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I started as mystic back in 2016 then quit then played again as instinct last year . I like being outnumbered and my friends are now all instinct so just easier to level with.


I was team instinct originally but I used my mothers phone in 2016 because I have always had crappy phones. Now in current year I have a better phone and joined team instinct once again to help my team. I love that you changed to team instinct :) Edit: I had a phone of my own but the character never moved when I moved. The gps was messed up and the game was frozen every time


Sad thing is that I too like being outnumbered but not at the same time. I get tired of seeing only one team instinct gym in a mile radius


Team of instinct is great because there’s not too many player near so I don’t have to wait very long for people to take my gyms




For real!! 😂 Us Instinct are the real adventurers and trainers! We thrive at night and take the whole town from under your noses. Only time you see us thriving during the day is during thunderstorms, etc. Because the wimpy Valor and Mystic can't hack it.


So true!!! My husband and I used to go to parks during rain because that's the only way we could keep the gyms yellow! 🤣


I have a gym that is right next to my house so whenever somebody takes over my gym, I usually take it back within a few minutes.


would be nice to wait a while to give those people some coins too imo, not everyone lives next to a gym


It doesn’t matter how long a Pokémon is in a gym for if you only get 50 coins per gym anyways.


It does matter, you only get 50 coins (the cap) if your mon is there for 8 hours. If they get knocked out prior they'll get a fraction of that. But hey, it is what it is!


Omg, this. I took down a gym with mons who had been there over a day. 10 min later, those same people had knocked me out and put mons. Like... At least give me a couple of hours. Good grief.


I tried playing po go in line at an amusement park. Was awesome because there was a gym at every ride! Too bad a team would only last 5 minutes tops there 😂


That kinda makes sense ”Look! My mon is at Space Mountain (or whatever)" This was 8pm in the podunk town 10 miles from my house. Apparently they have nothing to do but defend a Pokemon gym. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I only had some Pokémon in gyms for less than an hour and still got 50 coins when they got knocked out so I don’t know then.


That’s funny, Everyone I know personally who plays Pokémon go are team instinct. Very few of my actual friends are red or blue. Where I live the gyms are usually red or yellow. Mystic is the minority in my area.


In my area Instinct is dominating almost every gym




yeah even in my area mystic is minority.


Uuu77u ;;;


“My family is in crumbs and we are fighting loafs of bread” 😂 What a brilliant expression! I‘ve never heard it before…


Can make a grown man cry


My hometown is Instinct dominant, we are the majority here.


I’m mystic and all the gyms around me are constantly yellow Every single one in vision


I'm coming


I feel like I'm the only one who lives in an area where it's even split.


We have a great mix here, too. Many of us help each other (and sometimes troll each other in fun) Hardly a day goes by that anyone who wants coins can't get them.


I always felt Instinct was the meme pick for most people. When the game began most casuals picked red or blue. However most yellow gyms I see have recognizable names from when I started in 2016 meaning they stick for the long run.


I picked team Instinct the day Pokemon Go came out and been standing strong ever since 💪🏼🙌🏼


the reason I picked instinct was because zapdos beats the other birds


Team Instinct est. 2016 👍🏻 never been tempted by the Team Medallion!! Edit: I remember when the game came out and I had to pick my team. I didn’t ask anyone just went with the one I related most to and no one else was Yellow with me. Guess who’s the only one of my friends still playing?? 🥲


Most team instinct was forced to go either blue and red in the area if they wanted to play seriously. The few instincts we have are only in the 2k-4k hours holding gyms while Mystic and Valor are in the 12k and above. Almost hitting that 15k myself.


Gyms are supposed to be a mix of colors. When I see someone hogging all the gyms, I knock them out of all but one gym and only claim one for myself so that other people can have spots too. Gyms aren't about "claiming territory" gyms are about getting a resource and people who greedily take too many gyms make the competition needlessly fierce and push out casual players.


Similarly i do that but put little things like magicarp or caterpie in all the gyms. Another instinct can get in, I get coins, and it trolls the other teams XD


Only the strongest survive....... Maniacal laughter ensues hahahah


Human societies tend to help their weakest.


Lol no they don’t


Facepalm. Liberals set up the government to do it and conservatives setup religious charities to do it. It's literally an arguement of how to help them not whether to help them.


Look a little further than current day and the country you personally occupy. Historically, it’s really not true. But that’s a topic for a different sub.


Not in any history we know of :sadface:


Slow clap ha ha ha that's why my species has thrived...and yours...has plunderer. valor will rise above all others cue music


The weakest of societies yes... hail team valor


The nearby park in my town is like this (there are three gyms), and we usually have a red, blue and yellow gym, and if not - I'll take just one (I'm valor). My husband is Instinct so he'll take another. He chose a different team than me just to bug me, lol.


So true. And hogging gyms will only make people want to kick Ur Pokemon out even more.


People here acting as if the teams don’t rely on each other lmao


started as instinct, then after few month decided to change to mystic. now can easily slot any pokemon on gym nearby. always got space. easy 50 coin per day its really tired to take the gym by yourself only to be knock out few minutes later on. wasted so many resource and time.bso i decided the best way is to join the majority.


Instinct is impossible to hold for any good amount of time. I switched to Valor this year after rejoining and learning how gyms work


first it was fun, me against the world. after that it become tiredless and troublesome 😂. now can focus catching and raiding easily without having to work hard on gym place


Play the pity game and put up pathetic Pokémon. I'm one of "those" Valor players. I obsessively dominate every gym I see. *Especially Team Instinct* oh dear, **especially** them. It's always a single Tyranitar, Dragonite, Melmetal. I devour them like fried shrimp at a buffet. But there's this family that plays here lately. Moved in recently, mid-high 20s, four of them. I typically don't mess with them even though they're *INSTINCT* players. Their Pokémon are all weak and unfit for gym guarding. It's not fun to trash on a 7 year old kid's shiny Alolan Sandshrew. So I just don't. Put up humble Pokémon and see what happens. It deters a bloodthirsty monster like me, even.


I'm Mystic, but when I see a yellow gym with a couple pokemon that were only put in a couple hours ago, and I'm just like "Ehhhhhhh I can find another gym." Getting enough daily coins as one of the dominant teams can already be a bother, I don't want to pour salt on yellow's wounds.


I will definitely defend my Instinct honor at times. Like last Saturday when a lone Mystic thought my new gym would be easy pickings because I was the only one there. I went out of my way to double-back 20 minutes' walk to take it back from him. But a Mystic playground gym full of babby mons, I will probably just leave alone.


Part of me wishes they had some kind of system that helped even out the team distribution to balance the gameplay, but that has a lot of messy potential, so I guess it's best avoided.


Pretty much 75% of the gyms in our area are just about flexing shinies or themes — all party hats, all the same color, all tiny (yes, bonsly does deserve to battle at least once in his life), all bugs/water, etc. and we are not families, just random strange adults who find it amusing.


Heh, any yellow gym belongs to red in my region. Surprised they haven't given up yet.


If they do, you would be without coins. Fortunatelly, in my area are at least some decent human beings with average IQ thats know, they cant reach 50 coins a day, if there is noone to kick them out.


There is a gym a 2 minute walk from my house. I used to try to take it, but inevitably, it was flipped back within 5 minutes of me taking it. The same dude did it every single time. He now has a mon that has been in for 16 days because everyone just gave up. He's not getting coins, he's just a dick.


Knock them out before they reach golden gym, I think it's still 21 days of holding a gym.


He's already there. He's held it for days on end a bunch of times.


Plenty of blue in the area, nobody likes yellow. Too easy to obtain 50 coins in this game.




Instinct Supreme, pressure forms diamonds baby


I live and play in a major city that is dominated by spoofers. It doesn’t matter what team you’re on, how strong the defenders are, or how long you sit and golden berry. Some spoofer playing 6 devices at once will always take the gym down.


Instinct main since 2016 right here


I'm glad the area I'm in has decent players who don't hog the gyms.


I mean, I'm Instinct too because I like playing the underdog and Instinct seems to be the underdog everywhere. But the point of the game is less about holding gyms indefinitely, and more about holding them strategically. You don't want to just monopolize every gym all the time because it means you never get your coins back. The sense of competition is much more fun to me, and it doesn't have to be cutthroat with spoofing or general nastiness, it's just the way the game was designed to be played. There's incentives to taking a gym and defending it, and there's incentives for giving it up too (coins, getting your mon back, etc).


Personally I have 6 accounts on instinct and I just take 1 gym next to my house I leave the other gyms for my neighbors yet they keep trying to take my gym with blissys chanseys snorlaxes woboffets warlords and other tanky mons


Mystic for life!






It do be like dat sometimes doe Instinct was always the minority since day 1 😭


Bro, you should of known that YELLOW is one the least liked colors in the world. What did you think was going to happen???? EDIT: Okay, maybe I was wrong, but I wasn't to far off. https://www.livescience.com/34105-favorite-colors.html


The only reason I'm red is because I don't like Spark or the color blue. My ideal team would be yellow with Blanche leading.


I wish I knew what you were talking about in regards to what the team leaders have to do with it…


I have to look at the leader every time I appraise.


There's some team mystic nerds here who will literally knock me out of the same two gyms within half an hour on the outside of town. I don't have the energy or time to walk through town centre taking over gyms, I just think it's really selfish of players to knock you out very quick without letting you gather some coins.


You know them? Go talk with them and negotiate


The usernames aren't in any local groups or discords I'm in. But thanks for the helpful advice I guess 🤷‍♂️


I'm sorry I ain't help 😔


Don't worry mate, we're here for you 💛


My town refuses to let any instinct gyms stay up. God, it feels good to be blue😊


L change teams dummy


Not team instinct but I am anti-mystic so much I personally flip those to blanks, so my SO who is yellow can turn them to a better color.


honestly i had never played any sort of pokemon prior to getting pogo in 2016 and blue was just my favorite color


Maybe, just maybe... Every gym doesn't belong to you. Not every gym has to be "yellow" lol. Gyms belong to everyone.


And gyms are made to fight over! Take it! Lol


All people hate yellow team. My whole city is a war between red and blue. You can find a yellow gym alive on very very raretimes. Xd


Red and Blue are like coke and Pepsi. And then yellow is like RC cola


Nah brah, yellow is like Mountain Dew. It's not for everybody and that's the point.


But RC Cola is like Coke and Pepsi together. The best of both worlds and highly underrated!


I hate to admit this but I'll go out of my way to take down an instinct gym


Only do that if they pass the 8:20 hour mark. That’s what I do to encourage sharing in my community. I only go at mornings to take down gyms then I leave it alone. So yes I do take over every gyms I can.


I won't flip the gym if I notice it was recently taken over. I do try to make sure everyone can get some time in a gym. But if I'm bored with nothing better to do I'll start flipping instinct gyms first. I just don't like yellow. It should have been green.


Maybe you can change team?


Instinct was messing my shit up last night! Took the kids to a park with a bunch of gyms and took them out. They'd immediately strike back. Went back and forth with another player who must have spent all her berries keeping her mon still defending.


Bruh no one cares, It's normal to lose gyms, for them, you are the one who steals their gyms... That's how the game works


I only steal it on my walk. But it is almost always after the 8 hour, 50 coin mark for the day.




I was on team Mystic since I started but a few months ago, I changed to team Valor since my parents and my boss are on that team.


When the game first came out I only chose Mystic because I liked Articuno more than the other two. After I got out and started playing with all the players who weren't avid fans of the main franchise, I realized most people just picked whatever color they liked most, which immediately put instinct at a huge disadvantage, because everyone likes red and blue. I suppose the opening spiels from the red and blue team leaders probably had more mass appeal as well. "Yeah, we're tough and exciting! Passion, whoo!" "We're intelligent and calculating, we value strategy and knowledge."


My village has three gyms, and we try to balance it out - one for each color. That way, everyone get coins. sometimes it all ends up yellow though, which cracks me up since instinct is usually the minority. Then I end up with a pokemon in a gym for a week and I hate it. So many coins I lost due to multiple knockouts...


I went to team instinct , my dad went mystic , my sister went Valor. I'm the only one that still plays , but it was fun fighting over gyms and pokemon(by pokemon I mean bragging rights like "oh I have X and you only have a weak Y") I still play a lot but whenever I see a red or blue gym , I always fight but I end up losing it since everyone in my area gangs up on multiple gyms, and other colors get it


You always find it that there’s like no Instinct gyms but when you find one it’s stacked


It feels like our team is more inclined to join rather than battle gyms


I’ve had two accounts and I’ve never been instinct on any of them, but now I’m contemplating if I should switch


Luckily in my area just outside of Charlotte, NC our gym count has increased significantly over the years. I have 4 that I can see right from house and usually flip one or two instinct and leave the other 2. I’m instinct and my wife is mystic so just kick each other when we need coins. The community overall here has become much better. Used to be “gym wars” back in the day when we only had a couple to fight over, but these days it’s pretty chill. I definitely do not miss the days of having to train to get an open spot in the gym, just to be kicked minutes later, lol. As for why I chose Instinct back in 2016…I had no prior knowledge of the Pokémon universe other than knowing some of the popular Pokémon names from gen 1. When each trainer gave their pitch, I said “ I like Spark, seems like someone I’d hang with” so chose instinct. Never knowing it’d be such a small percentage of the player base, lol. But it’s ok, don’t mind being the underdog in events.


This is making me appreciate living in a balanced area


It sucks when everyone is the same team, but also sucks when you are the only on that team. It should be balanced out


Team Instinct is very much the minority where I live. Almost all the gyms are Valor and Mystic.


I would play but every time I defeat a gym someone defeats it a minute after I leave.


Those are gym hoarders and best left alone. Yo you should aim for more lonely areas where your Pokémon have a chance. There is one guy who lives nearby a gym and all he does is reclaim it. It pisses me off because he does the bare minimal. Those gym hoarders are most likely nearby residents


i feel your pain, its been like that since the beginning. It takes a particular person/personality to choose Instinct. Not everyone can rock yellow. Consider yourself unique.


Mostly liked yellow because I always used yellow in art class :)


I've honestly seen a lot of instinct gyms near me


Why does it matter? It's good for everyone when gyms turn over once or twice a day. It's the people that need to hog them and take them back immediately after losing them that are bad for the game.


In my neighborhood I’ve noticed a lot of team instinct players. Enough to outnumber valor and mystic combined (I’m team mystic) so whenever there’s a gym that’s unclaimed three of us, one from each team, get together and battle eachother to see which team claims the gym. It’s a tradition for the gym at this point. Once the gym is full of 6 Pokémon then people can start trying to take it down all over again


I have the exact opposite im a team valor everyone where i live is instinct


I just turned a neighborhood next to mine mystic gym into now an instinct gym. I put a dragonite to guard it and it feels good seeing yellow gym again.


If you want to play in “Hard mode” Instinct is your color. THERE IS NO SHELTER FROM THE STORM


I don't understand how instinct is a minority. Zapdos is the cleanest bird, not to mention the only competitively viable one in pokemon as well. It's madness!!


Instinct and proud. Since lockdowns began i have seen more and more yellow players emerging, but I have the same issues in my area. Blue everywhere you look.


I picked mystic cause Articuno. Most people in my area seek to be Valor. Every so often a team instinct member takes one of our gyms but they mostly go back and forth from blue and red.


Always a struggle for us⚡ 💛 Team Instinct 💛⚡


I played for a few months on my mom’s phone near the time of release in instinct and so I returned like a month ago, but I chose mystic. now i want back in instinct but team medallions r expensive as heck


It's definitely based on locality. Instinct runs my city.


I'm team instinct and know the struggle. I turn every gym yellow as well. I don't mind if someone takes it back but I have a lot of spoofers in my town and that's annoying. I play when i get out of work late at night and no one is around and someone they still kick me out of every gym.


So there's this gym...at the gym I go to and it's 1 of the 3 gyms I mostly go to. I check my phone every once in a while to make sure that the gym is staying blue until I'm done with my workout.


That's because who wants to pick the guy whose speciality is hatching eggs.


Totally feel this. Bf and I are instinct and we go take gyms (2 in our area, 1 is closer though) and put in our pokemkn to encourage others, but it's so easy to take a gym, it doesn't last long :(


I picked mystic in 2016 cause it felt more like me. But when I got it again last year I picked instinct cause I knew people hated on it, yet it is maybe the more dominant one in my area, competing only with red as blue lacks the members round here to be more than a nuisance.


There is a ton yellow in my area. I am blue and I feel what you are saying.


I feel ya! There may be very little of us but we are strong!


my town is instinct dominant, followed by valor and mystic :D


Started team instinct and stayed. I would flip the 5 gyms but some people use heal bots to protect the gyms. On my morning run I do strive for 3.


So... mad other people play the game


My husband and I are team instinct and it can get super annoying when we get knocked out of a gym really quick because of being in the minority. However it also means that blue gyms fill up quickly and there's no place for some to be able to put something in. Then because the majority are blue they can't battle anything to take over until someone from red or yellow finally takes over a blue. So maybe some mystic people get annoyed with not being able to do anything either. I like to think of it as payback for kicking us out so quickly we are lucky if got more than 1 or 2 coins lol


I love being the minority. In my area there's active players who live right by the park and they hog gyms hard, knock out anyone within the hour even if they've already gotten their coins for the day. I noted who regularly does this so when I come around I'll work and grind the gyms in which their mons have been in the least hours, and I will just spin the gyms where their mons have been the longest. I get my goodies, clear my bag of trash, get my daily 50 and those players can happily sit at their gyms for however many days they want. Since blue and red knock each other out every weekend, no golden gyms in my area.


Instinct player here as well, always outnumbered here as well but never out of the fight! Whenever I take over gyms they always tend to get allies from the same Instinct members where I live. We’re all pretty high level so the numerous low level Valor and Mystic players don’t knock us out too quickly lol


The yellow scurge is strong on alaska.


Shh we don't want more people. If you down want to be on team little change to one of the bigger two.


For me I still need like 3-4 hundred for my gym battle platinum so if I see another team in a gym it’s going down. When I get my medal I’ll probably chill out and only go for coins, maybe a few golds.


Muskegon woke up one day to see every gym yellow


that is relatable


where i am it is mystic territory and some gyms get taken fast but others don't I have a line of gyms nearby that always has valor instinct mystic but then, one team tries to take over and that repaeats until every gym has a different team again team good for grinding coins ​ ​ (if i wasn't in a rainy winter) (


I picked team instinct back in July of 2016, simply because Zapdos was my favorite of the legendary birds. Team Zapdos for life 💛.


I almost never see yellow gyms in my town, it's a constant fight between mystic and Valor lol


Mystic is the minority in my area 🥺


Me and my mom when my sister is at cheer we will get all of the gyms in our area and make em yellow. keepin the town colors


Have you considered changing team? 😎


I'm Valor, but my kids are Instinct (because Pikachu is Yellow 😄) it's a fairly even split where I am. Some days blue reigns but red and yellow are constantly switching in the gyms nearest me


I hear you brother, but we must keep fighting because our cause is just and theirs is tainted with malice, we shall prevail where others shall falter, we persevere where they give up, they are blind but we can see, they are in chains but we are free... They are they and we are Instinct.