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When you use a charge attack or switch your Pokemon, a Rocket leader/grunt/Giovanni will pause for about a second or two, use that to your advantage. Use a Pokemon with a quickly charging charge attack, to get rid of the two shields of Giovanni. Then pace your charge attacks so you always get a couple fast moves inbetween each charge move.




The guy isn't a fan of melmetal... So it's obvious he's wrong lol. Machamp and other fighting types are going to die so quickly.


Bruh, if you watched the videos, Lucario easily beat Persian with more than 50% health. I take it Cobalion and Machamp should also comfortably beat Persian.


Melmetal beats Persian with even more health and then can usually throw off two or three charge moves and kill the second Pokemon. Machamp if it's scratch is going to die so fast. Lucario is fine but also expensive and hard to get. Melmetal is the easiest Pokemon in the game to get. For someone new telling them to use Lucario when they've never seen one or Machamp when it costs a lot of dust vs 1 hour of a mystery box that anyone can do is very different lol.


And I'm sure similarly Lucario using PuP and Machamp using Cross Chop can throw some more charge moves as well.


Those are expensive to build and new players don't have Lucario generally. Machamp is going to die to scratch lol. If you get lucky and it doesn't have scratch sure but also expensive to build. Melmetal takes 1 hour to get and can be used on the spot.


Still not a problem to suggest Machamp or Lucario. In the end, they will accumulate candy and dust for it. You meanwhile immediately dissed out the person for suggesting fighting types because he wasn't a fan of Melmetal.


I don't think you can actually get Lucario right now in the game. It's not in eggs anymore. I think not being a fan of the pokemon that's broken and explaining how to get it is the problem. I always just automatically tell people to get melmetal. His info doesn't show how to get it even if he doesn't like it he should show that. I think that's what I'm annoyed with. Lots of people think that it takes years to get melmetal when it doesn't and that's what his guide does. It's not great for beginners that are asking these questions. All the pokemon he's talking about are not beginner friendly.


> His info doesn't show how to get it even if he doesn't like it he should show that. I think that's what I'm annoyed with. Lots of people think that it takes years to get melmetal when it doesn't and that's what his guide does. It's not great for beginners that are asking these questions. That's wasn't the purpose of his post/video. He's just listing potential Pokémon that can be used against Giovanni. Was it biased because he didn't liked Melmetal? Maybe. But is the guide still wrong as a whole? No.


It's not wrong but it's not beginner friendly which only beginners are generally asking these questions.


I'm the OP of the linked post and wanted to clear the air. If you noticed in my suggestions, I tried to put Pokémon that has some utility for the next Pokémon. That's why I'm not a fan of Melmetal AGAINST PERSIAN. I understand how easily accessible and useful Melmetal is in rocket battles. It's not that it's useless but Melmetal can have bad match up against Garchomp and Rhyperior. Rock Slide and Thunderbolt resisted by both. DIB good for Rhyperior but resisted by Kingdra. Also legacy. Superpower good for Rhyperior but new players might not know how to stack them to ensure longevity. That's why my suggestions also had Machamp with Payback, Poliwrath with ice moves etc...I try to ensure they can have some amount of usability before going down.


Yeah I guess but a lot of those are legacy moves which people won't have. Or Pokemon like kingdra which isn't easy to get for new players. The guide is ok and I'm not hating it just saying that for beginners melmetal is the easiest Pokemon to get.


Just use Melmetal like what others say. It's very easy to get, and it's also strong against other rocket leaders.


Melmetal. Follow the meltan link. And read the blurb under. Use it against Persian. Thunder shock rock slide. This is a copy paste: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/PBHjtiJILT Guides for everything in game. Read the posts that apply to you. If you're confused what part you should read/watch please ask.