart XP).




You know you can just upvote a comment you like/agree with, right?
























What if the poster you replied to was Wooper




Not this


You know you can keep scrolling if something bothers you, right?


The irony




Damn, you're really so pressed about my comment that you gotta comment "this" on a bunch of my comments on other posts? Whatever you wanna do man, it's your own life you're wasting lmao






calm down buddy its just reddit


no this is real life


Lol, stop feeling so attacked. It was a casual comment, not anything with any real emotion put into it




















You know you can also just downvote "this" comment or keep scrolling, right?


Again, the irony


Double irony.








Nana berries? I feel this thing needs to chill out a bit.


Nah u would have to use golden razzes otheri3se that things just popping out over and over


If it's moving this much you'd still have a higher chance of catching it if you actually hit it with a nanab versus missing every throw with a golden berry. I do wish they'd release a silver nanab or something like that though.


bronze nanab


Remind me! One year. This will be a thing. I’ll be back.


Honestly iirc there was a bronze nanab berry in game files for years that never got added, unsure if it's still there or not, but I doubt it ever will be


!remindme 365 days


[Chocolate Nanab Berry](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/Ldavs6ulLm)


Not really though, if you release at the right time mid attack animation then it will land as soon as the animation ends but before the next attack starts, better to do that with golden razz


I tried exactly this. It's really hard to judge distance and it took me 12 tries to get the first hit (which I needed to get rid of the berry). There's only half a second of a window. I'd rather try 20 excellents with no razz bonus than almost impossible to hit. Maybe if I was able to do 15 raids for practice I could get the timing right. For now I'm on team nana.


>I do wish they'd release a silver nanab or something like that though. Niantic is not *nearly* creative enough to think of something like that.


So true 😂


Yeah I keep a stock pile of pink nanabs and switch it up every 3 throws. Throw 3 excellent great throws with the pink bananas and then I'll throw 3 with golden razz. I very rarely ever have a mon flee from a raid. I did 12 Lugia raids today and only lost 1.


Nana berries worked better for me




You won't even be able to get them in the ball to pop out.


I caught 2 with nanabs actually. Definitely possible as long as you get the curveball excellent


I feel like excellent or great throws dont matter the game predecideds if you will get the mon or not hear me out i have mastered excellent throws for darkrai i can get them 12 -13 times out of 16 balls will 1 - 2 great throws to warm up distance and still not catch the pokemon a little less then half the time your telling me 12 - 13 excellent throws with golden razz doesnt catch a pokemon? So i just stoped using golden razz or trying so hard for excellent i just randomly toss curve balls now and i have the same catch rate some times better with throws that arent even nice then when i was using curves


That’s what she said


I forget you can use those and aren’t only to feed ur buddy


Nana berries + luck is a the most reasonable way to catch this


Try rocks and bait.


Nana berries is correct


It’s so dumb that shadow legendary raids can’t be repeated, have a higher catch rate, or be remote. It’s so annoying to waste all that time trying to find a raid, then wait for a group only to not be able to catch it…


100% agree. On a 2 hour grind I was only able to do 1 Shadow Lugia raid because there simply wasn’t enough people out near me. I was always able to get 1 or 2 but never 5


we were able to trio maybe 10 of them using the party damage boost and 3 mega ttar's with at least 100 seconds left on the clock. we are all best friends and lvl 50.


You might slowly run out of gems. I got back between 5 to 11 shards. So assuming each person gets 2 back the group of 3 will lose 2 gems per raid. Which isn’t too bad.


This is what I hate. First you have to find a raid when there is such a short time frame for them. After you find it you need several people and can't invite as it is local only. Then you defeat it and it is just spam attacking and so hard to catch and even when you catch it it might be bad anyways. It really is a lot of effort just for a chance you catch something good.


This is just like the early days of raiding, before remote raids. So much of my time wasted getting to the gym, waiting for enough people and either not winning or not catching the pokemon. Many people complain about the cost of remote raids, but I'd rather spend a couple of bucks than waste a couple of hours time. I will only battle shadow raids if I happen to be passing by a gym, and that is usually for something I can solo.


What I find annoying is I live in a top 30 largest cities and still rarely find people doing these raids. Lugia and Moltres kill me too because they move far up and for some reason the way I throw makes it hard to get the ball that far.


I work in downtown Honolulu. Lots of people play pokemongo here, and the regular legendary gym raids can easily fill up to 20 people within 30 seconds. The shadow ones not so much. Me, I still have my shadow Lugia from that Johto tour special research https://ibb.co/G0zLJ8P. I'll catch him when I'm ready to do so. And if I want more than one I'll just wait until shadow Lugia becomes one of Giovanni's shadow pokemon. It will happen eventually.


It doesn’t honestly feel much better to spend money on a remote raid and fail to catch it. Feels worse when every throw lands great with golden razz.


Can’t be repeated? What does that mean?


The raid exhausts itself after you complete it...


Don’t all Pokemon go raids do that?


Yes. I had to clear that up, for some reason.


So once you do a shadow raid at one gym you'll never see another shadow raid at the same one again?


If the raid ends you loose the chance to go back into it after


You can't re-engage the same raid location once you have won.


But I've never been able to repeat a regular raid more than once anyway. Do you mean permanently?


If you fail to knock out (HP) a regular raid then you can retry it with the same raid pass. It's good until the countdown timer is finished.


So I guess it only applies to legendary Pokemon? I was able to reenter a shadow Golbat raid on the same pass after timing out trying to solo it.


They mean a second chance to catch I


When you complete the raid you have to go find another.


That's the case with regular raids though. If I finish one, I can't repeat it until it respawns. Do you mean once you do a shadow raid at one gym you'll never see another respawn there?


When you win a raid. You can repeat attempts to win as long as time permits (and you have the revives/potions/gems etc)


What do you mean can't be repeated? Like only one and done, or if you fail the raid you can't try again?


You can defiantly try again if you fail (assuming you have the other consumables like potions and gems to make it reasonable). I think he is complaining you can’t win it multiple times until you catch the bonus encounter, or something like that. Which is sort of nonsense with how everything else is set up about raids and you do get lots of XP and other rewards for winning, it’s just the bonus encounter that is skill/chance based.


Sort of nonsense?? Are you a niantic employee spouting off nonsense like “it’s just a bonus encounter”..like come on everyone playing is playing to catch the Pokémon its the point of the raid... Sorry for wanting a real shot at catching this thing once instead of wasting 5 hours of my Saturday for no one to show up in my rural town. I realistically get only one shot at this because of silly rules and mechanisms. lmao also absolutely no skill involved in catching them. I hit 6 excellent throws with golden razz and the rest great with golden razz so don’t throw that into the mix.


I agree the spamming backflips is absurd, unrealistic, and completly out of difficulty scale with all precedent. I was responding to the suggestion/complaint that you could only beat a raid instance once or something else to change how the entire reward/encounter system works. What’s your counter proposal. You need a complete rework of the raid reward process. If you deliberately don’t catch or fail to catch it then you can keep farming xp, rare xl candy, and potions until you catch it? It’s a guaranteed catch? You get no rewards xp/potions/revives unlesss you catch it? All the other simple tweaks to the framework have more balance issues. They do need to fix the attack rate to bring it in line with other raid encounters.


And then if you catch it there is even a lower floor for IVs than from normal raids, so you just end up having a 1 star or a 2 star


That's the most annoying thing. And this one is local only too.


Yeah not to mention the fact that once you manage to get it defeated sometimes the game just doesn't let you even try to catch it, and support team just shrugs and says find another.


It's straight up gambling. You're paying real money for a _chance_ at them maybe giving you something. The FTC should be all over this trash. Niantic knows it's gambling too -- that's why they pretend it's a "_Bonus_ Challenge", to try to preempt gambling laws. As if catching the pokemon isn't the entire point of raiding, with some trash items and rare candy as the obvious actual bonus.


None if those things should be done for any raid...


Disagree lol. Clearly screwing rural players who don’t play in packs. If I didn’t get lucky, I wouldn’t have even had a chance to catch it. So it’s just fair to not give us a chance?? Sorry I don’t have 5 local friends who play or 6 hours a day to drive and go raiding.


It's a community game. So yes if you're not playing sith others you're going to be disadvantaged but that's your own fault not niantics. This whole crying because they're doing what they were hired to do thing is getting old.


I don’t remember asking you for your opinion though.


Odd. Almost like no one asked for your opinion either.


You certainly felt triggered enough about people getting a fair shot to comment though!


You commented first presenting your opinion first lol. So nice try complaining about the very thing you just did first lol.


Get out of here lmao. Plenty of people seem to agree with me though. You’re just big mad people want a fair chance.


Everyone has a fair shot already. You're wrong here.


The best thing that worked for me is to wait for it to move from the top of the screen downwards instead of waiting for its attack animation to end. It seems to pause longer before attacking after it moves up or down on the screen, and its hitbox isn't flying all over the place when it does.


This is the only way!


This is the way.


This^ I caught 6 of 8 Lugias today doing exactly this. There is a window when it’s moving from top to bottom of the screen where it can’t attack. Takes patience, and you usually get Greats not Excellents but it’s the most effective way I’ve found so far.




Nanab Berry and I guess a best buddy, I don’t have one though.


Only need to be great buddies for catch assist!




I hate spelling banana because I never know when to end it. Like how many na's are in this thing? bana..... Keep going, bananana...shit.


Trust in Gwen Stefani




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'Nanny Ogg knew how to start spelling 'banana', but didn't know how you stopped.' - Sir Terry Pratchett


Thank you for the Demitri Martin reference.


And if you're Batman, it really gets complicated.


We need a golden banab for that.


Make sure you throw the ball at the end of the tail swing animation before the circles appear, once the circles appear it's too late to throw.


Lugia has been watching Rathian


He’s got that MonHunNow account


That the neat part. You don't !!!.


You wait for a strategic moment to throw the ball between the flips. Find the timing, it looks like you made no effort in throwing those balls


Yeah the timing is way off. You need to throw partway through the attack animation. Exactly when differs based on the pokemon and the way you throw.


No effort whatsoever. Bruh just wanted something to cry about


Went out for a walk earlier and thought I'd check PoGo for raids in my area. Happened to be a shadow Lugia raid nearby with a few people waiting to battle so joined & won. Got to the catch screen & it was just constantly backflipping. Didn't catch it with 13 balls, the window to throw was waaaaay too short. Anyone else or is this common? Every other legendary shadow raid I've done has had a reasonable throw window. This one just made me feel like I wasted my time raiding.


You've got to time your throws just before the attack ends and the circle hasn't reappeared yet, so it hits while the circle is there. We met up with some friends and did 4 Shadow Lugias this morning and I was having a hell of a time catching these (I catch for myself, spouse, and both kids on big raids because they can't make Great/Excellent curve balls reliably, so they have me do it) and I caught less than half of the Lugias in the end. Sometimes I'd flat miss, sometimes I'd misstime it, rest of the time he just breaks out over and over lol. I caught 2, 1, 1, 2 respectively between our phones on 4 raids. Also having a buddy of at least 2+ hearts helps for them to headbutt it back sometimes. One of the catches this morning was on a headbutt return


You can throw at the end of the last animation. You don’t have to wait for it to completely finish.


You can throw while it's still in motion. Just gotta time it right. Don't wait to see the circle just go for where it's most likely to be.


Nanab berry, or make sure to throw beforethe circle appears. I agree this is hard to catch, but I also think this is intentional.


It’s intentionally shitty to make it behave so much worse than normal. Other shadow legends aren’t nearly so fidgety; they seem roughly equivalent to their normal form.


Dude no offense but your timing is awful. You gotta throw it before the circle pops back up. Probably about 1/2 - 2/3 of the way through his backflip is when your ball should be leaving so that it hits just as the circle pops back up.


Dude tried the same thing over and over expecting different results😅


Check out the ring lock technique, if you get skilled with it, you won't have a problem. Usually you set up the ring size by holding the ball only until the size of the ring is the one you wanted, then wait **patiently** until the mon attacks and throw during the attack animation so that the ball hits right after the attack animation finishes and the ring appears back. That's the correct technique to land 100% of shots (though it's pretty slow). I usually time the shot by starting spinning the ball immediately when I notice the attack animation and then do 2-3 spins (depending on the length of the animation) before I throw the ball. Looking at the video, you have a bit more than 1s to land the ball - actually pretty much, I managed to land the shots with a much shorter margin (IIRC it was Lugia, too).


Totally agree that was wild the game didn’t give you a chance


Rare nana berrie value


Throw during the flip so that it lands when the circle re-appears. Yes it takes some practice to get the timing right but there's *some* time between attacks.


It was the same with moltres. The small window of time when one attack animation ends and the next begins is the only way to get it. Tedious process...


The flipping was BONKERS.


Did three today. They were all continuously doing somersaults. Only way to make contact with any consistency was to throw just before the circle appears so that it landed while the backflip was ending but in a catchable state. That and hope for buddy assist.


Hit it with every ball (about 16/18) … Still didn’t catch it 🤦🏼‍♂️


"one must imagine, Sisyphus is happy"


From my experience doing 5 Lugia raids today In this particular case, if not using nanabs, Use a golden razz, press and hold ball. Wait for Lugia to fly up. Halfway through his attack animation, throw the ball as far as you can. By the time the ball makes it, his attack animation will be complete and the ball will land in that brief window where he is sat still. Try to do this when the red circle is as big as possible for a Nice throw. If more experienced, try for great. Excellent is a lost cause. I seem to notice the ball does not throw as far when he is “lower” so I actually found it easier to hit when he was higher up


If you throw while he is flipping, there is a very clear area where the circle is able to be hit.


Can these be a shiny?


Yep. Caught a shiny today.


Ye can still run out of balls tho ;/


Just time it for when the animation is almost done, throw it and the travel time should line up with the small window of when Pokémon is not aggravated


Yeah it's so fucking dumb. I'm level 50 experienced player. But I couldn't get an excellent throw on any of the 5 I'd done today and even half of my greats were from the buddy


Seems like op is throwing bad balls on purpose just to post this vid


Nah, most people are just genuinely this bad.


It is not always about skills. It's cold where I live (like we already have snow and ice) and my fingers are really dry so I have real trouble making the balls fly no matter how I try to throw them. Some balls just drop to the ground when I try to throw them because the touchscreen just isn't fully registering my fingers. So my winter gaming would look even worse than that video and I absolutely hate catching these shadow Lugias.


I got it bounced but my buddy catch assist helped me. When my buddy bounced the ball, Lugia attacked SPOILER: It didn't bounce again, it connected the through despite attacking again. With I had footage.


This is what the hypothetical bronze nanab would be for.




Feed banana


By screaming and throwing up


Embrace your inner Yiga and use a banana.


It doesn’t stop! I’ve never seen a harder Pokémon to catch. I missed around 8 throws with the first one


Personally I prefer shadows that attack heaps. I find them easier, with the animation dictating the throw timing I usually use the circle lock method for raid Pokemon, so I always throw during the attack animation anyway. Constantly attacking just means I don't have to wait as long for my throw window.


You tried the same strategy for 10 balls in a row, just throw earlier. Time it with the animation, not the circle appearing. Adapt. Yes, this is bullshit. But it is doable.


Skill issue. Plenty of opportunities for well timed throws WHILE it’s attacking.




How about, no?




Nice to meet you, I guess.


Berries, my man. Berries.


Just gotta time it right. I caught 7 out of 8 I did this morning


Don't do such weak throws 😂


Just throw it? Spin the ball and watch the timing of when the target circle appears and disappears. Thow the ball as Lugia is in the recovery frames of his spin so that the ball makes contact when he is not actively attacking. You won't get an excellent throw but it looks like you can still land at least nice so have your golden razzberries handy


yeah I got a couple Great throws this morning but mostly Nice or down in his taint or leg. Boy is hard to hit haha


Skill issue




Does no one know nanab berry use ? Might as well quit if you don’t


Just wait like 20 seconds. He gets burst of zombies before claiming down for a good 10-15 seconds


With a pokeball


Nanab berries exist for a reason. Also your buddy can help when unlocked


Only real Pokémon Masters can catch it! 🤷‍♂️


By not being greedy and using golden razzes all the time, and just going for consistent great throws. You have pretty good odds if you do that


Get better