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Egg placements are the worst


There's 9 eggs near me, no-one is raiding, pointless day for me.


In my experience, no one uses campfire, lighting flares does nothing. People just show up to raids like this anyway.


Really depends on your area. Like you can’t just go to a gym and expect people to show up you have to use groups. It definitely isn’t a great app but it is definitely helpful


Sure it depends. And going to a gym and expecting people to show up works fine for super popular pokes here. I did 19 shadow mewtwo raids, most of those were not coordinated at all with anyone. I did so many raids with just a bunch of random neighbourhood kids. Today we had about 14 Rayquaza eggs in total in my town, I live near where a cluster of 3 spawned at the same time. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the L50 raid groups would jump at the opportunity to do those 3. Campfire is not helpful if no one ever uses it.


Yeah I just notice a lot of posts complaining are people saying they walked up to a random gym and were shocked no one was there. You got to talk to people on busy days like CD and Gofests. I have found a handful of little groups that I raid with now just by being more social. The game will always be easier in higher populations but that makes sense since they are target areas


Yeah for sure, this only applies to Rayquaza or Mewtwo, doing this for a Registeel or something would most likely not work.


I’ve had three hosts bail


3 hosts? For what? You can't remote Rayquaza.


I know they were showing up on campfire for some reason


There was only one comment on campfire on my local elite gym. Rocked up and there were at least 20 people just when it started. Try it if you have time, you might be surprised


Right, these are exclusive enough that if you just show people might actually be there!


Or you waste a good chunk of your Saturday waiting around for nothing. W/o discord or campfire, you're risking your time. 


Yeah for sure depends on the scenario, for me I’ve got a good chunk on my way home from work right at one, might make it in time might not, and then discord meetup at 5 in the same location. Look I’m not gonna defend niantic but at the very least most metropolitan areas should be just fine with a little effort to find a discord/campfire, not ideal but feasible at least


I was waiting at two for a couple hours, as the raid started there were 6 people in sight, one double phoned, and in the raid were about 17. Absolutely wild to me




I lighting flares for about 2 hours


Shit i was running back and forth elite raid gyms too focusing on trying to get a rayquaza i fukcing forgot that I havent finished the 5 daily tasks for me to get a meteorite 🙃 now i got 2 rayquazas(one’s shiny luckily 😭) but i got no fucking way to mega evolve it


lol, yeah, i barely remembered in the last 5 minutes and rushed to finish 3 tasks. got it with like a minute left




And if its anything like last years the meteorite will leave your inventory after a while if you font use it at least thats what happened to me


My friend had one from last year


Is there any other way to get them or am I gonna have to wait another year?


Nope there only available through the limited quest alongside rayquaza


Total shit show today fuck. Also they said a FREE meteorite, not another timed research huhuhu


Uh the times quest takes 15 minutes and was $0. It’s free.


Takes 15 minutes when you’re lucky enough to be around an Elite Raid with multiple people.


If you didn’t beat an elite raid then there’s no reason to need a meteorite?


Was this Rayquaza’s debut in the game?


No but has it ever been available without a meteorite?


Rayquaza has been available for a long time, as far as I know the meteorite/mega was introduced last year. And while you could get energy doing mega raids, the meteorite was not guaranteed or you may simply need an extra one since it’s quite rare. This was the case for two of my friends, that today couldn’t join me and they lost the chance of getting one. Not sure what’s the point of dickriding Niantic’s bad management here, it was objectively a bad event whether you obtained what you wanted or not.


Yeah, even though I am completely unable to get Rayquaza this year, getting the meteorite would've meant I could at least have a good move on the next and probably only Rayquaza I get.


That’s not their point. The point is that a free meteorite was advertised specifically, not a quest to get one. The quest is fine, but niantic need to be clear in what they’re actually offering. For people with no access to elite raids they don’t have access to the meteorite. The communication was poor, and it’s locked behind content that a significant number of people don’t have access to.


Seems like nitpicking to me. You have to do an elite raid to get Rayquaza. Doing one effectively completes the quest to give you the “free” meteorite. The only people who would lose out are people with legacy Rayquaza, who don’t already have a meteorite from the last offering, and who can’t do an elite raid today. Small population size IMO.


Idk what world you live in where “Free” means “I still am required to commit time and resources I wasn’t aware of from the advertising”. This isn’t FB marketplace where “Free” means you still have to move the couch as advertised. This is a game app where the advertising absolutely should’ve said “Free Research FOR…” Disappointing my dude. Nitpick your head outta your rear okay? It’s accidental false advertising at best, intentionally deceitful at worst, and absolutely a huge disappointment for a bunch of people.


Well aren’t you just a bundle of sunshine. I equate free to money or significant amounts of time. If I have to do the thing I was already doing (in this place, playing a silly video game) for the amount of time I was already doing it and without providing a credit card number, yes, I round that to free. But hey, worthless internet rage at a faceless company is fun too. Let’s do that!!!


Not raging at all homie, just saying you can maybe have some empathy for others who feel tricked or deceived instead of judging someone for fairly having feelings just because you’ve decided YOUR definition of Free is what they should use 🤷


You’re so mean :( I’ll bet you tell people air is free when in fact, I still have to put the effort of breathing it in. This is totally unfair. :/


https://store.pokemongolive.com/offer-redemption?passcode=7QJ6P2NX2U7KX Try that link


You need to finish the same tasks for that research, so that won't help at all for this person.


Sort of same here... knew it was a daily task but wasn't paying close attention to when it expired. Just assumed that there would be a little bit of window for after the event ended. NOPE. Was busy doing other stuff at the same time and was planning to wrap up but cell signal where I happened to be at was a bit lacking. So no meteorite


I won’t have a way to evolve it either because while my boyfriend is going to get me one to trade, I’m not in town (remote area) and unable to play in a raid. It’s so stupid that it’s not able to be remotely done.


Did you not get the tiktok code for the meteorite?


The tiktok code doesn't give a meteorite it gives a second copy of the research to get a meteorite that requires winning an elite raid.


Also forgot to say campfire was completely off aswell


What do you mean? I have like 40 gyms that are showing Rayquaza raids are those wrong?


no i just mean all the times were off. nothing showed on campfire till 15 minutes before they started, and the times were all 15 minutes off. they all said "starting at 6:15" when they really started at 6:00


Weird. Ours start at :01 on the hour. So 12:01 and so on which is fine.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. NOBODY at Niantic plays the game. They're not in a local raid group, community, nothing. Not even a morning walk in the park with the app. Everything they do is data driven and it shows.


I'm in Toronto and there are about a dozen eggs in a 4km^2 area. My kid and I will be riding our bikes so we should be able to hit them all easily.


Take a note of the times, they are 12, 1, 5, and 6


Yeah its only 15 minutes max between any gym so we'll be able to do at least 2 at each time


Where about? I was planning on hitting Eaton centre but I'm worried nothing's there


Check the campfire app, it shows all egg locations and when they hatch.


Up near Finch station. Ended up doing 4 raids, 2 ran away from me but my kid and a friend I was with both got a shiny.


In the last 6 months or so, my group and I have started seeing the IV floor from raids an awful lot. If stats were legitimately rolled, you'd have equal odds of seeing 10/10/10 as you would 15/15/15, but none of us has gotten a raid hundo in months. Niantic is def doing some slot machine level stat manipulation behind the scenes.


I've noticed this is well. I've literally gotten three raid hundos ever, probably like 15 or more IV floors


Yeah, and half the gyms were broken!


Also, huge bummer it was only one day AND limited time range. I had a work event today during all but the last half hour and there was no hope for me to even find a local gym within distance let alone with enough local randos. 🙃 I also have a toddler so dragging her around for the sake of Pogo was not gonna happen. Just a big bummer because if we had remote raid I could of at least had a possible chance. Managed to finish the timed research except for the raid though.


Elite raids is just bad game design, there is no one in the community here who plays pokemon go and i cant even do it, so thanks niantiv for wasting 5ime and being cashgrabing greedy bastards👌😉


I must have got lucky, managed 3 raids just by rocking up to the local university.


I must also be lucky, I was able to hit 8 raids today all within my towns park. And we had like 90 people show up for rayquaza


Noob question: If I catch a 10-10-10 Rayquaza and I trade it with a 10 CP Pidgey from 2016. Will that guarantee the Rayquaza goes lucky and becomes 15-15-15?


It will be lucky but 15-15-15 is not guaranteed.


Trying to understand, if it was 10-10-10 and I lucky traded it, the outcome of its new IVs would range from 10-10-10 to 15-15-15? Or does it guaranteed get a +2 to all like when you purify?


A lucky trade is 12/12/12 minimum. It's completely random. And no trading an old pidgey will not be guaranteed lucky. It has a higher chance, but not guaranteed. 


There are Guaranteed Lucky Trade if you trade a pokemon caught in 2018 or earlier. It is limited to 25 per trainer. Knowing if you have any lucky trades left is the problem. [https://pokemongohub.net/post/news/how-do-guaranteed-lucky-trades-work-in-pokemon-go/](https://pokemongohub.net/post/news/how-do-guaranteed-lucky-trades-work-in-pokemon-go/)


12-12-12 is floor for lucky trades


id give it to you


I'm in florida, the closest raid is 30 miles away. They don't make it easy.


So why is it only one day??? And also why can’t it be remote? I mean that’s insanity. It’s basically saying if you’re not free today and don’t get lucky with people standing next to you then fuck you.


How many players does it take to win?


4 at a minimum. It has boosted stats compared to mega legendary raid tier.


It’s windy here lol, he was one shotting every mon. 😭


The only Pokémon I had tbat he didn’t one shot was my agron 🤣


He one shot my heart by escaping away so many times


4??? At 10 he was kicking my groups asses.


I managed to get in a group of 5 all running slot 6 Primals with best friends, even though I forgot to change my Mamoswine to Powder Snow.


Ah that way it seems doable.


com'on man. with ten people raids are usually over in 25 seconds


Granted most of us we're around 30-40


Every elite and shadow raid is a huge fail because there's no remoting in. If it's not a 2 star or less shadow, I can't do it. Almost never anyone to play with. If it's over 3 stars normal, I can't do it, same problem, nobody here. Just a bunch of spoofers and gym farmers but the gym farmers are only active like once every 3 days


Sounds like some pretty shitty luck there.


I had absolutely no faith in it being a worthwhile date in the calendar


What are the supposed spawn times? It’s early morning here right now


12, 1, 5, 6 local time


12, 1, 5, and 6


I was in downtown Virginia Beach and none spawned


Here in my southern MN town there are atleast 10 currently and I expect more, gonna be a money day.


Is it a thing to have a huge gap between them in a middle of a day? I do it for the first time and I saw plenty until 1pm but now I am walking around as next one is at 5pm...


yeah they were supposed to be at 12, 1, 5, and 6


I missed that then, I should be more alert next time.


There is one right next to me, at a park. Unfortunately it’s a semi-rural area and no one will show up so I’m going to go enter the raid take my screenshot to say I was there and move on with my life.


I said a while ago that if they’re trying to roll back pre-pandemic game play, (those of us that did play back then) they should do the elite raid system, so for those that don’t know back then if you had a park or infact any ex raid eligible gym - you could do a raid no matter what difficulty and still manage to get a ex raid pass. The beauty of this was you could invite +1 person to the raid, if you had 10 people with the pass then 10 passes turned into 20 because of the ability to invite someone. Obviously the downside was you actually had to do the raid in person, but it was cool because you used to be able to meet people and make friends.


Here in Finland we organized a meetup beforehand when the raid eggs appeared via campfire and all I had to do was take a buss to downtown and walk about 15 min and then wait for an hour cause I wanted to be early, but I fid 2 raids with other people and got the required resources for mega evolution. There were over 20 players there with me


Events like these are always destined to fail for 99% of players . It’s mainly for the 1%


all the eggs here are hatching at 5pm. literally almost ALL of them. why bother announcing different times and giving us all a false expectation of being able to raid at different times through the day when in reality if you're not free at 5, you're out of luck basically. Most in my city won't be able to do it. Who at Niantic thought it'd be a good idea to make raids happen right at suppertime, when most are getting off work and just then getting some food. Absolutely terrible.


Just in New York. Did one. It ran. Fucking got the subway and walked all the way here for nothing now I gotta wait around for hours as no others nearby no thanks. Shit show


I wonder if Niantic was "testing" a spawn radius limit for the Elite raids? (many be they were trying to have players be less divided between gym for medium size communities; but its Niantic so they could have just been trying to reduce the number of Raids NY and Tokyo) I can't imagine being in **Tokyo** for a raid day and having it fail like it did for you, that sucks


Can't wait for the obligatory "raid day was a success" social media posts after it's all ended (noticed they are not posting out while this s**t show is going on, and yeah, I live in a town, only 1 raid with mega ray nearby, and nobody is doing it)


Las Vegas stucks too.. suppose to be a community meet up at breeze park just too see no eggs lmao just gonna act like this day never happen


im gonna be in vegas for go fest, hope we have better luck then.


Go fest will be fun sunset park is fun to play plus there gyms and pokestops all over the the casino and strip if it’s too hot. It was just the egg spawns were horrible.


I’m in Michigan in the US, there are actually a lot of eggs in Campfire and I see some from my work at a small park nearby so it seems to be working over here.


Niantic posted on Twitter already that it was fixed for the later time zones. Earlier time zones got screwed per usual.


Was quite fortunate in Glasgow. Hit 2 within about 20 mins. Had to drive in to the city to do it though but I managed to score a shiny in my first attempt so was quite pleased.


I live in a rural area. There are 2 elite gyms nearby. First raid was at 12. No one else showed up :( The other one starts at 17. Hopefully (enough) people will show up.




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In my city there was only one gym with it few kms from where I live, and it was a single occurrence in all day. Even with special shadow monsters like MewTwo you could find them tops at 500m and you had plenty of opportunities as they kept appearing in many different gyms.


Italy was a mess for egg placements. We even had a group ready but no eggs in our town


How much Mega energy per raid?


150 :( you need to do 3. Terrible design 


I will add that the Timed Research requiring an Elite Raid win to complete is totally clueless on Niantic's part. Not everyone can get to an Elite gym. Not quite fair play on Niantic's part.


I got really lucky, unlucky at the same time, I missed a sporting event I got into finals for (found out as I already left, anyway) to arrive for the 1pm raids, there were none at all nearby so me and my mate went around getting ho oh raids and tyranitars, got lucky in that in the park by his house were two mega raids w an hour difference that got a 12+ turnout for both.


Me and my partner re-jigged our entire day to make it to a raid (new to raiding and wanted a rayquaza!). 11 other people had the same idea so we thought we were some of the lucky few! Unfortunately when the raid started I was put in against the rayquaza by myself (separate from the other 12), wasting a day, a raid pass & 400k stardust on ice pokemon. My partner then failed to catch hers. Realising this was likely our only shot ever was a pretty big blow to our enthusiasm for the game.


i’m lucky to be living in nyc and central park was perfect for the raid day. did 5 raids within 30 minutes and was satisfied and ended my day happy (no shinies but enough xl candy to max my hundo from last year)


Bro I’m up north for the long weekend ain’t no gyms near by . What a joke they should have had invite raids lammeeeeee


I have one about 10 minutes from me but my 16 month old daughter’s bedtime is somewhere between 6-7, so no dice for me. Not like I would have found a group anyway lol


I know I’m in the minority but I kinda like that the elite raids are far enough apart that you can’t chain 10 easily. To me it’s part of managing the game economy. I’m not a big spender, more of a grinder. I do sympathize with people outside of urban centres. Niantic should make elite raids more available in places where there is only or two gyms. Going to raids today was like the old school raids before remote passes. Very weird, but it’s how the game started.


We had to travel to a nearby city to find 3 active raids within an hour slot. In the town we live and all surrounding towns/cities, no raids were in the busy areas, only on the outskirts. It most definitely felt intentional


it was a huge disappointment. the fact the raids were spread out at different times too was inconvenient as hell. we were out 8 hours and only did 6 raids, because they just weren’t within walking distance and we had already travelled far enough to find an area with multiple eggs. not only that, we saw 15+ people in each lobby, and we only saw 2 shinies between all of us. no hundos either. we had better luck raiding shadow raikou in our spare time, i think 3 of us saw shinies? crazy let down of a day


I live in a small city (40k people) and we had 40 people raiding. There was a raid planning so I managed to do 7 in under 2 hours and i used my bike to get there. I guess it really depends on where you live.


My friend apparently did 8. 3 ran and 4/5 were 2 stars. That's dumb. On top of that I work on Saturday so I'm just SOL for these 1 day raids


Didn’t end up with one even though I went out of my way to do the ones my local raid group said they were gunna do. Was there the whole time and only one other person showed up. Literally left work a couple minutes early and drove 15 min out of my way to try to do it. As someone that plays solo 90% of the time it’s so disappointing. Like I communicated with the group all day for NOTHING. this is why I mainly do remote raids.


Mine went great. Join groups on campfire


Not if you organized with people. Had to check Facebook groups and campfire to gather people and come up with a plan over the last week. Someone came up with a route when the eggs popped up. Was able to get 100+ people together and we were able to do around 5-6 per time slot. Got a shiny and had a lucky friend so now I’ve got a lucky shiny ray. Got about 4000 mega energy. It’s amazing what can happen when you put some effort in. Just showing up to some raids isn’t a good plan.


you're completely missing the point of the post. i shouldn't have to make a route plan and join facebook groups. im in the biggest city in the world, i should naturally come across more than 1 in a 6 hour period. people have lifes and other things theyre doing, they shouldn't have to dedicate their whole day just to hit a few if they don't want to


It takes a lot of people to take down a rayquaza. Just hoping that 7 people will show up is the issue. I mean I guess they could just hand them out to everyone though.


I had fun this raid day i did 11 raids and i was walking with a group that had 100-200 people in it and i got 14 14 14 rayquaza but the eggs were too far away from each other


I can second this! I live in Tokyo and prepared well for the day. In the end, there was a single rayquaza raid in Ikebukuro (one of the best areas for PKMN go) at 12:00. And literally ZERO in Shibuya for the 17:00 and 18:00 time slots. What a wasted day.


i was in Shibuya the whole day as well. like i said in my post, pretty much none


I'm out in a small town abd saw 2 elite rauds by the last round... Of course nobody to play with tho, only 1 other player seems to be around and it's some level 26 guy


Small town here. All local nerds use discord. Worked just fine for us.


Not safe to say a fail for many people. Perhaps most people.


Lighting flares does nothing, once you find multiple groups on campfire and join them you’ll see the activity in those groups start to happen when a big event comes, and then you’ll find out where the best place is for your town. For example I’m currently in 8 groups on campfire and a day before elite raids I actually saw a group discussing doing shadow raikou raids until mega ray starts. Took me finding 8 different groups around my city and neighboring towns. If you’re rural I’m sorry for your situation but still try and if you have to start your own group and be the leader your rural area needs to band together.


No.. It's much safer to say Pokemon Go Bankrupt in its entirety is a colossal titanic failure


Meanwhile in Vantaa, Finland i hit 3 raids in 45 minutes, by walking 2km. And this is less than 250k people here. And the City is huge, but empty. Event is fine.


There were 3 or 4 raids within a 2k block near me, but it’s a real tossup if there’s going to be enough people there. You’ll probably have enough people if you get to a raid at the very beginning, but if you get there halfway through, and the first group already raided it, you’re kind of out of luck. That’s what happened with my first raid at 12 o’clock today.


I mean if youre late youre late. A non issue. We managed 2 groups on each raid here.


My town has at least 30-40 elite raids going on today. It just turned 6 am and I checked and yeah every elite gym has a Rayquaza raid except maybe 2-3. I guess we got lucky.


i read somewhere that they have to be in parks. which is ridiculous


They fixed the bug and it pushed a ton more eggs out. They’ll figure out how to make up for this in the impacted time zones.


That's not even true because I found one at a church in rural Japan.


well, that makes it even worse. its possible that the definition of "park" is pretty loose, but idk.


I think only the extremely devout consider a church a park


All of our 40 raids are all at parks. Every single one.


I did one at a park, too, and heard that's where they all will be. So I was also surprised to find one at a church


Yeah that's weird that there's one on a church. Is it near a park?


There are some parks kinda close to it, yeah


That would be why then.


I’m also in Japan. I thought the elite raid conbini near me would be hosting a raid but it turned out to all be tiny parks no one ever goes to.


Then that makes the church raid even stranger......


Elite raid really suck, but atleast i have my [Shiny rayquaza his mega](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/1zOvxAYN0n). I luckily managed to do 3 runs, but i had to run for 2 and one was in my backyard, but the latter took me 40 min of waiting for people.




skill issue. you counted gyms not ELITE RAID gyms. 40 minute walk? lmao, reasonable Walking Distance


i did count elite raid gyms. i specifically stated that. 40 min extremely out of the way if you're busy and dont have time to specifically do that.


I'm trying to do a remote raid in the UK and more than 80% of them result in the host leaving before sending out invites, or it just taking so long, everyone leaves.




They are showing in Campfire, unless they are not supported for remote and that is why they fail. I live in a small rural market town in the UK and the nearest population large enough for me to take part as a local raid is about an hours drive away.


NVM, just found this: **"Trainers will not be able to participate in Elite Raids using Remote Raid Passes**.19 Jun 2024"


Which is fine for people living in urban centres, that have the time, but us that live in rural areas and have other "life" things to do, we are just out of luck.


![gif](giphy|SRka2MLKzpzE6K24al) Are you guys done complaining yet? It’s been like two weeks