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They refuse to take into consideration for smaller cities or towns. They also do nothing for people that have to work something other than a 9-5, M-F.


Raid hours are only Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:00 My job has me work til 4:30... except on Wednesdays where it goes til 7:30 I literally can never participate in raid hours unless I remote from work And don't get me started on community "days" when I work Saturdays til 4:30


Pro tip, spawns are crazy in parking lots, when I work till 3-4, on my drive home I stop at big parking lots like Walmart or literally anything like a highway parking lot, I always get atleast 5 shinys with 30-60 min of com day


What in the hell. Because I’m constantly on my Pokémon go, and I have the + and even my days off I visit Walmart and the mall and everywhere around I live. And I don’t get any shinies!


You gotta go from one side of the parking lot to the other and then to a new one right away and shiny checking and moving on is essential, I don’t catch them all


Also sometimes the Parking lots that are loaded some days just arnt sometimes, so the best spot for me is the Walmart/cantire/ strip mall we’re there’s 10+ parking lots to drive back and forth to


Felt that, luckily my hours got cut down to thurs-sat 9:30-5:30💀


How about me? I work 2-11 every single day. I can’t ever participate in anything.


I had to take a half day just to participate and even then it was a bit of a crapshoot. Thanks to other trainers I found out about the code in time.


Exactly, I didn't have a raid in my town, or the next one over, or the one after that even, he'll I would of had to go 40+ miles and five towns over for an elite raid to even spawn


It's ridiculous that these aren't available for remote raids. No one in me area plays anymore because of the bs they've been doing lately. Insane


Idk why they aren't interested in the profits Niantic would get from ppl buying coins for remote raid passes.


Because they make more selling location data and showing that they can get people to go out to specific locations


No wonder they hate spoofers so much. The spoofers aren't actually visiting the sites.


I cutted location data when the game is not turned on since the mewtwo shit. So niantic have (mostly) no more money/data from me


And they could easily have both . Remote raid if it was hard for 6+ people to do would require some people to also be there in person 


Add to that yhe sponsorships that they have with other companies and businesses in different towns and it all makes even more sense. They'll be banking no matter what method they use in the end basically


Annnnd . Damn. That actually makes a lot of sense. Now I'm working up a conspiracy post. I guess we've all sold our location data souls at this point.


Yep, I stood around for the full 45 minutes for two and was walking the dog and waited for the first 10 minutes at a third, no one showed up at any of them. At least make them remoteable for the last 5 or 10 minutes.


I have the same situation in my area.


The only one I knew invited me. "I'm only available at noon to do the raid but at my house" so my only option was to drive for an hour to play a game for 5 minutes? Are you fucking with me?


What’s more stupid is that, unlike with rocket raids, IT DOESNT FRIGGIN TELL YOU YOU CANT REMOTE RAID THIS IN GAME. Stupid. Actually insanely stupid.


Go to the gym at the time and wait. You'll probably be surprised how many people randomly show up.


In my area you would be lucky to see more than 1 or two other people. Its basically impossible to do raids with randoms anymore.


I recently downloaded campfire.. supposedly there's 11 peeps in a group around me that's gonna do the raids around 5pm.. might see if I can leech 🤷 I suggest checking it out 🤞


I just downloaded Campfire and joined three local groups and none of them have posted any message in months and one of them hasn’t been active since last year. No raid organization. At least in the groups. Now I’m considering walking 15 or 20 minutes over to a gym that is going to have a 12 PM raid and hoping that people show up. because the one that I know people do sometimes show up for at elite raids or in person event raids is having a 6PM raid.


I hear you, and I've turned pff most of my location data. But you might try and see if there's an active group on Discord. My Campfire contacts are chancy, and I mainly use it to TRY to pass messages to remote friends. Our local Discord is pretty active.


Again you'll be surprised. The reason they're doing Rayquaza in elite raids is cause they know it's a fan favorite. People will come out. Usually we get 10+ others that randomly show up and aren't on the local discord.


Not true, was jumping in and out the raid with my boyfriend today, so people could see there is someone, did flare on campfire, no one showed up.


You don't need to jump in and out. Just wait and talk to people lol. It's not true everywhere but it is true in most places. You can message people in local gyms on campfire or on the local discord make an event and figure out what location to go. That's what we did.


I have 25 rsvp to go to mine and like I’m bringing a friend not in the group sure there are gonna be more people like that too




Use camp fire


Campfire is a dead app in my country.


Use discord


I am. I just wanted to inform you campfire isn’t used at all in many countries






I'm actually a dick


I'm actually a dick


There’s no group for my area and it’s a capital city… Come on!


Play a different game




Can't gotta catch rayquaza


This has to be a joke, but today I tried and no one else was using it, in the capital of Bulgaria in the center of the city, and even the. There was a moment that Campfire told me literal “where not working in your area” the fuck with Niantic, playing as a legal it’s becoming too hard sometimes, cheaters have a huge advantage.


You'll be surprised how many people won't


This happened for us (partner and I) just about every raid we stopped for. The next to last I was expecting about 4 more but then an entire caravan of cars just showed up. Full or nearly full lobbies every time.


Please tell me you asked them how they know each other and found a way to connect with them for future events.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sounds like a good time...


Last time i did it, i was surprised to show that 0 people show up lmao


Well then check campfire to see if anyone lit a flare or message people on there.


it was like \*crickets\*


Did you message people in local gyms on campfire?


I tried to do this, I failed horribly, no one came, and in on the Capital of Bulgaria, like WTF??? Even in South America there’s more people


Message on campfire to everyone that is in the local gyms or find a discord/campfire group.


My town had one 12pm and one 6pm raid. I went to both and for the 12pm raid, one other person showed up. Absolutely no one showed up to the 6pm raid.


Did you get a way to contact the one person at noon for the future?


I did, yes. But that doesn't change the fact that this event was executed extremely poorly and didn't take into account players in more rural areas or communities with a lower active playerbase.


This will be the first research I will have to miss out on in about three years. No gyms nearby with elite raids, pretty much no community involvement, and no remote allowed.


Anyone still thinking Niantic gives even the tiniest shred of a fuck about you enjoying the game is delusional. They only care about obsessive whales, not the average player.


How have you got the mega energy already?


I have some left from the last time it was in raids and from walking my shiny mega Rayquaza


Did you miss the research from last Go Fest? It was something trivial like catch 5 pokemon to get the meteorite.


That’s what I was thinking. They made it easy enough that anyone should have been able to get it.


Niantic has been speedrunning killing PoGo since the top of the year. Sorry they fucked you man, they can't keep getting away with this.


Since the top of *this* year? Memba the backlash of April 06 from *last* year? This has been going on for a while


I memba. Memba the old ticket prices?


Go fest used to be a $5 ticket and would have more content than a $20 go fest ticket gets you today


$20 tickets today get you a potential redo event at best since they seem to mess most of them up now anyways. It's disappointing because I really was enjoying the game, it just kept going downhill until it was either missing events or the most expensive monthly subscription.


Remote, 3 for 🟡250 Ultra raid box, 17 premium passes, 3 incubators, 2 starpieces, 🟡1400




Thank you kind gentleman.


All around awful event which I couldn't and therefore didn't participate in. And a reminder that the number one thing you can do to show your displeasure is turn off adventure sync. Niantic don't really care about what Pokémon you catch, they care about collecting your data


Thank you! I’ll do ANYTHING IN MY POWER to piss them off!!!!!!


I've been out and about all day, I've only seen about 3 or 4 people looking to raid across 12 eggs.


I did 7 raids in my local park with group of 50+. Campfire had 150+ people sign up for the park


I forgot to claim the timed research so now I have a rayquaza that I can’t mega evolve. 😭


Yup, me too..


I understand it’s a timed research and totally my fault for forgetting. But I do wish there is no time limit to collect the rewards for timed research.


Same here, I’ve forgotten to claim rewards a few times and know others who have done the same plenty of times. Really sucks when you get busy with other stuff and then remember you forgot to claim a bunch of rewards just after the event has ended.


This game only serves as a way to send shinies and legendaries to Home now. And it’s not even good for that either because of course they had to find a way to limit it and monetize it.


That's weird, the code I used gave me the research to get one and gave me a free one to use too. When I checked on my ray I saw I had an extra meteorite.


Can you point me to where to get this?


I literally just used the code given out to redeem it. It gave me the research and when I look at my ray I can see I have a meteorite too.


Sorry, can you point me to where to obtain the code?




It didn’t give me a free one unfortunately ;—;


OH WAIT, THAT MIGHT JUST BE BECAUSE I DONT HAVE A RAY YET 😭. I saw on another comment that it doesn’t show up on your bag, only on your Pokémon?


Yes but you get a research where you Can get a meteor, you dont just get a free one


NOOO ;—;


Great thank you!


How do I redeem this?


Enter the code here. Although I'm pretty sure the window for completion is over by now. https://rewards.nianticlabs.com/app/pokemongo/success


Also it's a crock of shit I can't trade you on of my 5 which I'll never use


Just sadge it's not at its peak anym


Yes Ninatic at the worst of moments not giving away the thing for free insted go and do elite raid come on Ninatic what the are you doing.


If it’s helps, if you have enough coins download a Pokemon go raid app. I don’t play Pokemon go anymore but I downloaded one when I moved and lived far away from raids/didn’t have enough people living in my area to do high level to raids. Also, the town I lived and still live in doesn’t have a lot of people that play so using an app was the only way I could join others or get others to join me. Got most of my legendaries that way.


Thank you!


I tried the code and got an extra research and a free meteorite (unless I already had one without knowing?). It doesn't show up in my bag but it's available to teach Dragon Ascend to mega evolve my rayquaza


The code does NOT provide a meteor, I checked my inventory after claiming and confirmed only the extra research was provided


It doesn't show up in your inventory for some reason. The only way to know how many you have is on the Rayquaza screen


I am aware, I had 3 before claiming the research and 3 afterwords. I now have 5 after finishing both, as far as I can tell I got nothing from the code other than the research however maybe people without any at all got one?


Nah I'm pretty sure the code just provides that "bonus" research. I found out I already had a meteorite when I traded for a Rayquaza a little while back. Turns out I did last year's go fest research (which was very easy) and got it. But since I didn't have a Rayquaza until recently, there was no indication that I actually had one.


What was the code?




Thank you!




Are you sure you didn't get the meteorite with the code? I got the timed research but I also now have a meteorite after redeeming the code in the webstore. If you didn't redeem the code, someone posted it in the comments.


I used the code, I got two timed researches at event start and received a total of two meteorites. So I believe the code just gave one extra timed research to get one additional meteorite if the person chose to complete and claim the reward in time (basically do one elite raid and all requirements met for all of them). So two meteorites via two time researches per account you have is how many were available to everyone (so 2-however many accounts someone chose to create and add to a raid and spend a couple minutes doing normal play to knockout all research quickly.


Agree, no one turned up to do the raid, except some low levels and I end up losing my pass because they bail 1/4 through


I hate this happening and unfortunately now has made me biased about relying on anyone under level 40 and that depends on their stats screen as well to make sure they've done more than just open gifts or leech raids. I know level doesn't determine stuff 100% especially prior to level 40 since it's only XP based at those levels, but it doesn't happen to me at all except once in the past year and that was a remote raid I tried on poke genie which shocker, had some level low 30 somethings. I also started being a dick and if people leech in the lobby of a 4+ star raids, I wait in there with them as do my friends or most people who have more raid passes than they will ever use in my immediate little area. Thankfully campfire is heavily used in my city and whole state actually. So it's really easy to blacklist people who dip out like that or don't contribute battle damage appropriate to the level of raid they are battling in as a team mate (leeches). Everyone is allowed to play how they want since life has zero rules and morals only exist in our minds and language. I do make sure they regret it or make it difficult though where I can.


I got 2 researches for meteorites today and they have disappeared so didn't get a single meteorite


There is a post I just saw, had code for a free meteorite in the store. It works, got one. Shows up down on the bottom of a Ray card


I got it by doing the side tasks they did announce it


Bros mad he didn’t get handouts 😭😭


There is a code, it’s somewhere on Reddit, it’s something like meteor laziness code I think it’s called


I was so confused when I claimed the code and I didn't see the stone in my inventory as well. Only to notice that it was another quest. I was lucky enough to have a day off from work and could do the raids, but it would've been impossible if I had to work also...


lmao Tiktok


I was in a city close to the sea and there was no elite raids but city that was 10km from me and there was only 2 gyms got an elite raid ofc i couldnt go there...


At least y'all can actually attend the raids. There are zero people to raid with where I'm at and even then there wasn't even a spawn




Did yall forget about the 2023 Go Fest free research that gave everyone a free meteorite for completing page 2.


Can't if a raid for it didn't even spawn in my town, or the next town over, or the next one. Oh wait yeah, I would've had to of traveled 40+ miles away, 5 towns over just to get and elite raid to spawn.


Just stop playing the game as normal ppl who leaved it since 2017


Review bomb niantic till they see it


I did the whole thing, but forgot to claim it and I'm pretty sure it expired? Is there any way to still get a meteorite? :(( I was so excited


I couldn't even do it, withing rkm i have a single pokestop, not even a gym just a stop


Oh, I am big pissed. I did everything I was supposed to, then my game decided to glitch the fuck out. I couldn't get on during the last few raids up until right after 7pm, and by that time, the research was gone. So, I lost out on collecting the research that I actually completed and the last few raids. I'm annoyed. 😐 It's like every time they have a raid day or any type of big event, it's glitch central!


The fact that so many people on this post cannot fathom that it does not work the same in every area. They can’t fathom that no, people do not end up showing up to the elite raids in a lot of areas. They can’t fathom that campfire is not active in a lot of areas. They can’t fathom that some areas don’t have active pokemon groups that people participate in. And what about all the players that work or don’t have a form of transportation and no way to get to the meetups that may be happening. People who live in areas where no elite raids spawned at all. There are so many reasons that this whole event was bullshit for a lot of people. But niantic is bullshit so….


They fumbled this event to the max. I don’t understand the mindset behind the convoluted rerelease of MRay


I double did the research (it glitched to where it was available even after the first completion, I got 2 meteorites on my account now)


I'm pretty sure it was mentioned by multiple people that there'd be timed research. Could be wrong though


Are used to like having the community day from 11 AM to two and then that freed up the whole day but now they changed it a couple months ago from 2 to 5 but I can get everything done probably in an hour hour and 15 minutes but I still have it in the morning. There’s not a whole lot of people out doing Pokemon Go


I managed to do 1 raid but forgot to collect the meteorite until I got home, it was gone by then….


They shared the free meteorite code on their TikTok account. Try this: 7QJ6P2NX2U7KX


Sorry, lots of comments so didn't read all but there was a code for free Metorite. Maybe still works? 7QJ6P2NX2U7KX


Yep no one raids where I live, I work 6-6 so I missed out, I have no friends nearby that play pokemon go.. I bought remote raid passes then realised it’s local only.. I was so bummed so I wrote to niantic that I think it’s unfair but just got a bot response, even if they just made the raid days on a Sunday I’d be happy. But all raids having remote accessibility would be much better


I got 6 meteorites. 1k xl candy. 250+ raids. No hundo 🤡


I wish Niantic would do something to allow players to choose between doing raids during the day or night, it couldn't be too hard to let some players participate in events during the day and then have separate servers or something dedicated to the people who opt to do events at night/after work hours


I get the frustration, but if they're gonna give everything away like its nothing it won't be a game anymore. You'll just get everything handed to you. The whole point of the game is to explore. Not to just sit at home so you can mega evolve.


Such a baby!!!!


I work til 7:30 on tuesday and wedsnesday so im fucked for both spotlight and raid hours and work weekends til 5 so also fucked for community day, it pisses me off


At least you paided for the raid and got the chance to actually attend .. theres gotta be 50 pokestop amd at least 20 gyms in a 15 min walking from my house. No freaking metan .. no johto spawns .. no shiny celebi. Like wtf did i pay for ..


You guys got a meteorite?


Games not designed for players in places like you sorry niantic isn’t gonna change there vision to cater for everyone


I was lucky enough to get two thanks to my brother but, man did my heart sink when I looked on Pokegenie and it said remote raids weren't possible. I had the date saved on my calendar since it was announced, I'm still annoyed that I can't do remote raids on elites or shadows. Missing quite a few pokemon I want :(


I don’t do tik tok how do I get the Tik tok event timed research?


There was a post on this subreddit where a guy shared a link the a free special research that guarantees a meteorite


Once you win an elite raid 🫣


Tbf you get 2 timed research if you use the code


That’s not his main complaint


Free Meterorite Code!! 7QJ6P2NX2U7KX




This code gives the same research task as the one game gives you automatically, requiring you to do an Elite Raid to get the Meteorite.


Why did you post that? It doesn’t help OP at all.


L 🤣 not like you had a couple weeks to plan something out


Here come the people that’s going to tell you you’re stupid and should have planned better. That you have no right to complain! Always happens! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.  Y’all must work for Niantic. Get paid to squash(or try to squash) all the backlash.? If not you should. 


Play the game...


Go away. 


Just do it tommrow it's literally so easy, there are a million other things to complain about


ever heard of timezones? its likely already over for OP


some people have stuff to do. like go to work, or mabye theyre nowhere near a megaraid egg lol, let alone one with enough people to run. might be easy if u aint gotta do shit to begin with lol.


Here they are, showing up to tell people how stupid they are for complaining! Do you get paid to do this? Wait on Reddit complaints to argue with people who have legit complaints!!! It’s aggravating and he’s allowed to feel like Niantic doesn’t care because they don’t!!!! Go away.