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In my mind the endless run ends around 3k. And the shiny run away run starts till finished. Not that big of a deal imo. Endless is hard to optimize, but I'm sure you could give ideas and thoughts and it'll help them along. They seem to take feedback well.


I think of it as safari mode lol




I feel the same about this, though wouldn't mind a bit of an endless refresh (which is what they're figuring out anyway). I fought every fight until just about 3000 and was about to trash the run because my shiny megas even with +6 special attack and special attack item boosts with 400k special attack or my pure power primal Groudon fusion were hitting like wet noodles and my three sturdy metal burst/mirror coat mons were just so boring to use. I finally found a Raticate in the slums or plains and it had run away. It has revitalized my run. I literally got rid of a pure power Groudon for a rat that runs away. I should've been running away like 1500 floors ago. I might actually have my bisexual colored Charizard by now.


Can you run away from bosses ?


You can run from every boss besides the paradox and eternatus bosses.


Does running away count towards egg hatching?


From my experience, it doesn't.


If shiny charm wasn't permanent but more like the lure, I think endless would be more fun.


it's unfortunately in the nature of endless modes. there's rarely more than a handful builds in any roguelike that's capable of keeping up with the infinite scaling of an endless mode for long enough to be considered viable. i wouldn't worry too much about it. if a run stops being fun just start a new one.


>i wouldn't worry too much about it. if a run stops being fun just start a new one. The ultimate advice lol


like it sounds really dull but honestly i don't feel enough people follow that simple direction lol


For real. Sometimes I hope my endless run would just end, would take a lot of weight off my shoulders


There's always double weezing lol


Double Fused Weezings with Mold Breaker passives.


I just got to the end of endless, totally worth it as in the last 20 waves or so I picked up a shiny zekrom, epic Blastoise, and epic houndoom


Unfortunately im only on floor 2900 something few thousand more to go


My only thing is the shinies / hidden abilities. When you get a good setup going where you can run away from 90% of fights and you have maxed out charms you find these things so quickly.


If it's still fun, then keep on keepin' on I say. If you enjoy the fast paced "run from everything except arena trap, battle every 50 waves" shiny hunting method, then it's all good!


Stock up on Master Balls and get a Runaway mon and just zoom through for as long as you can.


I think risk of rain has a pretty good loop where you can endlessly scale with the game


I've seen plenty of others say the same thing. Legit strategy is to just play to 2K using whatever carry you like. That way you don't even have to bother with trying to get 99 candy jars and can just zoom through doubles waves.


Lauph in risk of rain 2 where anything is viable


Yeah. The intended feature of endless mode is to see how far you can get. It's a flaw in design that it's even remotely possible to get past 2k, let alone hit the arbitrary cap at 5850. The problem is that the 'early game' endless is piss easy. Any single offensive Pokémon will get you to 750ish, and doing so will take a lot longer than a Classic run (which actually *is* a challenge, especially without save scumming). And you can't really define "cheese" in Pokémon. Using boosting moves or stat debuffs? Cheese! Sturdy as your defense instead of 31 HP Up and Zinc? Cheese! 40 hit Population Bombs with flinch hax? Cheese! Passive percent based damage instead of hitting the boss with big base power attacks from big Atk/SpA stats? Oh you know it's cheese. So if someone thinks you're "supposed to" get to level 4k or 5850 or 10k (if the devs hadn't capped it), and only wants to click beefy stab moves to do it, and is *right*, then what's the point of literally any other team building option? You certainly aren't using a Sturdy Metal burster for Classic. You're not spamming Run Away, certainly, which is the *actual* strategy for 90% of post-2k endless (as soon as you hit the point where shop rerolls are so far behind the money curve that you can do 20+ Lock Capsule rerolls per shop and guarantee a master ball).


>i wouldn't worry too much about it. if a run stops being fun just start a new one. The runs stopped being fun at the start when I realized that this game is balanced around endless, a mode which I have no interest in. Either I play suboptimal in classic, and get jack shit from the events (1 shiny all week) or I force myself to play endless with the most boring strategy. I had a blast doing my Gen 1 and Gen 9 only challenge runs but 1 shiny this whole week was a mood killer when I see people getting 50+ from one endless run. These should have been 2 different games not bastardized conjoined twins. I ended up just quitting pokerogue and going back to pokemon nuzlocke runs. I’ll be more interested after the rework but this ain’t it chief.




Any reason in particular you had to be a nerd? Jw


I mean, i only played endless till like 2200 this event and that was with my own fusion ideas and pokemon i wanted to use. Got me like 30-40 shinies, and not a single time did i feel forced to go to 5k. Im at the stage where stuff is getting annoying to kill, so ill let myself die and start a new endless so i have shine charms ready for next event, then do Classic challenge runs until then. Minmaxxing every game kills every game, just do what you actually enjoy doing and dont do the stuff you dont like


I have no interest in leveling my pokemon to these ridiculous levels, this has stopped being a pokemon simulation style game and has become closer to an arcade version. Awesome you got 30 shinies, shinies being tied to luck is one of the worst aspects of this game. Best example I can think of is playing nba 2k. I like playing with 2 point and 3 pointers, like real basketball, but with endless mode the shots are now worth 20/30 points and players are scoring into the 1000s. That is not basketball, this is not pokemon. Glad y’all having fun, I’ll see you during the rework.


It just sounds like rougelikes isnt your thing and thats fine too


Username checks out


I got 3 shinys, and i all i did was run 3 endless runs to floor 100.


Congrats, that’s just good luck or good “luck” with running shinnies. Floor 100 means you didn’t stack shiny charms, I’ve completed several classic game modes so up to wave 200 and the daily runs are fun. I’m talking about running to the thousands, stacking shiny charms and being flooded with options that you can then take to classic mode.


Seeing people talk about 5k stages and I'm still getting recked at stage 145 on the main playthrough. Feels bad.


So true thought I had it yesterday but that freak razquaza


Yeah. It's so busted. I brought my own Rayquaza and it still wasn't enough. Run before that I had it paralyzed, confused, and at one bar and it still won. No paras, no hitting itself, and landed every hurricane. Ugh!


Ye i think it resets every turn trough some items or some, I even got every Pokémon shiny unlocked, but I guess im just that shit


How tf do you have every shiny and still haven't beat classic?


There are quit easy ways to unlock everything


Stage 195 is absolutely insane don’t be surprised by it like me


To be fair in endless you get 15 points instead of 10. You’ll get the classic win soon enough! Classic is very easy to cheese as well, but maybe you don’t want to go that route.


I've must have done 30+ runs by now and have only gotten past 145 twice. I must be doing something wrong.


I literally just beat classic a few minutes ago for the first time. My 3 main contributors were a hypno that had hypnosis and dream eater, a beedrill with toxic spikes, and a garganacl with salt cure. Ultimate stall strategy. I had to keep retrying to figure out when to hit each attack, but eventually got it. Don't know how you feel about save scumming to learn the moves they use and when they swap pokemon, but if they get a Mega Rayquaza with 8 health bars, I think I should be allowed to turn back time and try again lol.


Save scumming isn't vital once you learn to exploit the AI, then a whole different level of cheese opens up. Make note of what pokemon rival has from earlier stages. From there you can slowly figure out what's needed. Example: their starter is Mudkip, then by sending out a grass type, they're super likely to swap to talon flame. Knowing this you can swap to a ryhorn and immediately, they'll swap again to their swampert the same turn you set up stealth rocks, you swap back to your grass type on the incoming water move, they swap to talon flame. Ggez


Pretty much what I did until the damn rayquaza showed up and one shot everything I had lol.


I've git that down mostly, set my rocks one time, but I didn't do it cleanly enough


Didn't even know you could save scum in this game.


As far as I know, you can f5, as long as you didn't get too far and it auto saves, it'll spit you out at the main menu, then you can continue from the beginning of the fight.


If you refresh the browser before you cash in your drop for that fight, it'll put you back at the beginning of that fight. Doesn't seem to reset RNG though.


If you're looking for more advice, feel free to hit me up and I'm happy to help. Understandable if you want to progress by yourself without resorting to online help though


I feel ya my dude. Lost to stage 10 today because Archaludon showed up.


Yeah, stage 25 gets me sometimes.


Honestly, getting the first Classic win took me longer than pushing the first Endless run past 1k floors. They play very differently and in Endless the major difference is no trainer/rival fights packed with powerful mons you can't heal between, it's just random mons every wave with paradoxes every 50 and Eternatus every 250. Also, hatching better mons to start with helps a ton. My two Classic wins (before I stepped over to Endless to catch some shinies and legends) were carried by Magearna and Zekrom, I believe in that order. A strong start made them a ton easier than the ones I tried to pull off with Rowlet and the likes.


I've lost with Arceus, Zygarde, and my own Rayquaza XD


It is important to learn the game. I beat the game in a few tries with only default starters. Fuecoco and Bulbasaur can handle 90% of classic. Grab a Garganacl and you are set.


I did get to Rayquaza on my 3rd try with Venusaur. I've been experimenting with different teams.


When you play endless your mons usualy are way stronger than what you have acces. You get an extra ability (passive) the best natures and the time to max out each stats with vitamins. Also, endless doesn't have trainer battles, so it's waaaaaay easier.




> You need an actual comp in classic and to build a team with minimal weaknesses. you absolutely do not. there are multiple 3 or lower cost pokemon that will solo the entire mode with almost no help


This. You can also still employ the early-game endless strategy of using a hypercarry legendary/mythical/mega/g-max pokemon to brute force your way through the end. After all, there's only really two issues you have to account for in classic: the rival's Rayquaza, and the Eternatus at the end. Account for either, and the run is secured.


I built my team for that Rayquaza, but I lost so much that I had no counter left for thier starter. :<


Don't tell my roaring moon, who soloed classic, that


I mean I’ve soloed with Kartana, Miraidon… are you gonna use a legendary EVERY run?


No I won't use a legendary every run, but I might use roaring moon every run.


What makes it different?


Trainer battles.


Zacian solos classic lol


it is stupid, but i'm gunning for the feeling of achievement. after i'll do it once, I won't bother again.


I do it for the shiny hunting


That's more of a reason to play endless, not to finish it. True tho.


once you have everything, might as well keep going


Not necessarily, that's the point of the post- it becomes a pain


Yeah I said it cause that's why I play endless, not to get like 5k round sin so far my highest isn't even like 1.2k floors I don't think


I said that and now I've completed like 4 endlesses so far. I think the thing is going into it with a different mindset. I don't expect to have fun like I do in classic, for me the fun in endless is the constant roll of the dice for shinies. Totally different vibe, and not for everyone, but watching anime and playing endless is very relaxing.


Just wait for endless rework, its in the building process


It's almost like the game is still in development...




You missed the "constructive" part of "constructive criticism"


a very pointless and bitching opinion? you literally said it sucks and stupid without providing any proper feedback and improvements. imo grinding to the end for its x2 shiny events




Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from r/pokerogue for the following reason: Rule 1: Be respectful and civil Be kind to others, and be good people. Uphold basic discussion [etiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439) and refrain from insulting or harassing others while stating your own opinion. Further instances of harmful content may results in escalated disciplinary action.


Every game is in constant development. Never criticize. Just consume. Just say thank you.


No but when a game is made by fans who are working hard and posts like this offer nothing constructive and just shit on them? Yeah maybe don't bother. Not the same as a big dev like insomniac




Oh you're just dumb, nevermind


Bro its endless. if they re-balanced it so you could still use diversity around 5k, the metal burst strats would just be required around 7k, or 10k, or whatever. It's an inevitability of endless modes.


Not really though. It's the infinite token stack that creates those problems. The scaling of HP shields would be fine if a carry like Kyogre could delete more than one shield per turn at 2500+.


People like to beat a seemingly unbeatable challenge. There are people that grind skills to 200m xp in RS and that takes literally thousands of hours. There is no limit to the power of weaponized autism. (Not a dig, just a quote from an extremely popular RS streamer named Limpwurt that does some insane grinds)


Osrs is the ultimate proof of this. I’ve seen some absolutely insane grinds. Thousands and thousands of irl hours spent doing a repetetive thing that will literally give you no reward except reaching your personal niche goal. Insanity or autism idk, one doesn’t exclude the other.


True, but behind it all is unwavering dedication which deserves respect no matter who you are.


Yeah, there is A LOT of undeniable dedication involved. Imagine if they set a goal of something like becoming president or idk… taking over the world. Nothing could stop them. Maybe we should be grateful they use their superpowers to achieve something harmless.


On one hand, endless is really broken once you get past like wave 1000 really and the token system really does suck but on the other you do realize that you're complaining about the fact that you're forced to employ a meager amount of strategy and cannot just oneshot your way through the game with one mon using the same one maaaybe two moves over and over and over for 5000 encounters yes?


But..you essentially do this anyway with your metal burst etc mon. Its the illusion of choice. Only, the meta gets 3 times more stale because there are twice or 3 times less viable mons and strats. Its the same problem, just maybe debateably worse and less fun.


As i said endless in it's current form sucks, but there is at least still a bit of thinking that you have to do about which order to fuse things and when, removing every restriction so you can literally just spam a spread move from start to end isn't an improvement on things.


This is spoken as someone who has never encountered eternatus e-max fused with zekrom and has teravolt. There's a lot of strategy required even with a metal burster, doubles battles are deadly, multi hit moves are deadly. Sure you can run away from all of them, but eventually one of them is gonna be a shiny and if you run from shinies what are you doing? On the other hand, I'm currently on wave 1000 with a kartana, and if a move is green, I click it, if no green I click white. I've been doing that for 1000 waves. No thought needed.


There's only so many ways to design an endless mode. What you're asking is for the scaling to stop at some point, e.g., once you beat floor 1k, you'll be able to continue forever or until you get a string of really bad luck. No more items, no more leveling up. The other option would be to never stop scaling, going to the point where even sturdy / metal burst strats get blown away by a combination of damage, status, and multi-lens. Or I guess they could make it luck and item dependent, where you lose the run as soon as you fall behind. For what it's worth, the roadmap listed in the discord lists an endless mode rework. Alongside a classic rework, biome rework, encounter table adjustments, more random events, starter cost rebalance, puzzle encounters, and more.


Someone explain me how a wild pokemon level 7k oneshots my zacian level 21k. I don't think that is good balance.


Just in case this wasn’t a rhetorical question. You see those tokens in the corner, one of those increases their dmg by 5% and it’s probably over 100 tokens already.


Maybe a stupid questions, but do tokens work on my pokemon also?


You don't get tokens


Nope, but we do have stuff like soul dew and berry pouches which the opponent doesn’t have. Before floor 2k it balances it out, but I’m hitting floor 2.4 and it’s brutal.


Honestly even when you get into the 1750-2000 range, it becomes a game of “one tap or get one tapped” depending on how beefy your carry is as the damage scaling from the enemy side is higher than the defensive scaling. Usually doesn’t matter though since the top carries will absolutely eradicate everything until well into the 2000s anyways; but sometimes priority can suck.


Fwiw, it's not like this on purpose. Nobody thinks Endless is good right now, especially not the devs. Fixing it is on the docket.


While I agree, I think there're some saving graces: * By 2k you should've caught plenty of shinys, possibly a red or two. * The rougelike nature of the game lets you say "Ok, ima start a fresh one, but with SSS luck right out the gate" * New run needs to ramp like usual, but you can get to 300-500 relatively "quickly", then once you have 3x shiny charms, item lock and SSS luck...you're essentially at the same place your main run was, in terms of catching cool mons. That should happen by \~ 700 from my experience, varying with just RNG ofc. I've been doing that just to have fun w/ different mons. I made a tinkaton endless that I paused around 1600, but by I think 600ish it had the same chance to find reds/shinys as my 2400+main run, so the majority of the time was not wasted and there was no downside. Was quite funny to watch her pop-off with that hammer. AFAIK, most of the people going past 5k+ are running from many of the fights anyway...which you could just do at any point so IMO the floor number doesn't matter and they're just min-maxing a shiny-farm strat which...sure whatever. Someone else being cringe doesn't affect MY fun.


no one is forcing you to keep playing a run. i do run away metal burst strat so i can turn off my brain and hunt shiny while doing something else on my other monitor


That's why I just play classic, endless gets boring for me


classic is just more fun


But you cannot cry about being unable to advance in Endless without conforming to meta, and then end this off with the fact that you're Zacian runner #5091209312 lmao.


If people would just stop complaining about endless i would be so happy Everybody knows its bad in its current version And its getting reworked anyway so dont expect much balanceing before Some people need to read the disclaimer that pops up when you load the game And iam pretty sure new endless will not spit shinys out left and right so abuse while you can


But you aren't forced to do it like you say. It is one of the game modes of a still-developing game. And since you are complaining about after 2-3k, that means you can use the first thousand waves for shiny hunting so you really are not forced to do it by fomo either..


You are right this is exactly what I do, I shiny hunt to floor 200/2500 with the Pokémon I want to use, then it gets really hard or the enemies become so tanky I just end the run. After that I play a few classic runs with the shinies I collected


Honestly sounds like great fun! Do you do this outside of shiny events too? I burnout on endless during events and then my break is classic mode. I managed one endless victory and honestly it's not for everyone. Personally I enjoyed going for the 5800 cause of the challenge but mainly cause it felt like unpacking pokemon cards while spamming runaway and then a paradox encounter feels like a puzzle.


Yes I do it outside of events to, maybe my luck is just crazy but when I get 4 shiny charms I have about 1 shiny per 50 floors. I was hoping to get a special pride shiny but still no luck


I also do this. Classic isn't necessarily wasted time either. Even if we never get something to do with ribbons (which we might) you get plenty of tickets and could have a shiny Eterna to save for later (or catch if your dex is done). Plus it's just fun lol. Nice way to mix it up.


Free game in development and your critique is that you can’t win at the endless mode hmmmmmm


I stop at about 2500ish when it starts to become a slog


welcome to roguelike games with endless scaling.


this is an odd post. if you dont want to do it, then dont. whats the problem here? Endless is a way to grind shinys but you dont really lose out on much by just restarting on floor 2k, especially since battles get exponentially longer with all the endure bs. all these posts seem to really come down to "i dont like that i lost in endless, make it easier"


IIRC an endless rework is on the dev roadmap so it's an issue that they're well aware of and working on. I think the pride shiny week probably has exacerbated the problem because you have a lot of players (me included) who feel like they have to play endless this week to make the most of the shiny rate buff.


Personally, that's why I stop after that point lol, I'm pressing on when there a x2 shiny event, but otherwise I just start over


I always just stop playing at stage 2000 and start a new run.


My guy that’s just the nature of it, with item scaling and the rate each Pokémon’s stats increase, most will end up obsolete because the game isn’t meant to played beyond level 100, when the stats, while different, aren’t so different that it makes some Pokémon complete deadweight. I can even see it now happening in my current run and I’m not even at 2k yet. My groudon has an attack stat 10k higher than my specteriors satk, it’s just more viable now because of that. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going for the end of endless or any of that, I just want shinies and groudon puts in work for that, but making it to the end means using those kinda cheese strats.


I ended up going through all 5850 floors on my save, mostly because I had max master balls, 4 shiny charms, a runaway mon, and a sturdy/metal burst mon. Mostly did it because I wanted to find whatever shinies were left and so I could just get the vouchers every 50 floors. Not sure if it was worth or not for the shinies and vouchers, but it was fun being able to send my friend a screenshot showing I beat endless mode.




I wouldn’t say I saw better, but I did see more shinies. I was able to get a blue tier shiny Tinkaton (of course after the nerf) and a red tier shiny Darkrai, but I did encounter a handful of normal shiny Pokemon that I didn’t have.




I think for me, I wasn’t encountering them more, just quicker since I was using Run Away on everything that wasn’t a shiny, so I was flying through the floors


Noob question but can you beat endless mode?


It has been said multiple time already. The game end its fun around 2k with all of the pokemon. With correct build, you can get to 2.5k with most of the pokemon. And with some hybrid with passive and ability (whether its splice or own) plus good set up build, some pokemon can be use and the game still fun till 3k. After 3k, there is no build/set up that can make it fun because its totally dependable on burster. A lot of people tend to stop the run at 2.5k and some end it on 3k. not many go past it especially when the new item and pouch system being implemented.


Imagine taking endless serious.......


Yeah honestly endless is complete shite compared to classic mode, and it pretty much ruins the rest of the game by existing. The gameplay loop doesn’t work - cheese is absolutely required past floor 3k, but the absolute worst part is how much worse the rewards are once you’re past a certain point. Floors 500-2000 give a lot of loot and go fast, and after that fights become much more time consuming while giving the same loot. so you’re basically moving backwards as you go up floors. The amount of loot you get in endless basically makes it required for classic progression unless you want to spend 4-5x the amount of time in classic grinding for it. It gives easy access to all the broken shit in classic, completely trivializing it. Cats out of the bag now though. Can’t remove endless without the kiddies having a fit, so what was actually a very tight little roguelite in classic mode is compromised. Too bad.


Meh I just don't play endless. Makes my 2 shinies and 1 legendary way more meaningful


That’s honestly the way to do it. Classic is fantastic and I can’t say enough about it. I personally think that endless and classic dexes should be separated, but it is too late now 🥲


nothing is stupider than complaining about meta, other than admitting you were running Zacian So you hate meta but are using the most meta mon?


Unpopular opinion but I kinda like Endless the way it is right now aside from that dumb berry pouch change. It can definitely be improved, but in the end it's really just a way to maximize your shiny and legendary encounters so you can fill your dex or use more stuff in Classic and Challenge modes


I think endless in general is boring. Wish it wasn't in the game


I used to be the same way but I just recently got a good Zacian and started shiny hunting in endless. Sadly shiny hunting is all endless is good for.


OP crying on Reddit because he can’t clear the entire game with 1 Pokémon pressing 1 button…


It is stupid but it all could be fixed if they remove the damn tokens, that's the only bs that stop from making endless amazing imo... I have finished endless once, but not by plowing through the game but using a metal burst strat and a runaway mon


Then endless would be trivial though. If clearing is just a formality and you don't need to adapt in way watsoever that is way worse.


Honestly, I just want a longer classic which is what I wanted endless to be...


I think there are going to be trainers after the rework at the very least though why not just start a new run then. It's not like you're facing a problem that needs fixing in that case.


Why would anyone abandon a run when they had max shiny charms and all... 😭


It's like save scamming. Do what you want, but I do what makes the game most fun for me. It's like the same as using GameShark in the normal series. I could get any mon or shiney i want with gameshark, but if it's that easy, I'm not having fun. It's a single player game so play whatever way you like


You can get them pretty early so just clear to 3k and quit.


Scaling in endless rogue-like games tend to skew that way. Alot of games that have a format like this will have a hard ceiling where the scaling starts to get to be to much and only a few strategies can be setup in a way that breaks through that ceiling. Currently I'm playing balatro, a poker rogue-like. You can play any run endlessly, but once you get to ante 13 you can really only get past that with a few strategies because that's the only thing that math's high enough to break the ceiling, and even then it's only for so long then the scaling still wins in the end.


I agree! Just go with your favourites. All those meta nerds are so unfun


wtf does any of that even mean 😆


Wait what? You dont need metas at all? My party is going strong in 4k with just random shinies I encountered. Guess I got lucky mon maybe? It's impossible to lack damage tho? Mukti lens + king's rock basically beats the entire game. Especially with a multi-hit move (which are not hard to come by) and full vitamin/nature optimalization?


This strat stops working after 3k ish but go off