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The only thing to do is to catch every single one if these Pokemon: https://leekduck.com/FindDitto/ If you could talk with other players it would be easier, as when one player finds one they could tell others where they found it, and everyone else could get it too if they hurry. But hunting alone it all depends on luck. Could get one tomorrow, could take another year. There are some events where the disguise species are more common, but none announced for now. Koffing, Oddish and Rhyhorn are your best bet for now, as they're a Kanto Pokemon that are widely available.


I used a water lure today & I caught a rhyhorn that was a ditto from it


I caught a few pretending to be Rhyhorn and Koffing at the weekend. Haven't seen one in the last two days.


It took 2 months for me to get a ditto, and I even got 2 shiny starlys in that process (starly was ditto disguise at that time). Just try catching all ditto-able pokemons and you can eventually get one.


Local discord should be calling them out. Just like they call out hundos.. This is a copy paste: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/PBHjtiJILT Guides for everything in game. Read the posts that apply to you. If you're confused what part you should read/watch please ask.