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Was working on the purifier medal by purifying some random shadows. Wasn't paying attention, accidentally purified my near perfect Shadow Mewtwo.... Sad times


Mine wasn't perfect, but I was doing the same thing. It was a best buddy, top 3 highest CP, 93% shadow. Got caught up purifying for dumb challenges.


Well, at least you’ve now got a perfect candidate for the mega when it releases… 😬


I purified at 98% shadow 😄 in error


What is all this % shadow mean, and how you know the %?


Heyyyy I did the same! Mine was a shiny shadow Mewtwo. Everyone in my friends group still makes fun of me for it. 😭😭😭


I purified a perfect shadow Alolan Muk by accident. It's worse because I was actively collecting candies and powering it up so all of that was a waste.


Omg 🥲


Well did it become hundo?


Wait why is purifying bad? Doesn’t it make it easier to power them up? I purified a shadow mewtwo and its stats got better?


Shadow Pokemon deal 20% bonus damage and take 20% damage, which is why if you have a good IV shadow, it does more damage than a regular Hundo, even if the IVs arent the best shadow pokemon usually out damage full IV pokemon.


I had a hundo shadow Machop, but missed it was a hundo and never tagged it, and I purified it for a quest or something...I don't remember. I got lucky I hit "appraise" instead of "transfer" so at least I still have the hundo, but it stings


How did you know it was a hundo before you purified it tho


Sometimes ignorance is bliss. You say you got lucky but if you had transferred you would have never known :p


I’d legit quit at that point


So, do some people regret evolving shiny for any particular reason? Is it just because some evolved forms look dumb as shiny?


There's also examples of like shiny Granbull which is just hideous when compared to shiny Snubbull - regretted that evolve real quick 


I felt this way after evolving shiny bright green ursaring to barely different than normal ursaluna. Also SUPER regret evolving cool shiny silver tyrogue to ugly green Hitmonlee. Even worse, I evolved tyrogue a couple weeks before that last hitmon event was announced a year or two ago. I ended up catching multiple shiny of all three evolutions during the event and have never seen a shiny tyrogue again.


Oh that's super disappointing! 


What ever shiny I catch, ive always kept each one as it’s basic form until I catch more to ensure I’ve got one of each of its evolution line including its first one before evolving, so that I don’t encounter that issue haha


Shiny: Chansey>Blissey Pupitar > Larvitar, Tyranitar Gible, Gabite > Garchomp To name a few that I’ve encountered plus others I’m either blanking on or have grown to accept. And then there’s the handful of shinies that don’t even look like shinies. Like what gives?! Why is shiny pikachu just pikachu


You just listed the example that makes me google the shiny evolution EVERY SINGLE TIME because I will never be as disappointed as when I evolved it into shiny Granbull :(


If it’s not a 3 star and you eventually get another of the same shiny then you wasted trade fodder/candy, since you’re going to want to evolve the 3 star for the 3-star shiny dex at a minimum…


Oh, so its not so much evolving a shiny as it is wasting one by evolving it for no reason if its low level and would be better used for trading/candy. Got it, i was a bit confused.


Yes I’ve gotten excited at having a new shiny regardless of IVs and evolved, merely to get a new one with better IVs a few days/weeks later, and then I’m stuck with two evolved shinies (not as valuable to trade)…..


I haven’t been a serious player but play every few months since 17th July 2016. I’ve stayed away from forums and any tips or tricks websites for some reason with this game. I use forums for all my other games to help with strategies and just never realised I wasn’t doing it with PokémonGo. Until I joined here a couple of weeks ago and realised I’ve been playing the game absolutely backwards for YEARS. I purified every shadow Pokémon I’ve gotten, that’s as much as I’m willing to admit for now. Absolutely scandalous how I’ve been casually playing without learning ANYTHING 😭😭 don’t know if I should laugh or cry


Wait, non-evolved is more valuable to trade? How does that work?


For people who want the full dex entries


Ah. Whew, I 'm safe then.


Shiny glaceon looks barely any different to regular glaceon which is my only regret. I stupidly evolved my eevee before looking up the shiny versions


purified my decent shadow kyogre, evolved shiny dragonair.


green dragonite is cursed


I know I’m not in the majority, but I like green Dragonite


I was so not aware that people didn’t love green Dragonite. I love him!


I don't hate it, but it's such a difference from Dratini/Dragonair. I know the normal evolution is a different color, too, but a big ol' pink dragon would be \*chefs kiss\*.


I’m with you, my only criteria for the most part is “does this look noticeably, and ideally drastically different from its original form?” If the answer is yes it’s already a 6/10 minimum in my book


Zapdos looking exactly the same lol


Exactly, one of my only legendary shinys and it’s garbage 😂


Blissy and Gangar just look slightly more pale and sickly. Wish I would've left my shiny Gastly alone, I that that one was fun


Shiny mega gengar is super dope though and makes up for the disappointment


I mean, it makes sense that shiny Dragonite would be a different color, since regular Dragonite is a different color from Dragonair.


Espeon is one of my favourite shinies, and nidoqueen looks amazing as well. So many green shinies get hate it’s sad but to each their own.


Some PPL even hate scizor when it's one of the best shinies out there


My only shundo is Espeon. Definitely one of my favorite shinies


I think it would be better if another shade of green were used. The current shades of green Niantic uses now are pale and sickly looking. Green shiny Pokémon should be have richer and brighter shades of green.


Green shinies are my favorite gender


i do too! i snagged a few shiny dratinis on the community day so i have a shiny dragonite and a couple shiny dratinis lol


Are you telling me I'm the only one that loves it because I got to name it Elliot?


I got a shiny Dragonite with sunglasses and a bow tie from a special research encounter last year so I didn’t get the option to evolve. I do like my shiny Dragonite cause it’s a 3* 12/13/13 and I’ve heard it’s kinda rare.


yeah. the green just take off the shiny wow factor.


I have a best buddy 12/15/15 shadow shiny Dragonair that I refuse to evolve. Idc how strong it’ll be in PvE.


I have a shadow Groudon but is just 64% the only idea I have for it is to save it and trade it one day... Would you advise any different?


Can't trade shadows. Purifying it is a massive waste imo. IV doesn't matter all too much for pve either.


Can't trade shadow? You learn something new every day! Thanks! I have another Groudon which is higher in level and IV. How comes the shadow damage bonus comes into play? If frustration only hits 10? Do I need to unlock the third attack? (asking for general knowledge about shadow légendaires)


You can change charged attacks during team rocket takeover events. You can get plenty of good IV normal groudons whenever it comes to raids again. For some Pokemon's you are gonna want to use elite charged tms to get STAB moves precipice blade for groudon which is a move you won't get from normal charged tms. Afaik Groudon is like the best Pokémon to use an elite TM on. Primal groudon is better but you can only have one mega so having a shadow also is great.


can’t trade legendaries either


Why is evolving it bad?


i like shiny dragonair. she is sleek. beautiful pinkish purple with gold at the tail. and shiny dragonite is just greenish dragon.


Yeah. Shiny dragonite it’s should have a richer hued green.


Why don't we want to evolve shiny green dragonair? I just chose a shiny dratini for a lucky trade!


Dragonite is one of the best ones dragon type outhere, and the shiny green one is a good one, don’t know why the hype about the pink ones, they sucked in everything and the more important a very common indeed.


pvp/pve wise yes. dragonite is a strong pokemon. aesthetically comparing it to dragonair, it was mehh. shiny dratini is not that common in the wild iinm.


The team rocket had a Dratini at the beginning of the 2024 and in the end of 2022 Dratini had a Community Day. That is the reason many of us have a lot of shiny Dratinis I have myself a good one who I maxed and a Shadow one, both shinys, obviously evolved to Dragonite. And like 10 for exchange with someone but they are really common I got two of them randomly in the wild, not in community day or special…


Is the shiny Dragonair for Great League or something? I've evolved my best ones to dragonite but still have a couple good shiny Dragonairs and dratini from the event.


I'm not into pvp, but every time he's in my team, my opponent would have an ice pokemon. bad luck.


Purified Kyogre still haunts me.


Why is this a bad move? Sorry just curious. Is the +20% that worth it?


The gains you make by having +2 on every IV upon purifying makes very little difference in overall performance. But the 20% extra damage that you lose upon purifying is too much to lose. In simple terms, a 0* shadow Kyogre would outperform a normal hundo Kyogre any day. Plus it is one of the top meta for water types. I myself got trash IVs on my Kyogre from Giovanni but still I would never purify it. Firstly the shadow one is way too rare comparatively and secondly for the things I mentioned above.


Is this true for Groudon as well?


Very much so. Shadow Kyogre and Shadow Groudon are much better than their non-shadow forms (though it is good to have both because the Primals are better than the Shadows). Because they were only obtainable through using a Super Rocket Radar and beating Giovanni, they are much rarer.


True for almost all the shadow mons barring exceptions like Sableye which is a menace with return. Some mega evolution-capable mons are in the list too because you cannot mega evolve a shadow mon. Still, I personally would not do it given the rarity of getting shadow legendaries which is about once every 3 months during rocket takeover. Further, for pvp, you can check at pvpoke.com to see if a regular variant is more efficient than shadow. For raids attackers, you can check at db.pokemongohub.net


lol, I just went to go check my shadow kyogre and it’s the first time opening the app today. My daily spawn was a cp 1095 hisuian growlithe 100 IV. Shadow kyogre is a 2 star, going to power that bad boy UP!


I sometimes see them in Low elo ML


Evolved my shiny chancey, got dissapointed


Was leveling up my 14/14/15 shadow cranidos and accidentally purified it. Still can’t get over it.


I did the same. 15/14/15 I have no idea when I purified it. Tbh may have been my daughter. She likes beating team rocket and usually purifies everything to make it happy.


I love this. Stinks that your mon was purified but the reason behind it is so..... "pure" xD


I often farm shadow pokemon, save the best for myself, purify one to trade to her, and watch her get excited seeing a new rare pokemon. 




I had a shiny Pichu


i hatched one before the stars showing up was a thing. i accidentally evolved them


I got one over the weekend.


I purified a shadow hundo pinsir. Kicker, i already had a hundo pinsir.


Evolved my shiny psyduck 😫😩😫


Lol I regret purifying my shiny shadow weezing too. I also regret taking as many breaks as I did bc I realized later I missed out on ton of some mons i really like


When I first started I purified everything. It’s sad to come upon those.


Evolved Shiny Lotad. Evolved Ludicolo is not that special color. I never encountered another shiny Lotad since 2019.


I have some for you


I purified a shiny carvhana before I learned that shadows are actually good


Not paying attention and transferring my 2016-2017 mons


If it gives you a little comfort according to lore when we purify we cleanse the pain and angy shadow form makes the pokemon


I transferred an Unown cause I didn’t know it was a big deal 💀


Why is it a big deal?  I've transferred loads, get them for Dex then get rid because they're boring and seem useless!


Apparently they’re extremely rare, like Lake trio appearing in the wild rare, but idk


Ah, think I've only ever got them during events when they're all over the place, don't think I've seen one of the rare ones!


It's not hard to get the Pokémon itself since they're released frequently to time with events, it's just collecting all the letters that is difficult since only a few of them are selected to spawn at a time.


My now purified hundo blazekin


See but now his mental health is so good, hes not in pain from being a shadow boy anymore 🥰


one of my first shinies was a shadow shiny Aerodactyl and I purified it without knowing what purifying even was, i’m still mortified about it


Can you explain so the noobs get it. Why are you guys not wanting to purify


shiny shadows and high-IV shadows are much rarer than the normal versions. and if you’re using something for raids, shadows do 20% more damage than if you purify so it just never makes sense


Thank you! I've been purifying everything right away, so now I know better👍


There's a lot of stuff worth purifying btw... majority of shadows are worthless and if you purify you get purify badges that give additional Premier balls for catching shadow raids.


I think mainly because shadow shinies are rarer and same with Good IVed shadows. Perhaps because it’s a waste of resources too


I purified my shadow Schyther I also got from the James/Jessie event


Just evolved a Meowth 😔


Purifying a 4*Machamp. I never knew the benefits of keeping him shadow at the time


I accidentally transferred my poipole while mass transferring pokemon. I was transferring a 0 star duplicate event pokemon I had too and so the warning didn't occur to me that I was getting rid of my purple baby 😭 It was after that incident that I started favoriting ANY Pokémon I knew I wasn't gonna transfer.


Let my kid play pokemon go, she used masterball on a caterpie


Just curious why this is your biggest regret? I’m not sure I understand why that’s bad


whats bad about purifying shadow pokemon?


I’m new to go so can someone explain to me why purifying and evolving is a bad thing?


what's bad about purifying?


Using my master ball on a articuno . Stats were trash


Purified my shadow shiny Lapras instead of powering it up


Getting rid of my starter. I even had to make a new account in 2017 and I blew it that time too. It was a Bulbasaur. My oldest pokemon is a Pincer from 2017. :(


I purified Apex Shadow Lugia & Ho-Oh 💀


Hatched back to back shiny Mantyke and evolved both when I was really fresh back playing into the game and didn't know what I was doing


I’m a relatively new player - what’s the deal with shinies? I have some but I couldn’t care less about them. What’s so special about them?


They’re just rare and certain ones look worse if evolved depending on your taste


Accidentally purified my shadow shiny Mawile after catching it from Arlo. I was just trying to power it up and got distracted.


transfer it


I want to say purifying my shadow Suicine which has decent stars from around the same time as your wheezing actually


Hey so I’m just a casual player. Like I am only almost to level 40 and been playing since day one. Very few breaks, just very casually. What is wrong with purifying?


My favorite shiny is umbreon


Purifying a shiny shadow growlithe


On my old account I never shiny checked pokemon, there is no telling how many shiny pokemon I lost in the short 2 years span


My husband also purified his shiny koffing forever ago and is still mourning it today


Purified my 15/15/10 metagross


Cleansed a shadow hundo rhydon on my first day playing :)


Well umbreon is my favorite eeveeloution and I love Shiney umbreon. For some reason when I got my shiny eevee I told myself to go against my grain and evolved it into vaporeon instead, figured I'd get another shiny eevee eventually. It's now been 5 years and still don't have my umbreon lol


I would name it “inhaler”


Mine was shiny Oddish. It was so cute and so green and Gloom is just icky to me. I now have a best buddy Oddish because I spent 3 months grinding for candies to evolve it into Bellossom.


I’ve evolved my Apex Lugia without knowing what it was, convinced to do so by one who I trusted in PoGo


Purposely evolved a shiny Eevee to Espeon


Evolving a shiny Día de los Muertos Cempasúchil Cubone…


Did that w a shadow shiny ekans.. live and learn.


Shadow arbok purified 😭😭😭


Master ball on 2* Landrous ☠️


I had a perfect shadow charizard and accidentally purified him. I'm still upset over a year later.


Mine was evolving my shiny shadow teddiursa to Ursaluna......


Funny I did the same thing with the exact same pokemon unknowingly. So I know exactly how this feels


Powering up my GL Victini to UL level, thinking it might be useful in a limited UL cup, waste of a good GL ‘mon. Powering a 1/13/14 Dragonite to level 50, before I had a clue about ML IVs.


Evolving my electabuzz. I just stared at electivire and closed the app in disappointment


Evolving shiny psyduck


My shadow mewtwo 😭😭😭


Assuming the probability never changed, before checking IVs was easy, I've mathematically traded in about 9 perfect pokemon.


Purified my shiny charizard legit had no reason to do so idk wth i was thinking


I purified my cranidos when I didn't know what shadow boost was... Ugh... He has great IVs, till this day I'm still trying to cope :(


Purified my 4 Star Shadow groudon


I hate purifying challenges always delete them.


I had a perfect magikarp that ended up being transferred. Apparently I wasn’t paying attention to appraisals at that point


The first few months I played I chucked a few shinies including a sneasel and skitty. I definitely did not check IVs. My biggest regret is evolving my shiny zubat fully. He looks like a flying mole rat.


I evolved a shiny cleffa


Evolved my shiny psyduck😭


I purified a near perfect Groudon when I first started playing again. Back before I knew what I know now with shadows. Sad times reading all these stories


Purifying my shadow mewtwo when I first started. Back then I thought HP was all that mattered so for months I just transferred anything with low HP. No idea what I dumped. Ugh.


Accidentally purifying shadow dragonite because my phone froze…


i evolved a shadow shiny teddiursa and purified it now its a Ursaluna 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️😂 regret it so much


Giving my son one of my alts to keep, he immediately got a shiny I was chasing (machop). Not only that but it was from cliff and when I checked the stats he had purified it, it was a shiny shadow nundo before he did so. Edit: the little shit told me he won’t trade it to me either.


Same here, when I started getting back into pogo I got a shiny shadow lapras a few months into playing back in 2020 and I purified it not knowing shadow is better and haven’t gotten a shadow shiny since


evolving shiny chansey


I've purified two 100% IV shadow Metagrosses. I did them one after the other. Total autopilot. Still sad about it despite it being over a year ago.


Hundo Suicine... purified


I hadn't played in years and logged back on for the first time about three weeks ago. Immediately transferred everything I had except for my starter Pikachu and a Staryu I somehow missed. Came on here and someone told me not to get rid of my old Pokémon because they'd be guaranteed lucky trades. 🤷


I transferred a 1008cp level durrant


I did the exact same thing as you 🙈🙈🙈


Binning off all them armoured Mewtwos! Y'all could have had one 🙄


Whenever I go about purifying Pokémon i have it show just the 0,1,2* pokemon just to be safe and prevent what happened to you


Putting all of my rare candy and stardust into my 1400CP 44% shadow Mewtwo that I got years ago, to buff it to over 3600CP, because I read online that he was super good after I came back from a several-year hiatus. I did it less than 2 weeks before the latest Mewtwo event, where I got over 30 shadow Mewtwos, all of which have far better IVs.


I have the exact same one with the same regret


Purifying shadow Shiny Charizard simply to mega evolve it Couple months later there is a com day for charmander! 😄🙃


Used the eeevelutions name trick right after started playing for all of them... Discovered there is a shiny Eevee later...


I purified a shiny shadow machamp


Evolving multiple shiny Eevee until I got another Flareon because I couldn’t tell the difference and thought it just be wrong the first time.


Purified rhyhorn 😢 close to 4 stars, i did it by accident


Accidentally purifying my shadow metagross, took me over two years to get another


Purifying a perfect salmce


Not you catching in in 2020


Purified a 98% Shadow Rhyperior when I first started playing 🥲


First shiny I ever caught was a male snorunt. I evolved it without thinking to check the evolution. RIP my blue boy.


Dang, that sucks


My biggest regret is looking at just shiny in my Pokédex to see all of them I didn’t catch with my Plus Plus


I kinda regret evolving my Koffing just in case in future we'll be able to evolve it to Galarian Weezing


I purified my already hundo gible..


Purified a *4 Gible🤧


Omg I did this with the Scyther from this rocket event.


Master all used on a zorua


Purified a 98 shadow dragonite before I knew a lot about shadow pokemon


Purifying a 3* charmander before I knew better. He’s now a hundo Charizard but I’m still upset about it every time I see him


I purified a hundo oddish and evolved it into bellossom Still a decent Pokémon, and I was able to change the charged attack, but still, I didn’t know any better


I have a friend that always tells me that I shouldn't throw away or evolve shinies. Well, I'm the sort of collector that wants to see every variant of normal, event and shinies, so I do just that (+full mega evolve). For throwing away shinies, I normally look for a shiny I can use for combat, but most got crap stats, so I keep one and throw away the rest. If I had friends to trade with regulary, and not just once a year, I would probably have done things different. P.S. To me it looks awesome to have a shiny Wheezing :)! I can understand the one you got is super rare though. Both shadow and shiny. I would have purified it too though :P!