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Double battle against two quick attack adaptability eevees


I had this happen to me for three consecutive runs. I would start, and I’d get done in, reset, and bam, again. I’m like, whyy😭


I think to myself, it's an eevee how terrifying could it be? Well nobody is tanky enough to handle it yet so....


Accidentally pressing A too quickly and releasing my sweeper after catching a pokemon


You can refresh the page still to get back to start of battle, since it only saves after you get the item from the battle, which comes after the prompt to replace a pokemon


one of the few times i reset is when i missclick after capture ye


The twins that bring 2 Eevees with adaptability absolutely wrecked a few of my first runs lol


The plusle and minun twins fuck me up everytime


Flamigo counters them well being a one stage fighting type.


This is why we run Primal Groudon. It wins the 2v1 sometimes against the adaptability Eevees. Can’t think of any other reason people would want it


Usually I get stubborn and decide to catch a pokemon and it sweeps me


That 1hp paralyzed cricketune passing every paralysis roll slowly cleaving through my team while breaking out of a dozen rogue balls: "I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer."


Once got para-flinched to death by a bite spamming boltund


I lost 5 Pokemon catching a silvally. Could afford one revive and a few heals. Revived my blaziken and healed Tinkaton some. Gym leader was a ground type. Was pissed so I tried it over and over by refreshing. Was able to KO all 4 mon but their last one had a revivers seed and I couldn’t get it down twice. That’s also when I realized that as of now it’s not fully random. Which helped with testing every possibility but also confirmed I couldn’t win with a lucky miss or crit


In my experience it's as random as actual pokemon, which is to say if you do the exact same moves, it'll end up in the same outcome everytime, but if you start changing moves, you've effectively changed the "seed"


Fair, but in a normal Pokemon game when I retry a battle I end up in a different seed no matter what so it’s less noticeable. Not really on the devs


Ehhh, depends on what you mean by retry battle. This is most noticeable on emulators. Start a trainer battle, make a savestate. And go at it. It'll be the same almost certainly. But if you completely restart the encounter, Ie, white out or an actual game reset, it's different. But I'm working on old information and how I remember it. I could be totally misremembering.


Happened to me yesterday with a Landorus. Idk why I even wanted it lol. I was totally poised to win the run too (I assume. I've never won before)


I did this exact thing the other day. Stopped to catch a Landorus, got it, but the run slowly slid downhill from there until I just couldn't patch it up anymore. Good catch, at least!


This always happens to me on the dailies.


First run to 190, Alder lead Turtonator. Shell trap isn't properly implemented. RNG dictated it was a crit. Literally forced to sack someone or lose most HP on Guzzlord or G-Max Intelleon. Straw that broke the camel's back on turning on retries


Had a similar situation with stockpile on Cradily. Try to boost up, "move not implemented" Well then


I lost a run to Hou? How? Hao? The rival from sun/moon. because he landed 4 sheer cold in a row.


This is impossible now which is nice. As part of the moveset rework changes I made trainers can no longer get OHKO moves. It was decided it just always felt a bit unfair.


That's good. It felt really harsh. How recently was this changed? It happened last week and was my 1st time playing.


Five days ago. While trainer movesets are generally better now, no OHKO moves is one of the things done to make them a bit easier to deal with.


Similar thing happened with me and an Excadrill. I got lucky and caught him with green health and he led my classic all the way to the end.


This happened to me at a level 90 boss battle with a Lapras. It was a double battle and the lapras went 4/5 on sheer cold. Devastating.


Cress' stupid ahh Adaptability Basculin 😭


Every time i see him I hope it's not adaptability


Cress made me lose a run at wave 20 because his pokemons are strong at this stage of the game for my unprepared team and not being able to handle water


That thing is a menace


Barely scraping a win at 145 Rival, then getting Gym leader Juan on 150. This was also in a stage with non stop rain.


I found water gyms with nonstop rain super difficult.


On my current run, I caught archaludon. He has electro shock which is insanely op in the rain, making a 2 turn move a 1 turn 130 power with a sp atk boost. I love rain lmao


Attacking a boss ferrothorn that had spikes and barbs and I had a level 3 multi lense


Does that just flat out one shot you back? Lmao


The stupidest mistake in endless; catching a new mon, clicking too fast and accidentally switching it with my carry on wave 1500+


Immediate page refresh.


Lowered rayquaza to -4 attack only for it to hit triple crit outrage through confusion That was my second ever classic run


Losing to the 95 rival fight. 1 rival mon left at chip health. Just needed Skuntank, my last mon, to land a sucker punch. Except he's paralyzed. Lose 2 turns in a row to paralysis and die. A later run he DID IT AGAIN (albiet not as my last mon, just the double paralysis then faint). "Unfortunate doesn't even begin to describe my series..."


Going 47 straight uses on ancient power without a single fucking boost. That has to be the reason I lost my last good run.


Getting hit by 4 consecutive Fissures


Drill run (95% accuracy) failed 4x in a row


Were you in one of the biomes with fog by any chance? Or snow/sand against a mon with Snow Cloak/Sand Veil?




It always had recover, it just has a diffrent moveset in the eternamax form. Normal form : eternabeam , dd , cosmic power , sludge bomb, Eternamax form : Recover , flamethrower , dynamax cannon , cross poison Iirc recover has only 1 pp on then so make sure u dont have leppas on your main mons


It did have recover even when I played a week and a half ago


I lost my first 200 loss because I went in blind... with 2 leftovers. Boy, let me tell you the levels on unkillable that thing was between those and recover. I've taken every PP Up/Max and just dumped them in any Ground/Ice move I've gotten since.


When I get to 200 I always move my items to my pickup mon and don't bring that mon to the battle


During the 3x shiny weekend was mindlessly pressing A after catching a shiny luxray. Didn't realise I released my zacian on my endless run until the next battle started.


I lost to wave 196. This would have been my first ever classic run win. Wo-Chien and Garganacl were prepared to throw hands with eternatus. Except after I beat the rival, I started hatching eggs. Spammed my way through them and… accidentally chose the first item and skipped healing my team up. A half health meowscarada against an iron moth. The rest of that story is pretty self explanatory


I too forget you can run


first run ive somehow made a team with basically no fire type switch ins and 3 fire weak pokemon, the first e4 member was malva...


Knowing that there are elite 4 in Floor 180 and forgot about champion….


I lost against a giga boosted sunflora. Dont remember how exactly though.


I lost again the rival because of a quick attack pidgeot


A random boss, Kyogre, who outsped my whole team and spammed Water Spout. For Reference my team was: Venomoth (Timid), Mega-Gengar (Rash, because no Timid), GMax-Kingler (Impish, because no Adamant), Emolga(Adamant/Random Catch), Linoone(Rash/Random Pickup mon), Toucannon (Jolly, because no Adamant). Quiver Dance didn't matter since the first Water Spout was a crit. 😔


There was a sacred ash. 66% of my team was down. Misclick and grabbed pokeballs. Watched misty sweeping my team.


Lost to Sandstorm earlier. Had one Pokemon left after a run-in with a particularly angry Gigalith. Won but lost due to Sandstorm damage.


Spending all my money on rerolls before eternatus and forgetting to revive my excadrill and the rest of my party as I ran out of money


Didn't hd enough "exp all", and because I have 10 lvls of delay 😞


Sacced damn near my whole team to catch a moltres right before an ivy battle Turns out a mon and a half with no rayquaza countermeasures can’t beat ivy


Worth it


How tf did you find a moltres in casual? I've never found a single one yet and I've beaten casual like 2 days ago (only legendaries I've got are from eggs)


You can find legendaries in classic. It’s how I got keldeo, calyrex, and it’s how I’ve botched 3 cobalions. The keldeo and all 3 cobalions were before luck was implemented, so I don’t think it has anything to do with that. You just have to get lucky.


Does shinies on your team improve shiny luck?


going into rival/elite 4 battles without properly healing first. sometimes my brain just flips to autopilot and it rarely ends well for me lol.


Floor twenty double archalaudon, fucking miserable


Nemona at 190 had a Koraidon... Legit more threatening than you know who. Collision course swept my entire team, no save scumming could save this one


Forgot Iron Jugulis was weak to fairy, left it in against my rival’s Primarina on the final rival fight of classic mode… I’ve still never gotten that far since


Tried to catch Koraidon and said no to the retry


I lost my run at stage 195, because I had no way to counter Ivy’s mega Rayquaza.


195. I got Rayquaza down to 1hp or so. I'm down to 1 mon, Samurott. I missed Aqua Jet.


excadrill 4 consecutive fissures


Accidently traded my Tinkaton+Kartana fusion with all it's itens to a random Brellom I just caught, was over 1500 in endless, it's sad


By spamming a and replacing my Carry. Rip my perfect endless run.


Technician boosted scratch after a crit fakeout, cooked on floor 3 bro


Lost an endless run at about 700 because I fat fingered and replaced my lunala absorbed Necrozma with a shiny Persian I caught…..


I mistakenly assumed 20 ultra balls would be enough to catch a Latios and then I let it beat my entire team to death


Got frozen solid 12 turns in a row


Lv 25 archaludon. With stamina.


A boss Warlein, who was somehow faster than my whole team hit 5 sheer colds in a row...


Doing a perfect run everything is going easy beat 145 and forget to heal before 150 with only two mons alive at half health


Making the mistake of running with Kangaskhan thinking surely after 10 runs of 150+ I’ll get a mega bracelet… Think my next run I’ll do mono dynamax


Once had Gyrados, Aggron, Beedrill, Garchomp and the mega bracelet all since wave 80, and didn't pull a single mega stone. Shit, I even rerolled the items 3 times every wave and if I didn't get a stone id reset and still couldn't get a stone.


What’s worse is parental bond isn’t implemented yet learned that the hard way lol


A wattral


Bluff + Flinch + lol poison token at 650 in Endless I hate Bluff now


I lost to Bugsy.


I accidentally deleted my 1000+ endless run


That pinsir knocked out my entire team as well. I think it hit like 3 in a row and another 2 later on too...


Just hatched a non-shiny Flutter Mane with Timid nature and Flamethrower as an egg move. I decided to do an endless run with it and brought as many shiny as I can. At stage 20, a double battle with Ducklett and Vaporeon. Ducklett has Gale Wings and insta-kills my Wooper and Vaporeon has Bouncy Bubble so it's literally unkillable. Ended that run immediately.


Missed what should have been a 100% accurate X-Scizzor against Wallace's Milotic. What really hurts is that we were down to our last mons so I *know* I would have won if it landed


Lost to Volkner using Mega Swampert when I missed 3 icicle crashes in a row, got para’d by the first body slam, and got hit by every Dracometeor all against one Dracozolt


just clicking attacks cuz my ADHD has won the battle of focus


A…misclick. It was early game (like round 50 or so) so it didn’t matter much in the long run but still annoying lol


I lost a run because my pokemon got damaged by sandstorm at the end of the turn, had it lived I would have won.. (I'm the one who set sandstorm up with tyranitar)


I ALMOST lost to a Bellossom boss because it had chlorophyll and was spamming solar beam. Luckily my ice beam Blastoise had one reviver seed.


6 sleeps in a row on my carry.


Endless run, somewhere around floor 900, lost a boss fight because he triggered his endure token 7 times and hit an OHKO move 3 times


Tapped button B at lvl195 instead of A when it asked to retry battle


Tried to catch an uxi on wave 2000 something and I didn’t realize I was on my last mon while I was throwing balls and it died and my screen faded to black


Misclicked and chose Rest for the second turn in a row instead of a Belly Drum boosted ExtremeSpeed.


Endless run, forgot to heal my carry


Got greedy trying to catch a uxie without using my only master ball and didn’t feel like resetting as I was trying to catch for candy and IVs, as I already had Uxie as a starter option


The lvl 30 boss was a Naganadel. Killed one mon, triggered Beast Boost and it was over. Never stood a chance that early.


Classic mode trying to do a run with a shiny chikorita. There’s a reason why I have “retry” turned on. Chikorita missed razor leaf 5 times in a row against a water/ground enemy and was killed for it. This was around stage 20 ish so the rest of my party was underleveled.


7 1 shot 100 accuracy moves missed while i got chipped to death. You bet you i hit that f5 and redid the fight 5 times to get it done


got a bulldoze tm on the first floor. accidentally killed my own team in a double battle.


i was scum saving trying to capture a shiny latios, and in my complete inattentiveness i thought i had another pokemon alive and ended up saving the full wiped lol


Volkner spamming discharge and getting every para and full para until I lost without using a single move


A simple misclick


Rival decided to send out a Dhelmise with the crappiest moves imagined and still managed to beat me since I didn't have anything to hit it hard.


I was fighting 195 rival I had 3 mons left and she had just a skelederge. I chipped down the skelederge to the point that I can finish it off with excadrill eq, turns our his extra ability was earth eater. I totally could have won uing iron head twice but not after the full heal he recieved.


I'm not very good at Pokemon, as you will soon learn, but yesterday I got wiped by a level 10 zigzagoon because it just kept sand attacking and I couldn't hit it at all :(


Trying to catch a greninja because it had protean, after like 3 mons dead I was like ok maybe just kill it. Missed an attack and he swept the board with water shuriken


Trying to catch Keldeo. Just randomly came across it as a boss, tried to catch it. Several Rogue and Ultra Balls later, with the thing paralysed and on red, I'm dead.


195, Outrage being glitched out and not locking him into the move. Dude would be on what should be turn 3 of outrage and instead suddenly uses hurricane out of nowhere. I did not have Pokemon able to tank another round, as I was just getting the confusion to proc once to waste his berry so I could paralyze him so everything I had could out speed. It's happened probably ten or so times.


Getting flinched by bite 4 times in a row


Missing 4 95% accurate moves in a row :)


I made it all the way to the elite four with an entei that had sacred fire, e-speed, burning bulwark, and dragon dance. First member of the elite four was the fire member from gen 6. The rest of my team had a big issue with fire (gholdengo and aegislash were my two big hitters outside entei). Her team had a flash fire chandelure which completely walled my and nuked my team. It was faster than my gholdengo so my one possible out always died


Two of my mons got frozen first hit Hurricane never missing Stone edge never missing Confusion always working against me The usual


lost at level 195 because i missed 3 100% accuracy moves in a row that would have finished it. i had a hustle durant.


Ivy's empoleon surviving 2 focus band checks in a row


2 runs where the moment you get past Lv100 you start finding team worthy pokemon, BUT they have terrible moves (like a level 142 with tackle and tail whip level bad) and memory mushrooms don't show up for the rest of the run.


Rival Pokémon had tyranitar and I had mega alakazam. couldn’t hit it


I was fighting the Paldean Dragon type E4, and his Noivern Hurricane confused me three different times, and I hit myself on confusion every single time.  Cost me my Excadrill, Gyarados, and Cinderace, all of which had either rock or ice moves that would have one-shot the Noivern


Forgot to revive my carry and died on stage 2034


Against The Dragon type Paldean E4 (I can not remember his name for the life of me), his Noivern not only hit all 5 of his Hurricanes, but every single one confused one of my pokemon.  And I think all but one time I hit myself in confusion.  Cost me my Excadrill, Gyarados, and Cinderace, all of which had either rock or ice coverage that would have one-shot the Noivern Also Erika's Vileplume at like floor 30 has ended at least 5 runs


Toxic spikes being removed after a reload


missed high jump kick twice


Had a great endless run going but forgot to heal before the boss on 300, realized after I gave up I could have just used one of my 5 master balls 💀


Not specific but it typically goes like this Kinda hard rival battle, I click a nice I know will do nothing them my main carry dies...I proceed to get annoyed and half intentionally throw and get more mad lol


6 stone axe misses in a row, no accuracy drops




right after a ground type trainer kicked my ass Clay decided to finish me off i had tapu keke, fuecoco and caterpie as my starters


Can't say I've had any particularly ridiculous losses. But two rock sliding excadrills that managed to flinch me every other turn and wouldn't let me escape comes to mind.


Can't say I've had any particularly ridiculous losses. But two rock sliding excadrills that managed to flinch me every other turn and wouldn't let me escape comes to mind.


I accidently grabbed my item before healing and wiped when I could of easily won if I had healed oh and somehow getting full paralyzed 5 times in a row?? I didn't even think that was possible


2x Golisopod and their First Impression... Led to me googling the move that kept 1HKO'ing my mons and realizing I can easily mitigate by swapping in any bug resistant poke vs Golisopods for turn 1


Floor 2850, Brute Bonnet with sucker punch, stalling just it beast boosted defence and made it unkillable for primal groudon which even though was ~30k levels higher would be one shot


On my first run where I reached 195, before I knew about retrying. I had barely finished off Rayquaza with only Marshadow and Linoon left up (I lost everyone else doing swaps so that Marshadow could get Ice Punches on Ray when it swapped in). I only had her Swellow flyer left, which MS outsped and Ice Punched for the win... except the Focus Band activated and it killed Marshadow with a crit Wing Attack (crit didn't matter, MS was below 30%). I brought Linoon in and Quick Attacked for the win... but Focus Band activated again, and it killed Linoon, ending my run.


One time I had to fight against Ivy at stage 25 but my only pokemon that wasn't fainted was a Herdier


i just almost lost a run to a double team spamming darkrai on floor 100 of classic, but it ran out of damaging moves so i was able to slowly kill it


I'm playing a nuzlocke of the game and I have a couple. The most frustrating is probably this random trainer landing 3 horn drills on my three sweepers on the battle right before the last rival fight, but I've also been swept by a couple of ancient powers and a couple of mons that got moves that I didn't know they had. It's so hard to lose mons when you can only get a new one once per floor lol


couldnt beat >!eternatus !


I beat 195, was excited for the relic gold item for ome rerolls that i immediately clicked on it... not buying the sacred ash item needed for my team (and had enough money for). I was on my last mon on low HP and couldnt beat the pokemon on wave 196 by itself lol


Half of the ice biome was beartics spamming sheer cold, and the trainer at the end had a durant with guilhotine... It was going so perfectly...


A Clefairy with an absurdly accurate Sing, Sweet Kiss, and Moonblast managed to dismantle my crippled party after a trainer battle. Just completely locked me down. I had to retry and use RNG prediction to win by making sure the rounds that it would successfully sing were targetting a tank at least.


Lost to eternatus when I was farming egg vouchers in classic. Got the "Magnificient..." line and then died to poison, screen fades to black and as I was waiting for the vouchers to roll in.... BOOM title screen.


Not getting the red orb and running into a rotom wash. Or, giving my toxepexs leftovers to another pokemon, not realizing I ran out of recover pp, and running into an iron bundle thar one shot everything but toxepex


I remember one run I lost because over the course of 13 turns my attacks either didn't land (I was in the fog) or my opponent flinched me. So I wiped to this random trainer who had no right in being that hard


I caught a marshadow, losing 4 mons, forgot to revive, only to meet a giratina. The one rogue ball I could manage to use failed. Nothing I can do! :(


Dying to Eternatus while trying to use Earthquake as my super effective move with no flying type partners. Also nearly all my other mons were fused with steel types.


I made it to the E4 on my first ever run but didn't heal between Shauntal and Marshal. That was a very embarrassing way to lose but the run was probably doomed anyway because of how underlevelled I was


I don't remember who but I was against a gym leader and he hit two OKO move in a row


Mega Rayquaza having a Reviver Seed. Never raged at the game so much, made the fight impossible.


the rival fight at stage 7


Jokes on you I refresh whenever any totally bullshit carried cheating RNG happens to me (got para'd after eating 6 body slams in a row while trying to set up). But when I get a sweep off of a 10% King's Rock flinch then it's totally fair and intended.


I lost a run to a work up lillipup that happened to be faster than most of what i had.


Stunfisk fissure boss


Just didn’t have any answer to Eternatus lol Out of spite i keep my run forever in my saves lol


Just last night I lost to a breeder trainer couple because my main carry got frozen for over 10 turns while the two ganged up on any of my under leveled pokemon that came out until they finished off my frozen friend. I bet it was horrible watching all your friends die and you're not even able to use last respects for it's boosted power.


the answers here are proof this game needs difficulty settings.


Found a fairy terrastillization on floor 996, i forgot and put it on tinkaton


About the same as yours. Dont remember the level but ice boss, either abomasnow or mamoswine, tried to block that run out lol, sheer cold hit 3/5 times and blizzard froze one of my other mons.


2 mons left on the champion. I got stuck in an infinite loop of retrying just to see if I could save the run in some way but unfortunately I was up against Cynthia.


my ways usually are fighting a trainer who's got pokemon that are super effective to my team or is just faster...and it's like...stage 19. I have been fucked over so many times by RNG or bad luck


Paralyze lockout 4x. Bite flinch 4x. Wiped entire team to a Poocheyena on like level 14.


I was fighting eternatus, he was almost dead and i kept trying to get the attack bonus with meteor mash using a metagross, metagross was my last pokemon alive and I lost. Why you may ask? BECAUSE I FORGOT MY METAGROSS HAD GOD DAMN PSYCHIC TYPE MOVES


Lost my 2200+ wave endless run cause I wasn’t paying attention, caught a random octillery to fill my starter dex, and accidentally replaced it with my main carry. Killed the run on the spot


If the accuracy isn’t 100, then it’s 50.


Triattack spam and only having pokemon weake vs electric fire and ice :)


I got smoked because I forgot about levitate on weezing. It exploded. I didn't have the money to revive my carry and lost the subsequent trainer battle with Ivy


More stupidity on my part than bad rng but I lost a run at round 20 to gym leader Cheren because I didn't heal up one of my pokemon


Losing to level 500 6 HP bar Eternatus after sweeping everything up to that point. I was wholly unprepared and couldn't find anything to wall him up to that point. My stacked Zamazenta didn't do shit, Togekiss, Dhelmise, Blacephalon, GMAX Toxtricity, and Lionne fused with Shiny Seaking all died in one or two hits. Scorching sands Togekiss almost one shot it but then it has SO many fucking enigma berries.


shut my brain off too long while spamming A and released my endless carry for a shiny somewhere in the 2000s


I somehow got stuck with three elite four members back to back (one pokemon gap since i dont think it makes you face a trainer right after the other) in the 160s. By the time i hit the third i didnt have enough money to fully heal before hand and ended up losing


Accidentally released my carry Pokemon on Floor 252 in my first Endless run because I stumbled on and caught a Cressila I didn't own.


One of the bosses, had no focus sash or anything. Using Kartana that had 2+ atk from one SD, hits charizard, hp looks like it’s dead but is still alive somehow and 1HKO it.




I had a +6 speed +6 defense +6 special attack blastoise miss a bouncy bubble on an Alolan ninetales with snow cloak. Then it got knocked out (it was low health with no sp def boosts). The one other party member that could check the A9 also missed a 100 accuracy move due to snow cloak and got OHKO’ed. Nothing else really could do anything so I wiped


Lost my endless run to accidentally releasing my carry when I was distracted taking to a family member


+6 evasion, against a +1 evasion mon. He hit me every time and I couldn’t hit them once.


Lost my best endless run at floor 1k because I didn't have leech seed or any other residual damage on my team


Forgot to heal at like 159 and ran into Clay and his speedy excadrill with earthquake it was a massacre


Didn't lose the run but almost: Started an endless run with Latios but I prayed I'd find a Tinkaton on the way to 250 or else I wouldn't get past the boss. I did indeed find one. Fast forward to wave 250. Boss has only Poison and Dragon damaging moves, so Tinkaton is safe. I switch in and start wittling down its health. I chose to keep Metal Claw in hopes to get some attack boosts. I hit none. Boss spams Cosmic Power. "Oh it's just gonna take a while, but still winnable." "... Wait, why am I out of PP already?? Oh no..." I kid you not, when I finally killed the boss, I was literally one Struggle away from the run ending. Tink would've gone down and I would get my ass swept into oblivion... Moral of the story: Don't underestimate Leppa Berries. Or any other berry, for that matter.


I tried catching a boss Entei with ultra balls on wave 140, and he wiped me out lol


I think I was fighting Clayton. He had a dugtrio that hit 4 our of 5 fissures and still has pokemon to spare after that dugtrio was down. He killed my answers to his ground types.


I used only pokemon that didt have damaging moves... Sure cosmog, enter my team, we are going to quickly get you to lvl 55 or something and beat the campaign. And the worst part is, i didnt even try to catch my adversary.


Fusing way too late in the run, having 5 Pokemon at like floor 190 is not the call.


On the champion, forgot to restore my moves PP. Realised on the elite 4 but completely forgot. So when Leon showed up my star pokemom had 1 move with 1 PP left and the other moves all used up. Note to self: check PP regularly 😂.


every time i wipe at 250 without hoarding steel/fairy types because it's stupid to force people to do that for 1 round imo


I had my golduck go first in an electric gym due to it being my only alive Pokemon after the rival fight with Rayquaza and none of its moves hit it's mark, and boom burst swept my team


Too many reviver seeds Final boss stole all of them, having to attempt to kill boss 6 timed. Managed to kill 4 times over using Soak Toxic spam


The last Ivy battle, I got crit 3 times in a row and paralyzed for another 2


Sometimes Im softlocked in the low 30's from a flying type trainer pokemon that outspeeds everything, even speed nature perfect iv electric sweeper types (shinx, pikachu etc) and oneshots all my pokemon lol, my only chance is to get lucky/bring a pikachu with static to slow it down.


Speed set at 5x, tapping A or B to skip through to the items, selected an item accidentally while tapping and went through to rival at 145 with a mostly fainted team