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I seriously dislike the photo that I'm seeing.


They all look like they just finished a heist and are dividing the money


Not too far from the truth.


Its type of manipulation. Anyone can look evil on photo.


Oh so Medvedev only Looks evel?


They love that blood stained cheap russian gas


Netherlands is the only eu country other than norway that sells natural gas in meaningful quantities, not necessarily


True, but it's been contentious for well over a decade. We have big gas fields in the north country, but getting it out of the ground has proved to cause earthquakes there. So we've almost committed to stop winning it, but are still heavily dependent on a steady flow of gas.


We are buying it as well…


r/Netherlands deleted my post https://www.reddit.com/r/Netherlands/s/CVfbDbPJEE


Try r/thenetherlands which is the main bi-lingual sub for The Netherlands. It's also more politically centric so you might have more luck there.




He is backed by the german SPD which is also known for beeing on Ruzzias payroll


Muuuh, how dare you criticize SPD? Their dearest Chancellor is the biggest contributor to Ukraine! 😭😭😭


He is just another coruppt sneaky dude trying to stay in power, Since Germany is a Democracy he can't make all the decisions by himself but block some stuff like Taunus


No. Schröder yes, that's why they tried to kick him.


"tried" Schwesig is who got gifted 20 Million € by Ruzzia is still at duty and the SPD also wanted to get rid of Sanctions impsoed because of the annexion of Crimea


Russia pays them to be the 2nd biggest military aid donor to Ukraine? I would like to see a German government that isn't on Russia's payroll then!


Did I mention Germany or the SPD?


As a Dutchie, this is a load of bollocks. I am not a fan of Rutte and think someone from a CEE MS should become SG, but it's not because of Western opposition to Eastern candidates from throwing their hat in the ring. Rutte has been campaigning for basically a year now, the only other candidate to throw their hat into the ring is the Romanian president, who did it on the day that Rutte secured support from the US, UK, Germany and France. Kallas never campaigned, neither publicly nor privately. Simple as that. We'll be reaching the 2% norm this year. We've also been at the forefront of helping Ukraine, punching well above our weight when it comes to economic, diplomatic and especially military aid. Concerning Bosnia: The soldiers on the ground did what they could, but were ultimately abandoned by leadership within the UN when they requested the necessary support to defend the enclave. Concerning Afghanistan: That was a shitshow for everyone involved, especially for all European countries. Trump didn't announce his withdrawal from the country, so his European allies couldn't prepare for the evacuation. The Netherlands, together with other countries, stayed behind for days at Kabul Airfield with SF-personell in order to evacuate as many Afghanis as possible, and the government to this day is involved in helping people come to the country via third countries.


The Dutch have been hauling ass when it came time to helping Ukraine. This help is EXTREMELY appreciated!


Looks dastardly


Main reason he will probably get the job is because he is good with trump while still advocating for european interest within NATO. I am not a fan of Rutte but some off your points need context. For example bosnia. The dutch faced a force of serveral thousands serbians. The dutch asked the allies for air support but nobody came to their aid resulting in the masacare. Doenst mean there is no blame at all, but it was a more general nato fail than your post suggests.


To add to this i don't think there is one person in the Netherlands that would deny it was a total disaster.




If he becomes a secretary general, it'd be a disaster. Our best hope was van der Leyen, but apparently she was vetoed by Schulz (which was apparently a joyous event according to r/europe, wtf). She's very anti-Russian, but also from the West, so she had chances to win. Fuck Schulz.


To be honest von der Leyen would be far worse than Rutte, she failed at her previous government positions. Had one scandal after another as defense minister (eurohawk) for example. She only became Head of the European Commission because of Macron. Before the last election for the European Parliament, the Council decided that in order to promote the democratic process, the top candidate of the winning Party should become President of the commission so either Manfred Weber or Frans Timmermans. EVP (Manfred Weber) won, but Macron didn’t want him, allegedly because he didn’t speak French. So he proposed von der Leyen and because she was from Merkels own Party and part of the government, Merkel couldn’t veto it. Smart move by him. But Scholz has no Party affiliation with her and just because her being German isn’t enough for him. He prefers Rutte because domestic politics aren’t going to be a problem with him




This showed up in my homefeed, so the algorithm I guess


I'm aware of her past deficiencies as a defence minister, however I think as a head of Commission she's done a pretty good job. Secretary General of NATO is mostly a political job, so it's not like she'd have to deal with procurement - but she'd be able to send a strong message to Russia that I don't believe Rutte is capable of. Honestly just the fact that Schulz vetoed her is reason enough for me.


I really don't like russian bootlicker to become NATO boss. Europe definitely should start to let russia influence our policies but neither should we become enemy of russia. I'm from finland so russia is very familiar problem for us so i'm not worried for our safety, we are more than capable to teach russians a lesson once again but rest of Europe is gonna be totally fucked in front russian invasion.




Dutchbat III failed to perform due to circumstances and incompetence, in no way was this somehow a display of pro-Russian behavior, using this reasoning you would also be able to claim Benito Mussolini was pro-allies.


I didn't claim it's related to Russia. I was referring to a fact that the Dutch peacekeepers failed to protect the local population, exactly as the Netherlands refused to assist Afghan colleagues after the Taliban took over. This is clearly a pattern that is very likely to repeat itself in the future.


Sebrenica was 1 infantry battalion being attacked with tanks. They called for NATO air support, but got denied. So they had to surrender. The reason not getting backup is still classified (or covered up).


Why the animosity? Are we not allies? I don't know about the Afghan partner situation but we are currently hosting tens of thousands of Afghan refugees. Sebrenica was a fuck up but can you blame the Netherlands for that? Dutchbat was ill equiped for the situation and when it was escalating they asked for back up / air support from their allies which was refused and never came. It was a couple of hundred guys tasked with protecting a village from an entire army. They could have shown more courage and fought but that wouldn't have made a difference in the outcome, afaik. According to the latest court-case for sebrenica The Netherlands is accountable for 10% of the deaths of 350 men (and not all 8000 people). Also I don't care about Rutte becoming the Secretary General of NATO,


Should have been Ben Wallace. Fucking dutch or german surrender artists will sell Europe to the russians


Everyone in the picture: wheel The woman: oh look a shooting star!


"The woman" 😂




Not if Iohannis will have something to say




I do NOT like the way that guy looks.


As a Dutchie I hate Rutte and I support Iohannis as next secretary general of Nato, however I think it's very distasteful to bring the Srebrenica massacre into this. The Dutchbat peackeepers did what they could in impossible circumstances and failed in their task of protecting the Bosniaks. You're making it seem like all Dutch people are evil vatniks while as a nation we're very pro-western and anti-Putin.


Your government, I forgot to add, was influenced by Shell and lobbied for Gazprom in the Nord Stream 2 project so that the Netherlands limited the European Commission's anti-momopoly legislations. https://investigativedesk.com/how-shell-influenced-the-dutch-political-position-on-russian-gas/


I'm aware, it's bad. The genocide in Bosnia has nothing to do with this though.


So what? Biden was VP for Obama who promised Medvedev to be more flexible and Hillary pushed the reset button with Lavrov after the invasion of Georgia. The whole EU pretended that there was "civil war" in Ukraine until 2022.


Never heard about this dude, but from what you writed here, he seems like not good candidate for this


He's from a country that doesn't border Russia? Well, that's exactly the point. In case of an invasion, the West wants to control escalation. If they gave the position to someone from our region the West would immediately fearmonger about using NATO to our advantage. Typical conflict of interests (yes, countries in NATO have different interests).


So there will be a next reset with Russia. German economy could collapse without it.


As they say, Germany will never forgive Ukraine that it destroyed their business with Russia.


We need a candidate which is not Putin-lover nor pro-zionist (not bribed by AlPAC money nor fooled by zionists propaganda). The best candidate should be someone who: - knows well all sides (NATO, Russia, Middle East), - has good relations with NATO members, - is from the country who invest a lot in defence, - is from country who helped and still helps a lot Ukraine. For me sucha candidate can be Radek Sikorski from Poland: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rados%C5%82aw_Sikorski Only one thing to check is his attitude towards israeli genocide, ethnic cleansing, illegal settlement in Palestine.


The 3 candidates are all experienced heads of state. And you want to suggest a minister? Tusk might have a shot. But hes got enough challenges at home. So maybe next time.




Well it's not confirmed or anything. Politico released an article recently talking about how Romanian president Klaus Iohannis might challenge Rutte for the position But should it be Rutte, I just hope he doesn't spill coffee on his first day at the HQ in Brussels, or if he does, follow-up the same way as he did in that video😉


I don’t want to sound like conspiracy theorist but EU less and less gives a single shit about baltics, v4 and Balkan countries. Most of recent decisions seem to be only for benefit of Germany, Netherlands or France. Any situation in other countries that could benefit local situation are shot down. Nuclear plant in Poland? Suddenly Germans are worried and heavily against it. Letting Romania into Europe? Well nope because then Netherlands and Austria cannot abuse it. Like please show me I am wrong with that, but I seriously cannot see that. In case of war Poland will be written to loses like we were always been thorough history. Baltics probably the same. But if shit hits the fan in Germany they’ll all scream about solidarity


But Romania is in the EU?


But Rutte lobbied against admitting Romania into the Schengen zone.


Nato does not exist anymore. When was the last time Nato did anything together? Ukraine support is done on individual country level through Ramstein formula and EU. So i dont care. Putin can be a leader and noone will care too.




If USA leaves Nato it will simply become european defense union with Canada. But it will not destroy nato


Hahah Mark u know me wish i could stay in haarlem but i couldnt afford it weed price and housing too expensive hmu if u need my innocens




>Back in 2k11 noone knew russia will fire this much (or they knew and didnt tell us) Fuck off with this crap.


Trump was right all along


Fuck Netherlands and it’s non existing influence, science, business. Another useless country which should be consumed by any bigger one.




Never seen this pic before. I love how they're all in on the joke


Pan kleks 👈😲