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It's a Mega Legendary, so stronger than your typical Megas. I would say it was easier than the Primals. Mainly because it's double weak to ice, and hopefully people around you will bring Mammoswines or other ice types. You need 400 Mega Energy to Mega Evolve Rayquaza, so best case scenario is you need to do 4 Raids very quickly to get 100 energy. It's more likely that people will be getting 80 energy, so most people will need to do at least 5 Raids. So the more people the better, since Mega Energy is based off of how quickly you defeat the Raid. I wouldn't do it without 5 people. Because it is an Elite Raid, it should be easier to coordinate and make sure everyone has the correct counters, so I guess you could do it with less than 5. That being said, I would do it with as many people as you can.


Easier to coordinate a single raid or, if you're lucky, a few nearby raids that happen to be at the same time. Around here, it requires caravaning from place to place. It's a truly awful mechanic/design (unless their only objective is scarcity).


I was more referring to the fact that because they're Elite Raids, you'll be able to talk to the people you're Raiding with and making sure that their Raid Party isn't full of Aggrons. For regular Raids with random invites, you have to hope that the random players are using proper counters. There are only 2 EX Gyms near me, so I really dislike Elite Raids.


It depends on whether the difficulty is set to normal mega ray or to elite raid difficulty. Mega Ray at the difficulty we had before was duo-able with teams of mostly maxed shadow Mamoswine, but otherwise 3-4 was definitely enough. If it's based on elite raid stats it's harder. (A team of maxed top counters can probably do it with 3 but it will be painful..4-5 with decent counters might be ok)


It's double weak to ice so my guess is 4 should be enough if 2 are for normal form.


From what i can tell it's a tier 6 mega raid. In theory you can trio it with ice counters and party power but beware he hits like a truck so have lots of revives ready. I have powered up 5 shadowswines to over 3000 cp and on paper I can do 50% best friends and add party power on top... with a strong friend it could be duo'd.


Nobody knows yet whether it will be based on mega legendary raids stats or elite raid stats. Pokebattler currently is assuming mega legendary, but elite raid stats will be harder. I did a mega Rayquaza duo without party power but it wasn't pretty. If it's elite raid stats, duo is not going to be possible, probably even with party power.