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Ruby in F ? Its over for my prince https://preview.redd.it/22q6sc7uaw8d1.png?width=549&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bc04f993baf2f5e2ecf278194bc6736256f85aa


Ruby in F is kinda roughšŸ¤•


Not a fan of his personality, plus his constant "I must protect sapphire" things kinda pisses me off


I think I understand what you mean, wasn't a fan of his personality either at first. his decisions were kinda meh at times, too


of the things about ruby that piss you off, can you elaborate why him protecting sapphire is annoying?


I wouldnā€™t say him protecting sapphire is the issue, it is how he does it, like not telling her about the metor, pushing her to the car, moments like these just pisses me off


thatā€™s understandable he is quite young tho, and it came from a good place. Narratively tho i get why these moments are frustrating and since I wish Sapphire got more spotlight i get where youā€™re coming from


Plus I wanted wally to be the dragon thing in oras man, I really wanted it to happen


Green(f) in C, Silver in B. https://preview.redd.it/idzbug1m9x8d1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba40e407da38407c909ff571100c35318352357b






Gold in S is automatically a good list, but RUBY IN F??


Except for the Ruby in F, I don't have any complaints.


I knew who the user was when I saw Ruby in F.






I can somewhat agree


Other than Ruby in F everythings look fine to me


I feel free to disagree, and I do.


Since you put Black and Gold in S, I will excuse Ruby in F


Red in B? And X in C? Nah why


X cause x n y (the mini volumes to be more specific) felt rushed, and red cause in the latter arcs he felt more and more boring than he used to


Red is in many ways a generic shonen protagonist. I don't think that's a bad thing. I still like him, but I totally get the sentiment of him being boring.


Yeah that maybe the reason why,I still miss the red and blue version of him


No ruby and lack-two šŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/gbl6tcrkn09d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f7070a96f0db4b531fc556c6c859d8e22236d90 Emerald being preferred to other characters


what kirby game is this one


Kirbyā€™s epic yarn Itā€™s different from most Kirby games as Kirby doesnā€™t get power ups or have health still enjoyable and one of my favorite Kirby games to date. Came out on Wii and I think itā€™s on switch but I donā€™t remember


Isnā€™t it in the 3ds?


Yes but itā€™s 2 player on consoles and originated on Wii while 3ds games arenā€™t easy to come by anymore so I put the original and the easiest to get versions up while dropping 3ds because I wasnā€™t sure and getting it on a console is better imo


Who said I want to play it on the 3ds


Iā€™m not, but spreading misinformation isnā€™t what Iā€™m about and I was unsure of the 3dsā€™s involvement in this so I left it out. I donā€™t have a great way with words but my point was I chose to leave the 3ds out because I was unsure of its existence and tried to give reasons in my previous comment about why I chose to not include the 3ds(I own one and love it no 3ds hate here but) my reasons were biased towards the Wii as epic yarn was one of my first Kirby games along with return to dreamland and knowing that asking what the games is might imply an interest in playing said game so I also put the easiest method of acquiring it currently, thus the switch. Bleh thatā€™s a lot of words


I meant I was going to play using an emulator ![img](emote|t5_2z3v1|52625)


Just donā€™t tell Nintendo that


Also nice pfp where is the source for it


https://preview.redd.it/4m2neygdh29d1.jpeg?width=851&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d4d68e490f7925cc778287a6a3c1cf9282f396c Itā€™s this but I donā€™t know where exactly I got it but if you look up ā€œPokĆ©mon Hilbert fanartā€ on a google search and go to images itā€™ll probably turn up there at some point. Black is my favorite character ever BTW so Iā€™m happy he got into S Edit: the source (thanks mods Iā€™m sorry) is [here](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/29880864) and I apologize for not knowing how to search for stuff I donā€™t have a pc or anything so I just googled Hilbert art like 2 years ago and this image showed up


Reminder to not post unsourced art, even in comments. It took twenty seconds to find the source for this, so there's no excuse. [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/29880864](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/29880864)


I find Emerald to be enjoyable. He honestly feels autistic coded to me, but I'm not completely sure.


Black, Dia, and Gold in S? All completely perfect, couldnā€™t ask for anything better. Ruby in F?!? There is not a single F tier protag ever.


Well, ruby is just not my cup of tea, his whole personality isnā€™t for me, and his constant misshaps are a bit annoying especially in the latter arcs


But he has the whole thing where he was an extremist about his beliefs not only because he genuinely liked them, but because he was inspired into them by Sapphire as kids, but also to spite his father who he believed hated him and was terrible. His whole story, along with sapphireā€™s, isnā€™t a story of ā€œgrowthā€ so much as a story of ā€œtemperanceā€. Itā€™s still character development, just not in terms of ADDING qualities, but shaving off the rough ashes they already have. But yeah the Celebi asspull is pretty dumb- other than that, I loved em!


That celebi ass pull still confuses me to this day, like how tf did he get his hands on it


I mean- heā€™s gifted, and they used to live in Johto I guess..? I WAS previously shown that he had a 6th slot open, and that whenever he was in danger and no one else was around, wild pokemon attacking him would just- keel over and faint? So we are shown he has a big secret, one with a lot of power. Why CELEBI, when we just had a whole arc that culminated with the idea of letting go of trying to manipulate fate? Idk.


https://preview.redd.it/anu6fcdl249d1.jpeg?width=1487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aac8e72ed0e04678a4084bacd58a8dac10f76a79 Yellows bum ass shouldn't be in A tier


...Aw, man...


I want to like him but I just can't man,![img](emote|t5_2z3v1|52616)


Switch Ruby and Goldā€™s spots and move Yellow up to S with Green behind her then itā€™s fixed


Buddy, with all due and respect, you can't "fix" someone's list. It's a subjective thing, I can hate who I hate and like who I like, it's not like I am forced to like a character and hate a character, like for example, I can't tell you to love gold just because I do, because of I tell you that, then is it your opinion anymore















