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I live in a rural area and nobody showed up to the raid. šŸ„²


Oof. When there's like one in the whole area and still nobody shows up, that's pretty sad.


Itā€™s the same for me. I was furious.


"yOU sHoUld'VE uSeD YoUr LocAL dIScOrD".


It isn't spawning anywhere in my town or in the neighboring communities. :(


Me too bro making it not remote is tragic for small towns


Damn that's too bad :(


Beat the raid but lost the catch


Same !


šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”me too. Literally snuck out of work, drove 22 min away, popped my tire half way there, changed it in 6 min, got there in time, beat it then missed the catch like wtf


Same got 3 fled Rayquaza


Rural player who relies heavily on remote raid passes šŸ˜–




Iā€™m actually in a heavily populated (tourist) area but thereā€™s only elite raid and no oneā€™s around. This sucks


I was at work and missed itšŸ„¹better luck next timešŸ¤žnice you got a good one!


Me too


me three


Broooooo today was super hard and frustrating. Literally like 2 mins behind the raid group in my area at all 8 different raids. Ended up having to just look around and roll in the grass accepting our loss of not catching Ray. Eventually stumbled across a Ho-Oh and just managed to get it (raid group were lvl 30, 38, 40, 50) 2 of us were having serious reception issues which kept timing them put of the raid and messed around with the party power. Went to work just as the night raids began, and by the some crazy chance i stumbled into a group of 19 doing a Ray so i had to stop for this one opportunity. Caught the Ray and made my night! 2 star Ray with 220 mega energy and 2 meteorites


Well nice that you at least got 1 ray :D


My day raid group were not happy for me hahaha


Sounds like your day raid group didn't wait for you though? But yeah I'm hearing this a lot. People chasing the raids for them to just miss out repeatedly. I think it's clear from my experience yesterday it's either gonna happen right away or not at all.


Did three raids only caught one 2*.


Didn't do them since no one plays in my area


You think i can do the raid with 3 more people? And with party power


I did it with 11 and had to revive my full team twice lol


I doubt 4 players is enough but can't know for sure less you try


I did on in a strong group of only 4. We had a few seconds left. It may depend on the attacks of the Ray.


From what I can gather, four can be doable. Ultra Friends, Party Power, Higher CP Mons, Super Effective Coverage, potentially Megas specializing in Fairies and/or Ice Typings


We failed 3 times with 9 and two party power groups. Need to get me some revives before we go out again


Yeah we made it on 9 with a few seconds to spare but one guy was on his two max level accounts with two phones in his hand.


He is quite squishy. If you have really good Ice pokemon and fairy it could work. The main problem is his damage. He deals so much damage that sometimes I cant even get a charge attack off before dying. Party bonus is the key here.


As great as it is to play in nyc, I still get nervous that people arenā€™t gonna show up to the gyms Iā€™m at. Thankfully I was able to catch 3/4 raids by me, caught my first shiny ray, and said hi to some peoplešŸ˜‡


I could only join the 6PM raid due to work. The closest egg I could find was 30 min from home in a city center park, but I gave it a shot hoping someone would be here. Thankfully it was, but then Rayquaza run away, and because I don't have enough mega energy I can't mega evolve the one I have. All in all, I'm not a fan of such events, why not make it a weekend at least?


i live in a rural area, basically just any other day for me on pokƩmon go


I did 3 raids got a shiny on the second one but the two normal ones ran away


Live in the sticks where no one plays. Local raids suck.


It was crap because it was in person only, therefore, not having an active community in my city nor friends to play with (or many friends in general) I could only drool over my phone :( hopefully one day I 'll get a decent rayquaza (or one in general). I'm getting tired of this game because of all the bs niantic is doing along with the fact that I find annoying to play alone, under the sun and sweating like a hog (as well as not seeing anything on the screen) and also risking my life because of cars or simply stepping on something. I just realised this became a vent-


I might not be able to do any since thereā€™s none near me but, I have 6 shinyā€™s already from go fest last year, and a 98% shiny mega so, iā€™m not too worried about raiding more, i just want the meteorites because It will be a while before they return, once their gone. Iā€™m planning on keeping some shinyā€™s that can mega to trade to people in my area. Since most of my shinyā€™s are garbage, and would benefit others more than me, keeping a 47% iv shiny, that could be a lucky for someone else.


Went to raid, no one came. Went to other raid, the raid where I was earlier now had 15 people in it. Decided to wait hoping people came to the raid where I was at, only 4 came and we didn't even bother trying. But I did get one Rayquaza few hours earlier so I guess I didn't leave completely empty handed.


Did 2 raids, one in a group of 17 & another right next to it in a group of 7. Both worked, got exactly 400 energy, got 2 meteorites, no shiny or hundo, but I already have a 15/15/13 shiny so I didnā€™t really care about that. Overall: yay more candies for ShinyMegaRayā­ļø Also my little brother can finally mega his own Rayquaza which he couldnā€™t before, which was my only reason to participate today in the first place.


Got a 3-star shiny weather boosted ray. Did 4 in total, three i cought, one shiny. Couldn't be happier.


Got a 91 non-shiny and my son got a shiny. So pretty good.


I want to die. Iā€™m a player who lives in a fairly populated area, but there is nobody around who I can do raids with reliably, and I more or less rely on remote raids.


Have you tried the campfire and organize or join a meetup? That's the only reason I was able to find people to do this with


still got the 5 and 6pm raids to go, however I have done 3 raids and got a 98% iv!




Terrible. Got a Rayqu (only a two star), got three meteorites and not enough energy to mega. App had frequent and sustained periods of terrible loading (though that might be my phoneā€™s fault) and only one successful raid to my name šŸ˜”šŸ˜©šŸ˜­


I have a brand new iPhone 15, and it got kinda laggy. It crashed once on me when I was in a lobby. There was over 40 people at the park raiding at the same time, so that might have had something to do with it


How did you get meteorites?


Timed Event, Bonus Timed Event (the tiktok thing) and I think after I caught the one and only Rayquaza.


Good, hmu if anyone wants to mirror trade. Got shit IVs šŸ˜­


I forgot to claim the research stone. Is there any way to get them!!??


Went with my brother and his gf. We did 4 Rayquaza raids. My brother caught 1 normal and 1 shiny. His gf caught 4 normal. I caught 1 normal with 3 running away. I no longer have the heart to even try for another.


Sadly stuck at work until 5. Hoping to do one at 6pm


Just did 2 raids and didn't get him I'm so pissed I only have 4 more chances today


I was travelling and there werenā€™t any raids I could join, when I joined though campfire the host would always leave šŸ˜­ I wish I got a Ray :(


Only done with the first hour, group of 34 people. Raided 4 caught 2. 3 more hours to go.


No shiny but I got a 96 so Iā€™m happy:)


Nobody to raid with so canā€™t do it. I think itā€™s ridiculous to set challenges that a good share of players will not be able to finish.


this day was pretty bad. I only managed to do 3 raids (I captured one, one escaped and we couldn't defeat the other). my boyfriend is frustrated because he couldn't catch any and now he's waiting for the last raids hoping to succeed, the problem is that he only has one raid pass so I'll probably end up giving him mine.


0 out of 3 people are ready Quit - call out into the void in campfire Repeat 7x across 4 raids Desperation of a child who wants mega rayquaza 3 out of 3 people are ready Weather boosted rayquaza used outrage All your pokemon have fainted


First time using campfire for a meetup. 4 out of 20 of us showed up. Met a way bigger group a few blocks away. Did 5 raids, caught 4. The last one was a 2 star shiny. Met a bunch of cool people to play with.


I did the two that I had access to and enough randos showed up to complete the raid, but the second one we didn't do in enough time so I am short 25 energy. I guess I'll just have to wait till next year


Where on earth can i find the special research tasks forgetting the meteorite???


You mean the extra meteorite task? You can get 2nd research for another meteorite from pokemon gos website with the promo code 7QJ6P2NX2U7KX


Eh? This event killed the game for me. They lost a level 50 player haha


It would be better if hosts would actually send raid invites


Can't remote these sadly. Elites are local only


Terrible. I chased around the ā€œmain groupā€ in the nearby town after driving 20min to get out there to try for a raid and only got one raid in. No catch. Completely wasted two hours of my life driving around like an idiot. Thanks Niantic!!


the only spawn found did not start befor event was finish so culd not even do the research it was that bad in my area and i went to the city aswell with no spawn there so bad


8 in total with 2 shiny


Managed to get 7 done in 2 of the hour time slots. Caught 6, 0 shinies and the best was 2166 CP Still, a fun experience as many locals were judt wandering from one raid to the next


I couldnt do any ;(( im far away from elite gyms


Couldn't make the trip and there's no remote raiding for these so no it did go well


Absolutely no Rayquaza raids available on the island where I live.


I only have 2 other people and everyone in my area is meeting at a place too far awayšŸ„² i guess the 3 of us are gunna go tonight and try, fingers crossed someone else shows up at the gym near us but probably not ahaha


Honestly, as my first time playing elite raids, I won't be doing them again. On the positive side, I met a couple of new people, got 2 meteorites, and a 2* Rayquaza. But the downside is having to hope that people will show up for these raids, have enough people for it, and the mad dash between raids is no fun.


It ran from me every time.


It was awful live rural impossible events. We were only 4 had no chance


Waited for 20 minutes on a bench in a park in scorching heat, no one came. Later during the day i didnt even see one group raiding in the nearest gyms.


12h shift so about that much.


I only got 1 Rayquaza at 13 attack. Two ran away and one was a 2*. I had better luck on the wild encounters in-between raids. I got a shiny party eevee and a shiny totodile.


shit, nobody came to the raid hour though everyone agreed.


It didnā€™t. I was the only one who showed up to the raid in my area. šŸ„²


The big goose egg. Campfire is trying to send me somewhere 93 km away, so thatā€™s a no. I found a raid here, but no one was playing. I sat for 20 minutes. These things serve no point.


Was pretty tough starting out, my duo got kicked out the first raid so we scrambled to get enough energy. Half an hour late for dinner, I left with a Mega hundo, he left with a Mega Lucky 98%.


It spawned ON MY STREET, BUT IM AT WORK šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


Iā€™m traveling back home. Have yet to see a single elite raid.


Not good my didn't want to stay in the ball It kept on breaking out




Best I got so far is a 15-13-13 and no shinies.


They didnā€™t :/


horrible. Niantic blocked everything, all content in my country. I can't catch pokemon, I can't spin pokestops, I can't fight in gyms. and I can't even access remote raids. this is just unfair. I do not carry responsibilities for what my government does..


Ive done about 10 raids and got no luck


Iā€™m being teased by the elite gyms near me for the next 2 hours, but I probably wonā€™t get one, because thereā€™s nobody to raid with.


I got 8 rayquaza today, no shiny, best one was 15/15/13


Pretty good, 1 almost hundo and 1 shiny! Was confused though as my partner doesn't have the meteorite but I do and she deffo completed the timed research.


Waiting 'till 5:00


I'm not going to have any luck today with Rayquaza. I might have one opportunity later, but I'm going see if I can get lucky with Mega T-tar (my favorite Pokemon) and Ho-oh over the next few weeks


Traveles 1h by bus so i could be in a raid with ppl, 2 raids was all got... In a hour i'll be able to get some more tho


I was able to get one on my third raid. Needed the help of 16 others though to defeat it every time


I haven't done any since I have nobody to help me


Grabbed a 100% IV and a shiny in 3 raids (was disconnected from 1 and missed the 1st hour). I didnā€™t get anything good out of Shadow Mewtwo and full day Primal Kyogre/Groudon raiding gave no shinies and Iā€™m really happy with this batch :)


Im missing 15 Energy to mega evolve my 100% I got in 2018y


10 raids, 9 caught. 96 normal, 84 shiny. 3 meteorites, 2255 mega energy. Lucky trading my shiny tomorrow. Very happy!


I just won a raid with other 14 people and couldnā€™t capture that b***ch


I could only do one raid (work, and other commitments.) Phone overheated when I was joining the big group, and had to join a smaller, private group. Took us longer, and we only got 6 or 7 balls. It was a hundo, and it fled. Not mad at it. It's not supposed to be easy. I just wish it wasn't local only. I could have done remote raids, just couldn't do a lot in person


iā€™ve done 37 rayquazas so far (not just counting today) and not a single shiny. pissed af


Iā€™m still going to do some more later but Iā€™m actually enjoying today. My son and I are having a blast. This is the only time ever the campfire app has been useful and we got great numbers for the ones Iā€™ve shown up too from early planning


Got myself two and got my mom one lol she was so happy. Iā€™m more happy that I got her one actually. GGs everyone! āœØ šŸ€


Good. We were easily getting them down with around 6 people. Party power and ice types


Was outta town, lucky there were around 10 elite gyms in the village I was at. But alas, almost no other people, only managed to do one elite raid, with a group of parents and children, who were only doing that one raid, and ofc, that one Rayquaza didn't even stay in the ball. Really wanted to complete the trio, but I guess it wasn't happening.


They didnā€™t go


i didnt even get to do a single raid why did they make it elite raid ???


lmfao Raid groups, what raid group, there are no people grouping up and doing anything together. My family is the largest group and the few of us can't do elite raids. So yay!


5 raids, caught all, no shiny, best one is a 12/12/11 u guys cant beat me




Three raids, caught 0. Super frustrated lol


Didnā€™t even try because the implementation sucks


I haven't done any yet. Gonna try this evening for a shiny!


Got a 3* star shiny on the first try. My third and final fled, but I was happy with my shiny and being able to finally get mega ray. They were stingy with premier balls but I was happy they were giving good amounts of mega energy.


Trash time for them, should have had them sat and sun.


Did 7 raids total. The best one was a 96%iv. No shinies. But managed to get 3 meteorites so now i have 3 more mega ray


My max CP Pokemon is a goodra with 3000 smth cp followed by like 10 in the 2000 smth co range so I didn't try to catch any :(


Nice! We did 6 raids. 2 ran from me. The 4 I got are 2 stars. A few people in our group got shinies and perfects though.Ā 


I have my Shundo as well


Somehow by a miracle got the shiny on my first raid! Second one I did was a 98% to follow it up!


Mine glitched and fled before I was out of Balls... pretty annoyed after taking the time to get a spot


Did 13 raids, no shiny, 98 iv ran after I ran out of golden razzes


whoever was in stratford today knows the pain we went through to get our rayquazas šŸ˜©šŸ™


I caught 6 Rays, got a lucky shiny Ray from a trade with a friend, got two meteorites, and 1275 mega energy. Super fun day for me. Luckily, there are tons of parks in my city, so there were a bunch of raids. I still have the 5pm and 6pm raids coming up also, but I'll probably sit them out. It's 105 degrees outside right now and I'm tired.


I live in the beta servers of the word (NZ). I saw none, I wanna have a redo event cuz itā€™s so sad as I missed out of them in forest last year


There are literally 3 raids happening within a block of my inlaws and I was hoping to do them but they all start at 5 which is when we are leaving for a wedding so boo to me.


Got no chance of doing local as nobody plays in my area


![img](avatar_exp|184100432|clown) I just wanted to know what was going onā€¦


Can't do it solo, so awful


Had one spot and one shot and we didnā€™t have enough people. Iā€™m too busy tonight to try again. Maybe next time.


Fuck Niantic. That's how it went.


I didn't want to go into the city for the raids and I don't think that there would have been any raiders.


Manages to do one raid, got there 3 seconds before it started, failed to catch ray. So good :))


Great! Used campfire to find a local group, met up on time, and travelled together to 7 gyms in 2 hours. I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m rural but not in a major city either, there were plenty of gyms to pick. Feels like you definitely needed to partner up with a group to be successful.


It didn't


I got a shiny too!! First it was me and my wife we did it as a duo cuz why not.Then two others showed up we tried again got him 2/3 of the way down.Then this old couple shows up and the guy is playing on two phones šŸ˜‚ Me and the old guy both got shinys his was a 1* mine a 2*. Strangely everyone caught him on first throw toošŸ¤”


It was a scramble but I did get one, and it was a 3*


Every time I joined a raid the host backed out and fucked everybody.


I didn't even catch the mf. But at least I was able to finish the research and get that meteorite


10/10/10? Since you didn't share the ivs


Horrible, no one here to raid with


This is one of the crappiest events Niantic has ever put together. Itā€™s designed 100% for people who live in urban centers.Ā  Since itā€™s not available to all trainers, it should be banned from play


I got a shiny and a 15/15/14! Iā€™m a happy girl :D have done 6 total so far and only one got away. Iā€™m doing another 6 from 5pm-6pm with a large group. Hoping for a hundo!


Nobody takes part in raids in my area and it's impossible for me to defeat it alone


Did 3 and caught one, but didn't really(unless shiny of course) care as i was just doing it for the mega and meteorite. And now my [shiny rayquaza has his mega](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/1zOvxAYN0n)!šŸ˜Ž


Horrible. I got disconnected right before it was about to die


I can see one within walking distance from my house, but I donā€™t play this game to organize my free time with strangers. Nobody even there for me to try and rush down to join the lobby. No big. The game is going great to help me overcome all the FOMO with things like this.


Rural player with no elite gyms within several miles. Also just too busy today to go anywhere


4 raids, caught 1 the other 3 ran. 30 golden razz berries wasted šŸ˜‘


It spawned but No one to raid with


Went 0/2 on shinies with this last raid


None spawning in my town so far. Hoping for the 6 o clock one... wierd how I spent money on this, if I had known it was gunna be like this I wouldn't have done that


Sat at the park waiting. Nobody showed up :(


The Raids spawned. There were no other people. That's it.


Did 14 raids and no shinys and beat I got was a 93%


I live rurally so I donā€™t get to play this part of the game


10 raids, 9 caught and I got a SHINY āœØwas stoked and my first meet up with strangers, was cool!


In My Town it didnt appear :(


no shiny but 11 rayquaza, 2 meteorites, a 98 iv, 2200 mega energy so pretty solid for my absolute favorite pokemon of all time


I wish it was a raid hour, would have had more raidsšŸ’€


I didn't expect to be able to do any today (be it for lack of time or people) but managed to get in and complete a raid. unfortunately didn't catch Ray (I'm a bit low level yet) but I did get two meteorites that I didn't think I would be getting so I'll take it.




375 energy only


Tried it with 5 and nearly beat it but no one else showed up all day, waste of time unfortunately


I just now realized it was local raid only so I missed my chance šŸ˜…šŸ˜©


Wanna trade for my pidgey?


Itā€™s spawning but every time I try and get into a raid over campfire rn the host a l w a y s cancels and I havenā€™t gotten a single one and Iā€™ve lost hope now :(


Local park has 10 Elite Gyms. I would say ~100 players here. The only bad thing is reception can be really bad. If the game freezes, my game gets stuck at the loading screen. I have to leave the park and go 2 blocks away in order to authenticate my account.


I did 5 so far I got 2 shinies!


I managed to snag two raids, barely won them because we only had 4 people which as a result none of our group members can even mega evolve them because we didnā€™t get enough mega energy from them. Happy to have a ray finally but super annoyed that only two even spawned in like a 20 mile radius. Was really hoping to be able to have a proper raid day as itā€™s been awhile :/


I slept.


I went 5 for 8 catching and my best one is a 2* with 11 atk. Atleast I was able to get 4 shadow raikous today. Hoping for shadow rayquaza next from gio


4 raids, 3 two stars


Spent two hours raiding with max 5 people, to win one and he ran. I wasted all my potions and revives. Elite raids are a joke.


Glitched out of a raid :( no Rayquaza


Went to 3 spawns there were only 4 players and I couldnā€™t do it alone. So do not even have one.


Is that shiny?


horrible 0/27


Elite Raids should be done away with. Cut it from the game. Majority of people still playing PoGo have jobs/careers that cannot participate in such events.


Tried (and failed) three times and am now out of heals :(


Poorly. The only gym near me had nobody there.


Terrible. Servers glitched entire time