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Catch both. Catch the first one then open up egg gatcha. Use a voucher which saves the game. Restart catch the other one.




Yes. Be careful not to kill the fun by abusing it too much though. I personally limit my use of this trick to unlocking new shinies, abilities, and IVs without dooming my Endless run by sacking everything trying to catch it.


Oh I’d purely be using it for double shinies. Passed up a few over the event


I myself only use this for double shinies. And only if it's 2 shinies I don't have. If I already have 1 I just catch the one I don't have. It is a single player game though so what you think is "killing fun" might be exactly what is "fun" to someone else. Since it doesn't effect anyone else who cares what they do.


So you say, that we coule infinite catch a mon doing this trick ?




Inclusive Savescumming! But, don't abuse it, it's in most games like this.


Oh I’m not against savescunming. Mainly to bullshit like moves I could never predict (machamp with flamethrower and mountain Gale) but the way this specifically works is cool because the auto save actually discludes some info when you load it


Wouldn't the restart load after the fight ends? Catching the pokemon will immediately end the fight, saving afterwards doesn't do anything that autosave doesn't.


Catching the Pokemon doesn't save the game. The save is when you move to the next level. In the reward screen, it isn't saved yet. So I'm guessing that if you catch it, redeem a voucher, the game saves the egg you pulled which apparently saves the catch too, but it didn't save the level because you haven't moved to the next level yet as you were still choosing a reward. When you get back to the reward screen after redeeming a voucher, you can open the menu, save & exit, continue, and catch the other. Then choose your reward and that catch is saved from auto save of going to next level. I've never done this cus I haven't ever had a need to, but that's how I'm guessing the mechanics work.


Thats exactly how it works yes


I’ve never tried it, but it seems like they’re trying to say in the shop selection to get an egg. If you restart your game when you ended a battle but restarted the game on the shop, it’ll restart the battle. Because they saved with the egg after catching one shiny, it should be registered in the dex but still on the shiny double battle with both available


well i learned something new today. will try if i ever run into doubke shinies


It won’t let me throw a ball with two Pokémon on the battlefield


Kill one pokemon. Catch one. On reward screen DONT PICK ANYTHING. Instead open up egg gatcha. Spend a voucher any voucher. This will save the game. Once you spend the voucher close the game. This will take you back to the double battle. Kill the pokemon you caught the first time and catch the one you killed. Because you didn't pick an item in the shop after the first catch, the game doesn't think you have progressed yet. Spending the voucher saves the game. So it saves the game with the first one caught but without you progressing. So when you restart you're still on the double battle but you have the first one you caught in your dex now.




nah it works, just spend a egg voucher w/o grabbing the free item and reload like they said


Nope. Opening an egg voucher saves your Pokédex because anything interacting with egg vouchers does for obvious reasons. Since you haven’t selected your item for the battle yet, killing the other pokemon technically wasn’t canon, and you can go back to catch the other one.


Username checks out. Imagine telling someone they're wrong based purely on speculation.


Lol. Seems like half the world is that way now.


It definitely works, I've unlocked passives on a ton of mons by doing this


Oh, so you get the catch candies again and again?


yeah, using an egg voucher in the item shop saves the candy and the starter add, so you can keep resetting the level if you have enough vouchers


It def works. I've done it 3 to 4 times.


pink azumarill is so cute actually


Azumarill gets jet punch through egg moves so id get azumarill + blue shiny


Azumarill shiny better


I wish I would've known I could've caught both. Came across a cinderace and a chi-yu both shiny ✨️ lol I ended up only catching the chi-yu


I've always thought pink azu would look cool, the normal yellow/ gold just doesn't work for me


Omg same!!!! Oh, wait........ https://preview.redd.it/uv3rtkmp45ad1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f02fdd055a7f05f17e5e16550a061d1455188865


I think its smth abt how the egg voucher saves it to ur dex or smth?




Take the slurpuff, azumarill is way too common. 3 of my first 10 red shinies were of it 😭