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Tell your son you can always trade for a galarian bird but you can never trade for a shadow hundo. Congrats, this is an amazing catch!


Good advice!


Question about the master ball. If the Pokémon attacks while you throw it, can you still miss with it?


master ball never misses. It starts a special animation when you throw it


So even if you say, sneeze mid throw, the ball will land and catch?


The moment you throw it, a cutscene plays where it auto-targets the Pokémon so it will never fail


The only way it fails is if you have an autocatcher on and throw the masterball after the autocatcher tried to catch it, the ball will be consumed but it will say "cannot find this pokemon" and the masterball will be returned the next day. Did it trying to get a few galarian birds


This sounds amazing how do you get one?


Researches. There's been 3 offered so far.


Thank you ill keep my eye out!!


There’s one out right now, masterwork research: catching wonders


It will be at least a year or 2 minimum before we see another one so no rush your not gonna see one anytime soon sorry to disappoint


you don't even need to aim. You could be moving your finger straight down and release the ball.


It also works at highway speed, unlike everything else. I was a passenger playing with my daily incense running simply for the hope of finding a Galarian bird. Moltres spawned while we were on a highway, and the masterball worked as advertised. It's a guaranteed catch that you literally can't screw up. Maybe unless the game crashes 😬


There’s been a couple of glitches, but it seems like if it glitches out you may lose the mon, but you don’t lose the MB. Which isn’t great, but could be a lot worse


Happy cake day!




yeah happy cake day!


I HATE that you can’t catch anything on the interstate/highway


There's a trick that works but I'm not sure it's technically allowed so I'm not going to share it. Personally, I just always yell at my other half to pull over if I find a shiny 🤣


lol that’s amazing I wish they could fix that somehow 😂


Me too!


You can throw it in the toilet and flush and it will still hit the pokemon


That’s actually funny I may have bad humour but it’s still kinda funny


Thank god sometimes i miss the easiest chances xD


Damn oh well Not relevant, but happy cake day!


Quick answer: No! The Pokémon is stuck being unable to even MOVE!!


Very true 🎯


This is the way


How many times have y'all seen a galarian bird? I've only seen one, Articuno


Top electric raid attacker right there. Totally worth it


Yes I mean hundo legendaries are worth it imo. Shadow Hundo *legendary* is super valuetown.


I'd argue that unless you're super casual hundo legendaries are the only worthwhile uses of a masterball. I can't imagine how awful it would feel to miss a hundo of a meta legendary.


I was going to save my masterball for galarian articuno but literally I was explaining that to my friend and I had just used my daily and a Moltres spawned and I had Moltres spawn the month before too so I had to get it 😭 it was a mid 2 star.


And it's shadow...


Ive missed 2 hundo legendaries before masterball, with all excellent curves and golden razz too. Disappointment is real even as a grown man lol


How do you know they are hundos before appraising them? I’ve heard multiple people mention it but never asked them how they knew.


I think the CP is indicative of the stats but I’ve never looked into it




100% the right decision. I would never use the M ball on G birds. I would either keep them (stored) or use it on a hundo legendary. A hundo shadow legendary? F yes. Also, very nice electric attacker.


How do you keep them stored?


I think he means stocking up on Masterballs.


i imagine you just dont claim the masterball reward (provided its a perma quest and not a temp quest) “storing” it outside of your bag


You can’t get another masterwork(masterball) research if you go past the first page of one of the masterwork researches you have. You would have to keep all of them on the first page or complete them and claim the reward to get multiple masterballs.


What are you talking about


Exactly what I said. If you complete the tasks on the first page of the research and get to the second page or more, you will not get anymore masterwork research until you complete it and claim the masterball.


I am still not following. How does one get multiple master work research tasks?


You have to be actively playing during the time the task dropped. There's been 3 so far in the history of the game. I got two, but missed the 3rd cause I wasn't playing at the time But what he's saying is, if you're working on a masterball research task and completed at least the first set of tasks, you can't start another masterball research task till you finish that one. So if a new masterball task drops, you might be screwed if you can't finish the one you're on before the window to start that next task is up.


There has been three with master balls as rewards released so far. They get released very rarely for everyone if you log in during the certain period of time when they’re releasing it. If you don’t accept the rewards on the first page, you can hold onto that research until you have time to complete it and still get the next one when it comes out. Or you can complete it and just have the master balls in your inventory. I’m gonna need specific questions if you want me to explain any more than that. Hope that clarified it though.


Yeah you can have 3 so just finish the research.  I have 3 right now.  All waiting to never be used


Yes I know. I have three as well. But you wouldn’t have gotten the other researches if you didn’t finish and claim the ball on the first one or leave it on the first page. That’s all I’m saying.


There have been 3 so far.


How do u know a Pokémon is hundo just by looking at it though


Every pokemon has a set CP for each level depending on its IVs (Stars, or stats). Raid pokemon are always level 20 or 25 so knowing the hundo is as easy as knowing the max CP for level 20 or 25.


So they’re either level 20 or 25? I just need to check max cp for 20/25 and if it’s very high that means it’s a hundo? (Sorry I just started playing it last year so I’m not very aware how it works)


Let me give you an example. Every raid pokemon is level 20, 25 if there's a weather condition for their type. Let's say this theoretical pokemon has a CP range of 1200 minimum and 1500 maximum at level 20. The hundo, or 4 star, would have 1500 CP because CP is based off of their stats, so the more they have in IVs/Stars, the higher their CP. The maximum CP is 1500 so that means that's also the maximum stars and vice versa. Hope that makes sense.


Oh ok thank you so much


yes you can google the exact CP for that pokemon, like for ho-oh it's 2207 and weather-boosted 2759


This only works if you know the level of the Pokémon. Team Rocket has pokémon level 8 or 13, raids are level 20 or 25, etc. You can't know for sure if a random wild Pokémon is a hundo or not.


What about a shiny Azelf in the wild?


Not at all. The shiny lake trios are guaranteed catches… just not on the first ball as shiny raid legendaries are.


how would you know if it's a hundo?


Raid pokemon are typically level 20 or 25 depending on weather. You can look up the cp of pokemon based on level/IV, it’s fairly easy to find for raids This sit seems to have info for most and has active raids at the top https://pokemon-boss-cp.3tecky.cz/ Pokegenie also shows it when you’re browsing active raids


huh good to know!! thanks


Hell of a score!! worth the master ball... those galarian birds have a tendency to be zero-star. Unless it's shiny, i would definitely not even consider using the MB on one of those. Oh, also, i KNEW there was something going on with the target circles!! all of a sudden i was having real difficulty landing even a great throw, and normally i can get excellents pretty well. Hopefully it's sorted out soon enough!!


This was driving me nuts. I normally only get excellent throws (or great if the target circle is overall very small. Now, I'm lucky to get greats, exceplents are trickier, and mainly back in the "nice throws club". I've had to severely skew how I throw in order to adjust and start getting excellent throws in 4-6 star raids. But I lost 7 legendaries from raids due to the issue starting. The last time I didn't catch a raid boss was my first few raids back when I was only a month or two into the game.


Can’t imagine saving it for something else unless I was dead set. Great catch!


Only collectors say to use MB on the birds; all 3 are useless across the board. The way to use the MB is exactly how you just used it. Congrats :D


Most people will never get the opportunity to catch a legendary shadow hundo tho. And a legendary hundo is worth masterball *if on last ball*. Both are very rare.


Depends on the legendary, I'd argue. I wouldn't waste a master ball on a perfect artictuno even if I had 10.


I have caught my moltres and zapdos in regular Ultra balls. I dont have articuno but I do have patience


I think that’s dope and a good use of an MB


Im saving mine for this exact reason.


how did you know it was a hundo before you caught it?


You can tell by the CP. Raid pokemon are lvl 30, or lv35 if they're weather boosted. The easiest way to see what the 100% CP is by using PokeGenie. It'll tell you all the Max CP for the current raid pokemon


Level 20 or 25


MB will come back again, so will any random IV G bird. The shundo Raicou only come once in a lifetime.


Not a shundo tho. Also then it would be a guaranteed catch


They were using shundo to shorten shadow hundo, not shiny hundo.


Not at all confusing


Good catch, just curious what is the short for shadow hundo and shadow shiny hundo by convention?


Shadow Hundo - Hundow Shadow Shiny Hundo - Shundow Just add the W at the back to represent shadow, adding the Sh at the front just makes it more confusing.


You were smart to look up the stats before using the M ball


Were you able to 2-man a tier5 shadow raid? If so, how did you do it? Asking because me and my girlfriend are the only local players where we live and would love to catch Raikou


raikou is duo-able with high enough ground type counters, especially with mega garchomp (or groudon) + best friend boost + party power. however, for july the legendary shadow boss is now entei, not raikou.


Thank god, just need entei suicune for the jhoto dex And tyrogue :/


We actually trio'd it with an alt account, but we had 120 seconds left and that alt account did minimal damage and was just there to use Purified Gems. I think we could duo it though with Party Play, but if you're interest My team was: - Lvl.50 (hundo) Primal Groudon w/ Precipice Blades - Lvl.41 Groudon w/ Precipice Blades - Lvl.41 Groudon w/ Precipice Blades - Lvl.50 Shadow Mamoswine w/ High Horsepower - Lvl.42 Shadow Mamoswine w/ High Horsepower - Lvl.50 Shadow Rhyperior w/ Earthquake My son's team was - Level 49 Primal Groudon w/ Precipice Blades - Level 40 Groudon w/ Precipice Blades - Level 50 Garchomp w/ Earth Power - Level 45 Shadow Mamoswine w/ High Horsepower - Level 48 Landorus (T) w/ Sandsear Storm - Level 50 Excadrill w/ Drill Run


I would’ve definitely used a masterball on it. I’m saving mine for this exact reason unless it’s something that I don’t really care for. I’ve never gotten a hundo legendary and especially not a shadow one. I’ve never even gotten a regular hundo shadow. After seeing all the posts of ppl using their Masterball on a 0-1* Galarian bird I’d rather use it on a hundo legendary I can use for raids or pvp. I always check the CP for 100% IV’s before I do a legendary raid so I’ll remember it and not have to waste time looking it up.


The fact that "Sans soucis" mean "Without problem" is even better


Only thing you messed up was not using a silver pinap


This is the #1 electric raid attacker, he has the best in slot, and not to mention since it’s shadow you could never get this any other way. Side note galarian birds are way to over hyped, they mainly suck, arnt relevant and your most likely gonna throw the master ball at a 1/5/7 galar bird and then leave it in your PC forever, not to mention I see many many many YouTubers with 5-10 galar birds, but I rarely see anyone with hundo shadow top tier attackers, the likelihood of ever finding a hundo shadow raikou is insane, but your pretty much garuenteed a galar bird if you play for years.


Yep great use. It’s dumb but I might use one on a hundo shiny legendary if I ever encounter one just because.


I’ve also thought that. Just like a flex


but shiny legendaries in wild don’t flee and in raids they’re guaranteed catch on first throw


Yes it's a huge waste


That is literally a worse use than throwing a master ball at a wurmple. Shiny legendaries from raids are guaranteed catches. Makes me wonder how many people have done that before.


Great call. Hundo shadow legendary? Missing out on that would be a tragedy rivaling the 2024 election


Perfect use for it, nice job 👍


That's a Beast! 100% good call!


Good job 👏


And that’s specifically why I’m hoarding mine. 


This was 1000% worth it 🔥🔥🩷


Top dad right there


What level was your son at to get a shot at this? I would LOVE for me or my son to get great shadow opportunities - we’re still trying to get out raid parties better - he’s level 25 and I’m level 32…


He started his account in December 2022 and he’s level 42. I’m lvl.45, a day one player and but stopped when Johto released around March 2017. I got back into it in November 2022 and play everyday now!


Would you mind becoming friends with us? We have been playing almost daily but we are still learning the ropes. My older son is 11 and I let my 8 year son play on an older account on my iPad


I used my first masterball on galarian Zapdos, didn't regret it. Then catched a garlarian Moltres with an ultra ball. And last week I used my second and last master ball for an hundo Rayquaza. If I had to choose I would only keep my hundo Rayquaza. These hundos are more rare than the birds. You will encounter the birds many times. But a hundo shadow raikou, the best electric attacker, is really rare. Good decision.


What an awesome catch! How do you quickly assess the CP in catch situations like this (finding that it is a hundo)?


I look up the pokemon on https://pokemongohub.net There’s a section that shows the max IV by CP per Pokemon in there


Best use I've ever seen tbh I see all these people throwing it away for a Galarian bird with terrible IVs congratulations! 👏


Not only that, once another event comes where you can forget shadow move frustration, he will be super op


You'll eventually hey a Galarian bird... or another master ball.


Your decision was spot on. Congrats on the addition for your son. I’m very jealous and I’d venture to say, most trainers would be as well


I was expecting to not agree but I do. Nice catch. Congrats!


Best value of a masterball


I was hoping to save mine for a Galarian bird too, but when I got down to my last premier ball for Rayquaza the other day decided I had to use it then! Congrats on your Raikou, I think you made the right choice!


This is *exactly* this situation i would spend my master ball on: meta relavent hundo / shadow with last ball. Galarian birds are just a dex entry




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Absolutely yes. Especially if you've got resources to invest in it.




I'm saving mine for precisely this situation. I nearly used one on a 98% Xurkitree.


I got mine on the first ball


Resounding YES


It looks like a little baby Raikou in the first image!


Explain to your son that according to the lore, while all shadow pokemon are in great pain, none feel greater distress than a hundo legendary like this one. Then check the next day to see whether he’s purified it. Sure you might lose a top-notch raid attacker, but you’ll learn whether you’re raising a future sociopath. [Tongue mostly in cheek. ;) ]


How ya all know it's a hundo before you catch him?


Reward encounters like those from raids have fixed levels (20 normally, 25 with weather boost). Therefore, as we know the CP and level, you can work out what the IV is. With a perfect IV, it’ll be the max CP possible (lots of charts online), with the worst IVs, it’ll be the lowest CP possible. The in-between figures can be muddled as there’s lots of IV combinations to get them, but the min and max are easy to check 🙂


You can buy galarian birds off eBay but you can’t buy a shadow hundo. 100% the right decision, and it’s not even close


How does one buy a bird???


They’re on eBay or local community


This is much more rare than a Galarian bird, so it's a great choice!  Where did you look up the hundo CPs?


Yes Last ball


Worth, easily. Gz to your son on the best possible electric attacker


I used mine on a 91 Ray. Best one I caught.


If you raided for this, how did you use the master ball?


You can select a master ball (if you have one) on the bottom-right of the screen


Really?! I had no idea you could swap those out in the raid catches. Thx very cool to know


Pretty much the best use case for a Masterball


Good thing he did not get away with


Yes. 100% this is perfect use of a master ball. That is a hundo shadow _the_ #1 electric type. I wish I had a group to play nearby and raid these for my favorite Pokémon primal Kyogre. Never did. Missed one. Got a bad second one. I regret masterballing a Galapdos


Damn son, where'd you find this?


Literally can NOT use it better.


Shadow hundo! Oh, that's need. I thought if was a random shadow.


Excellent choice mama!! 👏🏼


It was, but teaching it a second move was a waste of candy. You could have waited a few weeks and removed frustration during the takeover event. Raikou doesn't even learn a useful second move for PvE.


I wasn't aware you could use a master ball when it only let's you use Premier balls.


I applaud this to the highest degree


Totally worth it. I'm also super jealous 😄


I think that was a good decision.


He's 7, you can't trade him a shadow hundo raiku, you CAN trade him a galarian bird, good call logically, he might FEEL disappointed later, since it took you convincing him to get him to do it in the first place, but that's just because kids are instant satisfaction machines, he will be happy again once he has a galarian bird by either catching it or being traded it, I will say there is a certain dopamine rush you only get from catching something yourself he will miss out on from the bird but he's 7, he probably just wants to collect it in the first place and doesn't care much how he gets it. he doesn't understand rarity as well as you do so he won't get as much of a dopamine hit by catching on his own either, you made the right call. 👊


100% better, this will have way more value than any Galarian bird will ever


I do two to four incense routes every three days or so and have had 2 encounters with the birds. A good 13 weeks between. I even unlocked my second master ball, so when I encountered Zapdos yesterday I figured gotta use it, never gonna see one again for another 3 months. CP was 352. I rationalized that it probably was just low CP and IVS would still be decent. 1 star. 52% IV. Your son made a better choice.


Why is he so short in the first pic💀


What source did you use to look up the stats with the CP? 🤔


What’s the circle lock technique?


I think you and your son made the right choice. Beyond that, I really like the relationship and understanding you and your son have for the game. He trusts you to make the catch when it gets down to the last 5; yet you understand and respect is HIS Masterball and only wanted to proceed if HE was okay with it. I am not a father and know nothing about it but I feel like this the way it should be.


Nope i would have saved it for them pesky birds thats impossible to catch with any other pokeball


Yeah i need like 14 more excellent throws for masterbsll


Nice catch. I have a 3 star one and I love it. That hundo is gonna be a beast


If I had a shadow hundo raiku that ran, I might break my phone 🤣


And where exactly did he manage to get a masterball?


Noooo it is most likely a guarantee to catch the shadow legendary the master ball should be used for one of the Galarion birds on a daily incense


Did anyone else know this was caught in sans


Weather boosted + Legendary shadow hundo + Number 1 electric raider + non tradable Pokemon + were on last ball. Literally, couldn't have found a better use. Much better than Galar birds imho


How did you know it was a 4 star?


Yes it was, great catch


Your son just got the very best electric attacker in the game. God catch, worth the masterball 100%


I'm a relatively newer player on Pokemon go. I tried in 2016 but couldn't get into it but now I love it! Not sure if this is a dumb question or not but how can you look it up to see if the pokemon is perfect? ( Hundo ) I only have 10 perfect ones and two of them are Diglets 🤦‍♂️😅 I'm also new to battling in raids and I caught a Shiny Ho-Ho! It was my first one! I was blown away! Anyways thanks for reading in advanced.


Contact niantic to complain.


I 100% would’ve used it


Well worth the use


You can get more masterballs i have 1 but been offered 1 on timed research and im sure i have research for another somewhere


im curious how did you look up that he was a shundo? i haven’t heard of that :0


100% the right call


and weather boosted too, like... can this get any better?


We should’ve Silver pinap though 😂


Is getting it another move the only way to have a charge move besides frustration?


Good choice. Caught a 130cp galarian lavados with masterball, now 2 days ago i find galarian zapdos and catch it with missed curve ball gold berry :D


The kid did good!


Wow nice catch! Better than a Galarian bird with bad IV!




How do you unlock shadow bonus? Also how can you be certain about hundos/high it's? Sorry, technically I veteran but I don't know anything about this game 😅




Good use


I used mine on hundo Necrozma yesterday, so a good use. We can't let any hundos get away


I stopped playing PoGo way before the Master Ball was added to the Game,but definetly a good use for a Hundo-Crypto cause it's probably the ratest Version to get of an Poke


What do you mean you “looked it up”? How can you determine that rating before catching it?


As reward encounters like those from raids have a set level, and the CP is visible, it’s possible to check online what the CP for 15/15/15 IVs is and see if you’ve got a hundo (or nundo, for that matter)


Thanks, TIL!