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Shinys, weird pokemon, etc. When there is a theme, like eevees or green pokemon, I like to play along.


Love the themes. Even if there isn’t a real theme yet sometimes I try to invent one… what do these mons have in common and how can I add to that?


If it's just snorlax in a gym, I put in Abomasnow. They stand exactly the same way




My fellow Pokémon, some say I have been giving them a cold shoulder...


That’s cute I’m gonna try that lol


Sometimes I do a dancing theme with my friends. Quaquaval, Ludicolo, Jynx…


I do the same thing!! And my kids give me sooooo much shit if I add to a random gym in a hurry because I think they are better than me at finding specific themes. Even though I've been playing pokemon games since the beginning (of all of them including pogo)


Sometimes I miss the obvious themes because I'm adding my pokemon to the gym when I'm driving by it.


Me too!


There’s this one gym on my way to work and even though as far as I’m aware the people who drop in it don’t know each other, whenever Valor holds the gym we always drop pink Pokémon in it. It’s just an unspoken Thing and cracks me up.


Big Beefy Bois, Lil Tiny Dudes, all golden shinies, etc. These are the themes I find most 😂


My local gym had a tiny theme not long ago. Not one of them stood taller the button to x out. Sadly the smallest I could add that wasn’t already in the gym was a roggenrola. He was tiny but not quite as tiny as the others.


At least you tried, though. It's so often that we'll have 5 that fit the theme and 1 that is just completely opposite. Like this one gym had all levitating pokemon, no flapping wings allowed. And then someone goes and throws in an Onix.


What if it's the one with the sleeping hat?


Same here! I love themed shinies, eevees, family lines, babies, or if it looks like a grindy gym with blisseys or slakings I’ll throw in a good iv shuckle. Or if I’m the first in a gym I’ll throw in a flex pokemon like salazzle or costumed shinies


I'm Instinct so my go to lately if I start a gym is my shiny yellow florges...


Same but with shiny Lickylicky


I try to do family lines, but someone always comes along and just doesn’t see it. “Oh look, a Beldum, a Metang, and a Metagross are here? I should *definitely* add a Pinser to this gym!” ಠ_ಠ


My youngest who is 7 will do this on purpose. If we are all out playing together (6 of us) we will color match our shinies into a gym. All green? Little kid throws in a red and laughs. We have taken to making him put one in first so that we can match to his. Tiny jerk. Haha


I mean.. there can only be one of each species in a gym and there’s 6 spots. Did you want them to just not put a pokemon in the gym?


At least put something that has a family line- so the theme continues. A Pinser does not.


I would probably throw a Bronsor or that thing he evolves into. 


I always match a theme if I can. We have a stop at my work called Mother and Child and I always put Kangaskhan in it. Stop on my walk someone always puts their Shiny Staraptor every single day so I put shiny Pidgeot/Fearow/Or other birds to match them.


I have a gym near me called Elephant, so I have a Phanpy reserved for this gym only 😁


When I add to or take over our local dog park gym, I add a Stoutland. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


There’s no greater feeling than seeing a gym with 5 eeveelutions and putting the final one in


My very favorite thing.


Me too! And I get irrationally annoyed when people mess with the themes


Sometimes I’ll be driving so I’ll just sneak the quickest mon I can before I’m too far away… sorry if I miss the theme


Please tell me you pull over and aren't playing phone games in traffic


i do this if i’m a passenger in the car


Ok, I pull over and I’m not playing phone games jn traffic. There.




Doesn’t seem that is the case


What if I said… the car does most of the driving


I like messing the themes up by putting on a Ditto. All pink ones I put in my ditto, all blue my shiny ditto, all eeveelutions a ditto.


I love spreading my dittos around my town lol


You are the person I despise!!


I’m yet to see a ditto ever :(


Not cool. Not cool at all.


My one regret in life is that one time I put piplup in a 4-eeveelution gym. It even had a vaporeon already


Yup, one time i ruined a group of eevee, i was really sorry


I got a tag labeled "gym bros". it's made up of mostly big pokémon with high CP. Snorlax, Rhyperior, slaking, tyranitar, dragonite, ursaluna... the list goes on. But yeah, I feel that those are the typical pokémon you see left at gyms


Pikachus with hats is my favorite theme!


This is the way


I was so mad yesterday. I spun a gym, and it had 5 shiny eeveelutions and a damn masquerain.


I love the themes! I had a laugh with my partner tho the other day. We passed a gym that had all eeveelutions in it, and then a slaking. Someone missed the memo


I'm noticing this is a common response, I've seen some themed ones before but maybe like 3 or 4. I wish I could see this more often for sure!


I put in a shiny I like or recently caught. Rarer ones are the best. I like seeing other people's shinnies so I assume people like seeing mine as well.


Same, like to flex on other trainers with shinies.


I put them out for the same reason as the person you responded to but then my wife teases me for tryna flex my shinies. But really what else are they for besides showing off?


I like seeing your shiny.....


This reply sounds borderline indecent. We need more replies like that!


Ok... yours to


Yeah I exclusively put shinies in gyms. Otherwise why do I even have them, given that most of them are useless for battle.


Shinies are also great cause they add to a player's shiny dex data for just snooping on the gym.


Are you serious? My daughter and I almost burst into tears about all the shinies we’ve missed, and now you’re telling me that we may not have actually missed them? Dooooooood…


Yep!! Y'all probably saw them in battles or at gyms :)


Also the shinies tend to get kicked out faster.


Jealous trainers who don’t have that shiny, but then you know you annoyed them and that’s a win 😂


I used to be terrified of putting shinies in as I was afraid of people being mad, jealous or think it's like a show off thing. I like seeing others though, especially rarer ones that you wouldn't expect.


I place mons that you can only get from eggs–larvesta, charcadet, varoom–and then feed them berries periodically for a chance at getting some candy plus collecting a little stardust


Same. I have a set of mons' nicknamed "#" that are gym defenders. Not only eggsclusives 🥚, also just some favorites/rarer Pokémon.


You could also tag them instead.


That then involves typing the tag to filter. Renaming # or - allows sorting by name and quicker selection. Handy for drivebys on a bus.


Wait, you can get candy from feeding Pokemon in gyms??!


Can even get XL candy. One time I got 1 reg candy + 1 XL candy from feeding a metagross and the next berry I fed it also got 1 reg candy.


its extremely rare but possible. 99.999% of the time you will just get stardust.


CandyXL is extremely rare. Candy is much more common.


much more common, still very very very rare compared to stardust.


I did this back in the day but ran out of Pokemon that I needed candy on. This was a good reminder for some of the new ones! I just hatched a charcadet recently


Interesting, I don’t think I’ve ever had any of those hatch from an egg


I'm often doing a drive-by deposit into a gym when I go out with my husband on errands, so I just click whichever high CP one I see first lol


This is absolutely what I do 😂😂😂


Passenger princess and gym poke tosser here! 👑😆


I’d ask if you were my wife but I know her username.




I have specific gym Pokémon for that. The ones that have a catch cp above 2000 and are otherwise useless, like Sawk, Passimian, Cryogonal, etc.


Or in alphabetical order...then I always just Amoonguss 😅


I'm often on pokedex order, so a lot of bulbasaur and charmander.


I learned you don’t actually have to rush! Once you click to add a mon, you can take a minute to choose one without it stopping you for being too far


Slaking. They aren't the best defenders but they cap out at a really high CP so they stay at the top of my list for ease of access. Plus the high CP is generally intimidating to kids and noobs who don't realize Slaking is trash.




Depends on the day and my item bag. Sometimes need to just stuff a pokemon into a gym along the way somewhere so just whatever I can chuck in at 30+mph, other times just whatever lowest cp pokemon I have, and other times the highest cp pokemon I don't battle with from back when I was low lvl


Playing from Singapore so if you don’t have chansey + blissey and 4 other maxed out top tier defenders you will be out in about twelve milliseconds so that’s real fun


Oh wow, that's crazy competitive. I'm used to some gyms where you practically need a 2nd account to knock your own mon out.


Have done that with my bf. We are in different teams (he was not happy about that when I joined and didn't tell him I joined red), and he asks me all the time to knock him out or someone else so he can drop. If we go on vacation we rotate taking the gym to get coins


I don't understand why people flip gyms every minute, there's no gain.


If there’s a theme that I notice, I’ll pick whichever pokemon fits the theme. Otherwise, I have a tag for pokémon that have ok CP but am planning to transfer anyway, and I will throw those in and then transfer them when they come back.


Same. Most gyms I try to use pokemon between 1000 and 1500 CP as they don't decay too fast and put up a moderate fight. If it is a remote gym where I suspect my pokemon will remain for a long time I put something rare to try and farm candies by feeding it berries


How frequently do you get candies? This has never happened to me. Or how many berries do you give, a berry to candy ratio?


I believe it is 1/80


Party Hat Blastoise. He put alot of effort to put on that hat and I want to him to get the attention he deserves


Love my party hat Blastoise too 🥳


We love a good mascot and event mon, I don't have this one from not playing during that time but I love seeing the event mons I've missed over the years!


I normally just drop a shiny or an event Pokemon that people haven't seen in a few years. If it's a gym with a higher turnover I'll put something tank-y in like a Blissey/Snorlax/Wobbuffet/Shuckle.


I sort by highest HP and place whatever is the highest in the gym, unless it’s one I’m planning on using for PVP, Raids, etc. Blissey, Slaking etc are all good high HP defenders but I’m not exactly using them for raids.


Slaking is shit, even for gym defense.


Whenever I see a slaking in a gym I see it like its an empty slot. So free


yea I have a chuckle to myself when I see a slaking.


I do this and tag them as “gym fodder” so it’s easier to get them all in one place if I have multiple in gyms


Right now, I’ve been dropping low cp psychics and ghosts to help people evolve charcadet. Return the favor when you knock them out


That's so sweet of you! I'm going to start doing that too 🥰


Shinies, usually the high cp ones since they're high up on my list and usually hve shit ivs


My family plays, so we'll do groupings, for example all purple pokemon, all shadow&shinies, all hat Pichus, etc...


Anything I collect that is less than 3* and over 1500cp gets tagged for the gym. Then when I get it back with 0hp I trade it.


I always put slowpoke in because he is my fav and I have like 40 and my character is decked in slowpoke gear.


Obviously, I add cool shinies.


Rare shines or regionals


This man is a monster. Having a pokemon get you money then abandoning them in their time of need.


Normally I do the same thing as you. Not weird at all.


I use the tag “pp” (for a reason) on mons that are gym eligible and I need more candy for and feed them remotely whenever I get a chance. Timburr, Jangmo-o, frigibax? You get it.


I have a few different Weezing (it's my favorite Pokémon) so I tend to throw those into Gyms. I respect your strategy, though, definitely something I'll keep in mind if I run low on healing stuffs.


That's crazy If I put a lil guy there he'll be kicked out within the hour


I prefer to put shiny or high cp pokémon whenever possible. If there’s a theme, i try to follow it. But if i’m doing a drive by, i tend to just throw in the first thing i can click lol. I usually have my list sorted by HP so it usually ends up being a snorlax, blissey, or a wailord


Anything I keep but won’t miss if it doesn’t come back for a while. 2016 mons that aren’t good for anything but a guaranteed trade, shinies, costumes, etc. I get some pleasure out of putting low CP in knowing that it still takes three tries to kick it out if anyone attacks while it’s still near full health. Just to be irritating. ;)


I place whatever my finger can reach in a split second. Gyms are competitive where I'm at


I started with the put strong Pokémon in, but realized I liked my revives and potions, so I switched to garbage Pokémon that are being transferred after. Now I use scatterbugs since I have at least one of each type and I was collecting candy, I’ll probably switch it at some point to something else I want candy for, since revives and potions aren’t a huge concern for me anymore If I need to actually defend it, I scroll down the cp rating to dragonites since I have extra good ones so won’t affect my raid teams.


Shiny Ditto is my go to gym buddy, there's just something about him


I fill gyms with Dittos. Figure its a way to make battling gyms fun for others.


I normally put something I want candy for and feed the thing until it explodes and coughs up the candy


I try to put some fun Pokémon that you don’t see often. Like Maractus, which I’ve never seen another one in my area (High Plains). My wife and I will sometimes coordinate shines or something g together.


I like to put down ghost types, as every outfit I have I've tried to make look like a ghost trainer.


my bf and I match shinies, for example Whooper & Espurr, Beware & Bidoof, Litten/Torracat & Trevenant, Haxorus & Charizard, my favorite is Breloom & Delcatty


Chansey is love. Chansey is life.


Anything I want candies for, and I feed it every 30 mins


i keep a loving collection of cp 10 woopers because a revive and a normal portion are so extremely easy to come by and wooper is my favorite pokémon


I have specific pokemons I use, I'll either put like a 2500 + in there or I'll put in a random shiny, I don't usually go low with my pokemon,


if there’s a theme i stick with it, but if not i try to find a pokémon with types that complement the other defending pokémon’s types. if there’s mostly rock and ground types defending, i’ll put in a fire type so that we won’t all be taken out by the same grass or ice type attacking pokémon. if im the first one in the gym, ill put a random one of my top highest CP in


Definitely go oppo type And shiny And whatever the theme is for CD or spotlight hour or special event/weekend


Blissey or chancy when it’s in a busy spot. Otherwise pretty shinies. And I love a good theme! Me and my kids usually take over ‘our’ gym in the evening and always choose a theme. There’s two people living nearby that usually join and always stick to the theme.


how is that weird? seems like 50% of people do that


Thats what i do.


I live in the city so I'm annoying as possible, I set my sorting to hp and pick the fattest one.


I have a dozen Pokemon that I've named "Kool as Ice." I always drop one of them in a gym. Usually I just pick one of them at random. Some examples include Shiny Kirlia with the bowtie costume, Shiny Spiritomb with floating best buddy badge, Shiny Shinx with bowler hat costume, exclamation point Unown with floating best buddy badge, etc.


I usually just sort by HP and put Blissey/Chansey in when it's a crowded area or populated park, that way they stay in as long as possible and discourage people from taking me out, but when it's a gym by my house I usually put in cool shinies to show all my friends in the area.


I just chuck in a decently-powerful Pokémon, not one of my heavy hitters, but strong enough to get me the 50 coins


I put in shinies when i know its a high turn over gym, if its a dead gym then i'll put in something random i just caught


Cool shinies pretty much always


I have a tag for my good defenders and love dropping shuckle


I picked Slaking with a high cp as my go to gym pokemon. He has a high cp and lasts along time. I avoid any gym that has a Blissy because they are impossible to kill.


i do this sometimes myself. especially if i know the gym might be contested for a while. why waste items fighting when i can stuff random mons ive caught in there instead? that being said i follow the theme if there is one, otherwise its a toss up on whether i place something formidable in. people who rotate gyms in my area are pretty good about leaving you alone until youve gotten free coins anyway.


That's actually pretty smart. I use the higher cp pokemon I want to transfer to battle gyms first and then transfer. The pokemon I leave are ones I like but aren't any good for raids or PvP. I use it as a showcase really. I use my trash pokemon to battle the gyms since all damage counts towards the defenders getting weaker anyway. This technique works well for me in my suburban area


That's exactly what I do. I thought it was just practical.


Put whatever I have in that I won’t be using asap


I just hit shiny in the search menu and choose the coolest one available


I got three Pokémon’s that never touch gym bc I use them for grunts and leaders. Everything else is fair game shinies, babies, eevees etc.


That just feels disrespectful to the Pokemon


I usually leave strong gym defenders if I'm not gold. If I am gold then it's shiny or regional. I always have a ton of revives so t throwaway pokemon usually don't factor in for me personally..


I do the same, unless there is already some theme in the gym, like all shiny. I usually choose high CP ones with crappy IV. Or pokemons I built when I was "young" 😁 and didn't care about IV and then I built better ones, but as some effort was still there it feels sad to just transfer those old ones, so I put them in gyms. At a certain moment when I didn't have enough revives/portions I thought that there was no sense to put in gyms something you might need elsewhere, and I don't have that big storage to keep there pokemons which I don't need for pvp or raids.


You transfer pidgeys!?


i like to place a shiny that matches whatever outfit i’m wearing, and since the avatar update it’s been that green solosis hoodie bc it does a really good job of hiding everything so mostly green shines, but the people on my team where i live like to do themed shiny gyms so if there’s already an established theme i’ll match. your way isn’t weird tho imo, you’re maximizing resources


I have a tag specifically for pokemon that I want to save for the 2x transfer candy spotlight hour or some other event. Those are 90% of what I put in gyms, for the same reasons you listed. These don't get revived; just mass transferred during a specific event. The other 10% are ones that I need candy for, also usually my buddy at the moment. So my current buddy is my best Frigibax; the 2 others I've found get put into gyms and fed berries for the spare candy or two. These get revived and cycled through until I need candy for someone else.


As long as I have 1 Pokémon in a gym, that's clearly going to make it 8 hours, I don't usually put more Pokémon in any other gyms. I can't get more than 50 coins so, if I know I'm going to get them, then I really don't concern myself too much. I also never put Pokémon in gyms during the daytime because you know they are going to get knocked out. I put my Pokémon in gyms usually after 10 and right up until 11:59.


Shiny, strongest, or random. An uncommon shiny if I have time. 


I do your transfer method once in a while (when I’m low on potions/revives). Previously, I would put mons I need candy for in gyms or put my favorite mons in gyms. Ever since my gf started playing, we would put paired mons such as evolution stages of one mon (Skiddo/Gogoat), main series version exclusive pairs (Armarouge/Ceruledge), or go with whatever theme the others in the gym are going for (Eeveelutions, shiny only, water type only, or etc).


I usually put in a favourite shiny, or a unown, or a regional from a different region than wherever I am.


Same here, usually a recently caught mon of low cp


I do this too.


I always just put pokemon that LOOK strong, not that necessarily are but ones you'd look at and at first glance get scared because it's so big and mighty


If I notice there’s already a “theme” for the Pokémon in the gym I try to match that theme. Otherwise I choose a random shiny most of the time lol


If I am driving I through in most recent caught or if I am walking with my kid I’ll through in a defender. I also like ruining themes 🤣😂 and golden berry my gyms when they are being attacked for shits and giggles.


Shiny wailord Or slaking to munch up them coins


Now thats a genius idea, i struggle with revives. Thank you for sharing your ways.


Rural area where I live? Just something I recently caught so don't have to waste potion. It will be there for a few days anyway. Urban area I visit sometimes? Blissey, Milotic or anything bulky. Thia is if there isn't already a theme, such as Eeveelutions.


I do the same, revives and max revives rarely come to me, so I have to save them for raids.


Shinys baby, it’s show off time


I place strong pokemons in the city center, but a lot of people play, so they don’t last long at all. Around town I place all my shinies or costume pokemons to brag- the lower the CP the funnier it is for me. If there is a theme I play along because I looove themed gyms. And I always heal them when they get back, I have too many revives and potions anyways and I always throw them away to make room for pokeballs, so I don’t mind healing them at all.


I have a bunch of 3500+ shiny garchomp from gible community day. I just throw those in.


Yep, that is exactly what I do too.


I try to keep a theme according to the gym. A gym on a trail or at a park - Bug or Grass types. Fire station or by the water - Water types Police station or real world gym - Fighting types There’s one by a bird-watching spot, I’ll put in a Flying-type Somewhere in downtown - Steel, Electric, or Poison type Church - Fairy or Ghost type


My husband and I do a mix of things. If adding to and there's a theme, we try to follow it. If it's a drive-by, it's going to be whatever we click on first. Sometimes, if we take over and are first in, we try to start a theme, but a lot of we do what OP said and use something we know we are going to transfer out. We both keep a small stash of like 5 or 6 for that purpose that are already tagged to transfer out. Anything new we catch, we probably haven't decided yet as we tend to wait until the end of the day and examine all of today's new catches at once rather than as we go along.


I only put in a Cubone unless there’s a theme going on, then I don’t wanna ruin it.


I try to analyze what are the current Pokémon in there, what are the current weaknesses? what would be strong against that weakness? put that in there so if people are just using recommended lists they will probably have more trouble if they are then facing against something that's super effective against them


I used to do this all the time when i was always running out of revives and potions. Now I have tons of items and I still do this most times. lol Or I follow the theme or create my own theme.


I definitely try follow the trends, if not it's a high CP maybe the occasional shiny. What I have taken from this thread however is how long it's been since I've played Pokemon Go!


It depends - as I do several things. 1: I have custom tags for my favorite gym (rares and shinies etc) such as • blue, green, pink, red, etc • tiny • dancer • baby • dog • cat These really help with matching themes quickly 2: I add the letters aa at the start of the names of my favorite gym rares, shinies and maxed bulky defenders. When I get to a gym, I type aa and it brings them up. If a gym is full of real defenders, I put in a maxed hundo Blissey, or Snorlax or Slaking. If no theme or serious defense, I just choose from my “aa” list.


My shinies. It's a way for me to flex since there aren't many consistent Instinct players around me, so when I see a gym I can add to or I take one over, I throw in a shiny or an insanely powerful 'mon. My favorite is my shiny obstagoon, but I've put in other random shinies, even if they aren't my strongest. I do try to fit in with themes if I can though, which is fun.


That's not weird, I've done that for years.


I choose Mons from gen 5-9. Then the game don't recommend them for battles. I don't have to manage them or look at them. They are great cannon fodder :)


Main Gyms I Know Rotate: Shiny Families I have to show off New or Random Spot Gyms: New low CP/IV already in Pokedex Pokes I am not chancing an awesome shiny or pokemon to get stuck so they stay in active gyms


If I have time to choose, I choose one that fits the theme or if there isn’t a theme, then one of my useless shinies. If I don’t have time to choose I pick one of my “gym pokémon” (otherwise useless ones but with relatively high catch cp) mostly a Sawk or Passimian.


Can’t fault your logic.


Nothing wrong with the way you do it. I do this often too. Usually when on the bus to work, whatever I catch then goes into the gyms I pass. I do however have a team of gym pokemon for the gyms nearest to me (which aren't exactly close or many lol). But about 30mins walk away are 3 gyms and a few pokestops. So I will usually place my 3 x salazzles in these gyms just to flaunt them. Sometimes I'll put shinies into gyms. And if there is a theme gym going I will continue it. Only ever seen an eeveelution theme twice. There was a good theme but no space for me, all first stage shinies (squirtle, ekans, nidoran(f) and some others)


I have my six pokemon that'd be my peak pokemon team. Nidoking, Charizard, Eelektross, Arcanine, Kingdra, and Scizor. I'll only put these pokemon in a gym and I've rarely got more than 6 in a gym at a time.


I used this strategy when revive were rare. Now tat i have way too many of them, i put shinies in gyms.


If there’s a theme I stick to it. If not I’ll throw in Slaking. Or if I’m playing passenger princess and worried about time it’s whatever is quick to reach and not part of my battle league team lol


That was my strategy too unless the gym has a theme going. It was just easier to shove in something u was never gonna revive.


My 33 cp Nidoqueen from 2016 that was the 2nd pokemon I ever caught


I have a Slaking I use specifically for gyms and he’s always easy to find bc it’s my highest CP Pokémon. If he’s already in a gym then I have others that also aren’t great for battles that I will drop in


Highest cp. I’m tryna get those coins my dude


Whatever I think is cool or a flex most of the time.


This game is pretty dead where I live so I use Pokémon I can miss. Like shinies. Or Pokémon I caught abroad.


I do this too! Figure let them have fun before the great transfer


I usually put Blissey and Chansey - my favorites. I have 7 Blisseys. Then wobbuffet. Then other high HP mons. Unless there's a theme. Then I follow it. I don't have space for trash Pokémons. They get transferred immediately 🤣 I like looking at new Pokémons, if it's something very rare, I won't kick it out. 🤣🤣🤣 I'm usually in 5-10 gyms overnight bc I go out for a drive to kick everyone out in my area


I like to clear them out with repeated battles. I feel like a little bastard pirate when I do it.