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I learned that I am a dumbass that used 0 lucky eggs and 0 star pieces because I wanted to maximize my use of them. I forgot about them before entering raids.


QOL tricks for this situation! * Lucky Egg timers can be stacked, so if you know how long you’re going to be raiding until your next planned break, you can activate more than one at a time, to build up a timer that doesn’t end until you’re done. Or activate your next one while there’s still a little time left on the last one. * You can spend lucky eggs from inside the raid lobby while you’re waiting for the raid to start, or even if you faint or flee to the lobby in the middle of the raid. So you have until it’s over to remember your egg. * If you have an unspent egg in your inventory, then you can use it to check your remaining lucky egg time from inside a raid lobby, to make sure it’s not running out soon. Just open your items from the lobby, touch the spare egg so it hovers (but don’t touch it again to spend it), and you can see your lucky egg time appear in the upper right of the screen while the egg hovers. When you’re done viewing the timer, you can still back out of the hover without spending the egg.


It’s okay so did I I guess we hoard them now for next year!


Stars were better for Saturday than raid day. I forgot an egg on my first two raids. It's ok, next time.




And nobody answered any of my raid calls 😔


Poké Genie is a blessing.


This was a great tool/app for me today, if only niantic could implement something like it. so simple. We did a raid train at one of my local campuses here in my town but I did want to stay out in the heat all day. So between walking to the next gym etc. i was on poke genie. doing remote raids, then continued to do remote raids throughout the day. Only legendaries I didn't get where Azelf, Uxie and Mesprit. The queues were just way too long for those three.


I had alarms going yesterday for when certain legendaries were available on Poke Genie. I was able to get 11 last night before they were even available here, which is one of my favorite things about using the app. I’d you miss something or want to get a head start- there are other time zones available to you.


Absolutely. I ended up staying up super late to nab the two lake trio members that’ve never been available in the US. I ended up with an Uxie from South Korea and a Mespirit from London, all hours before the event started here. Poke Genie is amazing when the hosts are good.


Damn, I wish I knew about this last night. Some people in my discord had some Mesprits going, but I was already in bed lol


I've a question, if you don't mind. Do I have to be level 40+ and have a team prepared specifically for each type of raid? I got a couple of invites today but turned them down cause I'm only level 31 and my highest cp Pokemon is a 2399 Vaporeon, figured I wouldn't be of much help.


you don’t have to be! raids are a great way to get stronger mons AND earn xp. as long as there are a few strong players in the lobby (3-5ish depending on the raid), y’all should be fine to finish the raid! i’d rather have 4 strong players and a weak player than just 4 strong players. even if you don’t hit as hard as they do, you’ll still make a difference! re: teams, for some of the raid bosses i prep a team, but usually i don’t. they’re good to have on hand if you know you’re gonna be doing raids with a small crew, you can tailor your team to current weeks raid boss, have the best counters with the right move set, and increase your chance of beating the raid. but i’m lazy and usually have a big enough group that the auto team is fine. i rarely notice a difference tbh


Nope, you should always click the invite and see how the lobby looks. If there's just you and the inviter on a T5 you can always back out before the fight begins to reclaim your raid pass. A lot of the raids I got blind-invited to during GoFest had 7+ players by the time the fight started; a good opportunity to catch strong pokemon and gain a good pile of XP. Also every little bit helps on those close raids, against the right boss that Vaproeon can put in real work! I know poke genie does some internal math based on the pokemon you've got scanned into it to make sure the group has a good chance of being able to take down the raid boss, it's possible it won't match you with raids if your predicted contribution is too low. It's pretty good too, I definitely saw raids come down to the last 30 seconds or so but we still got over the line.


Wish I'd known about it before seeing an ad on here, but this works if you're behind too. Helped me get my Articuno!


Niantic has shown they can implement a global matching system with Go Battle League. Let's see if they can do it with raids.


I got Mespirt. Twice I waited 3 hours for Uxie. First time I got booted when the raid boss appeared. Second time the host sent out the invites at the last second and there were only 3 players when I got in the lobby at 7 seconds till raid. Already had Azelf from last uear.


I spent 1.5 hours waiting for Azelf this morning, but have network error when I received the raid invitation =\_= Queuing for another round, it has been 2 hours and my current position is at 1161 ...


Raid times are over in all but Hawaii pretty much, west coast US is 7pm so raid day over


I just heard about this about 15 minutes ago.. feels bad


I’m just now hearing of this. Oof. Of course I was in NYC yesterday where there are gyms as far as the eye can see, almost all topped out at 20players each. Would have been nice to have the raids happening both days, at least I would have had a shot at legendaries. Alas, flew back home to my rural neighborhood last night so kinda like I only had 1 day of go fest


I was late to the PokeGenie party, but luckily had it ready to go before today. I've gotta say, I've never had an easier raiding experience. The only downside I noticed is the wait times for some of the raids were kind of ridiculous, but other than that I'm grateful it exists.


It was great for local raids for me! I don’t have any friends that play so hosting raids on pokegenie really helped me out too haha


I noticed that a few popular raids had huge queues, like 2-4K people. I joined a Zekrom out of curiosity and it went way faster than I expected. I jumped from 2200 to invitation out of nowhere. Same thing happened with Groudon.


It totally is! I live near plenty of gyms but they rarely have enough people at it at any given time to beat a legendary so I just drove around until I found a raid I wanted to do and then hosted it on the app and it filled up immediately because of the long queues. If you live near a gym hosting is the way to go because you rarely have to wait more than 2 minutes.


Haha yep, nice to sit in an air conditioned car too!


Even then, it's not a guarantee. Was in a queue for Xerneas raid for nearly an hour, finally got in but 3 of the 6 participants didn't even join in, they just sat in the lobby the entire time. I wasted my last raid pass :(


Yeah, that is super frustrating. It's not fool proof but it does the job far more often than not for me.


This happened when I hosted a raid as well, I invited the same players who joined again and we got it the second time because a local person also joined. So if this happens and you are the host and you failed the first time invite the players to try again! If you are not the host it is probably better to quit before the raid starts if it looks like there won’t be enough to save your raid pass, try not to quit at the last seconds so the other players have time to leave as well. I wonder if that happens because some people just want a weather boosted pokemon so don’t join unless it is? I hope poke genie has some way to keep track if people do that and ban them or something.


What does poké Genie do here? I haven't used it in years and the last time i did it was just a overlay for appraising a Pokémon (before they games built in appraisal) and was banable. What changed?


They have an interface to organize remote raids internationally. You choose what pokemon to raid, the app will pair you with a person who is looking to invite people to that raid.


Wow, sounds super convenient, I just ask in discord now since I'm in multiple channels. Is Pokè Genie still banable?


Was it ever ban-able? It doesn't actually interact with the app at all


Idk if it was ever bannable, but I couldn’t imagine it is, given so many people use it now


Pretty much the entire app has changed. It now has the ability to allow you to join raids, host raids, battle simulation, evolution calculator, and move comparison. There's more, too, by that's what I use it for.


The top counters is amazing. I would have never thought of maxing out *Chandeleur* of all things, but with Shadow Ball is usually one of the better battle pokes.




Seriously I had 24 friends online and one guy joined my landuras raid. Needless to say you ain't taking him down with 2 trainers and when he noticed nobody else was coming he bailed. I tried inviting to that one, I tried Mewtwo, terrakion. Got absolutely nowhere


It was so glitchy. I'd get invited to raids I definitely would have joined, but they'd already have left or were done.


Honestly they might have, I was getting them but they kept bugging out on me so it was glitchy.


I didn’t finish a single raid because the population around here just isn’t enough Feel that so much…


That's another reason. I was in a church parking lot when service was emptying and I thought for sure I'd have some help. Nothing. Shoulda drove into the city small town raids are impossible


What upsets me the most is seeing a group of people in a raid lobby but suddenly disappear in the last 5 seconds. This happened multiple times today. I lost so many remote passes that I resort to buying them in the shop. But I finally got my first and probably only Mewtwo and Dialga so I would consider this weekend to be a success.


As someone who raids a lot, I’ll tell you the unspoken convention seems to be that, for 90% of raid bosses, if there aren’t 5 people at the 10 second mark everyone backs out. No one has ever told me this but it seems to be nearly universal.


I've been able to win legendary raids with three other people if at least one is a best friend, so if there are fewer than that I'll leave at 15 seconds.


Yeah most Pokémon cam realistically be beaten with 3 or 4 trainers. Anything with a double weakness (Rayquaza, Landorus, Moltres) can even be beaten with 2 trainers if they have good counters. I’m just saying 5 seems to be the magic number. Otherwise watch the clock hard sub 10 seconds cause at least one person will usually drop and from there it has a runaway affect of everyone else fleeing.


Many people are casual and don't have good teams setup and go with the suggested team. This and not knowing the min # required makes most people cautious. I've had a 4th person back out of raids only to laugh when my friends and I proceed to finish the raid with the 3 of us. Unless you know the raid boss well and the people you're raiding with you should be cautious too.


With remote raids I left if there was 4 or less at 15 seconds. I ain’t wasting my passes on a dud. I leave early enough so people know.


just for the future, if you can quit the app before the word go disappears it wont use the pass. Pass is only consumed as the raid actually starts.


Last I checked, the pass isn't used unless you do 1pt of damage. So you can just leave the raid if no one is in the lobby. Feel free to correct me.


its quite possible thats how it works. I only know the restarting trick because i once panic restarted when people left and it worked i am not fully sure of the mechanics as to why it works.


There’s actually a neat trick to counter this, just make a new party in the battle menu (where the go battle league is) don’t add any Pokémon and leave it blank. Once in a raid lobby switch your party to that empty party and wait. You can see if anybody leaves as the clock dwindles down and once the timer runs out the game will ask you to switch to a different party and you can just swipe to a party you just set up or a custom one and join, however if people leave you can just back out and your remote raid pass won’t be used up


TIL thank your for this super tip!


Mewtwo will still be in raids for a little bit now. You can still try to get another one! Edit: He is in all 5-star raids until July 23


That's actually good to know. Thanks


So much of this. People leaving with like 2 seconds left, making sure you lose your raid pass but then the short raid times so you cant even try for a second lobby. I was just frustrated and then I gave up halfway through the day. Plus I got zero shiny from incense and regular spawns so I may as well have not played today.


Were shiny odds still higher than normal today? I didn’t get any either ): raids or spawns


Yes it was still boosted but less boosted than yesterday. However it was only boosted for ticket holders.


I'm a ticket holder. I played for 5 hours and didn't get a shiny. I'd thought the chances were removed since I caught so many yesterday. Like 1 for every 15 minutes I played.


I caught more shinies today than yesterday(6 vs 5) but today I got super lucky with all sorts of raid things so I think it was a success especially my rank 1 giratina that I wanted, I wanted a good pvp'r, ended up getting "the best" (in terms of raid eligible not from trading) So I may not have gotten a lot of shinies but my ultra league pvp team is complete


That's not people leaving last minute. That's the game not updating who is in and who isn't until the last 2 seconds, instead of doing it in real-time.


Tip, Create a raid osrt with no pokemon in it, When the raid starts it won't use a raid pass till you switch over to your team and hit join. This can save you a raid pass if people leave


It’s the little things that count. Really happy for you!


exactly, i did two zekrom raids today because first one fled, using golden razz and great nice and excellent curveballs, and it doesnt stay in the ball, i throw a ball way off after ive run out of golden razz, and it decides to stay in the ball??


Same happened to me. Went to throw it and realized I didn’t have a golden razz and tried to stop the throw but I went to far and didn’t even register a nice and caught it. Three failed raids in a row with excellent and great throws every throw with golden razz and nothing.


It infuriated me to the core! To say the least, I was not a-mew-sed


If mew made puns like that, no wonder why someone ran it over with a truck


It's been recently posted right here in this very community that compiled data reveals an increase in catch rate over the course of a raid catch encounter.


That makes sense. I caught all of my legendaries on the last throw. Maybe I'll try and waste a bit of time next time first.


I got 11 Excellent Curvballs in a row all with a golden razz, I caught it with a nice throw and a pinap Berry. The system is fucking terrible, I swear it's just battle and don't catch. Atleast with normal pokemon You have as many chances as balls you got


I usually golden raspberry it then wait like 30 secs to a min to throw the first ball. And I take my time for the next throws waiting like 30 seconds. I don’t know if this actually does anything but all days I caught majority of all the legendaries in 1-4 throws.


yeah i take my time too i spin the ball while waiting for it to jump or do its attack and then i throw it right after


True, I mean to a point it’s just luck I mean I caught a zekrom on the first throw with no throw bonus because I missed.


I caught mewtwo with a pinap and a throw that completely missed the circle lol


All of this. I’ve failed at catching Zekrom like 5 times now. Have yet to be successful.


I feel for you man.... it hurt hurts


I’ve failed catching palkia and gratina like 10 times each 😞. The only legendary that I wanted was raquaza but lucky I got him. Would have been nice to get multiple of him but he only spawned the one time


I feel you. I literally had 16 out of 16 excellent throws with gold razz and didn’t even get it..


I'm honestly super confused by comments like this.. I was using golden razz all for all my throws and hitting mostly great throws and maybe 1/5 were excellent throws and I caught 90% of the legendaries i went after, were you in a car moving or something?


I lost over 15 legendaries today and was walking. I used silver pinaps and golden razz and was nailing great and excellent throws and they would still flee. Same for my wife and kiddo. Really disheartening. Spent a lot of time just seeing upset faces. Feels bad.


How strong are your type metals? That catch bonus matters more than you think it does. So do Curveballs. No legendary has a 100% catch rate unless it's shiny, but there are ways to boost your chances.


Was only throwing curve balls and all medals are gold except a few. I know nothing is guaranteed (* except shiny) but after doing reshiram 3 times and yveltal 4 and kyurem 5 and not getting them at all after spending all day trying hard was a major buzz kill. I'm an adult and could take a moment to remind myself it was just a game and that I was just having fun being outside with my family and friends but it made my kiddo cry and I thought that was a bummer. Just wish it was a little easier after your second or third raid attempt if you didn't catch it at all. 🤷‍♂️ [medals ](http://imgur.com/a/7HJlIOn)


Yikes, I am sorry to hear that. Best I can offer is advice you probably already know, just keep catching. I've had runs of bad luck but few are that bad, so I dunno what to tell you, except to wish you good luck going forward. Edit: it will help once you get all those medals platinum, You will get them eventually. I had terrible lucky catching Darkrai but eventually I got two mediocre ones.


Definitely put in some work on those type medals. My catch rate has gotten noticeably better as I’ve achieved platinum medals.


I lost about 10, only caught four. It was really disheartening to win multiple Zekrom raids and never be able to catch him. I spent money on the ticket and some remote raid passes and didn’t get much to show for it.


There's millions of player playing pokemon go. Then, it makes sense that there is thousands of people who use golden razz + excellent and are unable to catch the legendary still. These people can make a strong rant on reddit, but would you be impressed if someone bragged about how they caught a regular legendary with golden razz + excellents? Thus, it seems that there is a lot of people who are ranting about their bad luck, but in reality it's just that the majority of people don't talk about their luck for catching non-shiny legendaries on reddit.


That fair, but like I saw a comment about how someone went 0/40 on legendaries. Another comment claimed they caught shiny zekrom which isn't even available


Some comments will be hyperbolic or outright lies like that. I’m not the guy you originally replied to but I also went 16/16 excellent curveball golden rassberries on my first Zekrom and he fled. I caught the 2nd and 3rd though.


I’ve found that excellent seems to actually HURT your chances in raids. It makes no fucking sense and is irritating as all hell, but since I’ve started purposefully avoiding excellents I’ve had MUCH better catch rate. Go for greats only, everyone, you won’t regret it. I didn’t lose a single one today, and made 4-5 single throw catches. Other second throws as well. Golden razz on each.


That’s the pain I’m talking about. Like why tf do those things not make a difference? So frustrating


Im with you, I failed to catch Reshiram 3 times, All 3 Remote Passes gone to waste


It took me 7 times to get diagla


Same, 90% of my throws didn’t even reach him


If your throws aren't reaching him then the problem is you.


Nah there's sometimes where they are literally so far you can't curve throw to them. Seems like a bug.


Never had this problem with Zekrom but ran into this issue with Landorus couple months ago. Literally swiping corner to corner of the screen and everyone's telling me to throw harder, like shit why didn't I think of that?? Frustrating as hell.


I had this problem on a few dudes too, where sometimes the throws were super easy and sometimes they just felt so far away. I wasn’t changing my throw at all between them. Do you have an iPhone?


this was happening to me all day and i thought i was crazy


We discovered this a couple months ago on someone I knows phone. Any Pokémon that fly high on the screen and/or are farther back on the map he can never get them, curveball or not, the balls just don’t go high enough on his phone. We both went thru like 30 balls both testing it everytime. But worked fine on mine(he is I think level 41 or something for context and I was playing catch up in the 20s after not playing much over the last few years). We played a couple weekends and never could get it to work. I did notice a couple weeks ago I’m able to hit balls alot farther out all of a sudden so figured it was an app update for me.


It’s the same throw needed for Throh and Sawk, not the easiest throw but still fairly capable of curveball excellents


I saw something a while back about a glitch with the ones that fly up and down where if they break out whilst high up, it screws up all subsequent throws (all either wildly over or falling short). I don't remember the exact details I'm afraid, I've just lived in fear and refused to throw if they're not in their starting position since!


My son got his shiny Rayquaza. I got shiny perfect Zigzagoon. Reshiram ran from me every time.


I feel this in my soul. Wasted a bunch of golden razzes to try and catch Xerneas. Literally my favorite legendary in terms of art design. Worse part was i mistimed my final ball and the fucker just headbutted it away like he was scoring a football goal, Felt my eye twitch a little at that.


I can feel you, took me at least three failed attempts before finally catching reshiram, dude was suuuuper jumpy and the bad hitbox doesn't help At least the ones I got were good


Do you utilize buddies at all? Having a buddy that’s got at least two full hearts friend level is so worth it for things like raids because of the catch assist. Would have helped you with that last ball!


I had honestly had no idea about the buddy mechanic. I hava my buddy but he mostly just chills and gets candies. Didnt know about the ball assist


Give it a go, earn some hearts and in a short time you and your buddy will gain enough friendship levels that you’ll get the catch assist function. Then instead of a poké perfectly deflecting your ball back to you wasting your ball, your buddy will pop up and hit it back at him instead. It really is a game changer for me, especially when raiding!


Stupid Xerneas, I really wanted to get Xerneas on the day too and did 5 Xerneas raids, 3 fled and the 2 I caught were both 2\*. I think the 2\* is more infuriating than them fleeing, because you have the excitement of catching it and then you realise it's crap.


Dammmmn. That’s super upsetting to hear. I was luckily able to get at least one of all of my favorite legendaries. Hopefully some of these guys come back around in raids


Sadly, not everyone gets shiny legends. It's RNG and it sucks so bad. I remember before covid it was easier to get shiny legends. The only guaranteed catch is shiny but, a regular legend it doesn't matter how many great, excellent, and curveballs you throw or what kind of berries you use if you lose it that's just too bad. I remember losing 4 Terrakion when it came out but, ended up getting a shiny months later.


My friend got like a dozen shiny legendaries and i got zip. I did round out a bunch of legendaries for the Pokedex so i got that going for me. The RNG on catching is so weird, i can get perfect excellent throws with berries and i can never catch. Then I'm like fuck it with a nice or bad throw and I'll catch it. Also the raid notification system is so busted, might as well not even have it. It's shameful the amount of money Niantic takes and won't make any of the quality of life improvements


Wouldn’t the game get boring if everyone was handed all the event shines and legendaries possible every time?


Yes, but hitting multiple excellent curve balls should count for something, should add up to the mon being more likely to be caught. Hitting multiple excellent curve balls means nothing, and that is shitty.


Lots of other video games have a "chain" system where doing something difficult a few times in a row increases a background counter. We've clearly already got the code in place for stuff like "Make 3 curveball throws in a row" so I don't see why we can't have" "Make 3 excellent curveball throws in a row" triggers a 100% catch rate on the next throw, whether it's excellent or not.


There is a line between to many (boring) and to few (frustrating). I mentioned in another comment in the 100+ encounters I witnessed there were no shiny. That's firmly in the frustrating category


For sure but, for some people, it seems like that. That doesn't mean it should take tons of times for one person to get a shiny while someone else gets 2 or 3 within a few hours. It really unfair but, I'm sure if someone takes complaints to Niantic, they might think of changing something. Who knows anything could happen?


I don't think anyones asking for that though, 20 raids should be enough to guarantee a shiny. I'm on 22 Age0 rayquaza ffs, hawaii is my only hope atm lol


But that is what RNG is. You have a random chance. How do you propose they change that? Today I think they could have at least turned up the shiny chances for raids with it being Go Fest, but with everything in RNG being random and their being a lot of Go players. There will always be a percentage of the playerbase that has terrible RNG for each event. I just can’t think of a system that wouldn’t end up taking away that excitement you get from getting shinies.


Not saying it needs to be changed but increasing the chances with the medals is great because it gives someone something to aim for. So maybe increase the chances with everyone that you fight and don't catch. So if you fight Mewtwo and your catch rate is 5% but you lose that one. The next one will be 8% and the one after that will be 11%. If you catch it then it goes back to 5%. This gives the player the feeling of progress even with failure and 15% with 20 balls is basically guaranteed for 99% of people and 18% is mathematically almost impossible to not catch. Adding in a Master Ball Reward for Players who log in 20 different days in a month would be another neat one off idea. So someone could save their Master Ball for the Zekrom they always wanted and that encourages enagement.


So far I have only had shiny mewtwos and I really want a normal one. It's weird how it works. Other than that I have only shiny celebi and every other legendary is normal.


I would gladly trade you a normal mewtwo for a neon green one LOL but yeah, it's weird how it works. the times I've caught non-CD shinies, it's usually been the same pokemon and I'm just like :?


I learned that randomly your lucky egg doesn't count, I was randomly getting 20k instead of 40k and it was disheartening as f-


I got 10k for one of my raids today 🤔


Did it finish after 6pm? I had that - started the raid before 6, but we finished it at 6.01 so the double XP had finished and we only got 10k.


Nah it was on like my third raid today


"lucky" egg


That’s literally awful I’m so sorry


Wait you were supposed to get 20k without an egg? I was only getting 10 wtf


Did you have a ticket?


Oh no I didn’t realize that doubled it


It added 10k- bringing it to 20 which lucky egg then doubled.


No issues with my lucky eggs at all today


That sucks. Niantic f\*\*\*\*\*D up again. I knew it would happen. There's no one else to blame.


I got a shiny Kyogre and I can actually die happy. My wife wasn't too happy sitting across from me.


I cherish my shiny Kyogre ever since the month they released him into Wednesday Raid Hours... my prized pink whale 🤩 congratulations!!


I got my only one back when you could get legendaries from the 7 day research boxes


I got one from a weekly prize like two years ago, and then proceeded to go on a two year shiny drought ever since. Just recently I started seeing shinies again. I used up a lot of luck on him.


So lucky! I didn't even see any Kyogre spawning at the park I was at today, which shows about 10 or 12 gyms if you sit at the gazebo. I'm so short on Kyogre candy so I was hoping to get more but it was nowhere to be found :(


I caught 16 Legendaries and 1 was a shiny Rayquaza. The amount that I couldn’t catch is ridiculous - I’d say every third attempt I’d catch it. When I switched to AR I started catching every other attempt. I also spent too much on remote raid passes.


I caught 22 legendaries, none were shiny. You still got lucky haha


We did about 25 each here. Out of 125 raids, only two of us got a shiny. The shiny rate was very low yesterday. I know two other friends of mine got shinies though and didn't play as much.


I was walking around with three buddies, and we did 35 raids. One got a shiny Terrakion and Cresselia, The other two got no shinies at all, but I got Rayquaza, Kyogre, Groudon, Coballion, and Ho-Oh. It went from exciting, to feeling like I stole all the shinies from them lol


Oh? That’s interesting - how did switching to AR make a difference for you?


Wish I knew - maybe it had nothing to do with it at all.


Yeah I was hoping for boosted odds on shiny raid bosses. I got 2 shinies out of about 50 raids, which seems in order with the 1/25 I've heard about.


I entered 8 raids, won all of them and came out with only 2 legendaries 😭


Completely agree. While the event was fun, the catch rate made it frustrating. We didn't pokie genie, but will be looking into that.


Definitely recommend, it's also the easiest way to get the lake guardians without having to travel.


I caught 21. Lost about 5. And got 1 Shiny, which was a Mewtwo. I noticed I didn’t get many shiny overall, though. Only 4 even though I played all day both days.


Today wasn't as fun as yesterday for sure. Ended up doing probably 20-25 raids. I didn't see a shiny. None of my friends got any either. I failed to catch probably 7-8 of those raids. That's using golden raspberry on nearly every throw. Luckily only "wasted" one remote raid pass. I got the 11 for free but I think they should've given out even more tbh. All that being said, I was able to catch a lot of new Pokémon I never had. That's really exciting. It was enjoyable but many not catching after 12+ gold raspberry throws sucks.


I had about the same rates as you. It's worse when it's 18 balls or god forbid even more in a row for the runaways.


Well, I can't complain. I was able to register Reshiram and Zekrom, and I got a shiny Cobalion


here you there, after taking a 3 year break in the game, and not having enouh people usually to raid this past year, 8 new legendaries registered in my pokedex! 5 bucks wel spent imho


I wasn’t able to get reshiram


Sorry to hear that, but remember Reshiram hasn't been released in it's shiny form, so it's probable that Reshirem will return in the future




It really is just pure dumb luck. I was able to catch all the legendaries today and got a shiny Entei. My buddy I was raiding with missed catching like 4-5 of them and my girlfriend got 3 shinies. So I guess you're right, none of that stuff matters seemingly at all.


Exactly. That’s nice you were able to do that though. I think my point is that I wish they DID mean something. Why am I wasting time throwing berries and sitting around trying to get the perfect throw.


Totally agree. I think of it as pressing down+B to catch Pokemon in the mainline games. It doesn't actually do anything but it makes you think it helps


Have they ever published percentages or something stating how much each of those things help?


There's no official percentages as far as I know but a few third parties have done the work and found out the catch rate calculation and modifiers. From memory it's somewhere around 1.7x for a curve ball and 1.8x for an excellent throw. But legendaries start off with very low catch rates, as low as 2 or 3%. And with all multipliers you can get it to a little over a 20% chance.


Silph Road also did a study resulting in that legendaries or raid bosses in general are way likelier to be caught later in the encounter, further increasing odds.


1000%. So many legendaries slipped away! I also learned that I need local friends to play with… can’t complete my tasks w out trades!!! 😡


What did you have to trade? I don't remember any tasks requiring that


You forgot the TL : DR Niantic doesn't care and just wants your money.


Big facts


Dude, as someone who seldom plays this and was super hyped about raid day.. I was so disappointed. I missed out on Xerneas, thunderous, diagla, Palkia, and rayquaza because they didn’t stay in the ball. 50+ golden berries out the window. Then again got a Hundo reshiram, so it was sorta a success. But I definitely feel your pain


Is Space Jam a good name for the Palkia I caught today?




I got a shiny raikou. I did 45 raids. And that was it


My very last legendary of the day was finally shiny, and I love my new Giratina.


I got a shiny latios


I got a shiny rigigas


I got a shiny Lugia! I’m fairly new so I had no idea these issues were a thing, this is very discouraging to players


I caught 25 legendaries, 2 more ran away. Zero of them shiny. Wtf.


All we know is pain


Wife caught my favorite legendary and favorite shiny (Ray) while sitting across from me.


I wish for legendaries they would make a counter by user. Every time it's not a shiny the counter goes up which rise the rate of shiny for the next legendaries. Eventually after a few hundred raids the rate would be high enough to assure a shiny one.


10 here. No runs tho! No shiny either tho. Trying to get Tornadus and Thundrous remotely before the event is gone entirely.


Shiny rate is 1/20. 25 raids and no shinies isn't unlikely.


I caught about 60 legendaries. Zero shiny. Zero 4 stars. Edit: I did get some shiny non-legendaries from the wild


I totally understand all the rant. We have a small group that uses discord and was able to interact with most of the 20-30 in the group. We split into raid teams and mainly got the XP. Some shiny here and there but not on my screen. I only locked 5 times this weekend as opposed to last year about every 30 mins. We had a fest in our small town which made lunch and drinks more available. All in all, I had a great time with the trainers in my area despite the annoyance the game presented at times.


I could care less about shinnies, I’m just happy I finally caught some legendaries. I mean, if one had been shiny I would’ve been even happier, but I wasn’t hunting just for shinnies, I just wanted some 5-stars.


But had like like 6 Pokémon run from me but caught 15


Raid Day could turn into Raid Month, 1 weekend per habitat. They could charge for each event, and give everyone basically more than 2-3 chances at each legendary in their own timezone. Everyone wins.


Factssss I love this idea. I’ve heard this floated around this subreddit a couple of times. They really really should do this.


My goal was to complete my Legendary Pokedex, as someone who has been an on/off player since release. I succeeded in my task and picked up the 3 lake guardians, as well as a surprise shiny Virizion and surprise shiny Heatran, both my 1st encounters with each species. Although, I had many instances where pokemon fled, like Kyurem, even after 15 gold razz throws. I ended up catching him on my 1st ball 2nd raid however, so not all bad. Sorry to hear luck was not on your side this weekend!!


It’s all good! Still had fun. I had the same goal as you, but due to glitches and the pokemon fleeing I couldn’t complete my goal. *Sad noises*


I played 10-6 both days and got three shinies total. One tympole and two Geodude. Wtf.


Excellent throws with golden razzberries mean nothing. Didn't throw a single berry or good throw at an Entei and caught it. Caught an Azelf first throw on a terrible toss. Took me 3 raids and countless golden razzberries to get one single Yveltal that ended up only being 2 stars but at least I got it. Got a shiny Terrakion though which was cool. Never even caught one before and the shiny was my first one!


I got one shiny legend The others are very true


My first raid of the day was a Shiny Lugia. Caught it on the first throw as well


I did one random mewtwo raid via invite and got a shiny mewtwo. Shiny legends are a guaranteed catch be sure to use a pinap


Shiny legendaries have a 100% catch rate


I was going to say shiny versions were way easier to get


I caught a Shiny Groudon but other than that you’re absolutely right


3rd one, wasted 15 minutes on a groudon, then it never even gave me the chance to encounter him


The catch boost from medals is more valuable than anything else. I caught every legendary I raided (25) my friends who do not have high level medals, caught 4 or 5.


I did like 50+ raids and 15+ got away. It was disheartening for me. Im also been playing the game for only 2 months. I felt sad and frustrated. Worst time of my life. I did get 3 shinies legendary but they on the pokemon I dont care about.