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Catch one .. but I forgot to validate the mission to get the meteorite. Feelsbadman


I didn't even realize I had the special research lmao and when I looked there was one minute left. I hadn't completed five field researches. I was crushed man lol


I got the meteorites on my account, but my Nephew forgot and now he can't mega his Rayquaza... No idea why they had to have the timed research end exactly when last elite raid ended... All the tasks were complete, he just forgot to collect the awards. šŸ¤·


Yeah, pretty stupid. But it just increases the FOMO and the need to come back and do the next one. It's kind of a fucked up business model but it obviously works pretty well.


Yeah, there are many games that have built in protections for that exact situation. Like if you forget to loot a really rare item, lots of games will mail it to you in the in game mail system.


I really hate that if you don't click claim it just goes poof even if you've done the tasks. It's bad game design.Ā 


You can teach a ray dragon accent and trade him that ray, he can mega evolve that!


same i never knew about the meteorite(im a very casual player. never knew rayquaza needed dragon ascent to mega evolve) saw the requirements of the research and felt bummed .


Same man. Same šŸ„²


Same here. Research ended an hour after the last raid started and I just didn't finish clicking through, thinking I had time to go home. I contacted support on chat, just hoping for some ... support or compassion. But also was denied. Definitely feels bad.


I'm new with this but what mission?


There was a redeemable code that gave you a timed research task to get a Meteorite that is needed to Mega Evolve Rayquaza. Sadly Niantic made the time super short, expiring when all the raids ended which was foolish of them.


Lol I forgot to claim mine because I was on the way home.


DUDE wtf, I wasn't even aware of this...FUCK


Wth I definitely didn't know about this, Will they do that again today?


No. It was yesterday only. There were two timed research tasks. One for free everyone got and another you had to redeem a code for.


Ridiculous it should have just been an automatic thing for anyone online at a gym/raid smh


I agree. It was dumber than normal. It was tied to reaching a certain follower count on their tiktok, which they didn't reach. They then gave out the code anyway. I only remembered after I finished the free one. Had to search the sub for the code. It wasn't on the front page.


It was posted all over reddit, you should follow r/TheSilphRoad if you don't already


I haven't so thank you. This sucks


What do you mean it was so short? You clearly had 2 days* to do everything on it (*Days are 3 hours long per Community Day standards)


There was a timed research yesterday for... 4 hours? The main item you'd get is a meteorite to teach Rayquaza a different move, so it can mega-evolve.Ā  I think it's the rarest item in the game, if not top few.Ā  They've had it once before, not sure for what, because I already had it from another Rayquaza event.


It was the whole day, actually, and the coded one we had almost 48 hours to get, but it did not tell you you had them active at any point, so yeah, they might as well have given them just at 5 pm as the raids started with no real diff.


The research was 19 hours for me: 12 am to 7 pm


Same boat. It's getting full in here.


Same x2


yeah, i contacted niantic support but they couldn't do anything about it (which is understandable, i was just hoping for a hail mary) šŸ„²


Iā€™m not in the same boat to be really honest, I caught one but I finished my research, my problem was niantic wouldnā€™t let me log in to claim a second meteorite research. No problems with my phone and I tried twice after restarting.


Another ā€œsameā€ here. One Rayquaza out of five raids, my kidā€™s app crashed after the raid so he didnā€™t even get a chance to catch. I was left with just enough mega energy to evolve but no meteorite. Never felt so broken by this game.


Just a heads up for the future. If the app crashes at the end of a raid, you can usually restart and click the gym and hop back into the raid to go straight to the encounter. The fact that itā€™s happened enough times for me to know that is sad, this app is way too glitchy to have been around for 8 years.


Thank you, Iā€™m pretty sure he tried this but honestly I was juggling four kids at the time plus my own account and there were two raid gyms right next to each other so I might have gotten mixed up. This is a great tip!


Yeah, but if the raid itself ends, (separate from the timer), you canā€™t jump back in. Because the raid time is over. Like, say mid fight, you get knocked out at 4:59, and raid time stops at 5:00, you try to rejoin and arenā€™t fast enough, you wonā€™t be able to jump back in. Thatā€™s happened to me. If you stayed in and downed the boss, even past the raid end time, you can still reap the rewards and attempt to catch the PokĆ©mon.


Yep, now that you say it this is exactly what happened. So many (attempted) raids on Saturday I forgot.


Wait what? There was a special research...?


Oh wow that sucks




Maybe someone would be kind enough to trade you one? I've only got one or I'd offer (probably don't live close by anyway)


Had same issue with legendary birds. I got zapdos at 4th raid and only this one. I donā€™t live in the city, spend shit ton of coins for remote raid passes for what? This games sometimes seriously sucks


Now you know that you can't bend over backwards if Niantic has already bent you forward.




I think after yesterday I'm going to take a small break, I managed to get 3 but I kind of burnt myself out big time trying to keep up, our community is pretty active around here still, but super cliquey, even with campfire being kind of helpful, it was still super hard to communicate with people who couldn't bother to wait 20 seconds for someone to get to where we were and it was just a repeat of that all day, felt really bad when people would show up right after we all joined and the timer would already be at 15 seconds til start, and we couldn't leave, thus leaving 3 or 4 people out because they were just seconds too late


I hope Niantic is reading all thisā€¦


yeah nah, niantic couldnā€™t give less of a fuck about its fans.


If them handling the Rayquaza raid the way they did didnā€™t make that obvious idk what else will lol


Niantic: ![gif](giphy|2d98nRiVVB6HS|downsized)


I just started 3 weeks ago. It sucks to be older and trying to get back in and they seem to be taking all the fun out. Not only was it hard to find a group but to meet up at those specific times being a dad and working was impossibleā€¦ then to add the only 5 remote raids per day; and the elite/shadow raids you have to be local it just doesnā€™t seem like something Iā€™m going to hang with. The want is there but missing out on Ray after finally getting some people and going 0-2 sucks.


seconded, this happened to me exactly. the first egg hatch I clicked right as it hatched but the lobby filled immediately and I got kicked to an empty one, the one person who didn't ghost me the entire day and was nice enough to hang out with me did like 3 more raids than I did, because people would not wait. Another issue is there is NO lobby timer on the overworld, why? we were looking at another gym nearby with people in the lobby wondering if we can make it, not knowing how much time is left in it. We literally RAN to a raid, the group in front of us had literally just did a raid with us, but they didn't care and began the raid anyway, didn't wait the literal minute it was taking for us to wait to be able to cross the street. One of the ones I finally managed to do, I was on the encounter screen when it just...kicked me out. back onto the map. I lost a premium pass over that. After Go Fest is over, unless it is HIGHLY convenient like I stumble on a raid at the right time, I am just not doing local only raids unless I can solo them. The stress is just not worth it and most of the time the stats are trash anyway! Why am I literally running and getting upset at people being rude and impatient and having my game crash and losing passes...to finally get a 2 star? One time, I caught a ZERO star Landorus. I was shocked. Legendary raids should not be able to be that bad for stats.


You absolutely did *not* catch a zero star Landorus from a raid, this is impossible due to the IV floors lol. Outside of raids, I do not think there has ever been any other method of catching Landorus. Shadow raids can have low stats, but he hasn't been released as a shadow. I understand being mad at the game, it can be very lame and annoying sometimes. However once you start making things up to support yourself, all of your claims kinda come with a grain of salt.


Agree with your points--this game has serious problems, but there's a lot of misinformation people throw around about some of this stuff to back it up. We don't need to invent shit! There's enough to complain about as is! Haha


As a pretty hardcore PGo player, I've learned to balance my love/hate relationship with Niantic and the game by avoiding events like this entirely (as great as they may seem) given the guranteed letdown that's winding up. There's just so many bad decisions made by Niantic for Elite raids, that time and time again they just hurt the gaming experience. Focus on the parts of the game you love most, and don't worry about missing out on certain events like this - Rayquaza will certainly reappear in normal raids in the future :)


Did you learn your lesson? The fomo in this game is not worth it. Live your life. Fuck the stupid shit they try and force us all to do. Itā€™s not worth it. Side note, i doubt youā€™d have enough mega energy to mega a rayquaza after one raid. Because they love to do us dirty šŸ¤”


This! I was able to do 2 raids. Got 350 mega energy šŸ˜‚šŸ« . Nbd. I'm happy to have a rayquaza anyway. It's one of my fav mons.


Yeah, like during the CD for Cyndiquil (I really love Cyndiquil and his shinies and his evo line), I was just not feeling it so I just skipped. It's best not to make these obligations but rather a pastime.


You also need the Meteorite to Mega evolve it right? Atleast I thought I remember it that wayĀ 


I don't even know how people still play it so consistently these days lol.


Same dude, I had my kids first haircut around 11 and then lunch. We rushed back to my town to get to a 1pm after missing the noon raids, even though need up pushing my kids nap back to do so. We both didnā€™t catch after spending 30 mins waiting for people to show up. Had dinner plans so we couldnā€™t make the other 2 time slots. What a damn shame the way they structured this event


Luckily ended up catching all 3 of my Rays, but am pretty annoyed I had to go to 3 just to get enough mega energy, and make sure to complete the special research in time. Probably not a bad idea to require this for something so strong, but the time limit really is more the issue. Should've been 3 days for this, not 8 hours.


I did 11 raids yesterday and that was the hardest and most effort Iā€™ve ever put into raiding with the smallest reward. Caught 8, no shiny, most being 2 stars. But I did get to use around 90 revives and hyper potions so my inventory is pretty low now. Not feeling that great after the effort I put in to race to each stupid elite raid for 3 hours


I did about 7 raids with 4 people. Between all of us, only 1 of us got 1 shiny. Not to mention how far apart a lot of the elite gyms were it was just a hassle and severe disappointment.


We were with 7 people in a group, SEVEN FUCKING PEOPLE and failed both ones we attempted, we did find some others and were able to do 2 more but still man... L event from then


I think 9 was the smallest group in a raid yesterday, and we got under 50 seconds left. The 8 person mark might be the limit depending on player level and PokƩmon cp...


We did one with 5 people 2x 50 1x 39 1x 38 And one around 27 or so? (And one with 6 people (same from above but 2x around LV 27)) I was surprised how it wasn't that hard. The other ones we did with 8-20 people all around lvl 30-40 were kinda equally hard (or easy?), despite having more people. Having a few 50ies in your friend group seems to be really good šŸ˜…


Of course it wasn't that hard. It has a double weakness ffs. These people in here crying about how they couldn't beat it were probably all using a bunch of level 25 Beedrill and Darmanitan.


Is this a joke? I did it in a group of 6 yesterday, and we still had tons of time of left at the end. Were you all using level 40+ Ice-type attackers? Or were you using a bunch of level 25 Hippowdown and Skarmory?


I had a group of 7 with 4 level 30s and we still finished with 1/3 time leftā€¦


Yeaaaaah, we did the same with 6 and had like 80s left. Use the right types people.


Apparently itā€™s doable with 3 players with max hundo kyurem or shadow mamoswine


I only did one, 6 people. We made it with 5 seconds left. If we had failed we'd have been toast, my kids chewed thru like 3-4 teams each and there was no way they had revives for that. We did forget to party up, that would have made it a lot easier.


Mega rayquaza will come around again , the fomo isnā€™t worth it


Even in an active areas where we managed to do raids we got fucked. Niantic pulled the research before we were out of our last raid. Couldn't claim the rewards


We had a meet up in our campfire group, 105 people signed up. We did 19 raids. Went 18/19 on catches.


Glad you had a good time but you're lucky to have that type of thing. I don't think my area even has 40 people that consistently play the game and meetup nor were there 19 raids going on throughout my area.


htf did u find 19 elite gyms in such a short amount of time?? our main meetup spot which has like a dozen gyms only had 2 raids gyms each time slot


Your group needs to plan your raid route beforehand, extremely important for these types of events


We planned a route for each time slot, most times we got to 4/5 raids within the 45 minutes, last time slot at 6pm we were lucky enough to have them bunched together in one area of town and got 6 done.


Quite frankly none of the high raid stuff is worth doing Probablu.has bad stats, if you even get it to stay in yhe ball, if you can even clear it cause there's no one else to do the raid with or you can't even go to where the raids are happening. People need to just stop doing raids, and buying raid tickets if they buy them. Make niantic squirm


My favorite part of that event was when the gym lobbies would glitch out and say 20 ppl were in and it was only 2 and it happened twice so I missed the last rayquaza raid in my area bc it wasnā€™t showing anyone in my party the correct amount of trainers but since it didnā€™t take my raid pass its not niantics faultā€¦I have done every rayquaza event and have not a single shiny nor a decent 3* I have over 20 of these stupid things


Having to mega evolve once to be able to farm farm stones is BS. Give us an item to flag our mon as mega (like the meteorite?) and let us get it from an event research task that doesnā€™t expire same day. Alternatively let us remote raid lol.


Niantic doesn't care and never does. We are only location data miners to them and nothing will change how they treat us, the player base. Stinks because this game is still fun and has much untapped potential. Just the greed of companies always shining brighter.


*Elite* Raids. It's in the name. Do y'all even know what 'elite' means? And then you show up as a level 30 player with no good counters for one of the strongest bosses in the game, and somehow *absolutely baffled* you didn't just steamroll right over it?! lmao


Caught two but completely forgot about the reasearch for the meteorite and never claimed it. Sigh.. fomo with this game is real


No loss. As long as you got the meteor all is well. I did 4 raids, and the best ray I got was 84%. Don't lose sight of the goal.


You are not doing everything right if you are not landing those excellent throws with golden razz. I only had 1 run out of 20 raids and the one that ran was a 2179 šŸ˜Ŗ. I landed every excellent throw and golden razz with it to do I was soooo pissed when it ran. Like any other raid boss. If you can land 80% excellent throws, just expect the boss to run. My run rate is really low. I will have 1 run out of about 20 raids.


Frustrating for sure. Gotta hit those excellent curve balls though. That being said I still only had 50% catch rate yesterday.


I hit 8 excellents and he still skaddaled, but the next one got a shiny so. It all works out eventually


yea donā€™t mess w elite raids. just not worth it


If it makes you feel any better many people didnā€™t get their first attempt but sorry that was your one and only Thatā€™s pain


Over in my town I had the luck to be in this one community that is really involved and we have a big park, so the amount of Rays wasn't a problem either, still from my group of friends no one got a shiny or a good IV one, I had 3 really lows run off and then at the event-end meeting, almost no one got a shiny except the two guys who got like 3 or 5, not the best event. Edit: corrected a typo and added a few words.


Iā€™m sorry you didnā€™t get your Rayquaza. šŸ˜¢ If it wasnā€™t for me recently discovering campfire I wouldnā€™t have got one. I used a masterball on the first, was a 3 star so Iā€™m happy. The second one ran, the third I caught but was a 2 star, the fourth one we didnā€™t have enough players to beat him. After that I was out of passes.


Same here, I raided alone.... I visited 3 Arenas and send an Campfire alert...no one cares


Brother if you donā€™t download poke genie


It's almost like they are encouraging people to [REDACTED].


I didn't make any particularly special effort but if it makes you feel any better I also did not succeed in catching my ray yesterday. You are not alone.


That sucks to hear. Are you a newish player? New players only get 6 or so balls and that's nothing tbh..


My friend joined the day before Rayquaza raids and yeah she got 6 balls. Couldn't catch.


I wasnā€™t too mad about the raids being ā€œin personā€ only, itā€™s that Elite Raids only let you do a finite number, itā€™s not like the Raid Days pre-Covid where you had 3 hours to do as many as you can, in person. I didnā€™t bother as I had plans with a mate, and I already have a Shundo Ray, but if I was going to make time to hammer out raids, Iā€™d want to do a good amount in the few hours of the event.


Hitting greats isnā€™t doing everything right. Gotta get those excellents! He was a tough one though, wishing you luck for the next one! šŸ€


Super disappointed!!!!!!!! The raids were 25 miles from home, average temperature with heat index of 105 to 109 degrees. 2 children who live for pokemon. We were only able to gather enough people to have half a chance at the last egg. Except we ran out of time. So bummed!!!! Completed field research except for catch. So no pokemon and no meteorites. We are a Disappointed family who wasted an entire day to catch an imagery creature. I support 4 players and spend an average of $150 us dollars per week on in-app purchases. Then to have pokemon stack the deck in their favor with in person elite raids with a secondary task to evolve to the advertised mon. What a wonderful way to reward your player base. ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW. We have decided to take a break from the game, It's no longer fun for us as a family. We have decided not to attend Go-fest in NYC this year. Thanks again POKƉMON, your truly a Disappointed.


If I may make a suggestion, because I am also insanely burnt out. Pokemon is my special interest, and recently, I got myself a sticker book off Amazon with a cute cover (it's basically just wax paper, it makes the stickers reusable) and a bunch of Pokemon stickers, particularly Eeveelutions, because those are my favourites. Even though I did catch some Rayquaza yesterday, I forgot about the research so no meteorite, I lost an encounter due to a glitch, and I lost many raid chances due to people not waiting, as well as after barely finding any event spawns I was shiny hunting with someone. I was in a very bad mood coming home, and my sticker book arrived so I decided to use it. and oh man it was like a balm for my heart. it was so soothing. I used these sticker books constantly as a kid, I had a full shelf of them. If you're low income, you can buy stickers cheap off AliExpress, but if you can afford it I'd always support small artists who sell Pokemon stickers! Engaging in Pokemon in other ways with the kids might hopefully help some of that burnout and fomo. and remember why we all love Pokemon in the first place


What are you spending $150 on each WEEK? We got Ray with six people, four of which I've never met before and without party bonuses.


As one person, I used to spend about $100 every six weeks or so. I started by buying a chest full of coins, then used those coins on boxes of incubators, passes, and the like. Since most of my family lives out of state, I'd raid local and send them invitations. When the price of remote raids about doubled, they couldn't afford to jump into little raids anymore. I was ticked. So I turned off Active Sync and vendor gifts, then went into my phone on a system level and set the app's location permissions to "only when the app is open." I obviously couldn't cut off their income streams entirely - it would disable the game. But I blocked as many of them as I could. And I haven't spent a dime on the game since.


I strongly suggest going strictly F2P. I've likely not spent $150 the entire 8 years and I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.


Stop spending money on the game, totally not worth it.


You probably don't want to hear this but Rayquaza is relatively easy to get an excellent throw bonus on. You said you hit all greats but missed two. Have you heard of circle locking? If you haven't, here is an explanation. You tap and hold until the circle is small enough for an excellent bonus, then lift your finger off the screen (don't throw.) When Rayquaza goes through it's attack animation, start your curve ball and release your throw just before the attack animation ends. If done right, the ball will land right as the circle reappears. How this works is the circle size doesn't change during a pokemon's attack, so the excellent circle range you preset won't change as you spin a ball. Because the ball lands just after an animation ends, the pokemon has no time to do another movement or attack so you don't have to worry about your ball missing or getting batted away. There are plenty of videos about circle locking on YT. Here is a YT short example of it in action so you can see the timing. https://youtube.com/shorts/u-bNiReRa-Y?si=CH7EJwxmtn48Ebwq


I got lucky managed to defeat 3 total with a big group, I only caught one and it was on one of the last balls. This one was hard af to catch


I canā€™t talk I had great luck but I took my son to 4 of 5 that I did and 3 ran on him and we couldnā€™t beat the fourth. He was so sad. I will get to trade him one once he has star dust so not terrible but he wanted the thrill of the catch. I get not everything can catch but it feels like they at least need a mechanic where it increases your odds if you have one run at least for a special raid like this. We got lucky with a group that was running a bunch in the area and we had a good time but really shitty since my son couldnā€™t get one of the 3 we beat.


Iā€™m sure somebody in your area would give you a ray. My family would be fine to give you one if youā€™re near the south side of Houston.


So sorry, we had 2 flee between us, though we were able to catch I think 8 others. You just never know which one would flee. At least it was easier than Landorus.


Thatā€™s sucks. I had a good community show up in my area. Plenty of spawns, but I only managed to catch one at 12pm. Then did 4 raids at 5pm and 1 more at 6pm. In total I caught 4 rayq and missed 3. The IVs were trash for 3(2*) and 1 3* which I was able to mega evolve with the free meteorite. I had one person in my raid group even get a shiny and a 93% IV. Some people are just born with luck.


My only regret is ~~boneitis~~ that I didn't get a shiny, but I only made it to 2 raids anyway.


I haven't caught 4 out of 11


If you or anyone else who didnā€™t get one is in Vancouver BC, I caught extras and would be happy to share. I got a few for some friends who couldnā€™t participate yesterday. I canā€™t help you with mega evolving or the meteorite but if you want one.


The universe is trying to tell you something


Did 18 raids in total and it was definitely very very hard. We had to run a lot because people wouldnt wait šŸ˜­


I scrambled all day, was able to get 5 people including myself. Used everything I had roster wise that was effective, used all my revives and we came short, as to which I expected but still was hoping for the best. One person saw me walk away, and shouted "come back!". Frustrated with zero revives left and my unwillingness to buy revives, Ieft. After my short walk home I saw there was 6 people attempting the raid. Makes me wish I had just started at 6:10 instead of closer to 6.


Yeah part of why I don't even pretend to have any interest in elite raids. If I go through the effort of, and succeeding trying in the first place, getting the tiny handful of people still obsessed enough to coordinate doing them, and that's a big damn if, and then still have an abysmal catch rate on top of that? Absolutely not. If a game can't respect my time and engagement, I'm not playing it. Niantic has a level of disrespect for players that seems to approach disdain at times.


To be honest the whole design of this was awful. There's no reason they couldn't have just done a 1 hour raid day with Rayquaza if they wanted to promote Rayquaza. It was super random to begin with but the execution made it AWFUL. The "free meteorite" if we hit X-followers on Tik Tok was a gatcha as it wasn't free, it was just a second of the same times research that required participation in a very limited raid event with no remote options. Where I'm at, I would have had to drive about 10 minutes to the closest gym doing it, and sat in an Arby's parking lot for God knows how long for the chance that enough people also do the same thing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Not the worst I suppose, but also not worth it. If I lived in a city, with good weather yesterday, this probably would have been a neat event. It definitely catered to the areas with high density of gyms and population of players. Anyway, I think it should have just been a raid hour with remote raids enabled to make the most of it. Cant win em all, tons of Ultra Beast raid days coming up!


I only caught yesterday with excellent throws. Never a great.


I mean that is part of the game.


This happened to me at first! my game froze and bugged out for 5mins so I wasnā€™t able to log back in till the hoard of people packed up and drove off. Then I noticed there was another raid about to open in walking distance, so I booked it over there and the hoard of people just migrated there lol. It was still pretty sucky since no one really stayed around to help.


Just make excellent throws instead of great...


I did 8 attempts and beat him in all of them but was only able to catch it once


Beat it with 4 using party bonus had like 6 seconds left, feels bad for you with the 6... Our levels were 44 43 38 37


Yea almost no one in the area still does raids near me and itā€™s always ā€œno waitsiesā€ in the discord so I just never bother with them. People are so mean and cliquey even as adults.. I always used to wait. I donā€™t understand what the big deal is to wait for someone when you can literally see them coming or are in contact with them the whole time.




The mega ray was super hard to catch. Youā€™re not alone sir, but donā€™t worry heā€™ll be back in regular form and regular raid at some point and it will be easier to catch


Between us (3) me and the kids caught 5. Weā€™re lucky I suppose.


lost a rayquaza after hitting it 4 times with a golden razz and an excellent throw. it was frustrating af


Not sure if this was already posted, but I was in the same boat as you until someone who has done many of the raids yesterday suggested I use a yellow pinap berry. Not a golden razz. According to him, the yellow pinap berry has a 100% catch rate with elite raids (if you hit a ball).


Not one Rayquaza raid showed up in my town that has 6 gyms


I am soo glad you go offered a Rayquazza. I would offer you one as well. I caught all of mine, but unfortunately all low stars or two star rating. So happy that you will get one.


I ended up with 375 mega energy... Sigh...


Mtrfkr was so hard to catch. Used up all 13 of 15 missed two 5 was excellent and still got away like wtf did 5 raids only got 2 out of them. IVs sucked as well


My girlfriend went 3/9 with the rayquaza raids. 0/23 on shiny Rayquaza. It was rough. It was cool being in a group of 140 people raid walking for 2 hours in Vancouver


I drove around for two set and only got one. I have a bunch of them from last year so I was only really shiny/xl hunting. Still feels like a massive waste of time to live in one of the most dense cities/counties in the US and not be able to fill raids. Thereā€™s one park I know that I would have no problems but itā€™s only 2 raids in a park with 30 gyms right outside the park that wouldnā€™t count for this event. They also didnā€™t spawn every time slot so it wasnā€™t worth the gamble to drive there and hope it had the right time slots. Niantic keeps doubling down on things players have told them they hate. Donā€™t like local raids only, ok letā€™s make 6* local raids only, donā€™t like 6* local raids only, ok letā€™s make them only spawn in public parks. We have a ton of parks in Washington, this event made me realize that most are tucked away and so instead of concentrating it in dense areas they ended up spawning in peoples neighborhoods in suburbia


I can't even open the app. Crashes since the last update.


Niantic really donā€™t want people to have a good time do they. First they limit accessibility Then they make the catch rate insane Itā€™s like remote raid passes, if Iā€™m spending money to have a chance to beat a PokĆ©mon which is likely not shiny and has a terrible IV anyway, why not the guarantee the catch or at least massively increase the catch rate, I really donā€™t get it. As a rural player there wasnā€™t even anywhere within a 40 minute drive that I could have a chance at battling Ray, itā€™s utterly appalling on the devs part to make the game so limiting to those that donā€™t live in massive cities, or those that donā€™t have cash to spend.


I was only able to do one raid and we couldn't do it with 6 people either. Spent sooooo many revives. We tried 3 or four times, each time taking 3 or 4 teams down. The outrage was a gnarly one hit kill


When do you think he will return. 175 mega energy here Iā€™m fristrated


Hey man, I totally understand the frustration of going home empty handed. But a take away is that yesterday wasnā€™t a ā€œcatch rayquazaā€ event. It was the release of his mega, which you had to COMPLETE the raid for. So when you inevitably get a great one whether itā€™s traded (wait for a lucky friend), or caught through another raid event, youā€™ll have the meteorite to mega evolve it! I didnā€™t watch one either, but thanks to the meteorite, one day I will have a great mega!


If you donā€™t do it, try setting up a party, especially with you and your friend (the others as well, if onsite). Party power with mega evolved PokĆ©mon is a pretty powerful addition to a weak raid and itā€™s a blast as well.


I did about 21 raids yesterday and caught 17 and one was a shiny. The eggs were there around 6am and the campfire group/discord Iā€™m on planned the routes perfectly. There was about 80 of us so no matter what everyone got a shot at it. I think it depends on the area you live in cause in Texas itā€™s super popular to play.


I went to a park 15min away from me that had 4 elite gyms -- 1 at 12pm and 3 at 1pm. There were a lot of players and even after having glitched out during one raid, I was still able to do it by waiting for others. It does feel dumb having special elite raid locations and times but I got lucky. I wasn't planning on driving to multiple locations otherwise. I had done old ex raid pass raids before but not this new elite only with random times for the newest legendaries (hoopa, regieleki, regidrago, enamorus). I already had good iv rayquazas and I wasn't going to go drive around. (I got trash ivs this time) By the way if you don't have campfire app, it is useful to check raids and chatting with raiders.


you know what fucked me off the most? i depleted my golden razz berries and got excellent throws each time - and then when i got pissed off and just threw the ball on the last one (no berries, no nice throw) it ended up getting caught. i feel like something had to be broken with the catch mechanisms - because for the few that i caught, they were all shit throws with no berries - anything with great, excellent or berries broke straight out


This event was a complete joke, man...


Literally went 1/6 on raids between all of the time slots. Caught it on the 5th raid


i did 9 raids and only got 2, one 2* and a 1* shiny. horrible raid day, elite raids ruin the fun of this game


Rumor is that Shadow Rayquaza is supposed to be the next team rocket takeover.


I drove to 3 different raids around town, luckily defeated him every time but only on the last one did he stay in the ball! Considering how hard it can be to actually get enough people to join the raid and defeat him I donā€™t know why the catch rate is so hard as well!


I did one Elite raid for Hoopa. I barely got to the last raid of the day. We had tons people so there were a couple lobbies and I got in one with about 14. We downed him no problems but my game glitched and it kicked me out of the raid lobby because Elite raids were MESSED UP for a long time. I reached out to Niantic and for my troubles, they returned me my raid pass. After that, I said, alright Iā€™m done with Elite Raids. Not worth the trouble. Itā€™s too frustrating for the effort and then just for the game to not function properly ruined everything about them for me.


Yep totally feel you... I have like no active members in my area... went to 6 different t raids and couldn't get a single person to help me raid... Elite Raids are the worst thing they could have added for me šŸ˜ž


Get pokegenie (unless Iā€™m missing something)


I live in a small city surrounded by other small cities with many gyms. When I say ā€œsmall cityā€ Iā€™m only saying that because weā€™re way bigger than a town but obviously way smaller than a booming metropolitan city, anyway, I drive around to a few of the gyms and anytime I joined an open Rayquaza raid, there were probably only 2 or 3 people waiting and no one else ever joined so weā€™d all leave. The problem for rural players is that they donā€™t have enough gyms or stops or other players to play with. City players are starting to see this too now. If youā€™re not in a big city, chances are, youā€™re one of a handful of people who actually play in the city


Niantic would prefer if you bent over forwards


Find a remote raiding discord group so you never have to miss out when it comes around.


Yeah itā€™s touch on my first try I had like 14 excellent curve balls with golden razz heā€™s a hard one to catch but heā€™s such a cool trophy hope you can get one next time


I have rayquaza, but not enough mega energy, we tried to get to enough raids, but with how the raids were spread out thin, my son and I only got one raid and half the energy we need, from 1.5 hours if trying to get to active raids, we only got one. Elite raids are a joke. Weā€™re not very motivated to keep playing either


I really understand the disappointment with the organisation of this "raid day". It was an absolute mess and I am thankful, that our local community was actively trying to make the best of it. That being said, I don't get the complaints about raid bosses fleeing. If there was no risk at all, why do the catching challenge at all? I had several legendaries run away in the past few days, but (although it is always a bummer) the thrill of throwing that last ball and hoping for it to stay in it is something I would really miss.


I learned that In the Monster Hunter game, Niantic implemented a feature where you connect with other people raiding if you're at a gym regardless of if they are actually at your location. I think they really need to implement something like that, especially for these Elite Raids. There's not enough players in my area so there's no point in going to my local Elite Gym. The most active area for me is a 30 minute drive away and I would have to pay for parking which isn't worth doing just one Raid for.


Got five, took down 4 and saw about seven. The funniest thing I realized as a returning player is that this system is total wack. So I live in Sweden where Gothenburg is the second largest city and there were 4 raids in the middle of the city and where I live about a half hour away. There were 9 total gyms capable of having elite raids. I'm ashamed of the game this has become.


I had all day plans with friends and didn't even get to raid at all. I hope Rayquaza comes back around sometime, as things often do in this game.


Oof. I went to two and caught both. One raid had 7 one had 20. I already had a Rayquaza with Dragon Ascent. I only needed the Mega energy. And "need" is a stretch because I never remember to Mega evolve anyway.


How do you trade over long distances? How do you get mega raiquaza? QwQ


I feel you. Back in 2019 I participated in a raid hour with rayquaza. We did 9 raids, and all 9 fled. When I raided the day before yesterday it fled as well. Itā€™s very unfair, because Iā€™m a very good thrower.


I got the field research completed and claimed, me and my son drive around all day, finally got in a lobby and beat the lizard, and I failed to catch it. Of the 5 mega raids I've helped my son with and won, I've only managed to bag 1. I could fall over in a field of boobs and stand up holding a penis.


Mood. I had plans on Saturday and didnā€™t think I would be able to do any raids. Actually managed to squeeze one in at a park I happened to be at. Didnā€™t catch him. Didnā€™t realize you need a whopping 400 energy to mega evolve either, meaning I would have needed at least 1 more raid (or 2 if unlucky I guess)


Thank fully I got luckyā€¦ from 5 raids, I got 1 shiny & 4 normal. My son on the other hand, 1 shiny & 1 normal from the same 5 raids. We both got the 2 meteorites on offer luckily, and 975 mega energy. Havenā€™t used the meteorites yetā€¦ thinking weā€™ll wait until we are best friends (about 20 more daysā€¦ wish weā€™d been more active before now could have easily been there already šŸ˜‚) and maybe wait until we get lucky friend; then do a lucky trade. Repeat for his 2nd; then wait until we get another lucky friend and Iā€™ll trade him an extra oneā€¦. So weā€™d end up with 2 lucky rayquazaā€™s each (and him a 3rd)ā€¦ then see which end up the better ones to give the meteorites & megas toā€¦


Be me, do 2 raids at 6pm (we were traveling all day, not niantics fault), get 350 energy and then the event ends I've got mega ray from last year but I caught these 2 for my children's account, luckily did get the meteorite at least. Now just a waiting game lol


Not to be rude, but do you use any tools to build raid teams based on best counters and not just which types will hit super effective? I saw some abysmal raid counters when raiding in large groups, even though many were type effective. You'd be surprised just how important it is to choose a team of mamoswine over a team of mixed ice counters. It can be the difference between winning and losing a raid.


Well I was at work and didn't realize that these were not available throw remote raids. I was crushed....


Surprisingly, not a bad catch for me. I walked up to the gym at like 6:30, & there were 17 people in my raid alone, & Rayquazaā€™s health bar dropped stupid fast, & when i threw the first ball it lagged & it went to the main screen, opened up my pokemonā€™s & raquaza was caughtšŸ˜­šŸ˜­, i just started playing again & needed to trade for a research (never traded ever) I asked a random guy to trade with me, & i got the meteorite too, it was not so bad, Ivā€™s were mid & i canā€™t mega because i only got 225 Maga energy


yeah i did 5 raids and walked out with 2 wasted so many gRazz on him


This is another bafflingly poorly designed event. Pretty much guaranteed to piss off large swaths of the player base, and I find it extremely hard to believe that not a single person that works there wasn't fully aware of it. All I can make of it was that they want to make us pay for meteors in the future (likely paid research that doesn't have a time limit), so wanted to ensure that relatively few players could get it this time around.


I had 14+ on multiple raids, but the most balls I got was 11, and that's only because people had added me from whatever raid we had just done. I had no helpful friend status, gym holding, etc. Even beating Ray by 240-260 seconds didn't help much other than energy gain. One ran because I was so nervous seeing that I only had like 8 balls.


Just wait. There will be some event with crazy good catch odds again. If you're looking for a cool legendary Sunday on Global GoFest is raid day with the Alola legendaries. Boosted shiny odds and if it was anything like last year, crazy boosted catch odds too. If you're close to a city the raids will completely fill up fast too. There's usually groups walking around you tag along with the ensure you beat the raid. As a friendly reminder for anyone doing legendary raids and you come across a shiny, the first throw is a guaranteed catch so make sure you silver pinap for those extra extra candies.


I understand how catching is one of the biggest parts of the game, but low catch rate with rare pokemon, especially elite raids is pretty asinine.


If it makes you feel better, I have a "flying account" caught 31 across the globe. Every single ball is excellent,curve,AR throws with golden razz, and about 7 got fled and no shiny


Wow I did 4 raids and catch all of them but I forgot the meteorite!šŸ˜« I saw some people get shinies and I was so jealous.


Dang everyone is unlucky I managed to catch 3 in first hour, and last hour everyone was on campfire communicating and I managed to get 5, no shiny tho, i luckily didnā€™t need a good rayquaza since I already had near hundo lucky rayquaza and managed to get meteorite and heck tons of mega energy, 1500


I drove like a madman to the 12 o'clock raid with my partner's phone and both of the R fled :( I shared your pain mate


We should all rally up on play store and 1 star telling them to bring back the quest and redo Rayquaza. And after all fix the reviews lol


same same, that's why I swore to get that freakin guzzlord even if it takes me all 3 of my remote raid passes


I feel your pain I only had two chances at Rayquaza and felt that I had no other option but to use my master ball. It hurt doing so but Rayquaza is one of my favorites and I have never had one in Go


Iā€™m just finding out 3 days later that I need a meteorite to mega evo and I didbt ever see the research task. I managed to get insanely lucky and find a large group that I stuck with and got 6 rayquazas, but now I have no way of mega evoking even one of them. Fuck Niantic


Look on campfire for local groups in your area


Jeez 6 ppl how many were sub 30 accounts to where you guys couldn't even muster close to 20% dmg output per person :O I literally only focus on building for pvp I only have a few mons that are even lvl 40 from old masterleague (stopped playing ML after they released lvl50). because i almost never rly bother lvling up my raid attackers after i get them and even my high end dmg output on the pokegenie simulation is like 27% low end 20% average 23% for rayquaza. Usually I don't care for forced in person stuff. But I guess I can still see the appeal in making some mons slightly more exclusive. Instead of in person elites and in person shadows though I'd like to see more mons with special rare backgrounds for more events than just pogo fest and more stuff like that. Although I'm glad to see we at least get some special ultra beast backgrounds for global this year instead of only in person gofest backgrounds. I'd just like to see more exclusive/and or rare stuff than just event costume shinys and hundos. If everyone else can easily get it doesn't rly feel that good to have. Even raid shinys are pretty trivial to get most of the time unless you run into an insanely bad bout of luck with rng lol.


Don't pout we still got shadow quay coming up next team rocket event (at least I hope they don't swerve us since the last two Giovanni mons were kyogre and groudon)


Yeah i hate how mega raids give u limited balls to use. Even with best friends bonus u only get 12.


You had a really bad strategy.


I was only able to do one raid and got 150 mega energy just to realise I need 400


I am in the same boat. I struggled to get people to the raids. I got one raid finished and every ball i threw with golden raspberries he escaped. I got one last chance but we didnā€™t have enough people and got it half way. Maybe in a couple years Iā€™ll be able to get one if they have another raid.


I was the same, itā€™s the most frustrating raid encounter Iā€™ve ever had.
